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@snailboat Some mobile interfaces allow it. I have no problem with a newer version of Chrome on a new version of Android.
@snailboat I'm missing something. How does the video provide context for the captioned image?
@JimReynolds It doesn't provide much context. It demonstrates that it was taken out of a real context, though.
The only context it provides is where the scene takes place.
@JimReynolds The mobile interface, as in not the new beta one that doesn't function properly on my phone, doesn't support it.
@snailboat Hi! How are you this fine afternoon? :-)
I was going to sleep but then saw you guys talking here so popped in again :-)
Oh, yes, I am very creepy ;-)
Hi @JimReynolds.
Oh I gotta bail now. Bye!
@snailboat Oh! On first listen, I somwhow missed it! But you understand that I can use
He heated heavenly jalapenos, harassed her, honked heroes' horns, hated human hatred. Jalapenos hated him highly.

(this is alliterative)
the reply function on my mobile phone? I've mentioned it before, so I'm merely curious why you wouldn't say my phone or etc.
One who says "PEE-sigh-call-uh-gist" is nothing but a fool.
Because the p is silent,
like in swimming pool.
p is silent is swimming pool?
I don't follow.
@DamkerngT.@JimReynolds, Good morning, thanks for your kind help
Good morning! You're welcome!
It makes things clear.
@JimReynolds I don't understand your question. I said "my phone" in the message you were replying to.
The website has multiple interfaces available. If I click 'mobile', I can use the mobile interface even though I'm on a desktop computer.
And once I'm doing that, I can click 'full site' to switch back to the full interface on my computer.
Likewise, I can use the mobile interface on my phone, or I can use the full site on my phone.
My phone isn't the mobile interface.
Oh, oranges!
@snailboat This one.
Yes! It's an auspicious fruit!
Wishing everybody luck?
Something like that. :D
When is the Eastern New Year to come?
Maybe in about 32 hours will come the Chinese/lunar new year's eve.
So soon?
It's Sunday here now, so the vacation has already begun.
All next week, most are off work.
@JimReynolds I guess that much for the New Year in Taiwan. :D
I have no idea of its significance in Thailand.
It's Sunday with us too, my busy day. Have to work sometimes.
I weep in sympathy.
Thanks for sharing troubles
All hope seems lost, every small happiness forever vanquished.
@JimReynolds Chinese New Year is not our official holiday, but many will take a day off. :-)
I am trying to be optimistic about that. Actually, I like it.
Thai + land. Literally, "shadow of China"
You mean working, @V.V.?
Yes. My job
Don't you?
Good! Me too. :-)
It means you like people, little and grown up.
Btw, how long does your lesson last? 45,60 or90 minutes?
Usually 2 hours.
120? That's too long.
It works well for me and my students.
But as we alluded to before, my students don't "study" so much as use English to enjoy being together.
A usual practice with us is 60 for yunger pupils and 90 for teens and adults. I mean "one-to-one" lessons.
Are you a teacher? Or student? Both?
I am everything. Teaching one-to-one, learning to translate as a hobby. Not knowing enough, so learning. You know the joke:the best way of learning is teaching.
Like communicating with crazy people (in a good sense ) like myself( or me? ) You should correct my mistakes.
Like translating poetry from English and French, other languages (if they have a word-to-word translation. )
Not a joke at all. Research shows that, generally speaking, elder siblings score somewhat higher on IQ tests. A likely explanation is that we (hehe) help our siblings with homework, and share our knowledge about the world. You are welcome to join my Facebook page or my English Facebook group. You can find my email address in my profile here.
Translating is so complex!
No, it's fun. Just learning both languages (discovering you don't know your mother tongue sometimes )
My partner is a stage director. Some of their plays are in Chinese and I help translate them to English for subtitles.
-I am not going to school any more.(A little boy says)
I don't know Chinese, so I work with Chinese speakers and essentially edit and polish the English.
How old?
Well, wait!
Are you female?
Why?-Our teacher doesn't know anything. Always asking.questions
Will anybody crazy put a flower as a sel-portrait?
Probably not.
I am not so sophisticated.
Jim, are you a she?lol
But I assumed you are female. But now I don't know why.
Why doubting other sensible people?
I don't understand.
Another joke. Perhaps I missused the adjective, may be "sane" not "sensible "
Sorry, can't express my thought clearly. Don't find words sometimes. Thank you for your help.
Have you lost all words?
Only emotions left?
Sorry, I have to leave you for some time. A working day has begun.Thanks for your attention.
I thought when you said "Thank you for your help", that you were saying "Goodbye for now."
I made a smile to try to show friendliness, and that it's ok if we don't always understand each other.
Have a good day at work!
@snailboat I apologize. Please accept my sincerest apologies.
I hope you accept my apology.
See ya
You seemed to be ignoring me so I thought I'd apologize.
Nice morning. -12C in Yekaterinburg, +12C in Los Gatos.
Damn phone!
I wonder if it is okay to omit the before "chlorate anion".
2 hours later…
@CopperKettle The the that's the first word of the answer? We need it.
@JimReynolds Well, I said "chlorate ion".
> The oxidizing agent is (the?) chlorate ion.
Good afternoon, @JimReynolds!
And good-bye, Jim!
Evening! @JimReynolds
Evening! @JimReynolds
Oh, I didn't see you, sorry! Good evening, @IͶΔ
@DamkerngT. \o
Pssht, it's getting boring.
What happened?
I'm supposed to be missing some meta drama somewhere in the world, but I actually am not.
And that's a problem.
I think that's actually a good thing.
No news is boring news.
@IͶΔ I think it's not that hard to find some news in news feeds!
I'm from the majority in pronouncing something. That's . . . news.
So, what is "wat". :D
Watt is joule/second.
Afternoon, my kettle. Sips coffee
Maybe you know a good English textbook.
@CopperKettle Those are just introductory OS assigning gibberish. You can find them in any introductory textbook, I think.
That's somewhat familiar. I remember that I had to balance chemistry equations.
(Probably the only thing I'm okay with in chemistry!)
I ain't remember nothing about balancing half-equations with ions.
Sometimes I wonder why chemistry folks had to balance their equations a little differently.
@DamkerngT. Do you remember the ion equations? I only remembered the tuning up of coefficients.
@CopperKettle Then just search for "balancing chemical reactions with charges".
Or something similar.
@CopperKettle That's the "somewhat" part. :P
@IͶΔ I found a score of explanations. I'll get a handful of texbooks and try 'em, I guess.
Because online explanations tend to be patchy.
I think it's like splitting one equation into two and work each of it out differently. Like in a linear equation (math), instead of solving Ax + B = C, we try solving Ax + B = 0 first, and then add the other half (C) later.
It is about the coefficients.
In chemistry, I think they split one equation into two based on some number of ions.
@Cop the standard method people tend to try to shrink the size of, is writing equations for the number of species on both parts.
When there are charges, you need to write something for the charges too.
@DamkerngT. Yes, in electrochemistry, we tend to write half-reactions.
@CopperKettle Because it's convenient, I guess.
@CopperKettle People don't usually write only the stuff that reacts.
@DamkerngT. Exactly.
@CopperKettle The six electrons aren't one of the reactants.
There are the thing from our reactant that matters.
When why are they there?
Do they stand for the Cl (minus) ions?
@CopperKettle Because there is some electron exchange. The fact that I don't care what "provides" the electrons doesn't mean that I don't care about the electrons.
Their coming and going is your reaction.
@CopperKettle Could be.
Oh wait, the ones in KClO3?
@Cop ah:

And I have no idea why it rendered like that.
Because it's MathJax
^What a long equation!
Yes, @Cop the only reason for them writing it that way is that they want to indicate that HCl dissociated.
. . . as it does in aqueous medium.
(thanks to the Lightshot applet for Chrome)
Didn't KClO3 dissociate too?
6HCl = 6H+ + Cl-
@CopperKettle That didn't matter for the author.
@IͶΔ 6e+ + 6Cl- (because H is a positive ion)
It is K+ + ClO3-, but with writing it that way, we're not achieving anything other than cluttering up some space.
@CopperKettle Yeah whoops.
I wonder how he typed those cancelled-out equations in the answer.
TeX? MathML? AsciiMath?
I don't get his explanation at all. Six electrons cancel out 6 protons. And why write 6e- at all if exactly six negatively charged Cl atoms went to form neutral biatomic molecules. Oh, well, I'd better return to the beginner-grade textbook. (0:
@CopperKettle You're reading too much into it.
You can just look at it as 6HCl(aq).
. . . which actually is the more common notation.
Dissociation in chemistry and biochemistry is a general process in which molecules (or ionic compounds such as salts, or complexes) separate or split into smaller particles such as atoms, ions or radicals, usually in a reversible manner. For instance, when an acid dissolves in water, a covalent bond between an electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom is broken by heterolytic fission, which gives a proton (H+) and a negative ion. Dissociation is the opposite of recombination. == Dissociation constant == For reversible dissociations in a chemical equilibrium AB A + B the dissociation constant Ka...
3 hours later…
I'm voting to close @IͶΔ as unclear why he exists.
I strongly object
@JimReynolds :'(
Are you studying, MAR?
@V.V. Perhaps.
By many definitions, it doesn't count as such.
By many definitions, it doesn't count as such.
When is the"sad"exam?
The what exam?
Aren't you preparing for any?
Our exams aren't sad; they're sadistic.
Right now I'm not preparing for anything special. But I have a big one coming in 1.5 years.
It's a worldwide problem. But fortunately you have some time in store
Heh, I just got wary of the genocide earlier.
What's the application of that scary word?
It applies when . . . it applies!
I wonder how @Cop's wrestling match with OS is going.
@V.V. Yes, I have been.studying MAR for yrars, along with.a team of primatologists.
@JimReynolds No wonder you didn't get anywhere with that spelling.
Our conclusion so far: He may be the product of a camel mating with a squid.
Looks over the horizon and mumbles "Is this where science is going?"
*Looks into the future, sees his tombstone: Here lies Jim Reynolds. Chatted online sometimes.
"Was occasionally silly."
"Used an asterisk in the beginning of a grammatical sentence he wrote himself."
Why you ..... !
"Used 5/3rd of an ellipsis, and wrongly."
"Cried too times in a row."
Doesesteth thou knot knowest that I hurteth? I bleed?
@IͶΔ Oxidation States of America?
You . . . bleed? YOU . . . BLEED? YOU . . . BLEED?!
@CopperKettle Last I checked they were inside a bottle of water, so it's Pacific ocean.
I'm a very sensitive person!
Eww, @Jim is a person.
@V.V. ...some time in.store.
I need to think about that expression
@JimReynolds What's. with.so.many dots?
New phone. Stupid keyboard
Fat thumbs?
Old eyes? :P
Oh, new phone! Neat!
Sometimes I wonder if people really read stuff before they vote. (But I guess someone simply thinks that I don't deserve upvotes, for whatever reason.)
I wouldn't upvote that kind of comment, ever.
Let me look ... IF IBCAN STILL SEE IT
@JimReynolds I guess you can see the link. :D
@DamkerngT. That specific user is not very careful about what they post all the time.
@IͶΔ That's true, but it's obvious that he has a supporter.
Since when are we talking about meaningful voting on ELL?
I wonder if that user has some serious interpersonal skill deficits
Since when it has become obvious that newcomers use votes as guideline to see which answers are correct.
@IͶΔ I remember a leaner posted such a meta post on ELL once.
I'm quite serious, which leads me to jist try to overlook most of what's said
I'm now reading random funny Google results about "phone".
@JimReynolds nods -- I have no comment on your comment. :P
Leans on.MAR.
Piling on the leaning!
@JimReynolds Psssht. Stat.us.dot.ov.er.flow.
If you don't disagree, say nothing for three seconds.
Says nothing
Is MAR making fun of my home country somehow?
@IͶΔ I wonder which they meant by I, Tom or Jerry? :D
@DamkerngT. The eggs.
Oh, no! That's pretty risky for the eggs!
LOL -- Sometimes watching voiced over movies is funny!
You got my attention.
I left my TV on, and the audio is in Thai. The movie is Catching Fire.
I don't know if you've watched it, but there is an elevator scene where a girl from the woodcutter district did something that shocked the two men in the elevator.
I really apologize to you, Jim. The sentence is from a test. The question is:the …………… of Europe are white-skinned. (A) people (B) peoples — thein lwin 3 hours ago
Oops! I wish they had added that to the question when they posted it!
@DamkerngT. Why isn't there: (C) peoplez (D) peeplz (E) No Error
@IͶΔ Bring it to the pride?
@DamkerngT. I'll leave the audience decide.
If they all go "yeah yeah, it's awesome, we get it" then it was.
@IͶΔ They could literally leave the phone to the pride (of lions) as their toy. :P
@IͶΔ (0:
Holy crap!
They have a whole site for this: damnyouautocorrect.com/21623/…
That site's hilarious; I'm LOL'ing.
I think it's now obvious why we evolved our language, and what it's going to become. :D
applauds for one minute for Jasper...
@DamkerngT. ?
@IͶΔ For retagging.
I wish I could upvote retagging/editing or something. :-)
He is such a remarkable guy.
OMG this is funny.
@Nihilist_Frost Erm what's アローファー? I forgot to ask yesterday.
A loafer?
@CopperKettle Oh I just noticed. Congratulations on crossing 20k man!
See you guys later.
@Arrowfar Good evening, Arrowfar! Thank you!
I should go cold turkey on't. (0:
I have kinda stopped at 2k ;-)
That's good, you're a temperate man. (0:
I overindulged. (0:
@Arrowfar I was trying to transcribe your username into katakana
I think I would become ナイアリスト・フロスト?
Yeah, sure, why not.
@IͶΔ I can't pronounce two ***** of your name
how would you like it pronounced?
@Nihilist_Frost Call me INA, Ina, MAR, MA, M, that guy, the idiot etc. as you see fit.
I'm known to be comfy with any nicknames I get.
I don't wanna touch it.
@Nihilist_Frost ah I see. Cool!
a little riddle: what do you leave but not enter, and what do you enter but never leave?
@Nihilist_Frost Japanese speakers will be more familiar with ニヒリスト, although if you really want to you're free to ignore the existing borrowing and transcribe it closer to the way you pronounce it for your name.
Another pronunciation discrepancy between the transcript and the audio! macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/american/…
@snailboat That was the point.
I deliberately ignored any alternate borrowings to get my preferred pronunciation.
Is this false: (from Wikipedia)

>When rendering foreign words into katakana, the chōonpu is often used to indicate a terminal "er", such as the English word "number" which becomes ナンバー (nanbaa).
I think this only applies to English loans due to Japanese conventions to borrow English words as if they were BrE or something

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