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I find it a little baffling that that isn't always the case, honestly
But I'm also worried about that actually happening to me LMAO
This looks like it has a pretty solid consensus on the first answer, and a decent one on the second, so I think I might go on a meta editing spree today/tomorrow :P
I was going to make a meta post asking if this is what the community wants but not sure if it's necessary
+12/-1 seems pretty conclusive
That's kind of what the existing post is for
kill'em all!
+5/-2 on the other isn't particularly conclusive though (disclaimer: I'm one of the -2), and IMO it doesn't fit in very well to the idea of a minimal FAQ containing only what's absolutely necessary
Oh wait is that one actually positive
I'm happy to definitely remove from codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/7832/66833, and add to codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/202/66833 . For the TNB naming lore, that could be asked separately
I thought the consensus was against it :P
(aka, the dupe should be un-tagged, the one that is still updated and referenced regularly should be promoted, and the questionable one left as is)
I think if we do want to have an FAQ on meta about online interpreters, it should be a new one that's oriented towards solution posters providing links rather than question posters browsing answers that don't have links
@cairdcoinheringaahing Agreed, but it currently is the authoratitive source on "the implementation defines the spec"
Because when there is a reasonable way to provide a link, the current community norm is that there should be a link there in the first place
sometimes I forget that we're supposed to be running a SE site here :p
@emanresuA I would argue that the duplicate target covers that, and we are able to post to the dupe post (tagged with , which it should be) if someone asks "where is that written down?". A lot of site policies aren't included in the FAQ, cause they don't need to be
True :p
I guess "use common sense" covers most cases for that
@emanresuA Honestly, a followup on "What should and shouldn't be ?" seems like a good idea, if we're cleaning up the FAQ
Might just get that all out of the way and done tomorrow, once I've had a few hours sleep :P
Sounds good to me, will do shortly
@emanresuA I was planning on just going through the questions, and other related ones, to see if I could find stuff that might have been missed for , I'm happy to post it :)
Aight, go ahead
Probably best to do one answer per faq-proposed question and let people vote on them (I assume that's what you were planning?)
Also wait there's 241 questions
I don't like the "OP posts all answers and people vote" approach. I was gonna just post a "Here's meta posts that could reasonably be FAQ, what thoughts do people have?" and people post answers like a standard discussion
@emanresuA A lot of them are easy to not FAQ just from the title or a quick glance :P
Yeah, just a lot
We have a comprehensive policy
That seems to miss so many flagged posts :P
Also our meta tags are a bit of a mess
The main ones I take issue with are the random language ones
Seems pretty clear cut
Fair enough, just doesn't have a wiki, adding one
Must be one of maybe 10 that I didn't give a wiki to back in like 2021 :P
So uh... there's like thirty now
Goddamn this site, always making new things D:
You signed up for this :p
63% of meta tags have their wiki from me, damn
I'm short on main tho, only 12% of wikis and 6% of excerpts
@Ginger code golf is relatively tame compared to some of the horror stories I've heard :p
(eg anything to do with mathematics.se)
Not to mention all the weird and wacky (actually weird and wacky) users bigger sites attract
Hey, lay off my brethren
I'm the weirdest and wackiest of them all anyway
A lot of the rest seem like bots
@user trust me, you aren't :p
also, thanks chat for making the "you've visited this link" colour pretty much the same as the moderator blue colour
this surely won't cause any confusion
lol, extension/userscript time
Stylus was pretty easy to use iirc
this is with various chat improvement userscripts too btw
Oh ok
Right, it's black for me
Turning off chat improvements seems to fix it
but that's a shame because chat improvements is a really good userscript
I've visited both my profile and emanresu's profile, yet the links show up as black for me
it's a userscript I use doing it for some reason
I see
I fixed it with a custom userscript
@user Hey does anyone know why in this screenshot, emanresu is also italicized despite not being a moderator?
Room owner
@user They're not links normally
They just open the compressed user profile
They're still implemented as <a> elements, and I think there's some JS thing that intercepts the click to open the mini profile but you can still open in new tab to follow the link to the full chat profile
It's worse
it's an <a> full of divs
but yeah it does have an event listener that calls preventDefault()
Also @user the userscript isn't picking up your pronouns for some reason
I see them fine
When I reload the page I see "he/him" under his username for a split second and then they disappear
I checked the console to see if there was anything relevant and there was
- Cookie warnings x44
- Deprecation warning for DOMSubtreeModified
- Uncaught TypeError: s.data.replace is not a function
Standard stuff really
The code location for the deprecation warning points 15 lines past the end of the file it's in
I guess I'll file an issue and see if anyone else can narrow it down
@UnrelatedString What browser are you on?
I'm also on Firefox
What userscript manager?
And the only relevant script I have other than Pronoun Helper is Font Fixer (I forget if that even does anything to chat)
I stopped using Greasemonkey because of github.com/Glorfindel83/SE-Userscripts/issues/52
makyen spotted in the wild
nowhere is safe from Makyen coming and posting the most detailed description of why you're experiencing a problem
in Charcoal HQ, Aug 8 at 6:21, by Dragonrage
only @Makyen will join a room and drop 7 replies to 5 different people in the space of 2 seconds, all of which are near the character cap for a chat message
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerVisualize "Destroying Democracy" code-golf grid This MathPickle post poses an interesting problem about gerrymandering. An n-by-n square grid is given, and all cells are initially painted green. You can paint some cells red and partition the grid into several rectangles. The color of a rectangle...

Weird, I'm using FF + Tampermonkey and I see no problems
idk just stop referring to me I guess
Let me be garbage collected
Okay I changed my bio from "Pronouns: he/him" to "pronouns are they/them," can you try reloading and see if the problem was the regex or something? @Bbrk24
Ugh @Bbrk24
(and he/him was working before)
Okay I'm just going to chalk it up to a skill issue on xir part :P
(Bbrk do you use xir or xyr or something else? DDG is being unhelpful)
man, modding software recommendations (softwarerecs.SE) must be annoying when it comes to spam
things that look like spam on every other site might be valid answers
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosCurry a C function pointer Objective Given a type signature of a C function pointer, output the curried version of it. I/O format It is assumed that: There is at least one parameter. The return type and the parameter types are titlecased identifiers. The input has no whitespaces. Otherwise flex...

If that's practical in any means.
@user My gut tells me either xes or xeir, depending on if the analogy is "he/him/his with the first two letters replaced with xe" or "they/them/their with the th replaced by x and also no y", but come to think of it xer is also plausible if it's actually "x with endings from he/them/her to get some of everything"
Or just literally anything else
xyr according to google
Oh I didn't think about xes
A couple articles I looked at mentioned xir and xyr
@Bbrk24 ^
2 hours later…
what happened to dow jones industrial average at start of august 2024?
Let's see if I can find more than one class to take tomorrow in the next half hour so I can get at least three hours of sleep before then
my new puzzle just dropped
@Bubbler Can you just do a row of 1s, a row of 2s and a row of 3s, or am I misunderstanding the question?
1 cannot be adjacent to another 1 by Fillomino rule
Here's a not-quite-functional solution for 4
nice, almost
IME isolating the 1s is the main part of the challenge
@emanresuA What did you use to draw that?
yeah penpa is awesome
How do you draw or erase the dashed lines?
"cage" mode
drag to draw a box, click to remove
I can draw more boxes but I can't seem to be able to remove the ones already there. It just draws more on top
simply click a cell to remove a cage containing it
(using killer mode)
I think my mistake was that I was in solution view
2 hours later…
@user Either spelling works for me, but I slightly prefer “xir”. pronounced to rhyme with “near” either way
@UnrelatedString xe/xim/xis exists but I don’t like it as much
There’s also xey/xem/xeirs which is just they/them with an x
@user It still doesn't work for me
6 was afraid of 7 because 7 ate 9.
4 then approached 6 and explained, “Don’t worry, numbers can only eat the number that is exactly two larger than themselves.”
6 then proceeded to run away.
why must this button not have any unique ID
but instead be implemented as an <a>?
having no unique guaranteed way to find it from the DOM
You can search by text content maybe?
it has one redeeming factor
@mousetail not feasible given that it could be in profile text
So you can search by class!
that's the svg though, and I don't know if there's other instances of it
The combination of classes and content should be unique, and impossible to put in the content by a user
This is the chat fkey button bookmarklet
that I made a long time ago
It’s just a button that tells you your chat fkey via an alert popup when you click/tap it
What does the pronouns userscript show me as?
const networkButton = document.getElementsByClassName("d-flex ai-center ws-nowrap s-btn s-btn__outlined s-btn__muted s-btn__icon s-btn__sm d-flex ai-center")
That's one of the javascripts I've ever written
Why not use querySelector?
I didn't know you could use multiple classes in className
@mousetail returns null
querySelectorAll then?
Of course with every space replaced with . and a . at the start
empty list
oh space replace
Yea it takes a CSS filter
could also just tap into jquery
Sure but querySelector is basically as good as jQuery
I haven't used the getElements?By.* functions in yearas
xhr.send(document.cookie); // sends your cookies to Korean gangsters.
Love how much you are overengineering the concept of moderating a tiny site
I'd probably do the same
I'm not the only one clearing profiles :p
On most sites they don't really seem to bother
I see accounts named "spammer" all the time
they even occasionally get picked up by charcoal when someone forgets to reset their username :p
@mousetail Not even getElementById?
I use querySlector('#...') usually
There is a third option that’s even worse
Yea that's why I always prefix my ids with -
That prevents them being added to window
I vary rarely use IDs in general, only when I want to create #anchor links. I usually just use classes when I need some JS behavior. Makes it easier if I want to have multiple of them later
The main thing I use IDs for is uniquely identifying elements with special behavior in JS, like the output field in the online Trilangle interpreter
@mousetail I’m still surprised by the “mainly use classes for JS” remark. I mainly use classes for CSS stuff that could reasonably apply to multiple elements at once. If something has no reason to exist multiple times on a page — as is often the case with JS stuff — classes are semantically incorrect
There are some cases where that still makes sense, like adding some JavaScript to all buttons of a certain class, but ime that’s the minority
my main thing is that if you start by using IDs and then need multiple of that element for some reason, you have to rewrite every id= to class= and getelementbyid to getelementbyclassname
I mean you have to rewrite the code to be a for loop anyways :P
regardless i think there's like 7 of us still writing html by hand so
but most buttons perform some unique function that doesn’t necessarily make sense to duplicate on a page
sure but that might not be the case
and of course if I manually create an element with document.createElement then no id is needed at all in 90% of cases, I just hold onto the reference. The other 10% is when I’m attaching a label to it, because for+id is somehow still the only way to associate labels with controls
@Bbrk24 i once (yes only once...) factorized several buttons by making them perform the same action with different parameters
it did work poorly but it was also not good
What does the pronouns userscript show me as?
@Bbrk24 Ahh, neat
2 hours later…
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer It just doesn't register at all
@mousetail not if you use @Bbrk24's syntax
@cairdcoinheringaahing …Okay I’m really feeling this now
Checking out some 101s since I need to catch up on gen eds FAST if I’m not going to be taking a sixth year
And everyone looks like a high schooler
It’s terrifying
Please get me further away from high schoolers
And they’re so loud too
Definitely bringing my earplugs next time
it’s kinda uncanny you don’t feel any different but you see these people and they look like babies
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString There was a freshman taking both of the grad classes I trialed while I was in the US, and he was doing better than me
It felt very weird having an 18 year old kid get something that you've spent 2 years building up to
(the 18 year old kid has also probably spent two years building up to it)
I’ve been that kid :P
Like I took this 400 level class on Programming That Isn’t OO ™️
Felt very easy for me for very obvious reasons
But most of the class found it kind of arcane just because they didn’t have that prior experience
It’s something you normatively do “have to build up to” in terms of the curriculum, but it doesn’t actually require any kind of cumulative conceptual underpinnings or foundational skills—it’s just considered advanced by default because it isn’t considered foundational itself
So that class you took could have also been like that in some respect
See also: last year, I went backwards to take the easiest CS class you can’t test out of, and literally failed it just because I didn’t keep up with how much homework there was
This class is a prerequisite for multiple other classes I have already taken and gotten As in 🙃
(also I'm probably going to be that kid next year :p)
I reckon I was that kid in most of my classes. Then the one grad-level math class I took, I understood about 80% of it, most of the class looked completely lost, and then there was one undergrad who got everything instantly. X^D
I was all three in the 600 I took that same term on parallel computing
Understood most of it, still felt lost, managed to be the most responsive just by default
Q: It’s the transition that matters

The Empty String PhotographerCole gave a message to Atis. "It’s just a very long number!" Atis exclaimed, "The number over here to be specific!" Cole whispers Atis something, but all she caught was something about numeric operations, primes and transitions. Can you help Atis work out the message? Here is the number in full:...

I made a puzzle as well!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Do you think it's worth ing this or not yet?
Dw, I;m getting to it :P
Alright, thanks :p
…Honestly wondering if my advisor is actually right that I should consider dropping the CS major
Won’t stop me from taking more fun electives but I also need to cut back on those anyways so I can, like, actually graduate maybe
Q: Why did my post just get edited? Why is meta full of old questions?

caird coinheringaahin gWe're doing it again. This isn't really a question, more just an update for why meta doesn't look like it normally does. In short, the meta FAQ was just updated to remove a bunch of bloat. As this resulted in the edits of about 30 posts to move the tags around and remove/add FAQ navigation links,...

Aight, I've accepted your answer on the original question
Sweet, I'll get that lovely +15 meta rep :P
It's like normal rep, but it doesn't actually increase your total reputation in any way
I do love adding/removing like 30 mod-only tags in a few minutes :P
Really makes me feel like I'm making the most out of the diamond :P
Maybe all this was just a plot to raise caird’s self-esteem
okay so my college uses course codes that are formatted as ##-### (e.g., 09-106 is a second-semester chemistry course). They sometimes use a dashless format (so 09106), and for courses taken next door at the University of Pittsburgh, the five-character code they use is UPITT. Sounds great until it gets formatted with the dash again: UP-ITT

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