I'm fine with being blamed for Australia's wildfires and all the death and destruction they cause, I'm not fine with being blamed for people entering invalid input or whatever
My friend in comp sci made a game he calls "cursed chess" (a lot of the cursedness was discarded as it actually became playable), which features merging pieces pretty heavily (there are 59 distinct pieces possible as a result, ~50 of which are slightly different combinations of the basic ones)
It takes some brain wrapping to understand the merging rules, but once you get them they make sense. Basically, every mergable piece has a "base" piece and possibly others which have been merged into it. So if you move a knight onto a bishop, you'd have a base knight merged with a bishop. Then if you move that onto another piece, you add its base piece (and only its base piece) onto the one that moved
There are special cases for pawns (and a variant of pawns, "flankers"), which turn into various levels of "scouts" (which, at level 3, can eventually move in a 5×5 grid arbitrarily), knights which merge into "smilers" (knights but 2-4 instead of 1-2), and rooks merge into "catapults" (only move side to side, can capture ahead a fair distance without moving to the captured space)
Display integer in balanced base-ϕ
Given a positive integer, display it in balanced base-ϕ numeral. ϕ is the golden ratio.
Balanced base-ϕ
Unlike the usual base-ϕ that uses 0 and 1 as digits, balanced base-ϕ uses 1 and -1 as digits.
-1 is written T as a shorthand.
To ensure uniqueness o...
CMC Given a list of numbers, reduce them in any order using only the "absolute difference" operator until only one remains. Output the highest possible final result
Basically 24 game but only operator is absolute difference and goal is to get the biggest number, not 24
Win in a ball removing game
This challenge is interactive. You need to win in a ball removing game.
The rule of the game is like this. You have N balls in a row, numbered 1 to N, your program and the user will take turns to remove one ball or two consecutive balls, if a player can't remove, ...
hello people who have used chat for way longer than me. is there a way (setting, script, extension, whatever) to have a count of unread messages next to the names of the chats in the main page, and/or when I open a chat?
Recently, I have been dabbling in composing a few retrograde chess puzzles. This one, I feel, turned out quite nice:
In the game leading to the position below, White somehow lost both their rooks and knights. For each of them, can you determine where they were taken and by which piece?
(Bonus po...
Today, SmokeDetector/metasmoke was unable to raise either automatic or manual flags due to Cloudflare asking for human verification on the SE API for a significant period of time.
The response from Cloudflare we saw, multiple times, when we attempted to use the SE API to raise flags was:
@RydwolfPrograms wait going off what, just "he/him"? since your chat profile's are actually far from golfy if you also include the "they/them" being also fine as part of the bytecount :P
Is this a slovable Numberpile?
Per Wikipedia:
Numberlink is a type of logic puzzle involving finding paths to
connect numbers in a grid.
The player has to pair up all the matching numbers on the grid with
single continuous lines (or paths). The lines cannot branch off or
cross over eac...
@Ginger (1) fair enough :P (2) oh damn it's been that long already? insert caird time quote (3) saw that already, wish I could say I was surprised or disappointed (4) nice (5) not nice (6) nice
Does it also have the counterpart "forget"? In Rust that deletes a reference to something but doesn't clean up the actual thing. Though not sure what that would mean for a file
After some time of programming in Python, I have learned that many tasks, which previously I performed in several lines, could be solved in a much more succinct way by one-liners, e.g. these ones. Other languages, too, have such idioms, which make their code both shorter and clearer (to those who...
If ] were redefined to test the current cell and conditionally jump back to the beginning of the program, it might possibly be TC. If ] unconditionally jumps back to the beginning of the program, then it's definitely not.
oh right I just remembered that the implementation I usually use involves something along the lines of making [ a while statement and ] just the matching }
My language Ouroboros uses a somewhat similar control flow mechanism, although it uses stacks for storage and has multiple execution threads running in parallel, so it's not a great point of comparison.