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Going to sleep now, lol.
Rest well, Blue Square.
@userr2684291 It's called that in a bunch of languages. Off the top of my head, both Spanish and French call it double-v.
English calls it double-u, and Japanese got it from English, so they call it double-u too.
But I have a vague recollection that, across languages, the double-v version is more common.
@userr2684291 Lovely word, by the way.
Dobroye Utro
Good Morning
+ 9.9 °C
Poem of the Day
> WE never said farewell, nor even looked
Our last upon each other, for no sign
Was made when we the linkèd chain unhooked
And broke the level line.

And here we dwell together, side by side,
Our places fixed for life upon the chart.
Two islands that the roaring seas divide
Are not more far apart.
(Mary Coleridge)
> Mary Elizabeth Coleridge was born in London in 1861 and is decended from good poetic stock. Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Sara Coleridge were amongst her ancestors. Her parents were great followers of the arts and Mary grew up in the company of some of the greatest writers of her day. Tennyson, Ruskin, Kemble, Holman Hunt, Millais and Browning to name jsut a few.
The content of bacterial endotoxins in the two compositions of the DRUG NAME is less than 0.1 EU/mg of protein, which meets the regulatory documentation requirements when calculated in terms of quantity per dose of drug (not more than 1.67 EU/mg of protein).
I wonder if it is okay to use the emphatic not more instead of the more level-headed no more.
4 hours later…
@CowperKettle I think it is standard to use 'not more than' for inequalities like that. In fact, I would not use 'no more than', LOL.
@CowperKettle Well, I don't understand the poem. Seems that they are lovers who died and are now buried together.
@userr2684291 Maybe I should edit my answer on the integer and fraction digits to say why I don't like the terms in the other answers, lol. Someone, just added 'decimals' as the answer.
1 hour later…
@Jasper are you a native speaker of English?
@Jasper They are past lovers who separated and go on with their lives. They continue to see each other now and then, because they did not move to other places, but are as apart as two islands.
@CowperKettle Ugh. I think both are correct, but I'd rephrase it as ...which meets the regulatory requirement of not exceeding 1.67 EU per mg of protein per dose of drug.
1 hour later…
I feel like a sociopath when I have to look through stock videos of people expressing different emotions in order to learn what they are. Apparently, this shows dismay.
@CowperKettle I think I am, but some may think I am not.
@userr2684291 It doesn't show dismay to me. It shows nothing. It is just acting, lol.
@CowperKettle Here, maybe it is because I am used to saying things like A is not more than B in math, instead of A is no more than B, lol.
@userr2684291 Do you still have queuing to do today?
@Jasper I've waitlisted queueing.
A: Can't translate the phrase into Russian language

JasperBased on the words on the poster alone, there are two possible interpretations. Dressing for the body you have refers to wearing less clothes for the hot weather. Dressing for the body you want, however, could refer to either dressing as if you have a very attractive body and you want to show of...

What do you think of my interpretation? LOL
Supposedly, the sign is fake. But I answered based on the words alone, and I think that is more important in this case for a site on English.
@Jasper Who talks about potential romantic partners as bodies, anyway?
@userr2684291 You see, the words already suggest that they are trying to be funny, so I interpreted in all funny ways possible.
It is true that in ordinary speech we don't use body for that, but in ordinary speech you would not have the words on the sign either.
I am very surprised that my answer did not get more upvotes, but I am happy nobody downvoted it yet.
Perhaps this is an example of what I meant last night when I said that I interpreted things in strange ways, lol.
It's not a very clear answer; especially the first paragraph.
The accepted answer isn't that clear either, but at least it spells out parts that need to be spelled out.
Hmm OK, lol.
Let me add that I was once severely downvoted on ELU for a strange interpretation, lol.
The post is now deleted because of too many downvotes, lol.
Oh well.
@userr2684291 I actually don't think sociopaths are like that, but never mind.
And I think the girl in the video is very pretty, lol.
@Jasper You know what I meant. Maybe I'm confusing autism with that, but I was referring to a type of person who doesn't have emotions and perhaps has to learn how to fake them at some point.
@userr2684291 I see. Hmm, you don't seem sociopath or autistic to me, lol.
Well, I'm not. I'd just never learned the word properly.
And sometimes it's easier to learn through that (pictures) than going over the definition the OED gives.
Do you play chess?
It is easier for me to learn through words. You know why? Because the expressions can be misinterpreted.
Sure, but I also looked at upset and distressed, etc., so I knew what they were trying to mimic.
> Utter loss of moral courage or resolution in prospect of danger or difficulty; faintness of heart from terror or from feeling of inability to cope with peril or calamity.
Most of the people who talk in this room are mods or room owners. We are neither, lol.
snailplane and Catija are mods. CowperKettle and MARS are room owners.
Haha, it's "M.A.R.".
Oh he changed it a number of times, so I don't bother remembering, lol.
I think I'm gonna change my avatar, this one's getting boring.
I think maybe you should change your username. userrxxxxx is too hard for me.
Maybe you can call yourself 'perfect english in chat room', lol.
Alright, I did it.
Haha, all you did was change your email address to generate another avatar, lol.
I didn't, haha.
Then how did you get another autogenerated?
@Jasper Well, you're partially right because this one is a new one, but only with respect to the original one. The previous picture I had (the one that you still see, unupdated) I uploaded myself.
@userr2684291 WTF! You are really strange, lol.
I actually saw it somewhere and I thought it looked nice.
I mean look at how cool the... strokes look.
One of the reasons I decided to upload a pic is that the autogenerated ones all look terrible, lol.
@Jasper I don't wanna identify myself with anything, that's why – and I don't mean literally, as in my photograph or my name, but anything, such as an interest.
Let me know when you change your username @userr2684291, lol.
I might revert it to the original.
I have never taken selfies until this year.
@userr2684291 So what are your interests? =)
@Jasper Generally, computer science.
That is an interesting interest. =)
I am going to take a nap now.
@Jasper By the way, I played chess (not professionally, but at a decent level) in elementary school – so if you want to do that sometime, we can.
Hi @ColleenV!
@userr2684291 Oh OK, I will remember that. I haven't taken a nap yet, going to do so soon, lol.
Word of the Day: chitterlings
Chitterlings ( or ; sometimes spelled/pronounced chitlins or chittlins) are a prepared food usually made from the small intestines of a pig, although the intestines of cattle and other animals are sometimes used. == Etymology and early usage == Chitterling is first documented in Middle English by the Oxford English Dictionary, in the form cheterling, c1400. Various other spellings and dialect forms were used. The primary form and derivation are uncertain. A 1743 English cookery book The Lady's Companion: or, An Infallible Guide to the Fair Sex contained a recipe for "Calf's Chitterlings" which...
> You live unaware
Of the faint, the unearthly
Echo of hooves
That within your white streams
Of clear clay that I love

Are in flight as you turn,
As you stand, as you move,
As you sleep, for the slender
Gazelle never rests
In your ivory grove.
How can white streams be of clear clay?
"Clear" means "see-through", translucent, fully visible through.
I don't get these two lines
If he means "clear" as "bright, luminous", then this is merely a repetition of white, yes?
Maybe he means "pure", unblemished?
Word of the evening: cogwheeling
@userr2684291 Thank you!
> Ты шаг – и она:
Но тебе не видна
Газель, что в ногах
И в руках и в движеньях

Не зная, живешь,
Про тот тихий, волшебный
Цокот копыт
Что из милых ложбин
Белой глины звучит
Check this out, @V.V.
I used dear ravines of white clay instead of white streams of clear clay
2 hours later…
@CowperKettle Clear can just mean easy to see.
I think questions should have the same points as answers. Instead of 5 they should make it 10. Without questions there are no answers, lol.
I sometimes mix up CowperKettle and Cardinal because they both start with C and no other C person comes to this chat now and then.
@CowperKettle In my part of the world, pig intestines is also food. Maybe it's not called chitterlings, but it does look a little like the picture there. I never eat these things. The sight and smell just scares me, lol.
@userr2684291 Do you happen to have an account on Chess SE as well?
@snailplane It seems that Japanese Language SE is the only non-English language SE that has come out of beta. I suspect it must be due to your efforts, lol.
900 points now, lol.
@Jasper 'Fraid not.
@userr2684291 Hi, I am drinking some coffee now, lol.
@Jasper I'm about to head out.
@userr2684291 To get another document to get another document?
@Jasper Negative. I need to buy some groceries, haha.
Phrase of the day: jump the shark
Here's the etymology if anyone's interested.
@userr2684291 OMG, now we have word of the day, phrase of the day, and poem of the day in this chat, lol.
Oh I see there is a 25,000 rep milestone now. I haven't been keeping up with the latest, but previously there was only the 20,000 milestone.
@userr2684291 How was the gorcery shopping?
@Jasper Are you my mom? Haha. I saw a couple of friends, lol.
@userr2684291 I played chess long ago, in school, and took part in a few competitions, but I have not played it for years, though I still remember how to play, lol.
@Jasper Great.
@Jasper So... do you want to play now?
@userr2684291 Hmm, how do we play? lol
Wait, let me find the website...
@userr2684291 Do I need to create an account or something?
OK, I will just try it for a while and see...
I am really bad at it because I have not played for years, lol.
@Jasper We can talk there, by the way.
@userr2684291 Oh OK, LOL.
@Jasper Can you see the chat there?
@userr2684291 Yes, I will try typing something there, lol.
@Jasper Ugh.
There is one anonymous spectator, I think it's Catija, LOL.
No, it's me, lol.
But you are not the spectator?
I didn't know you can't go back from the "Analysis Board" or whatever.
I mean it doesn't even show anything, just the same moves we played.
@Jasper Sorry. Can we resume in another game? We're only 8 moves into the match; we can repeat our moves.
@userr2684291 Oh OK, but why?
@Jasper Why what?
@userr2684291 Why do you wanna resume in another game? You can't click there anymore?
@Jasper Yeah, I can't.
@userr2684291 LOL, OK.
Just give me the new link!
And it even has a button "Go back to the game" (from the "Analysis Board"), but then I'm only able to spectate the game.
@userr2684291 Hey I am a little tired now, maybe we play another day? LOL.
@Jasper Yeah, no worries lol.
@Jasper What time is it there anyway?
4 a.m., yeah.
@userr2684291 It seems we are not fated to play past that move. I am tired not in the sleepy kind but I don't really wanna think about my moves now, lol.
@Jasper No worries.
@userr2684291 But you seem to play quite well, lol. I will probably lose if we continue.
By the way, that's the standard Italian variation, I think...
What did you click on just now to make them say cheat is detected?
I think we played too fast, though I'm kinda rethinking my last move.
LOL, if so the system needs to be changed.
Or maybe I played too fast? I opened up some kinda computer analysis of our moves and it shows we both played very well (apart from your last move, where I'm gonna get some free things)?
You mean my castling was bad?
Don't worry, I don't see anything bad with it.
I am not worried, lol. The only thing I am worried about now is whether I will ever get well, lol.
By the way, I kinda participated in a couple of championships myself.
Yeah, maybe we can play another day, lol.
Sure thing.
I'll remember that site so I can play with other people as well.
I used to study from chess books and magazines.
That was so long ago, lol.
I am surprised I can even play now.
I couldn't remember the site before I gave you the link, I began the registering process at chess.com but then figured it'd just be too tedious for you to register as well...
My integer and fraction answer is getting me too many points. It is so embarrassing, lol.
I'm gonna go play with other people using the same strategy and see what'll happen.
Oh OK, lol.
These guys surrender after losing one pawn...
Who are you playing with? LOL.
Buncha anonymouses (anonymi?).
@userr2684291 what does Welp mean?
@Flxtr Welcome to this room, lol.
@Jasper thanks ;)
maybe I can practice a little...
@Jasper do you always finish your sentences with "lol"? LOL
@Flxtr Yes, I am a joker.
@Jasper Wow! how is that? Do you do some magic tricks?
@Flxtr Nope. Actually, I don't even know any tricks.
@Flxtr Do you mean practise English or chess?
@Jasper interesting...
@Jasper English :) I don't know how to play chess
@Flxtr Yeah just come here and talk to us to practise English. You must be a native speaker of Spanish, lol. I have Assimil's Spanish With Ease course to help me learn Spanish.
@Jasper Thanks :)
and yes, for sure I can help you whenever you want in Spanish Language
@Jasper I think I found a reason why it thought I was cheating. By the way, you were actually leading a bit throughout the whole game, but then my advantage, by their standards, increased significantly in that last move. However, most importantly, it was my move speed/delay and window switching that raised red flags. The system wasn't wrong! I was switching between windows constantly, but not to look at some chess engine, rather our last match in order to replicate my exact moves.
And that's why it didn't say I was in our first game – the timing was natural and as you'd expect from a human.
Also, the first 8 moves we played shouldn't've been that attractive to the anti-cheating engine, especially because our openings were textbook-like, and both of us played them perfectly.
@userr2684291 I just played without thinking of any opening, just recalling bits and pieces from the past, lol.
@Jasper You played a textbook opening.
And I just replicated our moves in a new game and it didn't call out anyone for cheating.
@userr2684291 Oh, then that's good to know that I still have it in me, lol.
I waited a bit before making each move, and that seems to've done the trick.
Anyway I am not really into chess these days. I only brought it up as part of our casual conversation.
@Jasper That's not how you're gonna weasel out of our match.
@userr2684291 You should thank me for starring all your lines, lol.
OK, since you seem so keen we will definitely play again another day.
But I will probably lose to you, lol.
I mean, to be honest with you, I haven't played in a while, either. Everything is possible.
I need to believe that nothing is impossible, that I will be well one day soon enough.
@Jasper Hm. Unless you're suffering from something incurable – of course you will.
@Jasper And, given the state of today's medicine, even if you are, everything is palliatable.
@userr2684291 You said you downvoted that user because he was obdurate. You meant you thought he was like unpleasant and so you got upset with him?
LOL, I have downvoted some users in the past because they were nasty. But I don't really do that now, lol.
@Jasper Yes. I overreacted by downvoting them.
You just need to calm down and move on.
It's just someone on the internet.
I am really glad you watched Good Will Hunting.
That movie means so much to me.
I haven't.
I thought you said you did?
I didn't say that.
Oh OK.
I never got to tell you what my favorite movie was, for starters. Haha.
What is it?
@Jasper Spider-Man, lol.
@userr2684291 OMG
Which one?
There are so many different versions.
The very first one.
Toby McGuire?
I see. I watched a few Spiderman movies as well.
I will tell you the most important line in Good Will Hunting to me.
I think subsequent "versions" are titled differently. Like The Amazing Spider-Man, or something like that, IIRC. I haven't watched any Spider-Man movies after the first three.
"It's not your fault"
The most important line in Spiderman to me is this.
"With great power comes great responsibility"
And the most important line in A Beautiful Mind to me is this.
Hell yes.
I'm gonna watch that movie right now.
"I need to believe that something extraordinary is possible"
it was a pleasure, see you soon ;)
@userr2684291 Are you watching it now?
@Jasper Yep.
@userr2684291 OK enjoy the movie. We will play chess soon!
@userr2684291 I guess you finished the movie and went to sleep, night!

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