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Hi all! What's the common way to say "replenish my/your mobile account ", I mean "put some money"?
2 hours later…
@V.V. Hmmm.. top up?
@V.V. add money to my mobile account?
4 hours later…
@V.V. I would probably say "recharge" or "reload". Amazon says:
> Get a $5 reward when you reload your Amazon.com Gift Card Balance with $100 or more
It seems pretty common to say "refill" as well (you can buy refill cards)
what does it mean to "run in a bit of a snag" ?
5 hours later…
@ColleenV, @CowperKettle,
Thanks a lot!
I'd probably say add money myself.
@userr2684291 It doesn't seem abnormal.
Privet,@snailplane, thanks.
hello, can some one tell if this is correct?
" I wanted to know your opinion about if it is an appropriate way of thinking "
Perhaps without "about".
or can we use "on" instead?
I want to know your opinion on if ...
@Trey, It's something about difficulty you have come across.
No, It's just an indirect question, like reported speech. You have a conjunction "if".
If you use a preposition, then don't say "if"
so can you please tell how I can join these two? "I want to know your opinion about it
" and " I want to know if it is a correct way of thinking about it"
is this correct for sure? " I want to know your opinion if it is a..." ??
I'd like to know if it is...
Could you tell me if it is...
Do you think it is...
@V.V. thank you
Q: Which one is correct (if all or any is): I would be thankful if you + did/do/could do?

parvinThere are three structures that I remember but can't say if they are correct or say the differences. I would be thankful if you could tell me! I would be very thankful if you spend your time on this. I would be very thankful if you spent your time on this. I would be very thankful if you could/...

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