@Simd any problem covered enough on the internet such that an AI would give you an accurate and useful answer is also covered enough on the internet such that you can find the same information at its source easily. you can also find harder info, in a way i find AI assistants aren't able to
thus: if my problem is easy enough for AI, i didn't need AI, and if it's too hard for AI i can probably still figure it out myself
@Simd most likely you don't have enough VRAM as it stands. give it like a week and someone will have resampled it down to a level you can run on a consumer GPU, much like they did with llama
it's a simple problem, just one i hadn't encountered before
it's wrong about pretty much all of it, its code doesn't work and debugging its mess took me longer than it would have taken me to read the ypthon docs on the subject
and this is scraping the barrel of complexity. anything i do in my day job (which actually isn't that complicated either) it frequently would simply be just wrong
problem a) multiprocessing can't cope with "bound instances" of a class. b) it can't cope with lambda functions c) it can't cope if any of the parameters you are calling the method with are not picklable
it's almost like multiprocessing is designed not to work in the real world
no, and jira beautifully rendered it in-browser :D
so it wasn't even that big of a problem but i've always heard of this happening but never seen it myself
it also used to be that if you had an image in your clipboard from snipping tool or win+shift+s, you couldn't paste it in a web form, and you couldn't paste it in explorer.exe to save it either, but nowadays jira allows you to straight up paste images
Below are simplified versions of the flags of France, Netherlands and Poland respectively, as 9x6 pixels:
(Many other flags use this color scheme, but I think a smaller number of flags allows for more creative solutions.)
Given a pair \$(x,y)\$ of coordinates within the flag matrix and a co...
The Cartesian plane can be tiled with increasingly large squares like so:
This tiling can be generated by starting with a square of side length 1, placed at the origin 0, 0, and then repeatedly adding a square to the side of the resulting rectangle clockwise of the previous square, starting on t...
ROT13 is a valid encoding for source code, when you use the right coding declaration at the top of the code file:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: rot13 -*-
cevag "Uryyb fgnpxbiresybj!".rapbqr("rot13")
@mousetail'he-him' Wandered from that to this, and I was so annoyed by how it failed to mention uv or anything else (like pixi) that actually avoids the inherent fuckedness of venvs in the first place, until I scrolled down to the bottom and saw the note about how uv almost completely avoids all of the mentioned issues lmao
it is crazy it took this long for something to roll around that lets you treat Python projects like projects in any other build ecosystem