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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

My best friend just said have went. One more have went sighting to add to the pile! :-)
Yay! :D
Good morning all :-)
I mean Greetings of the day.
Good morning Shweta
Man from India?
Wow.. same same
Hehe... But r u a man from India? :O
Morning, people from India! :P
Q: Tone in spoken questions: [Do] your friends call you John or Jack?

learnerI could not tell if the woman in the exchange pronounced Do or dropped it when she asked the man about his name; I could not hear the word Do at all. For all I know, whoever transcribed the conversation might have added Do. Then it came to mind whether there is any difference in tone/stress betwe...

I wonder if native speakers can hear the "d" sound in "D'you".
(I guess most can't)
@DamkerngT. I'm not sure what you mean.
It seems pretty easy to hear for me.
Of course, it's not always there.
And you can't hear it if it's not there :-)
Frankly, I wasn't sure if it was there.
Is there an audio clip?
A-ha! I thought we were talking about d'you in general.
There's a large range of realizations for that sequence.
@Man_From_India if you are really from India I don't think I need to specify
I think she didn't really make a "d" sound, but I can see her "d" in the spectrogram.
The /dj/ sequence coalesces into /dʒ/, and there's a range of realizations between those two.
@DamkerngT. I don't hear any /d/ in that clip.
@snailplane A-ha! I guessed right! It was too weak.
I wouldn't transcribe it with d'.
I'm not sure how I would transcribe it. Probably without "'d" either.
I'd just say do was ellipted from the left edge of the sentence.
That Conversational Deletion thingy that's such a popular topic here on EL*.
Even though I can see her lips opening (when she inhaled just before "(d')you") and her tongue at the "d" position before "you", I don't think she really vocalized her "d".
Yeah, and we can characterize this in terms of the distinction between articulatory phonetics and auditory phonetics. Not every articulation contributes to an audible difference in sound.
> "Come on, Mr. Frodo. I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you."
Prepositions are important!
Oh, I thought the male voice was Sean Connery's!
@ShwetaSekuri hehe i know :-)
> The FBI Is Classifying Its Tor Browser Exploit Because 'National Security'
Here we have the phrase because 'national security'.
I think there was a Language Log post by GKP about this. I'm going to go look for it.
Found it!
Because NOUN on Language Log
But that's by Mark Liberman.
Here's the GKP post:
Because syntax on Language Log
@snailplane And there was also an article by John McWhorter about this
Oh, really?
Good morning, Snails!
John McWhorter is sometimes a controversial figure, by the way.
@snailplane Yes, because he loves to write emotional articles
Good morning :-)
@snailplane Are his theories considered not very provable?
The use of because NP is very widespread, though.
@CowperKettle Hmm, I don't really want to say anything negative right now. I want to make my mental space more positive. :-)
I'm not sure because NP is "internet speak".
Certainly it's something people say on the internet, but also off the internet.
Like most stuff people say.
But it must have originated in the Internet
On the internet
And yeah, that's possible.
But it's certainly something people also say all the time.
So if it once had the status of internet slang, it no longer does.
It's very widespread now.
And it became widespread extremely quickly, practically overnight.
Sometimes grammar changes rapidly instead of gradually.
I suppose English learners must encounter because NP, but I suppose no one is actually taught about it explicitly yet.
Do you think the simplest way to explain it is to say that it's like leaving of out?
@CowperKettle McWhorter also uses the example of "LOL", which also started out as internet slang. Well, typewritten slang, at any rate.
I started noticing people saying that out loud around 15 years ago.
But my mental feeling is that it's still primarily an online thing, even if there are plenty of people who say it.
People don't say LOL here, because it does not sound very distinct in Russian
By the way, it seems like kids today say "lel" a lot.
I never knew about LEL
It's more recent.
Yes, "lel" is a recent thing. I almost think it all started from Bieber and Kanye :P
/me ducks
Maybe it is more distinct to pronounce, and that's why it entered usage
@TIPS I found some images
@AnubhavSingh -- oops. I thought someone else would answer that, and Alan Carmack answered it partly. Your question is really two questions. I'd say "London is home of Parliament" is a kind of idiomatic expression with the meaning "London is where (the country's) Parliament is located". — CowperKettle 15 secs ago
Say what you will about UD, I use them as a guide to current thinking about the language/slang
Good morning, @V.V.
@S.R.I I will, then.
(Yes, I know "Say what you will" is not really meant literally, but I'm taking it literally on purpose :-)
Urban Dictionary has some truly godawful definitions. It can be a really terrible site.
However, it can also be helpful on occasion.
@snailplane :-)
The Urban Dictionary entries on "lel" seem helpful to me.
I haven't read all of them, but: urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Lel
Sure, it's got elements of badness strewn throughout almost all the definitions, including the topmost. But it's still helpful.
Well, most definitions on Urban Dictionary are quite bad.
But it has definitions for and discussion of words you won't find anywhere else.
Fortunately, most English language learners are intelligent people who can think for themselves and sort out the good from the bad :-)
Yes, I agree about the quality of content on UD. That's what you get when you allow the public to liberally add content, with no moderation policies in place.
@S.R.I In a way, though, it really is a great resource. There are just so many entries!
Well, if you can ignore the fluff, you can see some content that can be helpful, like you found with "lel"
Morning, everyone! Snailplane, what an interesting article! Thanks.
Good morning :-)
I've been saying "good morning" to people online all day.
I'm not sure how many of those times it was actually the morning for me. Very few, I think.
It's a warm greening.
South Californian Radio is having a laugh over Brexit
> "There's an opening in the EU"
> If Trump wins, we can Trexit!
> If Clinton wins, we can Clexit!
> And well, if Sanders wins..
@CowperKettle How come you're listening to SoCaR?
@S.R.I Just to have some sort of background babble
I put about a dozen of English language radios into my Foobar player
Now it's 89.3 KPCC radio
Ah, okay
I haven't been watching Russian TV since May 2014, when it turned completely fascist
One needs to have a source of news. (0:
And a source of some background babble
I have neither, but that's okay
Grey skies. Hardly anything to do or anyone to do it with
Can anyone explain me the above sentence please
@ShwetaSekuri context?
No actually someone said this.. but I didn't understand
What someone is trying to do?
Grey skies is life's trouble
Without context, it's hard to guess.
I have to take a quick shower and rush :-)
OK take it easy.. BBL
@ShwetaSekuri Conversational deletion: [These are] grey skies. [There is] hardly anything to do or anyone to do with.
The parts in brackets have been removed because whoever said that sentence didn't feel like saying them.
Mostly because the context is informal.
You mean they don't want to share?
Not that they don't want to share. Let me come back with more examples.
I'm reviewing stuff on one of the sites.
@Shwet take a look at this example:
> Can I come here later tonight?
> Yes.
What the second speaker meant is not just yes, but "Yes, you can come here later tonight."
This is called ellipsis.
It's not that the second speaker didn't want to say it, it's just that the rest of the sentence is implied.
And hence, the repetition is unnecessary.
OK.... :)
Conversational deletion is some kind of an exceptional case of ellipsis.
> Hot day, no?
> [It is] a hot day, isn't it?
The "it is", just like the answer to that question, is implied, and they drop it.
Of course, this is more "high-level" and a more recent change in English.
yeah... I heard the sort of sentences.
So the case in your sentence is another instance of conversational deletion.
Note that it's not deemed appropriate in formal contexts.
It's a colloquial thing.
Thanks once again for helping me TIPS....
I will make a note of all this for reference.
If I keep on reviewing, then it will be in my mind forever.
@ShwetaSekuri You can also bookmark chat conversations. It's a link under "room▼" that says "create new bookmark".
I can't find bookmark here. It is displaying star and flag.
Are you on mobile, or using desktop?
Do you see room information on the right?
Do you see "room▼"?
Click on it.
imgur.com/a/iEtRz look at this.
@ShwetaSekuri Oh, weird.
It might be a chat privilege you do not have.
@Sina Low:)
yeah... even I thought the same.
@TIPS I prefer our traditional ice cream. It's much more delicious:-)
@Sina It's pretty hard to find it from sources that don't cause a stomachache or something worse though.
At least here.
I'm very weary of all those fevers and sicknesses that come from diary.
@TIPS sorry to hear it.
@Sina Pretty sure it's more or less like that in other parts of Iran.
We have a couple of good stores for that over here.
Actually, Tabriz has the best food in general in Iran, so I'm worried more about those Isfahanians.
@Sina That's too lucky
yes it is:)
@TIPS If you happen come to Zanjan go to Taleghani street. Between Sabze meidan and Zeynabieh street.t There is a good ice cream shop called Golriz. It's accross from Zolfaghari museum toward Sabze meidan. And one other is on Azady boulevard, unfortunately, I've forgotten the name. But I reccomand Golriz. These are well-known here!
A press brake is a machine tool for bending sheet and plate material, most commonly sheet metal. It forms predetermined bends by clamping the work piece between a matching punch and die. Typically, two C-frames form the sides of the press brake, connected to a table at the bottom and on a movable beam at the top. The bottom tool is mounted on the table with the top tool mounted on the upper beam. == Types == A brake can be described by basic parameters, such as the force or tonnage and the working length. Additional parameters include the stroke length, the distance between the frame uprights...
I wonder why it is called "brake"
> brake (n.1) Look up brake at Dictionary.com
mid-15c., "instrument for crushing or pounding," from Middle Dutch braeke "flax brake," from breken "to break" (see break (v.)). The word was applied to many crushing implements and to the ring through the nose of a draught ox. It was influenced in sense by Old French brac, a form of bras "an arm," thus "a lever or handle," which was being used in English from late 14c., and applied to "a bridle or curb" from early 15c. One or the other or both took up the main modern meaning of "stopping device for a wheel," first attested 1772.
Is there a tsunami on its way to EU?
In EU or Out of EU this is the question?
I have a small press brake. Used it to make flashing for my roof.
@ShwetaSekuri are u using Windows 10 or 8?
@V.V. thank you. But I already read those books :-) yet most of the times it's hard to distinguish between these two "similar looking" constructions.
But now I'm more or less convinced about that "a list of" question. Until of course anyone give me reason enough to change my opinion :-)
@Man_From_India Windows 8
Ahhh right. I really don't like 8. But in my office desktop it's there, and I hardly use it :-)
I corroborate Alan's statement that "the" can be omitted in "Paris is capital of France" but searching through my database of anything anyone has ever said within earshot of me (I have a micro-USB port behind my left ear and download nightly), I would venture to say that the context of such a statement is likely to be question-and-answer: What is the capital of France? -- Paris is capital of France. We would not ask "*What is capital of France?" We might ask "What city is capital of France?" or "What's the capital of France?" — TRomano 8 mins ago
I only use it as an extra big monitor. And in my laptop it's Windows 7. I wish they change it to 10.
@CowperKettle is he referring to Alancarmac?
Even I wish for Windows 10
I have seen his few comments/answers and as it turned out I didn't agree with any of them except one answer.
@ShwetaSekuri at home my laptop is win 7 and desktop is ubuntu
I really love my ubuntu :-)
Probably after xp, win 7 is their best OS.
@Man_From_India Yes.
He disagrees with the answers given on ELU (and highly upvoted there!)
Yes, vigorously and indiscriminately. :) — TRomano 1 min ago
Actually in college I have used Ubuntu and XP. Then directly Windows 8
@ShwetaSekuri are u a language student?
@CowperKettle hmmm.
I'm B.tech student
Not all answers there are good, even they have got many upvotes.
And you?
@ShwetaSekuri great. I wanted to ask a lot of questions regarding this. But here it's not good.
@ShwetaSekuri ur senior :-)
M. tech?
Never done, after B straight to ofc :-)
Which department?
Electronics and communications
That is cool
Oh god... My subject :-) nice to meet u.
So u got an interest in language also?
Firstly I thought to take it easy, and decided to go for any job
But now I have changed my decision
I want job in our field only
Common in ECE u will find the best in industry jobs. Good luck.
That is good. Good luck
Now I'm really interested in this..
@ShwetaSekuri so u already wrote ur final semester?
Daily I'm studying which I didn't covered during the last semesters
Thank you @S.R.I @Man_From_India
@Man_From_India damn, I never thought I'd see SMS speak in LangOverflow :-)
@S.R.I hehe. I'm on mobile, so it's justified :P
And I m talking off topic talks, don't know what our mod DT will think ;)
@CowperKettle :-)
He's away in Thailand, so don't worry. He'll come by and clean them up long after the conversation is over.
It's not often that I see more than 2 Indians on this channel
Hope he wond throw me to the thrashbag with all tgese msgs :D
Can you let me know for whom you are referring to?
About Thailand
@ShwetaSekuri do you see a robot on the list of users? That's one of the mods here.
and he's from Thailand
But he is a nice guy and a really good teacher.
Yeah, he keeps trying to guess everyone's native tongue!
Another thing I like about him is his vision in technology.
So S.R.I.. where are you from?
I'm from India too
well, yeah - that's what I meant by my comment about "more than 2 Indians on this channel"
Do you agree that these chat groups are much interesting than WhatsApp groups and Facebook groups?
Here you will get to learn a lot about English language.
Can't say - they serve different purposes, I guess
I have quit all the social networking sites
I have account in those but not using them anymore
They are good too. If you use them good :-)
I am not pointing it as negative
@ShwetaSekuri you can edit your comments within a certain time window. But you do it immediately within 10 seconds or so. Hit the up arrow, go on to the comment that you want to edit and edit them.
Just not interested anymore
By the way what are your exact names?
Sorry for the wrong question I guess
Don't worry, we'll never tell :-)
@ShwetaSekuri MAR is my exact initials. @Dam king T. is his exact name. About the others, I don't think they will disclose such info. If they would've, they would've done it from the beginning.
Also it's not such a kosher thing to ask on the internet.
CC @Arau
user image
The littele red one is so cute:)
Why upside down (compared to others), though?
Cuter that way.
Also isn't this classroom going to end somewhere?
They're walking for hours.
Hullo @Tracy! Welcome to LO!
Even years!:D
The little one will never grow up. It can be their new generation for ever!
Yeah cute
Look at green one.. lol
Which one is your type? Mine is the green one if the teacher has nothing to add to my knowledge:D and if she is knowledgeable , the light blue one!
I'm the blackboard.
I like to be the first in class, the red one otherwise blue one
I guess whiteboard these days:D
I didn't think there is any board displaying their
Or even smartboard!
I think you had a look at my previous conversation with man from India and S.R.I
I didn't
Hey @Cat, long time no chat.
Point out my mistake or mistakes
Please insert your disapproval of Britain's decision here.
I was talking to the hippo.
@TIPS oh! I didn't know he is a KING! I should call him "your majesty @DamkerngT."
He's the Twilight king.
@Sina He likes to pronounce my name that way!
Evening, guys!
@DamkerngT. No way, you Are the Twilight king.
@Sina I'm no king, though.
Or are you implying TChrist isn't right?
@DamkerngT. out of the blue! Sleeping?
Nah, just something else.
And a heavy rain!
Wow! Lucky you:)
I'm not sure I'd call that lucky.
Call it yucky.
(My cable was just gone. Not sure how long I can stay online.)
Oh! Don't like heavy rain?
If you're under the rain with your desktop. Imagining
@Sina I like it when it's somewhere else in my country. :P
Rice needs lots of rain!
While you were walking with the other cutesies, @Sina, we had a very delicious drama incoming.
Q: Today, 227 consecutive days to accessing this network. I don't see such single handed behavior

Mithlesh UpadhyayIs it good, if I insert my problem on public chat to get more attention? So, I'd posted a question on charcoal-hq. yvette I've made request to leave my post as it is but they trashed my posts and comments. She flagged my post again and again, I didn't say anything other than I gave above meta ...

Too generous:D
Doesn't disappoint. CC @Dam @Cat
I hope so. :-)
@TIPS We were chatting on MSE the other day :P
@Catija Too far away.
@TIPS hot hot discussion!
@Catija Hi🐣
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 41 mins ago, by TIPS
Jokes aside, I do think language barrier is partly to blame.
@TIPS Probably.
So @Cat, while you were away, not reminding me my immaturity, I rebuilt my dignity.
Kinda, sorta.
@TIPS I have no clue what you're talking about :P
See? Back to square one.
You're quite mature for your age.
That answer you wrote was very well considered and people seemed to agree with it.
@Catija /me Trying to interpret that the wrong way
Interpret it the right way... as a compliment.
That's boring
So, what've you been up to?
Is modding hard?
@TIPS Getting huge. Tired a lot... working a "real job".... boring stuff.
@TIPS It would probably be harder if I wasn't modding a site that's utterly quiet and well-behaved.
Well-behaved? Oh no, that's much better than not-well-behaved.
We should fix this ASAP.
My snails had snailets! :-)
@snailplane YAY!
@snailplane Awww! Sweet! That's so exciting!
@snailplane🐌 Hi!
I guess your snails miss rain these days!
It's about to rain here. You can send them over here:)
@TIPS Looks like he's still making trouble?
Trouble? Nah. More like entertainment.
If it's causing flags, it's trouble.
Flags? I don't see them. Quill can handle them.
What else do we have him for?
What is the purpose of Charcoal?
@snailplane Congrats!
@Catija It says, "Where diamonds are made and SE is hacked."
@DamkerngT. Yeah, but that doesn't really tell me much :P Seems like a place to talk about spam posts that appear around the network and other issues... but I'm not sure.
I thought it was for mod training and a testbed for SE plugins. :P
If that's the case, no one told me about it :D
@Catija I was just guessing. :D
@DamkerngT. Nah, lame programmer humor.
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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