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@emanresuA it doesn't work outside of ComputerCraft
@emanresuA TSTL handles that for me :b
@UnrelatedString Indention isn't good in expression. (Picture is size of braces)
I think I saw mixing () and [] in math expressions in an old math textbook (like [(1+2)*3+4]*5)
but it doesn't work well in a programming language
(or was it [{(1+2)*3+4}*5+6]*7?)
i think mixed brackets for math are usually just ([])
@Ginger "that" as in ts-to-lua
When young I use {[()]}, later just larger () outside
2 hours later…
writing a report for uni right now, and I'm using SO tag statistics to show community support for different projects, and I so badly want to write [tag:maven] to make it display as
but word no do that
because word no se chat
...i'm really starting to see my lack of practical experience with java oop show lmao
falling into so much bizarre overengineering from pretending i have algebraic data types
Trying to use ADT without language-level support is so much pain
it feels like i have to go halfway to visitor pattern any time i want to branch on "what something is" without committing the mortal sin of instanceof/downcasting, instead of just pattern matching on constructors and calling it a day
2 hours later…
I should really finish Painrose some time
6 hours later…
@emanresuA oh yeah it does
I think types for Factorio's API are available as well
@Ginger amazing
have you tried the research station from tectech yet? quantum computing be like:
@Someone the what?
Is that a factorio mod?
I did not sleep last night
Today's gonna be fun
Yeah I ended up going to bed around 1, laid there 'til 3:30 or so, browsed college-admissions-reddit for an hour and a half 'cause I couldn't sleep, then decided to cut my losses and get ready for the day lol
Ivy day is thursday [fingers crossed]
I've decided on the order I'll open the decisions: Yale, Columbia, Northwestern, Harvard, Duke, Princeton
Plus NYU at some point when I'm around my friend who got into NYU
@RydwolfPrograms which one do you want to get into the most?
It's a stretch but Harvard, followed by Northwestern or Princeton
what puts northwestern on the same level as princeton
some faculty you're particularly interested in?
Nah, the campus looks beautiful from the pictures lol
And I applied for this thing they called like the Integrated Science Program that seemed cool
The application for it was a google form which was super chill
if the prefix for 60 is hexeconta-, what is the prefix for 64?
isn't it something like hexecontatessera-?
I'm specifically thinking about the prefix they used in the NuclearCraft stack-o'-s'more hexeconta(something)
1 hour later…
A: "Hello, World!"

QuadruplayEasyfuck, 18 bytes [.>]@Hello, World! [.>]@Hello, World! [ ] while loop .> print and move to the next cell @ end program Hello, World! initializer data

@UnrelatedString in kotlin its not a mortial sin, nor in the modern javas
I'd recomend against it in any language
@Ginger i should really redo Rol
@mousetail switching against types?
@UnrelatedString have you tried sealed interfaces + records?
Yea prefer polymorphism whenever possible
in kotlin you can so sealed interfaces + data classes and its very nearly like adts
i do it all the time
@mousetail yes, of course
but sometimes its unavoidable
esp when working with "adts"
although what i like about "adts" is that polymorphism is possible
CMQ I have n points with floating point coordinates between 0 and n. Each point has an integer weight. I want to compute for each rectangle with corner at one of the points and at (0, 0) the sum of weights in the rectangle. The output will be n numbers. Is there an implementable way to do this quickly?
as in each point is at some (x, y) with 0 <= x, y <= n?
you can probably toposort this since you have a partial ordering I think
@hyper-neutrino that would be cool if possible
I know there is a complicated data structure solution for the dynamic version (points getting inserted and deleted) but I hope mine is much simpler
toposort is apparently linear on DAGs (which this is) and the final summation should be able to be done in linear as well I believe
What is the graph?
I mean what are the directed edges?
each point has an edge to each point contained in its rectangle i.e. (x, y) has an edge to (p, q) if p <= x and q <= y
though now that I think about this maybe the final sum can't be linear
actually, I feel like if you can efficiently remove all edges between nodes of depth difference greater than 1 (after toposorting) you get at most O(N) additions
@hyper-neutrino that's a lot of edges isn't it?
it'd be up to N^2 yeah... but ideally you could get it so that you only have an edge if no point sits between the two
It seems you are inventing something cool!
Rate my cartoony calculator UI
@RydwolfPrograms how did you draw it?
The 7-segment displays use clip-path, and the buttons/calculator body use filter: drop-shadow
That's a skill I can't have
You could pose it as a golf challenge :)
It is great
@RydwolfPrograms i like the "GO"
It's not a normal calculator...it actually is going to hide a video game :p
@RydwolfPrograms ah, makes sense :P
Is it just me or does this email seem a bit forward to send to someone who hasn't yet been notified of their Harvard or ROTC acceptance status...
> Good afternoon,

The Harvard College Admissions Office would like to match potential class of 2028 cadets with currently enrolled Harvard cadets for Visitas weekend in April. If you plan on attending and would like to be matched with a current cadet please follow these instructions. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. To do so, you'll need to indicate this on your Visitas registration form, which is due by April 4.
Trying not to read too much into it lol
@mousetail Heh, don't look at the Python code for Pip then
@RydwolfPrograms 10/10, looks awesome
@mousetail no, minecraft
the research station is used to research items for the assembly line
because the assembly line needs access to the data for an item to be able to craft it
it's notably used in gtnh
wait, is the research station form tectech, or is it vanilla gt? idk
@RydwolfPrograms Ooh what do the buttons look like when you click on them? Is there a depressing sort of animation, like real calculators?
Right now it just darkens slightly
I could probably make them depressed tho
@mousetail It's unavoidable sometimes (e.g. if you're working with types from a library you have no control over)
@RydwolfPrograms Rotate them 12 degrees and change the font
Sometimes the possibilities of CSS scare me
Help! Police! Arrest this human!
I'm pretty sure the "Welcome to the C u r s ed interpreter" bit used to be a <marquee> but maybe I'm misremembering
@user True, there are no hard rules, only recommendations. Sometimes you have no choice, or the other option is even worse
what is muncee.neocities.org????
@user It is for me
@user Nesting different <marquee> elements with different directions and speeds creates some cool effects
@mousetail See, that's what I said to the cop yesterday, but they still gave me a ticket for speeding even though I would've been late to class
@mousetail Ooh, that is deliciously evil
@RydwolfPrograms Weird, maybe it's a FF thing, or uBO?
I'm on Chrome with uBO
I used to be in charge of the website for this one team I'm on, and I would've experimented with that nested <marquee> thing there, but I recently got pressured into making the website look sane :(
@RydwolfPrograms edge with ubo
So the page no longer slowly rotates the entire time you're on it
pressured by who?
the rotation would've been cool
@user Actually, I'm sure in sufficiently exceptional circumstances (eg. you where being chased by a dinosaur) the cop would probably forgive you for speeding.
or fleeing a sideways thwomp
If I'm being chased by a dino, I'm probably in a Jurassic Park movie, and if I'm in a Jurassic Park movie, I'm probably the random ugly dude who dies at the beginning of those sorts of movies
Also, the dino would eat the cop
dinos probably don't like our flavor tbh
i mean, we're basically popcorn shrimp, and those big bois would need more nutrition
also, all the megafauna is dead, so uhhhh
@Someone My teammates. Something about "this is giving me a headache" and "we can't get funding" and "help I'm having a seizure"
So a War of the Worlds kind of scenario
the spinny part isn't that bad tho
unless it's flashing like hecc, it shouldn't trigger epilepsy
also, you're getting funding for this joke project?
@mousetail The courts would, the cops around here would probably still give you the ticket lol
I was kidding, I checked guidelines to make sure it wouldn't trigger seizures
@Someone It's not a joke project, it's just the website that I didn't take seriously enough. It's a research project (kind of a useless one but whatever)
I think the cops would be pretty busy speeding away themselves
@user research project? oooh
Nah the dinosaur would 100% eat the cop in a movie
but then why make it look like a joke site?
Unless the cop's one of the good guys
@Someone Because no one cares about our project and I was bored
Either they'd fight the dinosaur or run away. Noone is going to just stop to give a ticket.
Oh yeah the cop would uselessly fire their gun at the dinosaur until said dinosaur bends down, puts them in their mouth, and chomps them
@mousetail Nah you underestimate how misguided a sense of duty our cops are capable of possessing :p
Well at least they wouldn't give the dinosaur a ticket
I'd be happy to get a ticket if the dinosaur got one too
If the dinosaur's teeth are long enough would they count as illegally long knives?
@user Also if anyone here has money and is willing to donate to a useless computational linguistics research project, let me know and I can send you a link to donate money
It's not exactly hard to find laws it's probably breaking, but yes
I'd give it a warning for noise disturbance, as well as jaywalking if it's on the road
Also indecent exposure
Tresspassing maybe?
Ooh cattle aren't allowed on roads, maybe dinosaurs would fall under that
Since horses are allowed on roads I assume it's legal for it to jaywalk?
Horses are probably an exception, right? No one rides dinos
@hyper-neutrino you might be able to do it in O(n^2 log n) by sorting a few times...maybe
One thing I noticed that's kinda funny is that the local small airport has those goofy ahh grate things that cows can't walk over, to keep loose cattle from getting onto the tarmac
> goofy ahh
Can you mush sled dogs on a public road, I wonder
Fun fact: In the Netherlands, a group of at least 6 people is considered a vehicle for road traffic laws purposes and is allowed on roads provided they follow all other traffic laws
Okay lyxal give Rydwolf his account back
I'm just such a sigma rizzler I fanum taxed Rydwolf's account creds (fr fr no cap)
@mousetail Human centipede time
Legally it's caller "procession" but I'll submit a bill to change the name to that
@lyxal Okay that's a fairly straightforward policy, thanks
Hourly update: I have thrown eggs at 0 people so far today. I am up 1000% from my yearly average of 0 eggs, but down 45% from my weekly average of 0 eggs
Can I get an egg please? I've run out
Un œuf, coming up
@mousetail wtf how
@mousetail wait so i can go running on the highway with my 5 friends
"but sir i wasn't speeding!"
@Simd First, replace the floating point coordinates with consecutive integers by sorting and renumbering. Then, go through the points in order of increasing x, and increasing y for equal x. Maintain a Fenwick tree holding, for each value of y, the total weight of points processed so far with that y value; then each point's answer is obtained with one query to the Fenwick tree. The time complexity is n log(n).
@RydwolfPrograms wait, what?
@m90 I like this! It looks like a coding competition type answer. Are you a competitive coder?
@Simd I did some of those back in secondary school, but less often after that (and now even less, now that Google ended theirs).
@m90 my guess was really from the use of Fenwick trees
@RydwolfPrograms don't make jokes like that, I don't know what's real anymore :p
okay but why did se decide to have two search icons?
and why have they broken the size of the search bar
@cairdcoinheringaahing also well done :p
2 hours later…
Q: Break an integer into even- and odd-indexed bits

Dannyu NDosObjective Given an integer \$n\$ interpreted as two's complement binary, output two integers, namely the integer consisting of \$n\$'s bits at places of \$2^0, 2^2, 2^4, \cdots\$, and the integer consisting of \$n\$'s bits at places of \$2^1, 2^3, 2^5, \cdots\$. Note that the input may be negativ...

Requiring to deal with a negative input prevents many loopholes, right?
it just makes everything harder if anything
I mean, you cannot just input a finite bitstring and break it.
...that's why you restrict input to being an integer
Though, negative integers are still integers.
taking a string when a number is expected isn't allowed by default
you can take "5" if the input is 5, but "101" would be a no no
unless ofc it was the only way to take input. in which case, no amount of banning things will help
also, what representation scheme are you using for negative numbers?
Two's complement binary.
In this way, nonnegative integers start with infinitely many zeros, and negative integers start with infinitely many ones.
you should probably mention that in the challenge
Good; edited.
now about those infinite 1s. Wouldn't they impact the result of splitting the bits of a negative number?
also, afaik 2's complement requires a fixed/finite bit-size for integers
I feel like the negative number requirement makes the challenge less about splitting bits and more about figuring out the negative number system
But there's an easy solution for negative inputs: Bit-not the input, split it, bit-not the results, and output them.

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