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> Apart from its gripping melodrama and epitragic conclusion, the case of The State of
North Carolina v. John Hoover would not appear to commend any appreciable attention from
legal historians seeking to trace the potent interface of law and society
What is epitragic?
5 hours later…
@CowperKettle Epic plus tragic is my guess
Q: What does "epitragic" mean?

CowperKettleFrom a paper by Anthony Baker titled "“for the murder of his own female slave, a woman named Mira...” : Law, Slavery and Incoherence in Antebellum North Carolina": Apart from its gripping melodrama and epitragic conclusion, the case of The State of North Carolina v. John Hoover would not appe...

Seems like it
Hailstones and snow again in my city.
Just a usual 19th of May
11 days to summer
Tomorrow is Eliza Doolitle Day
Was it always spelled like that?
Oh, nevermind
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I sometimes make epitragic spelling errors
There's no need to get all epitragic about this
2 hours later…
should I say, watch at 1.5 speed or watch in 1.5 speed
I would say "watch at 1.5x speed"
Another picture MAR won't be able to see. How epitragic!
1 hour later…
@Luyw I'd almost always go for the former, but the latter isn't necessarily wrong. (Non-native speaker)
@CowperKettle My eyes are waterfall
Or waterfalls, dunno.
Although if you picture it, it'd just be one waterfall
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Ever watched anything on speed?
I've watched things between speed, and through speed, but I'm not sure I was ever riding it.
If you watch Speed at 2x speed, are you really watching the sequel? No? Okay.
Depends on the movie
If it's Fast and Furious, yeah.
Speed itself wasn't very speedy.
I'm thinking people took their time in the 90s.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ (Speed is a stimulant in my meaning.)
I think this became so punny that I lost track
I was being too speedy
And you gotta admit, I'd pretty much be Keanu Reeves with 20 percent more facial hair.
Now, speed does make you make hormones, but it's not a stimulant
Unless you focus your attention only on Sandra Bullock
The need for speed is real for some.
But then it could mean it IS a stimulant but how can it be without taking the form of matter . . . My caffeine levels are too high or too low right now
Anyway, I remember I seriously wondered if it's Sandra Bullock or Bullocks. Serious
@userr2684291 Stop messing with my head
But yeah, if you're on speed, you've taken speed.
@userr2684291 Who's Defin and why did they eat Lee?
Unless it's misspelled and they ate lye. Which'd be a bit, I dunno, they have problems.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Because six was afraid of it?
A video I recorded during one of the protest nights
Yekaterinburg has been protesting against the demolition of a park to build a new church.
They put up a fence around the park on monday, and people demolished it.
And now there's people every night there, some stay until dawn.
Singing songs and chanting.
Haha. Good luck.
This particular song is quite famous. Titled "Voiny Sveta" (Warriors of Light)
It was sung by Ukrainian revolutionaries in 2014
Thus far, we managed to stop the construction of the church.
A referendum will be held.
I never thought this would be possible. Referendums in Russia are unheard-of.
2 hours later…
Could you see Speed by speeading up from 90 MPH speed?
Anyways, is it wrong or improper to call a group girls guys? Like hello guys?
Calling a group of girls "guys" might lead to epitragic consequences.
@Cardinal It's OK, but gets pretty awkward if it's a male referring to a group consisting of only females.
"guy" is not gender-neutral, but "guys" is starting to be.
Pretty sure Snail The Great commented on this too.
May 3 '16 at 0:11, by snailboat
I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone object to guys when used that way.
@Cardinal Depends on the setting and your relationship with them.
@userr2684291 He runs a lab, so I'm guessing it's more of a professional environment but not too strictly formal
As their boss, it'd probably be okay to do it. Not on the first day though o.o
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I ran my lab the other day as well across the nearby field.
Best way to lose some weight. For 40 year olds.
@Cardinal You can't go wrong with hello, everyone.
I’m not so great, but I did say that. Times change, though, and with the focus on gender in the discourse some people are trying to train themselves out of using the now ubiquitous gender-neutral “hey guys”.
@userr2684291 If someone's name is Everyone everyone else would be offended
@snailboat Really? Ugh.
@snailboat I noticed that too but it didn't seem so widespread
P.S. fluent-ish non-native speakers now use "guys" more AFAIK.
Even Europeans. Especially Europeans. Despite the whole gender discussion
I don't know... I use lads exclusively.
I think it’s really common at the moment. I don’t know how that might change over time. I still hear guys used frequently in all-female groups.
I asked a question, got three answers from good users, but none of those answers was good.
Maybe I'm asking too much.
@userr2684291 I do sometimes use it too but it reminds me of The Hobbit
BBL dinner
A lot of people use explicitly gendered terms like boys or lads frequently, yeah.
In online games I play it's lads from Brits, and boys from Americans, but sometimes they copy each other or something.
So I'll hear grim (meaning "bad") and cheers from Americans, etc.
Yeah, I find that kind of annoying, but meh. Doesn’t really matter.
@snailboat Because you're not male?
I use a gender neutral name in online games because I don’t want to be singled out as female in the first place.
But yeah, the tacit assumption that everyone is male in contexts like that has just a tiny bit of death-by-a-thousand-papercuts effect.
It’s a lot better than how competitive gamers treat women in general, though.
Honestly, it’s been good for training myself not to care at all about what people online say.
That is probably the best lesson anyone can pass on to anyone else at this age
Of course there is a minimum of care required; otherwise, we'd just be trolls
You can turn chat off in those games, but I feel like it’s good mental training to expose yourself to the toxicity and train yourself not to be affected.
But knowing when not to care anymore is really important
And not that hard once you've done it a couple of times
Hmm, I don’t think it’s been quite that easy for me, but everyone’s different.
The more toxic the harder, probably
Or maybe I'm just having a master Oogway moment
Did I spell that right
Have you ever read Feynman’s What Do You Care What Other People Think?
And I can't for the life of me find my glasses. @Userr are you sitting on my glasses. Get up.
Userr, stop breaking @M.A.R.o_o’s glasses.
@snailboat Nope, but I'm planning to do a lot of free reading in . . . 46 days
It’s a quick read.
Available online?
Oh, nein
It’s on Audible.
@snailboat I'm sorry to hear that. But to be honest, I think it's better that they (younger guys, normally) don't know you're not one.
Yeah, same.
@snailboat I'd change my name to a bare M.A.R. but Mithrandir in the other chat seems to only be able to use these emojis by copying them from my username
I'm being merely altruistic ^_^
Dang, Damkerng used to make that face. Hope he's OK
Jim is . . . not the most reliable messenger.
You give away a lot of glasses. How magnanimous!
Glasseses. Glasseseses.
Right, back to my mission
(I thought magnanimous was a pun of some sort, so...)
Lol. I think I have some sort of deviation in that regard.
On dysfluency, disfluency, and now interpolation, see Mark Liberman’s Dysfluency Considered Harmful.
I joined to share that link.
Clever suggestion.
Is that better?
The X Considered Harmful snowclone is a good one.
But see also X Considered Harmful Considered Harmful.
@snailboat Haha, snail, come on.
PogChamp? I'm embarrassed on your behalf.
Ooh, there are third order examples.
Thank you.
No worries.
I know quite well how to make people cringe. <o/
It’s a life skill.
Yeah, I did not expect that.
Just doing my best to ratchet up the clickbait quotient round these parts.
Good stuff. But sometimes it does sound kinda dysfluent.
It entirely depends on which way the PogChamp guy is looking at
PogChamp Considered Harmful
It annoyed me throughout the course, lol.
Thank God I can't see it then
I found my glasses, but they smell Croatian. You DID sit on them
In this case, you’re being spared from hearing rather than seeing.
@snailboat Do you see those as different from the examples on Language Log?
(Not to mention the other guy's accent.)
4 hours later…
Thanks for continuing that diacussion and the rest. I really liked it. But since @userr2684291 asked, those girls were my neighbors. I saw them hanging out today and I passed saying hello guys.

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