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I just joined the room and the animation of my pfp appearing in the sidebar glitched in a way I've never seen before
it came down from the top of the screen as usual, but then as soon as it reached its spot it turned around and went back up, and then came back down again
that's new
2 hours later…
> Business Insider described the series as "an endless arms race as both the toilets and their foes [produce] stronger fighters".
I'm now imagining a bunch of very serious suited individuals reading with great curiosity about the plot of skibidi toilet
@Ginger Are you referring to the one I uploaded to my Github that is now hosted at questwriting.org/crazy-chess that is very fun and someone should play against me?
(It's like chess but it's not turn based; you just move pieces as quickly as you can. Only rule is you can't move the same piece twice. Winner is last one with any pieces left)
@emanresuA It's a joke everyone gets except you
@RydwolfPrograms I've got a game started with join code b1c2c42a, lmk before you hit Go since that starts the game immediately (with a 3s countdown)
Oh also I believe this game is semi-mobile-friendly
You can't drag pieces, but you can tap the piece then its target
okay what
Oh it just booted us both out
Possibly desynced or maybe the server crashed
Okay not a server crash, just a desync then
According to some rough napkin math, Skibidi toilet is 0.06% of Georgia's GDP
@RydwolfPrograms what happens if you only have one piece left?
or if both players only have one piece left?
Oh lmao
Didn't consider that
I guess you can get away with "the first player with 1 or fewer pieces left loses"
I added the no-double-moving rule in a hurry after my chem teacher suggested it so I'll just improve it a bit later
I find it kind of funny how Wikitionary has multiple entries for skibidi for different parts of speech
Like your funny word website will never keep up with my evolving and disestablishmentarian use of the word skibidi
I skibidi run from point a to b, then I walk so skibidi to point c. See? Just used it as an adverb 😎
English, like any language, is defined by those who use it, a fact which some consider unfortunate
I agree wholeheartedly, and yet I still reflexively correct "To who" as "To whom", despite perfectly understanding the intent.
I don't even like doing it, I just can't stop myself anymore
Why is 4 30 - - 2 - invalid input?
For the float issue, you can add a line saying "it is OK to give incorrect output due to the imprecision of floating point values"
CMS: Bee KotH. Fly around in 3d, build honeycomb, turn nectar into honey, store honey/pollen, grow your hive through the seasons
(Chat Mini Sandbox)
@Bubbler 4 30 - - 1.99999 - should return 0 while 4 30 - - 2.00001 - return 2
@Bubbler I try to make it online judge friendly, though not that necessary here
A: "Hello, World!"

Esolanging FruitLazy K, 564 bytes k(s(si`k(s(sss)(s(ss(ss0))(ss0))))(s(si`k(ss(s(ss0)(ss(ss`ss(ss0))))))(s``s`kski `s(si`k(s(si(ssi(ss0)))(ssi(ss(ss0)))))(s(si`k(ss(s(sss)(ss(ss`ss(ss0))))))(s(si `k(ss(ss(s(sss)(s(sss)(ss0))))))(s(si`k(s(ss(ssi(ss0)))(ss0)))(s(si`k(s(si(ss(ss 0)))(ss(ss(ssi(ss(ss0)))))))(s(si`k(...

An attempt at allowing my image-learning neural network to handle fine-grained detail and noise better
It didn't work, but created some insanely cool patterns
(My approach was to take one of the intermediate layers, and modulo the first half of the nodes by two to the power of the second half)
Eventually the second half gets too small, and a modulo-by-zero happens. You can see it descending toward that as it goes from crumpled paper to wet paper to black
(In the two epochs before it nans out, you can see the modulo values getting so small that the fluctuations are less than a pixel in size, so it looks like the earlier steps)
I'mma try a Tanh layer, maybe that'll do something cool
Can I set Visual Studio codepage to not UTF8 nor local?
Who was it that forked Jelly and continued Dennis' work?
Caird, probably
With a variation called Jam
@cairdcoinheringaahing Would you want to be a guest on the Array Cast to talk about array programming, Jelly, Jam, etc.?
1 hour later…
thanks, wolframalpha, for telling me I need to multiply e^i theta by |r| before I can take its argument
CMQ How do you pronounce sprintf? s-print-f or sprint-f?
The latter
@mousetail sprint if
ess print eff
CMQ Any attempt to prove that P=NP, where the reduction is correct but not in polynomial time?
@l4m2 Try every possible CNF and check if it's equal to the DNF
2 hours later…
@mousetail sprint eff
Can construct but I mean by accident
@mousetail sprint eff
@RydwolfPrograms yes :p
@mousetail sprint eff
@mousetail I think f-print-f and s-print-f for me
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
I was playing around with the same CGCC answer caird coherriangagnyuhww (whatever his username is) was and made it output provo0!Reign with a leading space.
@mousetail sprint-eff, but snprintf is ess-en-print-eff
fprintf is also three syllables
fprintf is eff print eff but snprintf is snuh print eff
@mousetail s-print-f, f-print-f, s-n-print-f
am I the only one who says printf as a single word?
1 hour later…
CMQ How can I check using code how many bits a numpy float128 actually supports?
I think there's a function that tells you the max value or whatever and then you can compare it against known values
finfo, apparently
2 hours later…
"Is it possible that ghosts are a species of airborne octopuses with a more advanced form of camouflage?" - just to be clear, you mean in your story, right? — Escaped dental patient. 2 days ago
@Simd see how many times you have to divide by 2 starting from 1 to get 0?
floating point types of different sizes have different exponent length, so it should work
If float16 would be incorporated into C, what would its name be? short float?
Though, yeah, I doubt it would.
short int exists so I don't see any fundamental problem
@mousetail s-print-f with emphasis on both the s and the print
I should pronounce it s-p-rin-t-f
Sir Print If, the master of conditional printing
tf is easily pronounced for me
I could pronounce it that way it just isn't how I do lol
S[he] print[s] f[ussy]
the true meaning of sprintf

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