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today in out of context quote of the day:
> The processor is written in pure Kotlin (with a little flex)
Nope :P
flex is a lexer generator
Like antlr but flex
also side note i think coroutines are becoming my favorite part of kotlin
Kotlin coroutines are my favorite implementation of asynchronous programming ever
Substring of FizzBuzz sounded like an interesting problem so I decided to try to solve it with a better-than-brute-force algorithm: aifb
I don’t think I have the energy to golf it right now
Can I write return (loop {}) in Rust?
That should work, but I don’t think you need the return
I need it for my next question for PLDI.
2 hours later…
@Neil Ooh, good point
loop {} has type ! which can coerce to any type, so return (loop {}) is valid inside a function of any return type
@DLosc According to Wikipedia, "gaol" and "margarine" are basically the only examples.
Aaaand I should've looked on ELU first, they discussed this 13 years ago.
1 hour later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing There is this answer to things to avoid when writing challenges from 2016.
Your original text suggests first answer is an acceptable winning criteria but those are mostly closed
Registration day's tomorrow for my classes
I have a very colorful graph in front of me with all of my backup options :p
May I see your timetable? 'Cause I've always shown mine to my colleagues.
Here's what I have planned
Lots of boring first-year stuff, only a handful of actual classes (chem, diff eq, russian)
I swear every time I read the name of that politics class it's grown another word
chem every day?
I need to cook
(M/W/F is a lecture, T/R is...not-lecture? idk :p)
most likely workshop/lab
::A seems to be the suffix for workshops
nah I believe labs are separate classes
I think it's more like they break the lecture down into smaller groups that meet less often for more focused stuff
ohhhh right your lectures are only like an hour
that explains a bit
I guess major/GE.
This schedule feels so empty, coming from high school
funny that isn't it :p
My urge is to fill the whole thing but they won't let you go past 52 "units" (~17 hours) in your first semester
I really wanna show mine, but I think they were trashed somewhere.
Next semester though, we're playing schedule tetris
Disks are so fragile.
Here's my tentative plan (highly likely some of these classes will overlap, though):
I was checking my planner on Stellic and frick I didn't realise it was 7 courses left
like I know I have another year and a bit left, but didn't realise the actual number of courses was that small
@RydwolfPrograms so where it has a II next to the course name, does that mean the I version was completed as AP/in high school/some other way?
Not mine nor anyone's, but here's a hypothetical timetable for an applied math junior in the institute I was in:
That's 21 out of 22 course credits available.
For this semester, I mean.
*Sigh* And I always wished there were no such thing as course credits.
I wanted to learn. I wanted to study.
And for comparison, here's a sophomore one:
They adjusted the course credit for Global English from 2 to 1. I wish that were my times.
Q: Reduce a string up to idempotency

Dannyu NDosObjective Given a string consisting of printable ASCII characters (!0x21 ― ~0x7E), treat it as an element in the free idempotent monoid (as defined below) over the printable ASCII characters, and output the same element represented in the fewest characters as possible. Free idempotent monoid Reca...

Though this isn't a challenge, I wonder what the fastest algorithm would be.
Woah, the 05AB1E answer shows what hazards dynamic typing can pose.
It's more the hazards of having a system where numbers and strings are considered the same and there's no distinction
There are only two types: strings and lists
1 hour later…
By the way @mousetail in SE markdown if you have a bare link to another SE post it'll autoformat to the title of said post
Then you wouldn't be able to enjoy my typos and misspellings
3 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms Ooooh, nice
Backup options sound so comfortable to have 🙃
I hit 6k. Yay!
Don't spend it all on one place
@cairdcoinheringaahing Speaking from personal experience CGCC literally directly made me less transphobic if nothing else
Like I was never as downright hateful as my dad is
But he still had me kinda convinced about some weird shit
But then just seeing intelligent friendly people here living their lives competently, I realized, like, “oh they know what they’re doing with themselves far better than I ever will”
@NewPosts Especially Kamila come to think of it
Like I still remember how jarring it was when I first saw that she changed her name
But after two minutes I was just like
“The world’s only competent Malbolge programmer is a girl now? Awesome”
@DLosc I kinda figured the correlation was just with various forms of neurodivergence but that makes a ton of sense too actually
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

squareroot12621Reduce them to schwa! (title from the comments on this video) code-golf string Challenge Given a string of printable ASCII characters (0x20 to 0x7E), replace each character in aeiouAEIOU with ə (U+0259). If you cannot print or return the character ə, use uh instead. Test cases Input -> Output wit...

only took me 6 years and 4 months :p
@noodleperson eyy
@lyxal a perfect, round number
indicating that I've spent far too much time golfing :p
go do 24 more to have a very round number
and then never golf again
> 72% of all respondents are favorable or very favorable of AI tools for development. This is lower than last year's favorability of 77%; a decline in favorability could be due to disappointing results from usage.
winter is coming
@lyxal congrats
> Developers learning to code are trusting AI accuracy more than their professional counterparts (49% vs. 42%).
this is bad
It's job securiy for us who can actually code
I hope immortality is invited in our lifetime otherwise humanity is fucked
New generations will never learn any skills
re: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/264399/encrypting-emojis
am i wrong that you can easily obtain a score of 0 with a program that simply outputs 'a' to encode the emojis in unary?
that's not very within the spirit of the rules but as written that seems legal?
@mousetail nah the non sarcastic assessment is accurate
im wondering what will happen to all those "ai coders" when winter comes
ive seen my fair share of people who just use llms to write code and have no idea what theyre doing
terrifying if you're ever asked chatgpt to write any code at all
> 34% of respondents feel like they are a member of the Stack Overflow community. Respondents between ages 45 - 64 are the most likely to feel included (> 40%).
It makes sense though, people who have established software engineering careers
and have been doing SO for a while
like I wouldn't answer yes to that question even though I definitely feel that I am in this CGCC community but the question asks specifically about Stack Overflow
> each emoji is replaced by a unique character (from a to z)
(emphasis mine)
@mousetail That pre-dates the faq post by 5 years, is at +11/-6, and the first comment (by the answer's poster) explicitly says:
As a sidenote, I don't think programming puzzles should necessarily be off-topic. It seems that whether pure programming puzzles are on-topic is still up for debate, but the reality seems to be that such questions get closed, so it's kinder to well-intentioned newbies to warn against posting them. — xnor Sep 13, 2016 at 7:30
@lyxal I've been on 941 for literally almost a year now, my last answer was Aug 15 :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can you edit the FAQ bot message so the starboard has the title?
@Themoonisacheese yeah, every time I've tried it (with languages much more popular than APL; JS and Liquid, maybe more) I've gotten very disappointing (=wrong, but plausible-looking) results.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Firstly you are correct, based on reading meta better
Though the policy is very inconsitent
And I'm against creating more policies
Seems there where actually a few recent non-closed upvoted examples, so I think I may have not considered my actions properly
@lyxal yep
I have like half an undergrad degree's worth of credit, of which 7/8 of them are prerequisites to other classes (calc 1/2, biology, first semester of chem, stats, first semester of physics, computer science)
It's so annoying how many classes have their lectures at the exact same time (10-11 MWF in this case)
@RydwolfPrograms This bugged me so much when I was at UW
I wanted to take the graduate abstract algebra class and the undergrad 4xx topology class, as I basically hadn't done any topology and need it for my intended areas of study, and they kept running each at the same time on the same days for all 3 quarters I was there
ayyy got every class I wanted
(The first-year seminar always says you're waitlisted)
@Bbrk24 ...Though come to think of it, my indirected original self would figure suspiciously little in it outside the conceptual underpinnings 💀
Not that I can remember anything clealy
I do seem to remember pinning a lot of it on the idea that I couldn't and/or shouldn't bother with putting up with other people's needs and idiosyncrasies, hence "being with myself" being more desirable
Except I've also had multi-body fantasies more recently where "I"'m not involved at all
@Seggan ಠ_ಠ
...The (self-identified) professionals being less trusting than learners kinda distracted me from how they're still 42%
I think I'm going to fly to Europe this winter
Anywhere in particular?
If I save $105/week until then, which is only ~2.5 hours a week of work, I'll have enough to budget $75/day, then I can just save for the plane ticket separately
I was already just about to ask how you were going to afford it LMAO
I could fly back and live with my family for a month, or pay $500 to stay at CMU over the winter, but those're both boring :p
Actually my family will have a foreign exchange student this year too, so I wouldn't even get to use my old bedroom lol
(Once I moved out they decided to replace me ig lmao)
@Themoonisacheese It's pretty hit or miss, as part of my job I work with LLM models fine-tuned for coding specifically, and they can actually give you really impressive results sometimes
Like once I had one convert a 100+ line graphics routine into WebGL flawlessly, and then every other time I've tried to get it to do WebGL it's completely failed in unique and innovative ways
Your parents didn't strike me as the kind to lodge an exchange student from how you described them, but come to think of it I have no idea what kind of person does strike me as someone to do that
My dad has a friend from church who had a really rich foreign exchange student, and the friend was talking about how they got to stay in their guest house in Italy a few years later or some shit like that, and I think that's how my dad thinks this'll work lol
Yeah that tracks
He's obsessed with Europe in that sorta lowkey white supremacist way, if that makes sense
Yeah... I'm quite familiar with that
@noodleperson Very disappointed that we don't have any new info on what languages are the most trans
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mhm, I wanted to take multivariable calculus and complex analysis at the same time (which in hindsight was probably not a good idea) and they were at the exact same time
@emanresuA They haven't been doing the demographics in years which makes me so mad
@UnrelatedString my daydreams/fantasies involving shapeshifting ability started with being able to shapeshift (into a girl, specifically) until i just stopped including my physical self in them at all :p
@RydwolfPrograms did they ever say why they stopped doing that?
i was trying to prove a point in a reflection essay for a university class and realized the 2023 one didn't have the demographics that i was trying to look for
@hyper-neutrino I can't remember the early ones clearly enough to remember if I was turning into and/or "controlling/occupying" a girl but the stuff without me has been 100% women even if I try to force it not to be
hmm, that's interesting. i've never tried forcing it not to be i just liked it more lol (yeah i really should've realized sooner)
I still feel like I'm far from anything conclusive but I think I've been in denial about a lot of this for a whiiiiile
lol, yeah, that's fair — i wasn't really in denial i just somehow thought it was all normal and i was pretty much sure as soon as i recognized it and started questioning (which was like, actually almost the same day it was brought up here LOL) — well i wish you luck in figuring that out
lol thanks
I've kind of assumed it was "normal" but in the sense of being a normal way to, like, get confused and misdirect feelings that would normally have an outlet in attraction and/or just generally having an IRL social life
...Except I also kinda thought that before I realized I didn't experience attraction
I don't know what the fuck I was on at that point lmao
I guess I just didn't question it but I also still implicitly realized that, like, most people were not doing that
@UnrelatedString oh i just thought it was normal to wish i was born as a girl like it wasn't attached to anything that was just a constantly recurring thought on its own but i got too good at ignoring it to notice
@UnrelatedString lmaooo fair enough and also relatable
@hyper-neutrino amazing
I've never quite had that thought but also, like, I was raised by my father and he's... him
i see :c
Even aside from all the misogyny I feel like I've been afraid of thinking that in and of itself
yeah i totally get that, that's unfortunate. it's not easy to unlearn that sort of stuff and even now that i have there's still internalized transphobia to deal with that i would never think about anyone but myself
Part of what makes me feel uncertain is it feels like I also have some kind of internalized misandry that I would never hold against anyone other than myself lmao
Granted I have no idea where that much of it could be from
Like I guess just a very polarized/simplistic view of feminist thought that fed off my doubts about his hardcore antifeminism while I was still afraid of actively doing research to challenge it...? Plus some lifelong attitudes against dating/relationships in general that kinda morphed into just being against straight relationships somehow
But that feels like grasping at straws lmao
@hyper-neutrino classic
holy backlog batman
@UnrelatedString ah, yeah that totally makes sense to me 🫂
Does again feel like I'm just making shit up though
Hm I was just thinking, online I know several transfem people but IRL the only trans people I know are transmasc or enby
The only transfem I know IRL is someone I met long before she transitioned, and since then I've met exactly one trans man and one enby IRL
^^ actually
Is this a coincidence? Or maybe transfem people are less likely to come out to people outside of the internet? (My theory is probably dead wrong but just thinking)
But me knowing people in general is always going to be small sample sizes
I think it's more that programmers skew male and so skew transfem
Anecdotally I have heard that transfem people are way more prominent online while transmasc people tend to dominate IRL spaces
I know one trans man and a few enby
Yeah probably just what emanresu said
Actually no I know 2 trans guys forgot one but still yeah
i think i know one each direction
1 hour later…
@hyper-neutrino fairly sure it was because of privacy concerns
Same reason they retired the survey badge
Ah no
> This year, you may notice some changes to the survey as we've worked to simplify the 2023 Developer Survey. For example, we have removed all demographic questions except age and country of residence.
Q: Why aren’t there gender results in the 2024 Developer Survey?

Morgan4568771If I’m not mistaken it wasn’t included last year either. Why is that? Personally I think it’s valuable to see the trends just like all of the other attributes.

Closed as dupe of the 2023 survey announcement
@lyxal Congrats. I don't think 6 years is a bad timeframe at all. 8 years in and I'm not even 75% of the way to that.
I'm just over 25% after 2 and a half years so yeah
@WheatWizard (let's not talk about the fact that you have three socratics)
I don't golf that much tbh, I do a lot of just like browsing the site
I fairly recently got over that milestone
@emanresuA sssshhhhhh
@emanresuA Huh you post that many solutions? I guess I didn't think about it that hard but yeah you have done a ton
I'm not far from getting one socratic - 86/100, unfortunately I have like three closed questions
(one of which I'm slightly annoyed about because it was in the sandbox for two weeks then got dupehammered immediately after posting with a question that didn't show up in my search results)
We should be aiming for a totally classless society anyway. This is why I've started writing more C code and less C++. — user4581301 7 hours ago

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