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@lyxal (although requiring filename agnosticism would also effectively ban unwrapped pxem)
Also, come to think of it, hard filename agnosticism would be weird to have to make explicit exceptions around for extensions when implementations mandate those, while each-filename-is-a-language elegantly captures cases where implementations actually discriminate between different extensions (not that I can think of any off the top of my head)
That still makes pxem MGS
and we don't have to actually care about that for basically anything because we can informally synonymize filename languages the same way we informally synonymize implementations of the same language spec where not directly relevant
@lyxal ik, just rambling :p
I think grandfathering Pxem in as just having idiosyncratic scoring like other weird languages is good tbh
but given it's such an edge case, maybe banning just pxem and instituting an "official CGCC compliant" wrapped version would work
like a definitive pxem implementation
(in addition to filename = language)
i'd personally be partial to (2)
5 hours later…
CMQ output a random positive integer that can be represented exactly by an 80 bit long double uniformly at random
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@Simd What did you just request access to?
The bakery
(tnb trash room one)
@Simd the bakery is restricted access so that if any of your messages are ever moved there, you don't have to be pinged to be invited to the room
Ah ok, thanks
I am going to put a fastest-code challenge in the sandbox but wanted some advice. It is for the convolutiion of arrays of long doubles where the values have size up to 1e500.
I was thinking your score could be your timing relative to numpy convolve
Does that make sense?
@Simd usually in the score is simply the time to execute
I guess Simd is looking for a way to allow self-scoring solutions, and the ratio between a known algo and your own is actually recomended by the tag wiki
> The winner of a fastest-code challenge is determined by the runtime performance of the submissions. For fairness, all submissions should be benchmarked on the same machine, which usually means all submissions have to be tested by the host of the challenge. Alternatively, the submission can be compared to a reference program. For scoring by asymptotic time complexity, use [fastest-algorithm] instead.
@mousetail yes. And I feel it's more fun for the contestant if they can work out their own score
i guess that's fair enough
then yeah time ahead of standard method or canonical algo makes sense
@mousetailv so far, I can't see how to beat numpy convolve that is weirdly fast. I also haven't found the code it is using yet. There seems to be a long trail to get there
it calls correlate which calls correlate2 which is actually c function that calls PyArray_Correlate2 which seems to actually do the work : github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/…
So the correlate function does not but call correlate2
no, correlate just calls correlate2 internally lol
Sorry that's what I meant
Oh the C code uses lots of goto lol
That explains why it's fast
i mean that's exactly what is expected of numpy
it seems the gotos are mostly for error handling actually
Can you see why it is faster than a normal C implementation?
if the things passed to the function pass all the tests it calls _pyarray_correlate which does look more like a function that does work than PyArray_Correlate2: github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/…
@Themoonisacheese that is well found!
So that seems to call dot a lot?
the algo goes over my head but it seems they have a special case for small data, other wise they just loop over some section of the array
@Themoonisacheese it really should be simple as it is just doing schoolbook multiplication
But if you compare it to a simple loop in C you will see it is faster
i mean that's what dot does presumably but i think the optimisation is in the choice of looping condition: i < (n1 - n2 + 1) and i < n_right
see the case statement above the algo that seems to modify n1, n2 and n_right depending on ????, i suspect the data you're using falls into one of the cases where you get really good results with this
(actually that's just the mode, presumably from the python function that was called)
it also seems like the dot that gets called is chosen based on the type of the data (which to be fair makes sense) and who knows what optimizations there have in there
It's reliably fast. I tested it most recently on arrays of length 10000 and 20000
I will be very interested if anyone can beat it
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Simdfastest-code Can you beat numpy convolve? The task is to compute the convolution of an array with itself as quickly as possible. The array will contain 80-bit extended precision long doubles and I will specify how the array is to be created. In order to get a good range the values will be sample...

any comments very much appreciated
okay people I know IRL are now yelling at me to get diagnosed with adhd so maybe I'll do it
I'm consistently amazed by how much the vibe of the KGB matches that of CGCC\
Like, to phrase it the way a friend did, "we have the same kind of autism"
Maybe you can get diagnosed with some other fun things at the same time
My friends and I have started writing "CALL FOR A GOOD TIME" followed by the campus police/EMS number on every whiteboard we find, and have been told by a large number of people that it's the way in which they learned the emergency number. So basically I'm doing a massive service for public safety
Someone has started writing "(DIRECT PARTY LINE!!!)" underneath it when they encounter it, which somehow makes it even funnier to me
2 hours later…
@mousetail two for one deal?
@rydwolf took them this long??
@rydwolf but yeah fr LMAO
I get to test if anyone actually reads the sandboxed questions now
2 hours later…
@rydwolf Finally, someone correctly says "[x] and I", rather than sinking into grammar hell and saying "Me and [x]".
Nah Me and X is valid because it's understood smh
how does one even obtain diagnoses for things lol
Talk to one's GP about it and ask for specialist referrals?
at this point it may not be a bad idea to just go see what i have so i stop thinking everyone just suffers through stuff that actually isn't typical to deal with (e.g. dysphoria in the past lmao)
@ATaco i see
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer +1, but also it somehow bothers me more when people say "[x] and I" when it's grammatically correct to say "[x] and me"
I just dislike "[X] and I are"
Vibes only, I feel like I should never be followed by a collective
fair enough
i don't really care too much about people obeying grammatical rules nowadays lol
That said, I feel a physical compulsion to correct whom where applicable, to an actual fault
A: "Hello, World!"

GlebCompass, 30 bytes begin main:text(Hello, world!)

I don't even like doing it, I started by doing it ironically and now I'm addicted
i still do get the urge to correct stuff like your/you're or their/they're/there or its/it's but not as much so
@ATaco lol
@hyperneutrino this is the stuff that bothers me
My poor wife has to witness me visibly restrain myself
@ATaco do you know the monty python sketch about that?
@hyperneutrino Language is defined by those who use it :p (for better or worse)
@ATaco ...talking to a GP about psych stuff??
I forget if I needed a referral to one of the places I got diagnosed but the other I got referred to by like, an old therapist
guess if you need referrals a GP probably can do it though come to think of it
hell, I've heard of people even seeing their GP for actual psychiatric treatment (and it going really really poorly)
@UnrelatedString I'm not sure about the international, but here in Aus it's very normal for your GP to kickstart your Mental health plan
perhaps it would make more sense to see my school counselor for referral instead, idk. i don't know if they are qualified for diagnosing stuff since i don't think they are a psychiatrist but i am unsure
School is where I got referred from too yeah
My schools didn't notice I had asthma despite complaining about burning lungs every PE lesson, I would be shocked if they can pick up on something that complex
your university might also have attached psychiatrists but if they;re anything like mine's STAY THE FUCK AWAY
@ATaco šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚
@UnrelatedString o
i take it you did not have the greatest experience šŸ«‚
@ATaco my high school didn't notice I had ADHD despite my existing support staff for autism being at wit's end trying to deal with the incredibly blatant executive dysfunction they successfully recognized as such šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
@hyperneutrino yeah, I spent like 2 months being straight up lied to about a treatment plan where she tried to keep me on non-stims for as long as possible before letting me try actual stimulant medication
I still don't really get the idea of school counselors
that is extremely cringe
@UnrelatedString šŸ«‚
when I was literally pleading with her like "my academics are an actual dumpster fire right now and this is the perfect time to take risks to hope to maybe fix something because they can't get any worse
@emanresuA Counselors are supposed to be for, say, social disagreements, Kids being kids. Also as a point of contact for children to speak up about behaviour of their parents and other teachers
They are not supposed to be Psychiatrists
@Ginger She was a student psychiatrist who was working as like a proxy for an actual licensed psych
Hm, interesting
and the university probably has some memo about trying to minimize how much Adderall people can divert
I hear those who respond well to stimulant medications also respond to caffeine very well.
I've heard it's polarized
my high school guidance counselor was basically just there for the bureaucracy of me needing a point of contact for some things related to IEP accomodations, trying to skip grade 9 math, etc.
a lot of people who do well on prescription stims have the paradoxical drowsiness reaction to caffeine too
at least from what i talked to her for, never tried reaching out to anyone professional regarding mental health in high school :3
and I for one did do well with caffeine until my tolerance got too high and it was a net negative
@UnrelatedString probably yeah :pensive:
@hyperneutrino wait what did you have an IEP for if you weren't diagnosed with anything...?
gifted program
...wait what
I definitely did get a bit of that kid-to-kid conflict resolution, but it felt like for the most part school counselors were for parents and teachers speaking up about my behavior 💀
i don't remember why i even had any IEP accomodations for that, but i do think i did have certain options that i mostly never used except in like one situation ?? but that was too long ago for me to remember clearly
@hyperneutrino what accommodations did you get through the gifted program without being diagnosed with anything??? (also šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚)
i think i could write exams in a separate room and get extra time? don't ask me why
They're probably just like. ready to give that to kids who need it without attaching a diagnosis in case parents get pissy about actual diagnoses
i should see if i can find my IEP lowkey would be interesting to read through it. but also i'd probably need to talk to my parents since it's probably filed somewhere in their house in the pile of stuff i didn't feel like taking and i sort of am on the fence on cutting them off
@UnrelatedString perhaps
Did your gifted program also have the shit where the majority of girls self selected out to not uproot their social lives?
@hyperneutrino mooooooooooooooooooooooooood šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚
@hyperneutrino you probably would have noticed :p
Did you mean: Burn out by Highschool program?
There were like
Less than 10 total in the first two years for me
and that's including myself
@UnrelatedString well the grade 7/8 class when i was in grade 8 was 2:1 boys to girls
well. at the time
highkey ruined my chances of socializing properly as a child even worse than my dad did
multiple of those people are no longer the same gender now including myself, my ex-partner from then, and several other people :3
ahhh, so not too far off from mine
Hell, that's worse than mine was in middle school
Cool you kept up with that many of them!
and had a partner (within the gifted program???)
funny how that happens
i didn't lol, i was told this by my ex (i did keep in sporadic touch with him but only a few years afterwards)
@UnrelatedString yeah
one of my old friends from, like, the neighborhood who I also had an elective with in middle school turned out to be nb
but that's about all I know
Ahh neat
think I had a transmasc friend in elementary school (who I was of course a bit of a shitlord towards :ough:)
wonder what became of him
the distribution of people in my gifted class was mathematically quite satisfying. 24 people so already a very nice number since it's highly divisible. 16:8 boys:girls (at the time, as far as discernible information goes), 12:12 grade 7:grade 8. of the 12 in my grade, 6 went to my HS, 3 to another, 2 to another, and 1 to another. no clue about the next grade
@Ginger and then ofc I've mentioned this before but my entire high school friend group grew out of being dragged into league of legends by someone I met on the bus in middle school who turned out to be transfem and in the process gave me the most stupid fucking ideas about trans issues imaginable and probably single handedly delayed my egg crack by years
oh yeah
@hyperneutrino What is it with these stupid programs and ending in HS šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
no idea :3
I had like two friends for the entirety of 9th grade and it's a miracle I happened to kinda hit it off with them in precalc
because NOBODY from my grade in the gifted program ended up at my HS
(not that I had more than 2 friends there anyways)
honestly, i do not know if the gifted program ended up helping or hindering my academics as a whole. in grade 5 and the first half+ of grade 6, i had a great teacher who is probably the only reason i survived the schooling system who actually knew how to deal with gifted kids (contrary to what everyone around me seems to think i am a TERRIBLE student and at the time i was academically behind because the only thing i cared about and was interested in was math)
it absolutely just ruined my academics
and then in grade 6 that teacher left and we had a different teacher who i only had for 3 months fortunately but my brother had terrible experiences with her and she also got fired sometime later due to racism apparently?? my grade 7 teacher was meh, gave us some interesting opportunities but he was a long-term substitute. my grade 8 teacher had no idea what he was doing and he was permanent, my brother and i both did not like him
It just shut off for updates
In the middle of me using it
@UnrelatedString rip šŸ«‚
@UnrelatedString average windows experience (yeah windows is stupid)
AFTER I clicked a button to reschedule the restart
simply don't use windows
@hyperneutrino I feel like for me, I did better than I would have if I hadnā€™t had it because I wasnā€™t slightly less bored out of my mind in classes and the teachers were primed to be accommodating, but it set me up for failure because I got to use all of that as a crutch and bullshit my way through without ever having to learn how to actually do anything
*was slightly less bored
I enjoy Fedora
@UnrelatedString linux go brr
i feel like that's approximately how it went for me as well, yeah. i wasn't bored because i just spent the time doing my own thing for the most part; spent a good chunk of class time playing minecraft with a friend because neither of us needed to do the math lessons and i aced every pretest so i didn't have to do any work and so that probably did terrible things for my ability to function as a student
Switching to Linux is wild because things that were previously impossible is now easy, but you want 7.1 through your headphones..? Oooooh...
@UnrelatedString real
i still cannot focus on lectures (i am literally in class right now so uh, yeah.) and i still have no idea how to study properly and the worst thing is it still works :tfw:
and even within the gifted program everyone was still convinced I was a good student even when I swore up and down that I wasnā€™t šŸ˜­
impostor syndrome 100% speedrun wr
Or maybe I did feed it to them because my dad forced me to
But I still tried and failed to convince him
@hyperneutrino whoa nice
I was always surrounded by people doing that but I always at least tried to pretend to pay attention and condescendingly feel superior to people who did that šŸ™ƒ
@hyperneutrino yeppppp šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
@UnrelatedString it was nice but it also got me used to being able to just do well on things without needing to put work into things, which increasingly does not work in uni (i am in my last term before i finish my undergrad in CS at a program that is apparently very hard but i still don't even know how to study or take notes)
I actually can focus on lectures pretty well and then I just
donā€™t do any work
at all
@hyperneutrino mooooood
@UnrelatedString iirc if you click the close button on the reschedule restart notification it restarts immediately
I literally just donā€™t know how to put effort into things
@Neil yep. But I did specifically click the reschedule button
just checking
@hyperneutrino congrats on probably graduating soon though!!
(I've accidentally restarted like that before)
the only time i learn things in uni is when i have to do an assignment or a test
I take it you uh. Do not have gen eds at Waterloo
sometimes i read stuff from the notes during my. "studying". and then it makes no sense. and then literally during a final it suddenly makes sense to me and i feel like i am cheating and do not deserve to pass
I pay attention in lectures but donā€™t actually absorb anything until I have to apply it
@UnrelatedString what are those
Which is I think how
@hyperneutrino YEPPPPP
@hyperneutrino NICE
Most colleges in the US have general education requirements where you have to study a bunch of stuff outside your major to graduate
Bane of my existence
Theyā€™re good in principle for people continuing in academia
oh. yeah this program does have breadth requirements
outside of my required courses i need to do 2 humanities, 2 social sciences, 1 pure and 1 pure/applied sciences, 3 depth (basically a chain of 3 requisites, which i covered using japanese language), one of anything outside of my faculty, and then one each from a list of communication courses
Unironically robbed me of like. Most of my summer and winter breaks
it was not too terrible for me but i am taking 1 combinatorics and 4 computer science courses this term so like. even though it may be more stressful i much prefer this
@UnrelatedString šŸ«‚
Because I keep incompleting them
ah. rip :(
@hyperneutrino That does NOT sound stressful what
That sounds like heaven
well not when nothing makes sense due to me being a terrible student and not paying attention to lectures and only making sense when i need it
@hyperneutrino I was about to say ā€œstill way better than mineā€ until I saw the multiple communication courses
it's stressful to go into an exam not feeling like i have a real understanding of content even if it somehow has always worked out for me
@UnrelatedString eh, probably is better than yours lol, our breadth requirements are not too bad
I just get used to that because thatā€™s the only way Iā€™ve ever functioned
and Iā€™ve learned to take some solace in seeing how my classmates donā€™t understand it at ALL
i filled a decent number of those without deviating too far from stuff i was interested in. covered one of them with a philosophy course that was basically just the CS logic course but easy mode
@UnrelatedString fair enough
@hyperneutrino They seem lighter overall but we only have like. one ā€œcommunication intensiveā€ requirement and one specific English class
it gives me major impostor syndrome and i worry every time that it'll finally not work for me and i will fail
@UnrelatedString i see
Communication intensive is super easy to cover with whatever (I got it like three times over with random ling electives)
And the English class is hell but itā€™s only hell once
fair enough
(if you pass at least :P)
i straight up do not even remember the first several years of uni so that's fun
(which is already looking dubious šŸ˜­)
allegedly i took PSYCH 101 in 1B but i straight up do not remember doing that
I remember my whole time here to some extent
But itā€™s really blurry
and the timeline of it never makes any sense
(and then ofc everything before uni is a void)
i wish i remembered much of anything in the past :3 i barely remember existing in early uni, high school i can only recount but i can't picture any memories, and anything before that does not exist in my brain
straight up my childhood does not exist in my head
@UnrelatedString mood
I wish I remembered less of my childhood sometimes :P
I donā€™t remember much
But every time I remember something new it sucks
gotta love being a 22 year old toddler having to exist in society with people who actually did have lives and grow up
(I say when my life has been genuinely amazing for the last couple months and I feel like Iā€™m an actual person despite things still sucking)
relatable :( (to both parts though, at least i care about life now lol)
@hyperneutrino mood - if I have a laptop open in a lecture I struggle to pay attention
which is why I have a "notebook" that is 3/4 doodles
Oh yeah Iā€™d be hopeless if I ever brought a laptop LMAOOOOO
Every time I have online lectures
real !
I am COMPLETELY checked out
@hyperneutrino is this common
i feel like i've seen similar sentiments elsewhere
but my memories go most of the way back, if fuzzy on specifics
nice (?)
just curious since i couldn't imagine not having that
Actually just rebooted it

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