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@snailplane do you use it in English, too? o_O
I got an account-deletion warning from the Anki
That's not good.
I have used every now and then after the exams though.
For some reason it didn't synch with server I guess.
Word of the day: devil-may-care
3 hours later…
A: Meaning of "all game and bottom" in Byron's "Don Juan"

kimchi loverMy OED (1st edition) gives under sense 14 for "bottom" the following: Physical resources, 'staying power', power of endurance; said esp. of pugilists, wrestlers, race-horses, etc. It gives five citations of this sense, dating from 1774 through 1852, including one to this passage in DJ. O...

6 hours later…
Word of the day: main (a match at cockfighting)
> Don Juan, who had shone in the late slaughter,
Was left upon his way with the despatch,
Where blood was talk'd of as we would of water;
And carcasses that lay as thick as thatch
O'er silenced cities, merely served to flatter
Fair Catherine's pastime -- who look'd on the match
Between these nations as a main of cocks,
Wherein she liked her own to stand like rocks.
5 hours later…
> Oh thou "teterrima causa" of all "belli" --
Thou gate of life and death -- thou nondescript!
Whence is our exit and our entrance, -- well I
May pause in pondering how all souls are dipt
In thy perennial fountain: -- how man fell I
Know not, since knowledge saw her branches stript
Of her first fruit; but how he falls and rises
Since, thou hast settled beyond all surmises.

Some call thee "the worst cause of war," but I
Maintain thou art the best: for after all
From thee we come, to thee we go, and why
A: Why isn't the T in "relative" flapped?

AraucariaHere is an excerpt from a paper by Alice Turk, Professor of Linguistic Phonetics at Edinburgh University, concerning the phonology of flaps in American English: Here we are concerned with examples like (2) above, where a /t/ occurs between two unstressed vowels. Turk's example, provocative, ha...

1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Email in answer: For that vs about that by Joram Arentved on ell.SE
It turns out Tatyana Gnedich, a Russian translator, translated Byron's "Don Juan" from 1944-1946 in solitary confinement in prison. She spent the years 1946-55 in the GULAG
Татья́на Григо́рьевна Гне́дич (17 (30) января 1907, с. Куземин, Зеньковский уезд, Полтавская губерния, ныне Ахтырский район, Сумская область — 7 ноября 1976, Пушкин) — русский переводчик и поэт. == Биография == Родилась в дворянской семье, праправнучатая племянница Николая Гнедича, знаменитого переводчика «Илиады». В 1930 году поступила на филологический факультет ЛГУ, работала литературным консультантом, впоследствии преподавала английский язык и литературу в Восточном институте и других вузах Ленинграда, занималась стихотворными переводами (главным образом, с английского). Всю блокаду прожила…
2 hours later…
Word of the night: snood
> As "Auld Lang Syne" brings Scotland, one and all,
Scotch plaids, Scotch snoods, the blue hills, and clear streams,
The Dee -- the Don -- Balgounie's brig's black wall,
All my boy feelings, all my gentler dreams
Of what I then dreamt, clothed in their own pall,
Like Banquo's offspring; -- floating past me seems
My childhood in this childishness of mine:
I care not -- 't is a glimpse of "Auld Lang Syne."
A snood () is historically a type of female headgear designed to hold the hair in a cloth or yarn bag. In the most common form the headgear resembles a close-fitting hood worn over the back of the head. It is similar to a hairnet, but snoods typically have a looser fit, a much coarser mesh, and noticeably thicker yarn. A tighter-mesh band may cover the forehead or crown, then run behind the ears and under the nape of the neck. A sack of sorts dangles from this band, covering and containing the fall of long hair gathered at the back. A snood sometimes was made of solid fabric, but more often of...
Word of 00:02 am: beard snood
> Don Juan grew a very polish'd Russian --
How we won't mention, why we need not say:
Few youthful minds can stand the strong concussion
Of any slight temptation in their way;
But his just now were spread as is a cushion
Smooth'd for a monarch's seat of honour; gay
Damsels, and dances, revels, ready money,
Made ice seem paradise, and winter sunny.

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