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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

36864 blocks for the base alone
let's go back to the nether
Attention Peons: We're a building a giant computer with a brainfuck interpreter. If you like that sort of stuff come help us build it
Ask VTC for details
Okay. So.
My idea: transport-triggered architecture, it's a one-instruction set design.
I've also made a complete functional TTA CPU in logisim.
Our computer would be ASIP.
Downloading now. :P
Same here :#
Hold on a sec, while I find the file....
We could find a preexisting plans for an OISC/TTA and just translate it to redstone. Might be more reliable than designing things from scratch ourselves.
But not as fun. :P
(But I have no strong opinions either way, I'm focusing on witch farm and may not help much otherwise)
I had to redownload Java 6. :I
@PhiNotPi Is this a translated to MC copy or is it just the CPU itself?
gonna log
bai all
This is a general overview of the processor. Not translated to MC at all.
The basic idea of a TTA processor is this: each command is MOV
64KB RAM?!
We can tone that down.
Oh, good. I was hoping that wasn't mandatory.
Most memory cells are normal
I have Logisim, you can just pass the file, right?
when you read, you get what was written
some cells are special, their contents are rerouted through additional logic when you read from them
Yeah, that makes sense. I agree with your system choice.
Okay... so, from what I see, this shouldn't be too hard (if tedious) to replicate, no?
I'm trying to see how to pass the file
And how I got it to work
Do you want to email it to me?
Deletion in 3 seconds.
sorry, wasn't even paying attention
Can you send to [email protected] too?
The I could probably put it on the website
Portal to witch hut: -46, 97, 401 (nether coords)
@PhiNotPi Yeah, I can put any files on the website if you're ok with that
@Calvin'sHobbies I lost/never had documentation for my CPU design, so I'm reverse-engineering it
What did I miss?
I mean how much construction did I miss?
Oh good
btw I have built several witch farms in survival before so I can help with that if needed
Okay, so I have one of my versions of the CPU working
Fully automatic ones can be done with wolves+looting swords but for our purposes just a simple crusher + splash potion looting sword would be good.
@PhiNotPi noice
@Calvin'sHobbies got the email?
how about now?
check your spam?
Gmail does graylisting right?
Probably just that
What kinds of operations will we need our CPU to have?
Ok. Anyone can download a zip of the stuff @PhiNotPi sent me at ppcgmc.herokuapp.com/stuff.zip
What are we going to do now?
Pick a time tomorrow when everyone will be around and start working on it
Redstone will definitely be a problem. How much does everyone have?
me: 0
I have a couple stacks
@PhiNotPi at minimum add subtract multiply divide compare and jump. That is enough to build basic stuff
plus whatever I brought to the nether
which other people may or may not have logged out with
We will probably need the witch farm and a redstone villager
there's 6 stacks in the nether right now
we can do the math as to how much we need for each bit
Each bit needs about a quarter stack I think.
We will need 8 stacks for a word
well, then we need to find something more efficient
That is just my guesstimate.
@quartata If some witch farm videos are correct then they could produce ~900 redstone per hour.
Thats two words an hour.
that's still too slow in my opinion
e.g. this claims 7300 items/hr, 1/8 of which will be redstone
I can use AMIDST to fine more huts
@PhiNotPi But it's afk. Just stand by the farm logged in overnight.
We can build a whole bunch and use hopper chunkloaders + a minecart line to move he redstone to the site
the current memory requires about 19 redstone / bit
No Afk needed. If we use wolves plus a looting sword wed get more items too.
which is probably better than any redstone-block-based method, which is 9 redstone per block + everything else
How much does Looting 3 add to drops again?
And where can we get wolves?
> Increases maximum loot drop by +1 per level.
afk farms are wayyy more convenient IMO
on average, looting III -> 1.5 more items per drop
Sure this would be harder to build but itll be fully automatic. Itll run even if no one is around.
Two of them will let us build 5 words an hour.
Wait der sorry 4 words
I personally think we should do smaller words
Still good.
Do 2 byte ones?
Just how much memory are we looking to have, optimally?
your rate of 4 words/hour was for 32-bit?
4.28 to be precise.
@quartata How? Mobs can only spawn when players are nearby. Even if the chunks are loaded.
Oh. right.
Still can produce 1300 if someone afks with a looting sword in hand.
My example program to calculate primes was <100 words long
Maybe, we can redesign part of the architecture.
So that is 25 hours of work to make the RAM. No time at all.
Each instruction, in my design, is two words long. One word for the MOV source and one word for the destination.
We can combine those both into a single word.
So, 32-bit words, with 16-bit addresses
And the prime program is <50 words long
Say does anyone have an alt MC account? We could use that as the player for the mob spawns, and regular hopper chunkloader for the minecart line.
Someone did, at one point.
I am guessing not but worth asking
Also dont forget one emerald = 2-4 redstone with villagers
probably not worth the time to get the emeralds
No but if someone has stacks of emeralds around they could be easily turned into a free word
So I need Logisim to look at this design right?
kk I'm going to go to sleep and take a look at it tomorrow.
5 hours later…
I volunteer to afk at the witch farm
I can also use my gf's minecraft account, she barely uses it anymore
That would be super-helpful if we can just set up a permanent afk player at the witch farm.
I have my friend's account (and password, for some reason) but my lowly laptop doesn't want to run two copies of MC.
I might be able to use my server computer for it though
I have a desktop and a laptop, so it's no issue
Hey, @Calvin, does BisectHosting allow for a server-icon.png?
We could take a 64x64 PCG icon and put it there
@ConfusedMr_C I don't think so
Though maybe, I'll look into it
Is the witch farm actually set up right now?
No. It needs to be built
@ConfusedMr_C Happen to have a a 64x64 version? (the favicon is 16x16)
Uh, no.
Wait, really?
Or @PhiNotPi could make us an icon like he did the chatbots
Got a link for the 16x16? I can upscale it
Oh nvm it's right there
I'll bump it to 64x64
its ok
@ConfusedMr_C I'ma restart server to see if the image works, ok?
Right as I finish the 64x64
@Mego I know how to upscale too :P
But I'd still prefer a proper quality 64x64
What's the font type?
There it goes
@Calvin, I lost some items from the restart
can I get them back?
@PhiNotPi Is that a tower of pimps on your plateau?
@Mego Yes it is.
Very nice
@ConfusedMr_C Strange. What'd you lose?
New long-term goal: create a noteblock array that plays the TOP song
I was in an anvil, it was an iron axe and an Efficiency III sharpness III book
@ConfusedMr_C I'll give you the book (and the axe if you really don't have a spare)
I have lots of iron in enderchest
thanks :3
print ::greeting->hi();
package greeting;
sub hi {
    "Good day to you, fine sir!\n"
is there a way to link this to MC chat?
Not easily
But the MC chat is linked here (when I have it on)
@Phi xD
Couldn't you simply modify an IRC plugin to use a SE chatbot library?
I don't think MC is IRC
It's not
Though you could run a bot on the server
@Calvin'sHobbies you should add me at some point: DogetorHue
@TheDoctor You've been added. Welcome!
@Calvin'sHobbies Do we have a gold farm? If so, where is it?
On the nether roof, right near where they were starting the computer
just a note: I don't play very often. I read the rules, and it talked a lot about destroying stuff...
(Though it's pretty slow)
Which nether portal should I take to get to it?
@TheDoctor Yeah. Don't go doing that.
but i meant about inactivity
@Mego The one on top of the mountain between spawn and phi's plateau
But you still need to enderpearl thru the nether roof
@TheDoctor I wouldn't worry about that. Some people have been inactive for months but their stuff is still untouched
ok good
someone should fill the nether with pumpkins
for halloween
better make them jack-o-lanterns
Oct 9 at 2:26, by Ethan Bierlein
user image
The spawn has already been pumpkified
I should wear a pumpkin on my head to match my avatar
lol but i can't see that image since i'm at school
Maybe just edit my char
@Mego yes
October 23, 2015 - Paid $4.98 (USD) for November 6 to December 6 hosting fee.
Our balance was $26.36 and is now $21.38.
One new user donated since the last payment (chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/24264960#24264960).
It seems that the wheat harvesting villager has died/escaped.
Yeah :/
We can transport another one over there, it's just kinda tricky
I've been harvesting whhhheat anyways.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Is the pretty wheat farm still around?
@Rainbolt Yes, although somebody blazed a trail right through it.
wrong room...
shame ding
Who is responsible for this?
@Mego Are you annoyed because the rest of the tree is now inaccessible or because it was the tree of power?
(and it might have been me)
Because it was the tree of power!
I'll repair it with some cobble
@PhiNotPi Crap, am I missing any construction?
I'm trying to get Logisim working
I lag horrifically on restarts, so I wanted to be somewhere relatively safe
@Mego kk. I just wanted to add the fancier icon. Should be good for now
Still too "busy" though
Looks good to me
I'm considering allowing the breaking of one piece of bedrock on the nether roof so we can get up there easier. Any thoughts? Opinions?
I'll do it if the majority of current users say yes.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE @Mego @AlexA. @PhiNotPi @quartata @ConfusedMr_C
@quartata You left. :(
@quartata come vote so we can computer easier
I'll reiterate what I said in MC chat: I'm for anything that makes something we can already do easier.
We can already easily get to the Nether roof, so punching a hole in it doesn't make a big difference
Yeah. I +1 too which I'll call a majority.
Calvin's vote = majority
I'll be on in a bit to go do it. How about you guys choose the one block to break away?
As a counterexample, collecting diamonds is not something we can do as easily/readily. So I would be against filling the Nether roof with double chests full of diamond stacks.
How about the block we ender pearl through now?
Sure. Just in case there's a better place
I can't imagine what would constitute a "better place". That one's convenient, and breaking it would be the absolute minimum change from our current method.
by the way, we've actually been teleporting our way through 2 bedrock blocks
If this was SP I'd suggest an ender pearl teleporter but those don't work so good in MP
We'd need one teleporter for each user :P
I'm very interested to see this
Oh the computer? Yeah it'll be nice.
Do some code golf with it.
some day i'll submit a solution in golfed redstone
The main issue is getting it to satisfy our concept of being a programming language.
The transformational model is the hardest part.
or JvN life
stdIO would be hard unless you had command blocks
"STDIO" is a murky concept
STDIO could be handled by an interrupt of some sort
in MC?
@VTCAKAVSMoACE I'm probably not going to be able to be on until 3 or so. Can you count how many chunks it is out to the build site so I know how many hoppers I'll need in advance?
@TheDoctor He means in our CPU design.
We aren't going to really have "STDIO"
or pistons that rearrange blocks
Do not try to bend the STDIO
Want help?
@quartata 3 in what time zone?
rather, how many hours from now?
@PhiNotPi pst
I wonder how you could stack lamps right next to each other and power them independently
Redstone blocks.
Here's the basic concept of my processor idea.
It is transport-triggered architecture, so every instruction is of the type MOV
@PhiNotPi :3
It means that the I/O for addition/etc. units share address space with RAM
There is a central clock, which sends out pulses to control the flow of information
basically, the "update" triggers for a bunch of latches
How fast will the clock be? I assume, since its a server, it'll have to be pretty slow
order of pulses, repeating
1) RAM address set to 0 (the instruction pointer address)
2) read RAM and store 32-bit word in 2 16-bit registers, regA and regB
3) RAM address set to RegA
4) read from RAM and store in RAM write input
5) RAM address set to RegB
6) pulse RAM write-enable line
Server speed will not be the limiting factor
I'm very curious about how ram will work though
pistons and redstone blocks?
The limiting factor is the speed of redstone current
Likely locking repeaters in the design we built yesterday
our limited resource is redstone, so redstone blocks are probably inefficient
We could do I/O like in the olden days
Input is levers, output is lamps
from the CPU's perspective, that's all that I/O ever is
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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