The arrangement algorithm
I think I've determined the algorithm that Google Calendar uses to visually arrange day-long and longer events at the top of the "Week" view (you may have an example here) and it seems to be:
Sort all events by starting date (earlier first); if same starting date, sort ...
Like it's fun just to run around and hide in the trees and peek around crates and shoot a non-functioning pistol so that's a promising sign the actual game will be fun lol
Just added a feature where holding shift makes you crouch. It makes your hitbox (for bullets/damage, not object collisions) 20% smaller, and halves your speed
@mousetail For me (Git Bash and git version, git -h branch and git branch --help open a help page in Chrome, while git branch -h prints a usage message on the command-line. o_o
I saw some trees with red A’s painted on the trunks, with vertical lines (or 1’s) painted on each side of the A.
Location: Crown land in eastern Ontario.
What do those markings mean?