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react going crazy like ayo tf no chill
Pet peeve: when the featured artist on a song is the one everyone actually cares about, instead of the one listed as the artist (e.g., Feel This Moment (nobody's there for Pitbull) or Fancy (nobody's listening for the Iggy Azalea filler))
Featured as in listed first or featured as in, like, titled "... (Feat. ____)"
Isn't the latter used for like marginal guest appearances or something
(...come to think of it, I'm 95% sure I've actually heard of both of those songs, but I could have sworn both of those were who they're by 🙃)
Ooooh speaking of musical artists, I might be getting that shirt in the mail tomorrow :D
Q: Curry a C function pointer

Dannyu NDosObjective Given a type signature of a C function pointer represented as a string, output the (fully) curried version of it, also as a string. I/O format It is assumed that: There is at least one parameter. The return type and the parameter types are titlecased alphabetic identifiers. The input a...

If that's not too easy.
...why titlecased, incidentally?
'Cause Haskell insists to.
@UnrelatedString the latter
In a context where it wouldn't be required socially
I assumed as much
Very nice :P
I'm forced to conclude she wants me so bad
Does she know you
Not projecting 💯
@UnrelatedString she's in the same dorm as me
Because if not then yeah what other explanation is there LMAO
Oh that makes sense
We did a thing where we write compliments for everyone (we passed around a paper with our names at the top) semi-anonymously as a partial group today as an orientation thing, which was kind of neat
Mine were mostly either vague or "Carnegie cup fit was fire" lol
I am SO glad I got my orientation during COVID now
@RydwolfPrograms That is factual though
That was such a good final hoorah for my emo hair
Gonna have to cut it very soon for ROTC
Are you actually going to have to get a buzz cut for ROTC
Not necessarily, just has to be fairly short
So it might be tolerable :P
I'm going to an actual like, barbershop (not just great clips) so I can try to get some advice on how to style it in a way that'd still look good on me
It probably won't be that attractive until I get my camo uniform in spring tho
@RydwolfPrograms So is the situation you're complaining about when a more famous artist is tacked on to the exclusion of the visibility of the main artist, or is it when the actual main artist is tacked on as featuring with the implication that they didn't actually do as much
The latter
Oh damn yeah that sounds shitty
Like, the chorus of both of the songs I mentioned is the featured artist
Both sound wack
(...which part is the chorus again)
Charli XCX and Christina Aguilera are who you're listening to the songs for, unless you're just a huge Iggy Azalea or Pitbull fan
@RydwolfPrograms ...you can get style advice by not going to Great Clips? I might need to take advantage of that LMAO
Because I definitely need some tips on how to keep my hair looking alright as I grow it out
Like sure, the songs wouldn't be complete without the main artist, but they shouldn't get top billing
@UnrelatedString so I've heard, I'm yet to venture outside the great clips bubble though :p
@RydwolfPrograms Oh is THAT who those are
I've heard of them but had no idea who they were or what they'd done
I did get someone at great clips once who actually gave me pretty decent advice, the main person I'd get at the one in Leander I could barely understand tho (I'm bad enough at hearing what people say even without an accent lol)
...granted I swear it's also only been in the last 4ish years that I've heard of Charli XCX but it's been at least 5 years since the last time I heard of Fancy :P
@RydwolfPrograms Yeah like half the stylists I see at Great Clips seem like they really know what they're doing too
@UnrelatedString Charli XCX is probably a name you've heard recently since brat is her newest album, the one's that's been in all the memes, including the Kamala ones
There are memes???
Brat summer, brat green, Kamala is brat, etc.
My sister's told me that "brat summer" has something to do with the Harris/Walz campaign though
And a surge in the popularity of digital brutalism
And has been kind of baffled by it for the last couple weeks
@RydwolfPrograms But I definitely first heard of her no more recently than a year ago
Probably more like two or three
I'm actually discovering I'm a fan of quite a few artists that are more pop than punk/metal
It's actually been a while since the last time I tried branching out come to think of it
IMO they still lean emo (although Taylor Swift, Chappel Roan, and Charli XCX definitely aren't thought of that way by basically anyone lol)
I can't really explain the thread that links my music taste together but it's there
Something to do with how it sounds, that I can't really at all put into words
Did end up listening through a random-ass Psycho Filth album last week, but that's more "squarely within my existing taste but a part of it that I've spent embarrassingly little time actually exploring"
@RydwolfPrograms Yeah that makes sense
...Funny I never even started listening to their compilation albums until I ran into someone who recommended OZIGIRI, even though the label is literally run by one of my 5th most listened artist of all time
I need to buy a reflective vest
*not "one of", or *artists
@RydwolfPrograms Smart
There's a steam tunnel running between two sides of CMU's campus
It's extremely hidden, and they'll kick you out if they find you in it
But someday, once I've got some reputation to gamble, I'm gonna find them and go down there
And I figure if I wear safety gear and carry a clipboard or ladder, I'm less likely to get questioned if someone finds me down there
Someone apparently lived in the steam tunnels under the fine arts building for some time
I was exploring the lower levels of one of the original buildings on campus, where the arts department has some offices and workshops, and found this cool little nook with little books they've printed. It was really neat, lots of them had to do with gender and identity
I was trying to find the trapdoor to the tunnels, and I may actually have
But I didn't try to open it or move stuff off of it, of course
That's gotta wait until I'm in charge of some stuff around campus and know some people higher up, so I can negotiate if I get caught lol
The steam tunnels are officially acknowledged in the CMU handbook, interestingly
@RydwolfPrograms Oh yeah incidentally do you track stats on anything
My uni doesn't have anything interesting that I know of (although it does have three distinct spaces that I refer to as the "backrooms" because they have no windows and are a pain to find)
@UnrelatedString Stats?
@RydwolfPrograms Like on music listening
last.fm, musicbrainz, spotistats, whatever the fuck else (there's way too many of them)
Ah. Understandable LMAO
@UnrelatedString Probably a combination of extremely high concentration of nerds and high concentration of international students from asia
That checks out :P
@UnrelatedString Oh this album I just queued as I typed that is fun
Your compatibility with unrelatedstring is Very Low.
...Digital Chopin is definitely not going on my liked playlist but that was still an entertaining listen LMAO
Giant homework for mid level CS class actually managing not to be useless, wow
Feel like I'm actually learning something about doing 2's complement math in my head :P
We need more challenges about 2-adic numbers.
And at how bad I am at remembering that E is in between F and D
Wait why did I say at twice there
What the fuck did I mean
@lyxal Thanks, lyxal, but I get the same error message with that link, what is the GG standard algorithm?
@RydwolfPrograms Fun fact: I ran a VtM game set on the UW campus, and one of the characters fully lived underneath campus, in a cave next to the light rail. And, being the sensible vampire he was, he sublet a corner of said cave to a student
That said, he did only charge $300/month to live in this cave
@emanresuA A friend of mine once managed to spend ~10 hours wandering around one of our campus buildings, because they accidentally walking into a subbasement of the library, and couldn't find the stairs out
@DarrenSmith no clue on the algorithm, it was mentioned in a question. Strange about the error, given I generated a fresh invite
mfw I want a react useEffect to run only once, but the react compiler cries because "waaah you need to include these variables in your dependency array" but not having an empty dependency array makes it update every time the useEffect sets something
truly modern web programming
Q: Function to Convert string to Hexadecimal

JakeAssignment: Create a function that can convert a string to its encoded hexadecimal value. In your answer, also show how to run this function (to validate answers). Your function must return OR print this text to STDOUT or any acceptable alternative. Your return value doesn't need to have whitesp...

while not a dupe of codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/187970/… because of the file reading requirement in the original, it still needs closing as needing details/clarity
I'd argue the identical challenge shouldn't have been closed
By standard i/o byte arrays are equivalent to strings so it's literally just "map [hex] over the input and join by spaces"
if anything, dupe hammer to the identical challenge, not the original dupe
...which is apparently something I can do without needing to reopen
I remember being told somewhere not to create dupe chains because it's just confusing
I'd say it's more accurate
It doesn't make sense to close something as a duplicate of an already closed question - if that original question was instead closed for other reasons, would you still have cast your vote that way?
regardless of why it was closed, I'd still vtc as dupe of the indentical challenge
So, you'd close a new and well-specified challenge as a dupe of an older challenge that's already been closed for whatever and has somehow escaped deletion?
then I'd get the older challenge deleted
so it wouldn't be a duplicate
besides, the question is about dupe chains, not closing as dupe of close questions
and besides, the fact you can have multiple dupe targets makes it a redundant argument
I forgot that was a thing
@RydwolfPrograms Hey, a program at my university made us do this too, twice (it's a meme that the program loves icebreakers)
Someone told me I was a great listener. Except I'm not, I'm such a bad listener that my parents literally thought I was going deaf when I was a kid
Then when it turned out my hearing was fine, this doctor referred them to a psychiatrist for an intelligence assessment. I guess they thought I was intellectually impaired or something lol
Shoulda told them that you weren't dumb. You were user
Oh trust me, I was dumb back then. This was long before I made a StackOverflow account and decided to become user
TIL that tags are ordered
pretty sure it's sorted by number of total posts with that tag
2 hours later…
I wonder if Ginger’s pronouns userscript has an ACE vulnerability
(in this context this would be called XSS)
i doubt it, since it merely fetches what SE sends to clients, and SE sends sanitized HTML entities to clients
3 hours later…
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer the part that inserts the pronouns uses innerText, meaning that even if you were to include a script tag somehow, it'd just render it as normal text
Need a version that evals random people's bios and pastes the result in innerHTML
Ew, innerText?
textContent gang
replaceChildren(document.createTextNode(...)) gang
That's a little too purist even for me but I've considered it lol
Minus the replaceChildren, I'd have used a loop with firstChild and removeChild (or whatever it's called) and appendElement
I feel this moral responsibility to punish myself when using JS
Using removeChild is too mascoschist even for me. ReplaceChildren all the way
Is that new? I actually hadn't heard of it
Relatively? It's been supported in all browsers for about 5 years
There's all sorts of quirky DOM methods I don't really know about though, like the weird append one that shows up in autocomplete all the time in the console
Occasionaly you find a gem but most are not that useful
rumor has it the eggs whisper deeply disturbing secrets if you bring your ear close enough
Wait I didn't mean to send that
Yes that's how I learned about replaceChildren
I'm writing fake advertisements for all the dining locations on campus lol
@RydwolfPrograms the eggs did
You can use replaceChildren directly with strings btw, no need for createTextNode
Ooh neat
@mousetail It's one thing I definitely miss in languages without consoles/quality REPLs
Like compiled languages, for example. Being able to just find a method by typing likely names for it then test out the edge cases in a REPL is so convenient
Can't count how many times I've had to go digging in source code to figure out what a method in Rust or Go does in an edge case that the docs don't cover
Though ATO or online playgrounds can help a bit with these things
True, yeah
I've pulled up TIO a few times recently for that
The rust playground has quite a lot of major rust libraries too so you can test those too
I thhbu learning by just playing around is one of the best ways to get good at coding (whether you're a novice or learning a new technology), which is why I think I was able to pick up JS so quickly
I fully agree, it applies to learning nearly anything
I realized, I've now been coding half my life
Dynamically typed interpreted languages are better for that
Yeah. One of the few strengths of them, I think
I can't figure out where I'm supposed to put the dirty plates in this dining hall so I keep just getting more food lol
I can relate to that suprisingly well
love spending my morning writing tcl to fix a software vendor's borked release
petition to throw Siemens EDA into the sun
@RydwolfPrograms holy shit me too
I do not like that my total is also 50% of life
mine is more at this point
i'm at 56%
I have 57.6%
i was quite comfortable being 25, yknow how a lot of people say it's when you start thinking you're becoming old
I turn 26 today, I'm not ready
happy birthday
@mousetail dang right. You're mousetail
consider that your birthday gift from me :p
i audibly groaned at work
good thing my colleagues think i'm still groaning at siemens bullshit
I can hear a constant stream of swears from my coworkers at all times at JS bullshit
is it bad that i wished we could JS?
@Themoonisacheese there was a time when nobody was safe when starting a sentance with "I'm" :p
@RydwolfPrograms I did not know getElementsByClassName existed until a month or two ago
current tech stack here is csh+tcl
my condolences
@Themoonisacheese We're trying to create layouts way beyond the capabilities of HTML and CSS
our default login shell is still set as csh, some users prefer bash so they can ask. forget about zsh (though my cshrc is just "exec zsh")
fish lovers stay winning
STM sends us packages that are initialized using csh, because the whole industry is like that
@mousetail happy birthday!!
last month we spent a good few hours evaluating solutions to parse these and the environment back to bash, without success
what industry is this
well i've already mentionned siemens EDA and ST Micro so take a wild guess
checks wikipedia electronic computer-aided design...?
a field that I did not know existed until just now
sure xD
we do integrated circuit IP design
Do you use any ASML tech?
we do not manufacture anything
so no
our products are all what basically amounts to software libraries but for semiconductor design, that other companies buy and use in their products
Sounds cool, despite the Siemens shit
siemens is overall one of the nicest vendors to work with, when they don't put out a release that incorrectly validates a design
the worst is ARM
but yes it is a very nice job and despite the crazy competition in the space most people in it are actually really eager to teach you and everything
the main problem is the moral one of "i am probably helping a government build missiles"
At least you can feel better when you make a mistake
Why doesn’t anybody wear lab goggles in Computer Science?
Despite the stereotype computers don't explode that often
After all, they’re working with potentially dangerous software so they need some sort of safety equipment
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer they do
they're just called "glasses" instead
But they’re not goggles
Therefore they cannot be lab goggles
They are used in a lab therefore they are lab goggles
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer to a small-minded thinker, sure
but when you expand your thinking beyond the stereotypes of science, anything is possible
I’m personally not visually impaired (like you guys are) so I don’t wear glasses
In a lab? That's unsafe
You need at least +3 glasses in a lab
if I didn't believe in bending the rules I'd report you to OSHA
that's a WHS violation right there
@lyxal O’ Sha t
they'd come to your house and arrest you and you'd be put in jail and everything
no soup freedom for you!
@lyxal Hah u thought
im not in us
that doesn't matter
OSHA transcends space and time
they'd send people to hunt you down immediately
If the US supreme court can't stop them, how can national borders?
Surely people with firearms could just … uhh … dispatch them…
Nah that would be a workplace safety violation
Can't fire guns without proper hearing protection
Doesn’t matter if the guys enforcing it are dead
It's physically impossible to violate workplace safety within 2 KM of any OSHA agent
I’ve done it before
Must not have been a real OSHA agent
you don't know who the agents are until it's too late
they could be in this very room
if you think you've spotted an OSHA agent, you've got the wrong person
(I wonder if there is a SCP like this)
OSHA stands for OSHA Sees and Hears All
love me a good self-referential acronym
@OSHA_agent who are you?
@mousetail scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-12466448/o-osha is all i could find, just someone with an idea of writing it
I think our lore is better
tnb creative writing club
I'd be in
actually not that bad of an idea, though i expect the resulting texts to be quite short :V
An artistic style choice
here's a fun idea: golfing in the english language; or how succint can you write in english and still be fully understood
TBF a lot of stories have a lot of needless fluff
instead of normal long form paragraphs, stories are told as chat messages
I don't want to know the appearence of any characters, I'm not going to remember their names anyways
at bnan
Skip every second vowel?
Et banna
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

guest4308Snake a string through a simplex An n-simplex is a generalization of 'triangleness' in any dimension. Starting with 0 dimensions, the named simplexes are: point, line segment, triangle, tetrahedron, and pentachoron. Simplexes have many useful properties, but one is that you can make an n-simplex ...

@Themoonisacheese tcl??????????????????
cursed idea: userscript that uses WebRTC to add a voice channel to chatrooms
I’m not installing that
I don’t want to voice chat with strangers
@Ginger webrtc is cursed
ive tried it once, never figured it out
Made a quick lunch out of nothing but chad
Back of my throat is burning a little but the flavor is still good :P
there is now a hole in africa
And/or a very traditionally masculine indivudual
@RydwolfPrograms can I run smth on your droplet since the server is still down? small websocket server for userscripts to authenticate chat users and transfer data with
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

The Empty String PhotographerRound a number badly In this challenge, you are going to round a number badly! Round a number badly? Oh, you don’t know how to do that? Let me explain: Let’s assume the number has \$n\$ decimal places. You need to: Round the number to \$n-1\$ decimal places. Round the previous number to \$n-2\$ ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JordanSokoban Stuck? code-golf decision-problem matrix In the classic game of Sokoban the player's character solves puzzles by pushing boxes around a warehouse onto designated targets. Take, for example, this ASCIIfied game level: ...x. ..2.. x.1.. ..... ..o.. This level could be solved by the player ...

What would happen if I abused my reputation privileges?
@Ginger sure
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Stern warning and/or suspension
I found the coolest class here
Problem is it overlaps precisely with one of my poli sci classes
I might try and do both (and just alternate which I go to based on the relative importance of attending that day in each class)
I could always drop one if it goes horribly wrong
Only issue is I'm not sure I could get the registration website to let me, and no way in hell is an actual registrar letting me
the tunnel keeps dropping :|
I'd update it if I could actually finish typing the command
hi all
@RydwolfPrograms are you aware that the droplet has a year and a half of uptime :p
ok it seems like the droplet doesn't have enough RAM for the tunnel to work :/
@SandboxPosts i used to think this was the actual way to round numbers (in like elementary school)
@RubenVerg wait actually
Not for long, but they always made rounding sound so much more complicated than it was so I figured there had to be SOMETHING more to it
And they never, like, actually explained what the hell it was for so I didn’t have any intuition of why it would be bad to do it that way
@RydwolfPrograms Chances still slim, but your chances with the human are probably better :P
What kind of class incidentally
Q: Completely introduce your friends

Jeremiah CrowellI have a friend with a peculiar habit (more, a long-running joke) of introducing everyone present at an event in this fashion: Alice, Bob. Bob, Tom. Tom, Bob. Bob... When there are more than a few people, the number of such introductions can grow quite large and they will proceed until satisfie...

thinking of calling my system UseRscript Authentication Socket Service
@Ginger not enough IMO
@Ginger is it intentional or unintentional that this abbreviates to "ur ass"
I can't tell if that's a yes or no lol
the devil cat on my shoulder is telling me to create a global ClientSession variable instead of faffing about with app globals and async init functions
unfortunately I know deep down that if I do that it will violently explode later
unfortunately the voice channel idea would require more effort than I feel like putting in
HOWEVER, voice CALLS would be much easier!
(relatively speaking)
this is gonna be so cursed
@Ginger A cat that speaks English and knows how to code at the same time!?! That’s crazy!!!
yknow. I was crazy once
2 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms Obvious coincidence
Very unfortunate
Maybe you can do something funky with which letters you use to make it different, like UserScript instead of UseRscript :P
@Ginger you sure youre not crazy right now? :P
@RydwolfPrograms I assume those guys had plenty of holes well before Unrelated made lunch out of any of them

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