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poor pirate... he was actually afraid of me
still blew him up tho
wow. looking over Hudson's control tab. he is screwed
so many undermind and even quite a it going into turmoil
Winters is a very similar
Patreus and Torval are taking the brunt of their undermining efforts it looks like, the Duvals are mostly untouched
@Rapitor So you're out of luck if it's shielded?
@Yuuki if it's shielded you have to attack them to bring the shields down, which gives you a bounty and bad things
firing off the hatch breaker is legal... apparently
@Rapitor Deriving from the landmark precedent in Rutherford v. Hayes, where Chief Justice Einstein gave the majority opinion that only idiots fly without shields and deserve everything that happens to them.
NPCs don't know any better
Bleh, so many edits.
I want to get more merit points... but there is literally nothing that needs doing..
So, short of hatch breaking unshielded transport ships, undermining will always put a bounty on your head?
yeah, but remember. bounties aren't global anymore they are oly system wide
now, if an imperial police scans you and notices you have federal bounties... i have no idea how they'll respond
Sounds like something to be scienced.
I should ask that as well.
Q: How do faction bounties work?

YuukiNow that bounties are system-wide rather than global, what happens if you get scanned by Imperial police while having a Federal bounties (from attacking ships in Federation space and etc.) or vice-versa? Does the police ship just let you go or are you attacked?

I'm glad my ship is so heat resistant I can emergency stop on accident without taking damage
The Nunus system is being sneakily undermined, keep an eye on it.
i have no idea why as that system isn't bordering anyone
How are 2 dudes from archon pirate king not wanted for more than just assaulting me
I don't get it
@Rapitor Nunus and Yupini are at 100% undermine
right, but we should keep an eye on them so they don't sneak the undermine over the fortify
Do you have to get fortify stuff from HQ?
@Yuuki Firing hatch breakers is illegal
It's assault
@Unionhawk yeah.
@Rapitor That's why that system may be in trouble
i mean, we can easily afford if both those systems go into turmoil... but it would still be not good
It'll be hard to upkeep without asps
@Rapitor Eh...
Nunus is already only 16 profit
Increased upkeep there would not be good
it's less CC for the next cycle to use on prep
True, but, even still
Increased upkeep would probably put it in the negative
so you think we should just ignore it and let it fall? as it's too far from HQ and not really near anyone
I think we should monitor it, but, I mean, it's 120 LYA.
We could monitor it in open and see what's up, but I'd want at least a coordinated posse for that
i'd think most underminers would just work in solo. much less risk of interference
as much as i prefer and enjoy solo. I don't think solo being able to influence powers is right
mreh maybe
well.. to an extent
I am glad he's at least an empire alliance.
He's an insanely good pilot
"Oh whoops wrong message I'm not a pirate anymore"
(he accidentally hit the bind for his "STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE comply or die" message instead of "Hi from Senator Patreus.")
Yeah, /r/ElitePatreus and /r/EliteAisling are on board with vs Hudson
Look at the picture i posted earlier, Hudson is already sufficiently wrecked.
unfortuneatly.. patreus was undermined just as hard...
@Unionhawk Yeah... this is why I'm going solo until I finish my Courier.
@Yuuki Do you work for Hudson?
Then you're perfectly safe
@Unionhawk No.
I'm thinking Aisling.
At least until I get my hands on those shields.
I kind of think we should do what we can to help out Patreus. he seems to be on the frontlines of the Vs. federation
1000% safe
@Yuuki have to be rank 3 for 4 weeks.
@Rapitor So it'll be awhile.
i want the shields too... but... Arissa is much more beneficial to my playstyle
Bangfish has to have a HOTAS
Hmm... you think ED Support might change my CMDR name if I send a support ticket?
Worth a try
@Unionhawk yeah, you can tell because his throttle bar moves really quickly
Wish the Diamondback Explorer wasn't that garish bright yellow color.
A nice burnt orange would be acceptable.
If it wasn't for the color, I might consider the Diamondback over the Courier.
you never even see your ship.
Still kinda fugly.
Hmm... the Scout is a nice price point.
Maybe I'll trade my Adder in for that and use the Scout until I make enough money for the Courier.
Remember, internal compartments are a thing to consider
Scout has no cargo, basically
scout has diddly
Like, it has 2 class 3 and a class 1 or something stupid
both of the diamondbacks are pretty much meant for earlygame exploring, but they can put up a fight if they need to.
Meh, it's pretty paper relative to large lazers
Maybe viper resilience
Little more armor
large lazers are powerful against pretty much everything tho
Don't have numbers in front of me
@Rapitor yeah, well guess what, NPCs are packing vultures more now
if the armor gets annoying just target powerplant, done
You got about the same dps as a laser asp based on the numbers I pulled out of my butt
(someone did actual science on this)
(I am too tired to find it)
Also the butt numbers consider only small ships
Since large lasers don't have a damage penalty against medium and large ships
10 hours later…
FD really needs to add like a Power chat or something.
it could probably fill up with spam, but at least an ingame way of communinicating with everyone would be neat.
Sure, or, allowing the community to subreddit is also pretty effective
And doesn't cost them anything
It's a good thing you need rank to suggest things or else this would be a game of goddamn stackegg
not everyone uses reddit
But alot of people do
An alot of people uses reddit
Yeah you're right
to avoid spam or spies they could just have it as only rank 2+ can use power chat
Now I want this
"We'll be running through the Powerplay basics on our stream tonight - join us at 6PM BST at twitch.tv/elitedangerous"
from their facebook.
So that's...
1pm est
because fuck you i guess?
what's wrong with 1pm
Uh, falls within 8am-4:45pm?
Twitch VODs also suck
Like, really suck
3 hours later…
(nothing particularly interesting, mostly glitchy-type bug fixes)
Unfortunately this means the servers are down so I guess I'll actually have to do work or something
RIP @TimStone
I'm pretty pleased with the RES fix and power insurance.
One of you find an exploited system with a good RES
Preferably lower security
Winner gets a cargo hold full of palladium or whatever is expensive
Criteria: low security with pirates
Can also be uncontrolled but nearish
why low security?
More shit
High security means less stuff
low security just means less security ships.. which is bad, as they are super helpful
pirates are idiots, they'll try to scan and pirate you, a fully combat oriented vulture, in an unshielded sidewinder
Fine, a system with decent pirate influence
can you get into archenar?
try there
I can, is there pirates?
I'm used to AE levels where pirate influence is >15%
Though I did become hostile with them
That was fun times
i didn't really notice a difference with influences.
There's a difference.
Maybe not significant
But it is real
A high intensity RES may be sufficient now
I want the money to build up a fleet of stuff containing only the fanciest ships (because I can't find a damn cobra)
prepare to hate me some more then, because... Facece
actually.. isn't cobra super common?
It should be, yes
I thought all stations stocked it
I am apparently wrong
So far of 2 systems I've checked, neither have cobra
Including HQ
HQ stocks FDL, though, for eventually
Then again, Facece probably does too
I kind of want to set up shop in HQ
So I may end up needing to ferry myself with a sidey
Or just do it with an eagle because it's not that much more
HQ didn't seem like it had anything of value.
It's an agricultural system
military and high tech systems is where all the goodies are
I should get to earl
you should get to count.
One dead fed
ah ha ha
two dead fed
ah ha ha
@Unionhawk Yeah, kind of a shame our alignment gives us increased bounty payout but also more security. I think that's only in controlled systems though? So there's that.
@TimStone Ye
@TimStone controlled system is double bounty, exploited is only +20%
Wait, double?
is this real life
double + the 20%
I interpreted that as fines against you are double
Like, you shoot a cop, that's an 800 credit bounty
it could be, but that also means the bounties are double too
Not necessarily
NPCs are just assigned a bounty value typically
We'll see, we can science
But I doubt it
Unless... iunno
you may be right, it is worth science tho
I feel that has to be the case. Double bounty value is just ridiculous.
yeah, probably. it still helps against NPC bounty hunters as they usually attack clean targets and get a bounty on themselves
I'm not sure if it applies to NPCs though.
i don't see why not
Yeah, okay, so for those dudes, the bouty goes to 800 cr
let them kill the target
NPCs don't kill targets.
They aren't that good
you can help them by ramming
That sounds like
Way too much work
For maybe up to around 10 kcr
I'm looking forward to hear how galnet will report the end of cycle.
"federation got fuct".
> [x] Rekt
> [ ] Not Rekt
> [x] Tyrannosaurus Rekt
> [x] Rektified
3 hours later…
hm, it's been prettymuch a whole day and Nunus and Yupini hasn't been undermined anymore. Guess it was justa one and done thing
2 hours later…
Heh, went to one of the pirate lord's systems and got killed by a player
Probably should have opted to fight instead of trying to run, since their Python prevented me from jumping quickly
Well plus I fought the interdiction, which was a dumb decision
Do you take less damage if you just turn your ship around and face the interdiction?
I never figured out the mechanics of it.
Since it never really happened to me.
If you throttle zero you don't emergency drop
So you don't have that max FSD cooldown that comes with it, or the spinny ship
If you're about to lose the interdiction, can you immediately drop throttle to avoid penalties?
Not usually, anyway.
I don't know how much time you have for it to honour your submission
I regeared my Asp, these medium beam lasers are just silly compared to the small ones I had before

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