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@userr2684291 Can I see your COCA search?
I'd like to see some of the examples where it sounds natural without with.
@snailplane i searched it this way - [provide] [p*]|[n*] a|an|the
> He could afford to buy his kids anything, but lamented that as the most famous athlete in the world, he couldn't provide them the simple pleasure of an undisturbed day at the amusement park. [USA Today - 1993]
He could afford to buy his kids anything, but lamented that as the most famous athlete in the world, he couldn't provide them the simple pleasure of an undisturbed day at the amusement park. [USA Today - 1993]
> A powerful alliance of nonprofits has emerged in the city, supported by money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other philanthropies, to recruit and train new charter operators and to help provide them the support and the personnel they need to set up and run consistently high-quality charter schools. [NYT - 2008]
> I colored easily as well, which provided him a hope even he knew to leave unsaid: blood that surged so close to the surface would wet his wrinkled shirt, spatter his shoes, and saturate the dirt where they paced.
2 hours later…
Q: usage of 'than' here

whitecap Russia will have less grain than if Stalin had not insisted upon the adoption of Lysenko's theories. I can understand the meaning of the sentence but am not familiar with 'than' here. Can you explain the usage of 'than' here?

Yay another bounty question :-)
Good Morning! @Man_From_India
are you busy now?
@JudeNiroshan good morning Jude.
can you do me favor?
@JudeNiroshan I'm on my way to office.
can you read this small email that I have wrote to send my GSoC mentor is correct?
@JudeNiroshan I might try. Let's see.
Few minor errors are there.
And I couldn't at all understand this line -
> I hope to create a prototype of an OWA just to show all patients seen today by the end of the day tomorrow.
You better write this way: the latest version of SDK.
In the first line it would be at the end of the that...
This is a quick check :-)
I modified it like this -> Tomorrow, I have planned to create a prototype of an OWA just to show all patients seen on a given day.
@Man_From_India ^
Is it something like that system will show all the patient who are present on a given day?
@Man_From_India yup. exactly
2 hours later…
Word of the day: piquant
@snailplane - can one say "What has reined their horses in?"
I came across a piquant song and am trying to translate it.
Ah, I already posted this song here yesterday.
> Down the valley, up the hill
Cossacks swiftly rode.
What has reined their horses in?
Locks of purest gold.
This is a draft version.
The song of course says that they saw a girl with long blond braids, but that would consume a whole paragraph in English.
With a single long braid, even.
But I'm struggling to make it single in English
1 hour later…
2. I visit my Granny _____ day – on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
A. every other B each other C all other D this and the other
Is this a correct task?
@CowperKettle Nice.
@Cardinal Thank you!
What does Zakhari mean? I saw it on the youtube page.
This is his name, the name of the guy who posts the videos
Захар in Russian
Zakhar is a given name. Notable people with the name include: Zakhar Arzamastsev (born 1992), Russian ice hockey player Zakhar Bron (born 1947), Russian violinist and violin pedagogue of Jewish descent Zakhar Chernyshyov (1722–1784), Russian Field Marshal in charge of the College of War from 1763 to 1774 Zakhar Dubensky (born 1978), association football midfielder from Russia Zakhar Kalashov, notorious gangster and thief in law in the Russian-Georgian Mafia Zakhar May (born 1969), modern Russian musician, author of many hits Zakhar Pashutin (born 1974), Russian professional basketball coach and...
@CowperKettle I guessed so, Is it a name of a famous person?
@Cardinal No, just a given name. There are lots of Zakhars around (0:
@CowperKettle 0:-)
> Down the valley, up the hill
Cossacks swiftly rode.
What has reined their horses in?
Strands of purest gold.

What a wavy golden braid,
What a pretty bride!
In the Cossack cavalcade
Join us for a ride!
to be continued..
Hi all
@kitty Bye.
@Man_From_India I didn't know you could do that in COCA; that's neat, thanks! I think I attempted similar searches but some kind of error always popped up, so I did it primitively, haha. I searched for provide them/us/you (with) the, I think.
I wonder if there's an official manual page describing the syntax of REs for COCA.
> Know Safety, No Pain.
No Safety, Know Pain.
From a YouTube video dedicated to workplace safety
> What Russia Does to People
@CowperKettle Poor Nicholson had a worse experience than others.
Or better?
@userr2684291 i have to check. When it had older interface, there was a manual page regarding this. There has to be one, even now. I just don't know where.
@Man_From_India I found it at this address: web.archive.org/web/20160316082907/http://corpus.byu.edu:80/… Thanks anyway.
You welcome :-)
@CowperKettle Is that like Zachary?
@M.A.R. Yes, like him
Zachary Taylor (November 24, 1784 – July 9, 1850) was the 12th President of the United States, serving from March 1849 until his death in July 1850. Before his presidency, Taylor was a career officer in the United States Army, rising to the rank of major general. Taylor's status as a national hero as a result of his victories in the Mexican-American War won him election to the White House despite his vague political beliefs. His top priority as president was preserving the Union, but he died 16 months into his term, before making any progress on the status of slavery, which had been inflami...
> The male given name Zechariah is derived from the Hebrew זְכַרְיָה, meaning "Yahweh Has Remembered". It is a theophoric name, the ending -iah being a short Hebrew form for the Tetragrammaton.
Thus, "remembered by God"
Who's Tetragammaton?
A Greek philosopher, or an energy drink?
@Man_From_India *you're
The tetragrammaton (/ˌtɛtrəˈɡræmətɒn/; from Greek Τετραγράμματον, meaning "[consisting of] four letters") is the four Hebrew letters יהוה‎, commonly transliterated into Latin letters as YHWH. It is one of the names of God used in the Hebrew Bible. The name may be derived from a verb that means "to be", "to exist", "to cause to become", or "to come to pass". The books of the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible (with the exception of Esther and Song of Songs) contain the Hebrew word יהוה‎. Religiously observant Jews and those who follow conservative Jewish traditions do not pronounce יהוה‎, either...
@userr2684291 actually, it's quite plausible for the verb to drop because of conversational deletion. Maybe.
@M.A.R. Yeah, nah.
People don't enunciate it in speech, but it's there.
@userr2684291 It's pretty fixed, so I dunno if that really happens in speech
@M.A.R. YW.
@M.A.R. So... you didn't answer my question. Haha.
@userr2684291 Question?
@M.A.R. What causes a great number of views (in a short period of time), but a relatively small number of votes on questions/answers? Are people more inclined to vote if they see the answer's already been heavily up/down voted?
Oh, I was in the middle of answering that the other day
Dunno what happened. Maybe Alzheimer's
No worries.
@userr2684291 1. The vast majority of views on any question with a reasonable number of them comes from Google, and people from Google can't upvote.
2. However, that doesn't explain the low number of anonymous feedbacks compared to views. That, hmm, is probably just because people read, but forget to vote.
They're not badgered to vote, and there are only rare pop ups to explain downvotes or upvote questions when your votes are mostly on answers.
@M.A.R. A certain question garnered about a thousand views in one day.
3. Third reason could be, in rare cases, promoting on social media.
@userr2684291 New, HNQ crap?
Or old question with no activity?
So new HNQ crap.
The third reason explains a surge of views on an old question that hasn't seen activity since some time
But most of the HNQ views are explained by people from other sites visiting, and not bothering to vote. Reason 2.
@M.A.R. But who promotes their question on social media?
I don't think that's the case.
I know that's how I feel when I visit an interesting question that's advertised on a site I do not frequent: I just read and shake my head at the first answer, and at how it doesn't deserve so many votes, and move on.
@userr2684291 Not their own page per se
By social media, I mean anything public
Someone posted a link to an answer on Reddit, and said "look at this high-reputation SO user's arrogance".
Reddit mob downvoted the answer to -100.
And people usually post links to stuff in chat for others to vote on, which is actually banned on SO because it's done a lot and sounds like a voting ring.
@M.A.R. Oh.
SO's the big city, so you get people that overdo it.
Stricter regulations seem inevitable and necessary
@M.A.R. Haha, what're you talking about?
Anyway, I'll come back later. Buh-bye.
1 hour later…
Q: Simple past or past perfect?- she ------- me doing something that she had forbidden me to do

M.NThis is the last part of a pretty long paragraph: " ... To my horror I realized that my grandmother had got up out of bed and was coming towards the study. Two second later she opened the door. I will never forget the awful feeling of shame that she ........ (catch) me doing something that sh...

I think someone should answer this question.
2 hours later…
> Fresh news from Russia (2017):

"Denies existence of Jesus and prophet Mukhammad, by which denial committing a crime as described in the article 148, part 1 of the Criminal Code..."

From the materials of Sokolovskii's trial. Sokolovskii played PokemonGo in a church and posted recordings at YouTube. Suspended sentence, three and a half years of probation as decided today.
Sokolovsky got a 3.5 year suspended sentence today in a Yekaterinburg court
For playing Pokemon Go in a church and making a jeering YouTube video afterwards

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