@l4m2 if we can write "f->g" and "g->f" or in equilvalent way "f->g" and "g->f" are followed from the axioms, than we can write too "(f->g) and (g->f)" and "f<->g" not "f=g"
followed form axiom = derivati dagli assiomi, in pratica possiamo scrivere nel foglio di carta tutti gli insiemi di lettere o stringhe ricavate dagli assiomi
i don't understand f=(f->g)->(g->f)->f=(f->g)->(g->f)->g=g because = for me is defined only in the sets not in the logic...
if we can write "f->g" and "g->f", than the last 2 go in axioms set, and we can write "(f->g) and (g->f)" and "(f->g) or (g->f)" and "f<->g" that will be all "derivati dagli assiomi" and will use for build other string