I want to politely request you all senior folks here, if you find time, would you please kindly take a stab at my bounty question. It will be expiring soon. I will appreciate even the sternest of admonishments. (Is that even idiomatic?) Thanks! (:)
@snailcar Yeah, but what about soccer? A whole lot of running around, but not very much scoring. Of all the sportsballs, I like tennis, especially doubles. The longer the game, the more exciting it is because you end up in a lot of “sudden death” situations.
@AIQ You could say “Yes offense!” in the right tone. It’s nonsensical on it’s own, but it would be understood in context.
Although, to manipulate the youth into thinking they value us in the slightest bit, the lefts will give the idiots false hopes of internet freedom or somesuch.
A common word that describes a man who often/easily "picks up girls" is player (or womanizer, but I don't know how common that one is in speech – probably not very common).
@AIQ It's simply referring to this rising and falling pitch they described in the same sentence. Take a look at the second sense of the word here.
I don't know whether their description is phonetically (or whatever-branch-that-deals-with-pitch-ally) accurate, although it does sound pretty accurate to me.
Anyway, it's saying that in order to deliver this (pragmatic) meaning (i.e. of a demand in your case) you enunciate the utterance accordingly. I think the answer you've received pretty much nails it, and it goes into sufficient detail.
If you said I want chocolate now here in chat, it wouldn't be rude in the slightest, and hence isn't something inherently rude.
Re the r in my userrname: it's the minimum I could do to make it unique and yet somewhat meaningful (user + err(or)? I don't know). It's effectively meaningless and I did it on a whim, really. You know, the hardest problem is always naming things. I consider myself blessed to have been assigned a username in the first place (its being a default, generated one notwithstanding).
The other day I thought of looking like you had a snack (instead of looking like a snack). Now I just need an English-speaking 'boutta-be-ex girlfriend to tease.