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@iKlsR thanks @iKlsR, most of my involvement with has been to support blender.stackexchange as an emerging community - since a similar computer graphics site ended up being closed - I wanted to help make sure Blender's site didn't suffer the same fate. We're very fortunate to have enthusiastic members who're keen to help with moderation. Though I've been a bit strict on whats accepted, from experience on other successful SE sites, this is really needed to ensure the site remains effective.
3 hours later…
haha :) that's perfect I'm OK with those three
the election is a success already imo :)
there's more useful things @ideasman42 should be sinking time into
(stuff that fewer people have the skill to do)
hey @gandalf3
@zeffii hi
any crazy news?
6 hours later…
@ideasman42 I want to thank you for the work you have done for BSE. The time you have given here will not be forgotten. Now continue on in making everybody's favorite 3D software greater.

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