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4 hours later…
mfw I have desktop app
1 hour later…
Modifies hash function instead of attempting to brute-force the hash
@lyxal bro has desktop app
Microsoft taxed
Visio toilet in ohio
Ah yes
1 hour later…
> Quickly include clients via Gradle, CocoaPods, or a script include.
7 hours later…
CMQ is it true that it is faster to sum an array by summing the numbers at even induces, then the ones at odd invoices, then adding the two results? If so, why?
that sounds like a good way to have like
twice as many cache misses
@UnrelatedString right . The comment I saw was "Out-of-order summation provides more potential for instruction-level parallelism"
But I don't see why
that might be true of summing the odd and even indices in the same loop rather than two separate passes
but intuitively i'd think that would also make it harder for a compiler to fully optimize
like, just summing a big array is the kind of thing that any self respecting optimizing compiler could analyze very easily
"a simple out-of-order summation method, that adds terms with even and odd indexes separately, then adds together these two partial sums. Out-of-order summation provides more potential for instruction-level parallelism"
oh with floating point, where the order can actually produce different results
that figures
hmm, do we have an exact floating point sum challenge?
@Neil that's a cool idea!
@UnrelatedString I can't reproduce the speed up myself
2 hours later…
> Amazing for those attached to money with glue
Lol, took me a while to understand what that meant
What's the product? Some hosting thing?
@RydwolfPrograms oh god you've been infected too
@NewPosts could someone leave a comment here, just so they have human interaction?
Op is just lost, don't want their first expwith us to be bad
2 hours later…
@Simd it is faster to sum an array by summing the numbers at even indexes into one sum, and at odd indexes into another, then adding – but you have to do the two sums in parallel, rather than one after the other, so that you can use the same memory reads to contribute to both sums
with SIMD instructions (are you named after those?) it can even be faster to do 4/8/16 sums in parallel, depending on the data type you're operating on and the processor you're using
I've been refusing to learn SIMD and so far it's gone really well for me
@ATaco on modern processors, multithreading and SIMD are both normally a mostly free 4× speedup on problems they're appropriate for (and you can use both at once for a free 16× speedup)
and can be more depending on processor model and (for SIMD) the width of the data types you're using
compilers can sometimes manage to SIMD things on their own but they're still not very good at it
Yeah but assembly :(
Writing fast code is the compilers job. I am merely the speghetti chef.
the worst part is, you can SIMD directly in languages like C and Rust, but the way you do it is so obscure that doing it directly in asm is actually easier to understand
(this is the primary reason I wrote the fizzbuzz in asm rather than C)
You can SIMD directly in C# if you hate fun
I have been thinking about a compiler that writes SIMD code by default, using just one of the multiple data (but meaning that you could run any function simultaneously on, e.g., 4 different data) – the performance properties would be very different from a normal compiler, and probably worse unless you tried to take advantage, but it would be interesting
Smh if I wanted to do 2 things at once I'd use the GPU
yes, the GPU is probably the next step up from CPU SIMD
Summing an array? Surely you mean convolution reduction via addition.
But on the more serious side of things, SIMD is just too fiddly for me, I feel like I have to really crowbar it in if I want to use it
hmm, convolution + sum array is the same as sum array then multiply by constant, isn't it?
on another subject: someone emailed me and asked whether I knew of anyone attempting to implement GPT-alikes on Turing machines; I didn't but feel like I at least owe it to them to ask in the only places where such people are likely to be, and I guess this might be one of them?
but my guess is "unfortunately, nobody is doing that at the moment"
"Hi, No sane person would implement a transformer on a state-machine."
I did try to say that maybe Turing machines weren't the best esolang to use for the purpose
The first step I would suggest, is transpiling from a better language.
I was actually more negative than that – I said that you'd basically have to transpile from another language, but then watching the program would look more like "a Turing machine implementing language X" rather than "a Turing machine evaluating an LLM"
The process of putting an LLM onto a turing machine would put Terry Davis to shame
I think it might not be too bad to put a neural network evaluator onto a Turing machine – it's basically just alternating between matrix-by-vector multiplications and a nonlinear function, which is a simple enough pattern that it might be doable semi-directly, and that's probably the bulk of an LLM
but I'm not sure whether you can do neural networks properly with integers or whether you need floats
(float multiplication shouldn't be too hard to do on a Turing machine, although float addition would be annoying to implement)
still, this is the sort of thing that falls into the category of "this would be impressive if somone managed it, but it almost certainly wouldn't be impressive enough to justify the energy spent on it"

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