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Only person in this room again, lol.
@Jasper I'm in the queue if you wanna talk, lol.
@userr2684291 I saw you in this room and logged in again, lol.
Hmm, I got 675 points this month, not too bad.
@Jasper Why would you log out in the first place?
@userr2684291 I log in and out all the time, just a habit. I also start and shut down my computer many times a day. I do that when I won't be using it for a while, but most people just leave it on for a longer time.
@Jasper I think you can safely leave your machine on all the time.
@userr2684291 Yes, I know, or at least shut it down only when I sleep for many hours.
By the way, do you install TeX on your own computer? I do, and I found it quite hard to install at first, but now it's OK.
Most machines don't use much energy when on stand by, and restarting them can sometimes do more harm than good.
Hmm, I see. Well, the machines I always shut down don't really seem to suffer from any damage from that.
Anyway, I will be seeing the doc next Tue for meds.
Hmm, I guess you will still be on vacation next week.
Is your queue very long?
@Jasper Um, I thought TeX was a type of language or something. No, it's short.
@userr2684291 Yeah, LaTeX, for typesetting documents. I thought maybe you use it for your work in school too.
Yeah that – I haven't looked into that, but I will. Sorry for delayed responses, the line cleared up quickly for some reason.
Well, if you want to install it I suggest you just install the full version from tug.org/texlive.
TeX Live is cross-platform and works well on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
I like using the editor TeXworks, which is bundled with a full TeX Live installation on Windows.
TeXworks is also cross-platform.
Hm, alright, thanks for the suggestions. We're not required to use it yet.
I've only used it to write some of the formulas and such that I needed, using those online LaTeX renderers.
Oh, I haven't tried any of the online ones before, which probably have limited functionality.
Probably, but I only used it for equations, and never required anything really advanced, so it's pretty neat.
Alright, I'm on the train now. This was pretty quick actually.
Only an hour and a half in the line.
Well, I still don't plan to use internet on my phone yet, lol.
I used my uni's and now the train's WiFi anyway, haha.
Yeah, it's free in a lot of places in many countries.
I just find it a hassle to stare at a small screen and input letters.
Me too, especially the latter. If I didn't have autocorect, you wouldn't understand a word of what I'm trying to type.
I turn off autocorrect everywhere, lol.
I prefer to spell everything myself, lol, or at most check a dictionary.
And I definitely don't use any grammar checkers anywhere, not that my grammar is good.
I mena mg typing aoukd look like tjis.
Yeah, I know what you mean, lol. After all, your English is much better than mine.
No idea why the staircase question is so popular.
I dont ise grammaf checkers rithef, but aometimss i spell defnense as defence and my american spellchecker on mg mavhine warns md of thag. However, if i wrote it by hanx, id spell it cordectly.
I just use British spelling for now.
I just looked up Wikipedia on mantissa and fractional part.
There, mantissa refers to the significand or the fractional part of the common logarithm.
And fractional part can have different definitions for negative numbers.
So I think I still like my answer, integer and fraction digits, best. No ambiguity, lol.
Well, you speak in a British accent, so why wouldn't you. I became enculturalized by the internet and movies, both of which are mostly in American English. No other reason.
@Jasper Yes, exactly. That's why I upvoted yours and downvoted their answer.
I love watching movies. My favourite movie is Good Will Hunting, lol.
My second favourite movie is A Beautiful Mind.
I have watched each of these several times.
Ah, I've never watched the latter, but I intend to.
And my favourite actress is Laura Ramsey. She is so beautiful, lol. I hope I find a girlfriend like her in future, lol.
I watched the drama series Hindsight (2015) for two reasons.
One is that it stars Laura Ramsey.
Two is that the story really speaks to me. A lot of things went wrong in her life, and she magically went back to the past and then tried to fix the mistakes in life.
But guess what? The second season was not filmed because the company didn't want to continue it, and I am left with no ending after watching the first season.
That's rather unfortunate.
I think there is a petition online though for another company to film the second season, as the script is already written!
I wish I can go back to the past too. =(
We all do.
Haha, that's what they said in that drama too.
Well, I will give that a star as it is something meaningful to me.
I had to show my ticket to the conducter – is that what you call the person who checks whether people have tickets?
Yes, at least in my part of the world.
The bus conductor or the train conductor.
I think they should really call these the ticket inspector, lol.
My autocorect corrected it to conductor, and I wanted conducter.
@Jasper I think I heard something like that before.
Are you on your way home now?
I think I will just hang out in this chat from now, not the other rooms, lol.
Yep. And Wikipedia says it's spelled conductor so I was wrong.
For spellings, you should check dictionaries and not Wikipedia.
@userr2684291 Hey, my mum is back home and I am going to eat dinner with her now. Remember to email me if you want! Bye!
Enjoy, and see you later.
I have 700 points this month, yay, lol.
Hmm, I think I will go and take a nap now, since I didn't sleep much last night.
2 hours later…
Conductor, ticket collector
2 hours later…
@V.V. Good evening!
@CowperKettle I think you mean 'sometime' and not 'sometimes' there? They have different meanings.
I always mix up 'every day' and 'everyday' as well.
@userr2684291 'Call your mother from the staircase' to me sounds like it can be anywhere along the staircase, lol.
@Jasper Technically you're right, but I wouldn't interpret it literally and proceed to only place my foot on the first step and then call her if someone instructed me to do so.
I don't know, you tell me what you'd say. In my first language I've heard people say (literally) "Climb the stairs and jump.", for example, and if we wanted the person to go to the top of the stairs, we'd be explicit.
I am back, lol.
Welcome back.
LOL. I thought I was the only one to say that to people in SE rooms.
@userr2684291 Wow, the jumping part sounds strange.
The jumping thing is just a placeholder.
Speaking of jumping, I do have a strange physical condition related to that, which I think is OK to share here.
Every time I jump and land from a high place, even a table for example, there is a sharp pain in my perineum which lasts for ten seconds. It is the most painful thing I have experienced physically.
I have seen many doctors about this but nobody knows what the problem is.
These days, I don't jump at all, so it's not really a problem for me.
Have you heard of this condition before?
I did a google search but I did not find anything I was sure that matched me perfectly well.
‘George and Casper talk to each other a lot,’ my mum
told me. ‘They do this wibbling thing at one another.
Then, if they’re tired, they’ll sometimes go up to the bed
and sleep next to one another.
@Jasper Sounds like some type of hernia, but I'm not a doctor.
Can you tell me what's "wibbling thing "? Please.
It's a book about cats. Good evening!
@V.V. I just checked wibbling in Cambridge Advanced Learner's, no such entry, lol.
If it doesn't appear in the first dictionary, it must be a rarer word. It only appears in the second one.
@V.V. Are you asking what wibbling means?
When people don't know how to describe things/movements properly because of their unusual nature, they approximate it with something they recognize (X) and say this X thing.
So you can assume they make some sort of quivering movements.
@userr2684291 You indeed have a large vocabulary compared to me, lol.
@Jasper I looked up that word, haha.
So honest of you to admit, lol.
@userr2684291 I asked my good friend about it who is a good doctor. He can't say for sure either, but thinks it is probably a tear not picked up by the scan I had long ago.
I am actually pretty happy with my integer and fraction digits answer. It would be nice to use myself one day if I had to write a book on elementary math.
It seems that edits take quite a long time to be approved on ELL. I guess there aren't many users doing edit reviews.
@Jasper I only review edits occasionally because most of time the suggested edit fixes something while introducing something else which I don't like.
@userr2684291 I see. Whenever I delete all my accounts and come back to SE again, I just do a few edits to get 20 points to come to chat first, lol.
Thank you, guys. Why do cats quiver? That's another problem
LOL. I don't have cats so I don't know.
Those British cats!
I don't have dogs either. It is too much work to keep a pet. I can't even take care of myself already, lol.
*most of the time
@userr2684291 Sorry, which part does that refer to, lol?
@Jasper My previous reply.
@userr2684291 Oh, you know, you don't need to fix typos in this chet.
@Jasper *chæt
@userr2684291 Anyway, just to share with you, the textbooks I got for learning French, German, Italian, and Spanish are the Assimil X With Ease ones, and the grammars I got are the Routledge Reference Grammars, and the dictionaries I got are the full-sized Oxford bilingual ones. I believe this to be the best combination of books to learn these four languages.
@CowperKettle Thank you for faithfully posting a word every day, lol.
I star many things in this room, so most of the stars on the wall now are from me.
@userr2684291 By the way, have you studied any computability theory yet?
@Jasper Hm... I don't know if the theory of computation counts, but we touched that topic there a bit.
@userr2684291 Oh I see. Do you have any book recommendations for that?
@CowperKettle In Latin this would be Carpe omnes hos dies.
@Jasper Well, I really liked our book (one of the few books in Croatian I liked), written by one of my professors centuries ago, but let me see.
@userr2684291 Wow, your professor is so old, lol.
@CowperKettle By the way, are you a chemist? You seem to be, from the questions you ask in this room.
@Jasper I'm a pharmacology translator. I self-studied the school chemistry curriculum to take a university entrance exam this summer, but realized I would not have money to survive, and shelved the idea.
@CowperKettle I see. I pray that one day you will make enough money to realise your dreams. =)
@Jasper Introduction to the Theory of Computation by M. Sipser. I think I read parts of this book.
Therefore I'd recommend it, haha.
Hmm, I am going to take a shower and come back after that.
Back, lol.
The Windows update gave me a downtime of 15 min, lol, so troublesome.
Hey @userr2684291 you are back too, lol.
Hmm, 750 points already, three quarters to 1000, not too bad.
@userr2684291 I see you cast a lot of downvotes, lol.
I stopped casting downvotes a while ago.
Didn't really believe in them anymore.
If I really think a post is bad, I would just leave a comment instead.
@Jasper I was having dinner.
@Jasper Yeah, I'm a bit hasty with my voting; I'm a bad voter. Like, I downvoted the mantissa answer even though it might be useful if a small caveat were appended to it.
@userr2684291 LOL. Yeah, but I didn't like mantissa and fractional part because of the ambiguities we discussed earlier today.
Yes, but is that answer really useless as my downvote portrays it to be? Not really.
Downvotes are cast for all reasons by users.
Some do it just to shift the position of the answers.
Some do it just because they don't like the question being answered and do it on the answer.
@Jasper Actually, I did just that on a meta post; I was wondering if someone's gonna ban me for that, lol.
As long as you don't upvote several of the same user's posts or downvote on the same day, it's OK.
I did that recently, and they retracted my downvotes.
Was it on main or meta?
On the main site.
Ah, was it a user with very bad posts?
Hm, not really, haha.
Oh, then why did you do that? lol
They were rather obdurate, and I couldn't stand it.
Let me try to find the user.
No, actually, let's not do that here.
As long as you don't do this thing too often, or have a really bad reason to do it, they won't ban you. At most they will send you an email to tell you first.
So the people who get banned, well, they did really really naughty things lol
Chat is different. Maybe you say something and people don't like it and if it gets enough flags you will get suspended from chat for 30 min.
But 30 min passes very quickly, lol, so no problem there.
Hm, yeah.
@Jasper Yeah, but mods can ban you.
@userr2684291 Ah yes. Just like the law can sentence you to death in some countries.
Of course, law and morality are two different things.
What is right may be illegal. What is wrong may be legal.
What is right and wrong is also not clearcut.
Depends on whose ethics you subscribe to, haha.
I am currently not aware of any unpleasant user who frequents ELL, lol.
So far my experience on ELL is completely positive, lol.
That's great.
TeX SE is also a very positive site.
But ELU and Math SE are different, lol, quite the opposite.
I wouldn't know.
But I think if you try your best and invest some effort into composing a good question, no one will turn you down, and that's what this site's about.
There will be people who downvote you even when you try very hard to post a good post.
There is another reason I don't downvote.
How can you be so sure the answer is wrong? Maybe you are wrong yourself, that's why.
@Jasper I don't take those to heart, but someone did vote my first question here on ELL down. I really tried hard to make it good and generic, so it can be useful to other learners.
@userr2684291 Yes. I saw your questions today, in fact. I think you write very well and have the makings of a great writer.
Come on, haha.
I have nothing but only positive thoughts about you now, lol.
But thank you; I appreciate your kind comments.
I don't consider my English good. First, I have not really studied grammar.
Second, although I have studied punctuation in great detail, I forgot everything.
Third, although I can express myself clearly, my vocab is very small.
The former is much more important.
Also, how do you know your vocabulary is small? Because of that test? That test measures the size of your passive vocabulary. I know what terpsichorean means, but I'm never gonna use it.
Now there is a reason why some people might think my English is bad, but that is not a valid reason to me.
And that thing is that I often use words in unusual ways.
And why I sometimes write strange things is not because I don't understand the meanings of certain things, but because my thoughts are strange in themselves.
@Jasper What do you mean by this? I haven't noticed anything marked or strange in your writing thus far.
@userr2684291 Well, maybe these things happen very infrequently too, so I cannot give you an example now.
...except maybe not contracting your contractibles, haha – but that's not unseen; I believe you're simply used to formal English in writing.
Contracting? Oh, I just type whatever is in my mind in this room.
If I think cannot, I type cannot. If I think can't, I type can't, lol.
@userr2684291 By the way, what time is it there now?
Right. Sometimes it just strikes me as a tad unorthodox, that's all.
It's 22:23.
It's 0423 here in Antarctica, so we are 6 hours apart
Only one hour
Hello @V.V. welcome back!
Why don't you sleep?
I am sick. I don't sleep normal hours.
@V.V. Hm, 33? It's 22:27 now.
Don't ask me why
Well you must be in a strange time zone now.
@Jasper See, I'd expect I'm there.
@V.V. Me why?
@userr2684291 Maybe because I don't use contractions very often, lol.
If you think I understand anything...Good night!
Good night!
LOL, I don't understand.
@Jasper Did you know we call W "double-v" in my first language? V.V.'s handle reminded me of that.
I noticed that relatively recently.
@userr2684291 LOL. Is Croatian written in Latin script?
Is there like a Cyrillic script version or something? Maybe that's Bosnian or Serbian...
Yes. Both of those can be written using the Cyrillic script.
Croatian as well, but it never is. However, historically, we had three scrips. Glagolitic, Latin and a version of the Cyrillic script called Bosančica.
I see. I talk to a person on google hangouts a lot. And this person speaks Bosnian.
Bosnian is a mix of Croatian and Serbian with lots of words specific to Islam and Turkish culture. Plus the accent.
Yes, I read about how the language and the religion are correlated for the people speaking Bosnian, Croatian, or Serbian in Bosnia.
Religion is for show where I live.
I don't talk much about religion in public chat rooms, because it can get sensitive and heated.
But you can consider me a Buddhist of sorts, even though I am not really a good one.
We're just not that poor to turn completely to religion, but not rich either to stop entirely identifying with it, as is the case with other developed European countries.
And for me, Buddhism is able to explain everything, be it science or other religions.
I'll go to bed now.
Good night!
By the way, I'm not reacting to this or your telling me you're a Buddhist, haha. I'm just tired.
Have a nice day.
Actually... Good night to you, too, lol.
3 hours later…
800 points this month now, lol.

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