Meaning of the phrasal verb draw up is to come to a halt and it is used the following way
The train drew up at the station.
He drew up his car outside my house.
But I found a sentence in which it is used as
The train drew up to the station.
I think it is wrong.
Help me understa...
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Y'know what I dislike about newer James Bond movies? There aren't that many gadgets. It's gadgets that make a good spy. Surely everyone knows that...
Of course, you've gotta hit that perfect ratio so as not to reach the Batman amount or spectacularly of them, while satisfying the demands of those with a finer taste.
I.e., not me.
Why can't they add more Batman to it.
Or a lot of it. Or just... Make another Batman movie?
The image of GRRM flashed in my mind sitting behind his desk.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Nice. I started German long ago and left it there, and now I just remember some fixed phrases or words :(. Hopefully later I will restart, but first I have to learn my dear English! :)
@Cardinal I tried searching for car sounds here,, but there's no GRRRM listed, although there are some other (pretty amusing) examples of onomatopoeia. (:
> Fasting from dawn to sunset for 30 days increased levels of proteins that play a crucial role in improving insulin resistance and protecting against the risks from a high-fat, high-sugar diet, according to research presented at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2019.
> The study, which was based on the fasting practices of Ramadan, a spiritual practice for Muslims, offers a potential new treatment approach for obesity-related conditions, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
Ramadan is good for your health
If you ever come down with overeating, don't get epitragic, try Ramadan fasting.
I did the fasting wrong and probably ruined my kidneys. Or maybe they were small since birth. Or maybe I took an ibuprofen and it didn't take me. No one knows.
My friend lives in Australia and it's pretty warm down there, but I think they told me their fast is around 12 hours long (I think it's like winter there now, though).