last day (2198 days later) » 
03:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

someone with an actual imagination write room desc.
now we can stop flooding the bridge.
But that's my favourite pastime!
Also slight negative marks for not calling the room "The Dangerously Elite", but I'll go with it.
Then rename it lol.
room topic changed to The Dangerously Elite: Strategizing, Complaining, Playing Elite Dangerous (no tags)
Q: Can I contribute to community goals while playing solo?

Jader DiasI want to participate on CG but I want to avoid PVP or queues to dock on stations. Is it possible?

Q: Where should I deliver the preparation data?

Jader DiasIn every system not prepared by my the power I pledged to I can get up to 10 data. Where can I deliver this data? What should I do with that?

Q: How does powerplay affect the major factions?

Jader DiasHow do the major factions (federation, empire, alliance) expand? If a given power (one of the eight "senators" etc) conquers a rival system does it count for their faction? Do combat zones outside the realm of the 8 powers affect the territory of the 3 major factions? Can powers from the same fac...

Q: How do I undermine powers?

RapitorI want to work on claiming a system for my own power that is already owned by a different power. How do I remove that power? Specifically I am aligned with Arissa and want to take a system from Torval.

Q: Are powerplay points shared with wingmates?

UnionhawkFor the expansion goals for Senator Laingvy-Duval, you have to destroy corrupt law enforcers. Each ship is worth one point. Normally, when bounty hunting in a wing, the bounty is split up among ships responsible for its destruction. Are these powerplay points shared in any way? Can I get partial...

Ah balls
Unionhawk has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
room topic changed to The Dangerously Elite: Strategizing, Complaining, Playing Elite Dangerous. For the Empire! Arissa aligned (no tags)
@StackExchange Yes
@TimStone Full credit?
That's what he said
room topic changed to The Dangerously Elite: Strategizing, Complaining, Playing Elite Dangerous. For the Empire! Arissa aligned [-aisling-duval] [arissa-laingvy-duval] [elite-dangerous]
well the link doesn't work properly on the sidebar, but eh
Wait I had that feed right
The accepted marks threw me off
Dude, that means just, team up with the random people at the combat zones
That makes wings 100% worth
And not just 25% worth
@Rapitor Agree
Cycle ends in 2 days right?
we should focus on undermining feds
Pinged on three different chat sites simultaneously, argh
room topic changed to The Dangerously Elite: Strategizing, Complaining, Playing Elite Dangerous. For the Empire! Arissa aligned [a-laingvy-duval] [elite-dangerous]
@Unionhawk I assume it ends on Saturday, isn't it a week long?
@TimStone I thought I saw 2 days in cycle
When did the update drop? I forget
It was 2 days in the beta
I know I saw "days in cycle" somewhere
Maybe I'm just stupid
it shows up on the powerplay menu somewhere
I think I might align with Aisling. Think I'm gonna make some money through trading to get either the Asp or the Courier.
@Unionhawk The Help in the powerplay screen says cycles are a week
@Yuuki Courier is very cheap (2mil) and a nice small ship.
also, if you want to get an imperial ship. align with patreus, he gives discount on all imperial ships
How well does the Courier function as a multirole?
I havne't used it much yet, but it seems very good for multirole. 3 medium hardpoints on a small ship is nothing to joke about, it has a good starting jump and fuel tank. cargo is not too much (12 stock), but can be increased a bit
the only thing i can see from fighting NPC couriers... they are pretty squishy
According to the wiki, it has the second lightest hull.
Although it can be surprisingly durable with upgrades.
I'll probably farm a bit of bounties tomorrow in my clipper and actually start building the courier... see what I can get out of it
I think I'm gonna stick with that. Make some money with my Adder, I'm thinking 4-5M, and get the Courier.
try out mining, with all the changes mining is supposedly really good now
I'll probably end up making a mining adder at some point
Hmm, I'll give it a try.
just looking at the bulletin board there's requests for mined goods (maybe you can just buy them from an extraction system?) that pay out like 200k+
Are the mechanics the same?
no, you can use limpets and drones now to go grab the chunks
But yeah, I can see the Empire factions being prone to infighting, there are four of them after all.
it seems like all vs Arissa, though.
well.. Patreus hates everyone.... Torval doesn't really care, but likes Patreus, and the princesses are at eachothers throats pretty often
Well, if I align with Aisling, you guys will still be my friends.
And you got a friend in me.
I started with Aisling because I wanted her shield booster thing, but I couldnt find it anywhere
there's barely any penalty for defecting (Aisling sent a single unshielded eagle to hunt me...)
When the road looks rough ahead and you're miles and you're miles from your nice warm bed, you just remember what your ol' pal said, "Boy, you got a friend in me."
I imagine the shield booster would be at headquarters, wherever that is. If there is one.
wasn't. It might not be in the game yet, might have to be a certain rank with her, idk.
Someone said something about waiting 4 weeks.
2 hours later…
@Yuuki You have to be rank 3 and aligned for four weeks
It's mentioned in the Rank 3 description
yay arissa!
6 hours later…
@TimStone Don't you also need to have like, 1,000 powerplay points per week for rank 3?
Like, I'm pretty sure you need to maintain it week to week
Actually, no, 750
I think
2 is 100
merit is pretty easy to get though
just hang out in a Nav Beacon and hunt non-empire powers, +15 merit per kill. If you are brave enough go into fed space and do it, get even more as well as undermine
I'm clearly doing the wrong stuff
Things are worth 1 in the expansion goals
All ships
Anaconda? 1. Eagle? 1.
So nav beacon and kill both wanted and enemy ships
Do I have a green light on lawless?
There's also a contested system between Aisling and us, in both territories.
Apparently, other stuff is worth more points. I'm clearly doing powerplay wrong. — Unionhawk 6 secs ago
Q: Can I shoot down lawless ships?

UnionhawkIn Elite: Dangerous 1.3, two new ship statuses were added in addition to "clean" and "wanted": "enemy" and "lawless". Obviously one has a green light to shoot down enemy ships, but what about lawless ships? Can I shoot them too without getting fined? Do I get anything out of shooting them?

Bah Frontier, I want a Galnet feed to post in here but I can't have one can I
I also kind of want to sit in SC in a control system and interdict federal and alliance agents
why not? does the feed have to be setup a certain way?
I can't find a(n) RSS unless I'm just blind
this 404s... but idk how RSS works, so it might work correctly?
They recently restructured their community website
oh yeah
I guess we just have to wait for them to fix it
@Unionhawk the only thing to note here is don't shoot empire
So, basically, just watch for federal and alliance agents for the points. Got it.
Does that mean I have to discriminately bounty hunt?
Or are wanted ships wanted
I mean, it doesn't make sense for Senator Laingvy-Duval to be mad at me for shooting criminals, since her whole thing is that people attacking the emperor on his death bed is symptomatic of a deeper societal problem
(that quote is cooler than Hudson's too)
in the few hours I spent bounty hunting in RES i didn't see anyone aligned to a power, so i think they only appear in nav beacons and SC.
So I only have to worry about power-aligned ships? Other imperial ships are fair game?
(example: wanted ship working for Empire's Grace. Green light and no demerit?)
light em up.
Excellent. Imperial corruption is often lucrative.
Ship working for empires grace and aligned to Aisling? let them shoot first.
They will only show up as one or the other as I understand it
@Unionhawk That's what it says, at least. I had heard there was some concern about that, so I don't know.
So you're thinking that may change?
Lots of things should change in a bit. Repair cost bug, CG bug, more bugs...
@Unionhawk I think Frontier is doing Powerplay wrong. >_>
in The Bridge, 21 hours ago, by Wipqozn
IT sure is nice that Elite is still in beta.
Which is incidentally likely why the beta testers were saying it needed more time
@TimStone I guess contributing to a 2000% complete expansion goal doesn't get you that much. Who would have thought?
Clearly not me
I just need a good RES or beacon and then I can be in my happy zone
@Unionhawk -cough- facece.
@Rapitor cough I hate you both
Fine I guess I will get empire rank tonight
can you get into Archenar?
What's required for that system? Earl?
@Rapitor Ya
The fact that we have both Achenar and Facece is glorious
I'm a Marquis now, yay
Good thing that's only for bragging rights, Mr. Dangerous Marquis CMDR tms
From now on you will all refer to me as Mr. Expert Master CMDR Unionhawk. Or don't, actually, because it'll just make me feel bad about my life
Since I'm pretty sure you're both at least dangerous/earl
Hrm. I was going to play before doing work but I can't connect to the servers. :(
@Unionhawk you need Count.
also. only marquis? I'm Prince :D
@Rapitor So... like... 3...? More?
No 6
that's a lot
I wonder if you could get into Facece from SC...
it would take a while.
You cannot
It wouldn't load
have you tried it
No, but I'm fairly certain others have
With other systems
The game won't bother loading another system unless you make an actual jump to it
In the same way that you can't fly to a station in regular space even if you were close and spent an hour, the game won't bother loading the station unless you have destination lock.
> Fix for route plotting: route isn't cleared anymore each time a target is locked.
was there a patch?
It's why the servers are down now
oh, neat.
fixing the route plotting is my favorite thing.
Commanders who cannot load back into the game after a certain type of Hyperspace failure should be automatically rescued to the last system they safely docked in.
this one happened to me a lot
wait faction progression reset? does that mean im going to be dropped back down to earl? D:
I'm so close to king tho.
I wasn't sure about that either
dear F:D: make an RSS feed of this so we can make it a feed in this room. <3 @Uni
just request it on the reddit or forums or something. the devs are pretty active there from what I see.
speaking of though. the galnet contains both good and bad news for us
gained a new minor faction allegiance, as did patreus, though.
room topic changed to The Dangerously Elite: Strategizing, Complaining, Playing Elite Dangerous. For the Empire! Arissa aligned [a-lavigny-duval] [elite-dangerous] [empire]
(you mispelled her name)
It's lavigny?
@Rapitor Yes, apparently. I was reset to Earl
well poop.
take that
yeah well. I hope all your money got reset >:(
Woah now
I can loan you guys some if you want, in... small-ish increments. And you'd need cargo space and probably cargo drones
Actually, no, screw you guys
That sounds like work
don't need cargo drones...
you can still scoop manually.
Right, you just need to be good at scooping
Who does that?
all you have to do is poop it out
I'm good at scooping...
Well it's too bad you're in a system I can't go to
if you want some arqade imaginary points the answer to my question about how ot undermine is on the videos.
I'm too lazy to do it.
Hmm... I'm thinking about this build for the Courier:
> [Imperial Courier]
M: 1G/G Burst Laser
M: 1G/G Burst Laser
M: 2D/G Cannon
U: 0D Kill Warrant Scanner

BH: 1I Lightweight Alloy
RB: 4C Power Plant
TM: 3C Thrusters
FH: 3C Frame Shift Drive
EC: 1C Life Support
PC: 3C Power Distributor
SS: 2C Sensors
FS: 3C Fuel Tank (Capacity: 8)

3: 3E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 8)
3: 3C Shield Generator
2: 2C Fuel Scoop
2: 2E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 4)
2: 2E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 4)
1: 1C Detailed Surface Scanner
pretty similar to mine, except replace that cannon with plasma accel,
I also load utility hardpoints with shield boosters
You also need at least a BDS for a DSS to do anything
@Rapitor Should do that too.
@Unionhawk Oh, you need both?
So you might have to ditch 4 cargo space
Meh, 16T sounds fine anyways.
Courier's a tiny-ass ship
35 tons
that's what I'm going to build
replacing the plasma accel with Arissa's Imperial hammer whenever that unlocks.
Only 2 ships are lighter; hauler and sidey
And Adder is the same
Hauler's only 14 tons
Advanced Discovery Scanner can go alone?
Might spring for that instead then.
there's an advances surface scanner?
I know there's an advanced discovery scanner
advanced surface combos with discovery
you can't discover with it. only scan
i think.
I need to look up this stuff, haven't caught up with Exploration.
I could science this
I run with both right now. the detailed scan just gives a bonus when you scan something.
So apparently the surface scanner can go solo, but you have to get super-close to the object to discover it without a discovery scanner.
I don't see an advanced surface scanner. Is it a higher than class 1 module?
yeah, that's pretty useless then.
No, ADS is different from surface scanner
ADS will discover all of the things in the entire system, but not surface scan them
You need a surface scanner still
@Unionhawk there is no advanced surface, just detailed. the discovery scanners can scan planets and such. just the detailed scanner gives more information and payout.
@Rapitor Right, and discovered tag, potentially
dunno, I don't think I'll ever go out far enough to actually be the first to discover something
You can find undiscovered stuff ~200Ly out from inhabited space still
Though most of what's there isn't terribly valuable since they're lesser star types
I'ma build a cobra to deck out
I've been doing enough jumping and scanning thanks to all this power stuff.. I really don't want to travel anymore.
I've gone about 1000Ly out from Sol, even managed to discover an Earth-like planet once :o
I do eventually want to see a black hole....
and probably fly into it.
do you really need a fuel scoop for mining?
I may even have budget to build an asp to mine in
@Rapitor Fair point
also, better collector limpets can get more. depending on how fast you destroy chunks. your limpet might not be able to keep up
So, I might want to build an asp
Actually, I could probably do it
I wonder if the diamonback would make a good miner
the cheap scout
Very limited internal compartments
After collector and refinery, you could only get like 6 cargo
Type 6 would be good.
But I don't want a truck
but you are pretty defensless
I am not flying a truck
Point is, if I'm building a miner, it's going to be a cobra or an asp
I'm not going with a pure cargo ship
yeah I know, just asp is pretty expensive.
But Type 6 is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz‌​zzz
And cobra is meh
if i end up building a miner it would probably just end up being an adder or scout anyway. I don't see myself having the attention span to stay there shooting a rock for that long
And I have 24 million liquid, 20 after I add military composite to my vulture
It's not cheaty money if the game bugged out
how did it happen again? conflict zone?
Conflict Zone CG
Which had a AA single top commander level
I deserved whatever the lowest tier was
I got AA
Because Elite can be broken like that.
well then.
@TimStone got like, 5, @OrigamiRobutt got like, 8, I hit the jackpot, apparently
To be fair, I still haven't turned that in
Fine, @OrigamiRobutt got like, 8, @TimStone is trying to be a good person
I wasn't paying attention
The ticket response was essentially "we know"
ooo, the turn in location is actually a contested system...
Who where
The one between us and Aisling?
Ngaiawang, it's controlled by Patreus
Controlled by him, or exploited by him and others?
Controlled by him exploited by others?
I wouldn't fuck with Patreus personally
Uhh I'm not sure. It's not controlled, it just says "Contested" in the popup bit
He is almost definitely a sociopath
@TimStone Between who? Us and the sociopath?
03:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

  last day (2198 days later) »