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I always found it kind of bizarre how people assumed small amounts of alcohol consumption were good for you
Like there's such clear correlation/causation issues with that
And it doesn't really make sense that something "poisonous" in the way alcohol is would be healthy in small amounts, just like, less unhealthy
That said I do think it falls in the category of "not enough of a health risk to justify not having fun and ignoring it," but pretending it's actually healthy seems like the wrong approach compared to just knowingly accepting the slight risk increase
9 hours later…
@rydwolf Most medicines are poisonous, but may be the best option if the alternative is worse
Most things in general are poisonous in sufficiently large doses :P
also haven't there been some actual studies on trace alcohol having health benefits? Or were those just getting confused with other stuff that comes from fermentation
but yeah like. I'm pretty sure most vitamins can kill you if you have too much of them and you literally need at least some of them in your diet
Many things that are "poisonous" in the way alcohol is are beneficial in the correct amounts and situations
2 hours later…
@UnrelatedString That's what I'm talking about yeah
Recently research has shown that that was just a correlation/causation thing and it's gotten sone publicity because the surgeon general just warned that small amounts of alcohol consumption still carry a risk of cancer
@UnrelatedString Well yeah anything's poisonous in high enough amounts, but you can distinguish between things that are healthy in a smaller amount (vitamins) and things that are not healthy even in small amounts even if too small to kill you (cyanide)
Some of the main things that led to the research showing small amounts of alcohol to be healthier are the fact that patterns of alcohol consumption linked to social drinking are linked with like, having a good social life (which is a positive indicator of health), and the fact that someone of age who doesn't drink at all is fairly likely to be formerly alcoholic, or sick, biasing the data
and to be clear I feel the same way about alcohol as I do about sugar or dangerous activities, which is that they're provably slightly bad for you but you should just understand and accept that slight risk and enjoy them anyway
7 hours later…
@UnrelatedString aren't these basically just socioeconomic correlations
mio zio diceva bevi... certo non senza cibo subito dopo
how is alcool cancerogenic? because is a dna broken substance or other?
questo lo hanno trovato nella pioggia "Composti del Cadmio"
inabile a trovare in internet lo studio fatto su animali o persone che conferma che l'alcool è cancerogeno. lo dicono, ma dove è lo studio?
sostanza cancerogena e mutagena dico... se era vero mi sa che molti dovevamo essere gia morti
> Alcohol is thought to cause cancer through three main mechanisms: (1) DNA methylation,[8] (2) oxidative stress, and (3) hormonal alteration. Additional mechanisms include microbiome dysbiosis, reduced immune system function, retinoid metabolism, increased levels of inflammation, 1-carbon metabolism and disruption of folate absorption.[9]
There's a whole wikipedia page on it apparently: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_and_cancer
The fact that the $30 burner phone I bought the other day has twice as much storage as my iPhone, an SD card slot, a headphone jack, and decent performance

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