@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ My friend from Australia often sends me pictures of spiders they find around the house. They're amazingly creepy. They told me about one of their relatives who'd moved into a house they'd built in the middle of a desert. They decided against installing doors, and the entire house is crawling with spiders and other critters.
The guy says "I don't touch them and they don't touch me".
I'm surprised snailboat hadn't heard of subtrahend and minuend before. I think we'd'd (<- I can dream) a question regarding all these terms.
Well, the equals sign in math isn't quite that of assignment. So by answering 1.5 pounds and following your own logic, you'd arrive at a new conclusion that the brick weighs 1 pound plus 0.75 pounds, which is now 1.75 pounds.
There are two ways of solving the problem. The first is by turning that into an equation: w_brick = 1 + 1/2 * w_brick, which yields w_brick = 2. The second is by reading the problem carefully. If a brick weighs one pound, and the rest is its half, then that one pound was its first half.
@userr2684291 also, "but" is used a little strange therein. Since it's only small percentage closer, it is justly not as big as the moon. So why is "but" used there?
@CaptainBohemian The but shows contrast between the reality (it's only a very small percentage closer) and what some claim (it is close enough to appear as big as the moon).
I came across this definition of colander in the ODE a long time ago (when I looked that up) and I really liked it: "A perforated bowl used to strain off liquid from food after washing or cooking." So I randomly typed the first three words here. I really like that definition. It might just be my favorite definition.