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Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Evaluate Ternary Logic, Print the largest hidden double
(also I'm slightly apprehensive about writing a meta post for this, probably because my last one would've won a tumbleweed badge if those still existed)
If we went through with it, we'd need to:
- (temporarily) edit the chatiquette section on off-topic stuff
- change the TST and TNB room descriptions, and pin a message in each explaining what's happening
- freeze TST
(also, TST was created against meta consensus)
@emanresuA those are all relatively easy :p
Especially the freeze tst part
Where's your last post on it?
tag cleanup post that has +3 and no activity
Looking back at 2022 chat, I can see why we made the decisions that we made, but in hindsight the result wasn't worth it.
Apr 21, 2022 at 4:23, by allxy
Meh, I think off-topic is fine when there's nothing on-topic
This (from me two years ago) about sums up my thoughts on this
@emanresuA lgtm
@emanresuA a post about chat might perform differently
I can do the meta post if you want
Q: How quickly can you type this unary string?

emanresu AIf I want to type the string aaa, the least keystrokes I can type it in is 3: a a a. But if I want to type the string aaaaaa, I can do it in 5: a a a ctrl-c ctrl-v, where the ctrl-c refers to copying aaa and the ctrl-v refers to pasting it. Specifically, starting with an empty "buffer" and an empty

@lyxal Sure
I'll do it later today when I get a chance
3 hours later…
@emanresuA that is one hell of a pfp
IIRC I copied it from a sockpuppet of lyxal's which was also called allxy (it's a long story), it's from deltarune or something
oh you don't know what it is
it is indeed from deltarune
Something related to pipis?
you'd need to be a real pipis person to see it in game
hope that explains it
@totallyhuman actual light nerd
oh god don't combine them
straight to aslume with you
@totallyhuman best ending ngl
yeah if you're a terribly messed up person psychologically
Or if you like beating the game extra quick :p
Content skip is based
kidding (mostly) but the fact that it exists greatly heightened my enjoyment of it over the first chapter
well, that and queen
@lyxal except if you're terrible at the game (me)
My best time on that route was 40 something minutes
i've yet to beat neo and it's pretty much the only reason i've never considered actually playing undertale genocide
yeah i've spent more time than that trying to beat neo
i'm not good at Video Games
Wait you mean neo from UT or DT?
deltarune snowgrave spamton neo
Ah thought you meant ut geno mettaton neo
And that you were making a funny joke :p
i mean
@totallyhuman imagine not being able to no hit the big shot
Made by I've done it 4 times
how could i possibly kill mettaton
@totallyhuman hardest boss ngl
far too difficult to hit him when all i can do is stare at his legs
"who needs arms when you have legs like these?"
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerNear-repdigit perfect powers code-golf sequence math number-theory Background A repdigit is a positive integer whose digits are all the same in base 10. A perfect power is an integer that can be made by raising an integer to the power of 2 or higher, i.e. \$a^b\$ where \$a, b\$ are integers and \...

@emanresuA Over half an hour of reading transcripts I've gone from "We didn't see this coming" to "Many people, myself included, saw this coming and failed to prevent it"
@emanresuA how so?
(asking because the more evidence supporting a TST freeze the better)
I've started on drafting the introduction for a meta post calling for the experiment but discovered it's hard to word something without accidentally sounding antagonistic
@Neil that … makes sense
Simd did ask for positive integers tho
@lyxal I did the same, that was part of why I was apprehensive about it
(also did the same thing for calling to revert the Best Of 2023 changes and make the next one be for 2023 and 2024, and went down a rabbit hole of discovering a bunch of best of 2022's bounties weren't awarded)
@emanresuA, more of an implementation detail rather than a bug: when popping from an empty global stack, it results in pushing undefined. It might be beneficial if it pushed 0 instead; but since this isn't strictly a bug I don't mind if you opt to keep the current behavior.
May as well be consistent with regular popping-from-empty-input, I'll change that soon
Also noticed that you accidentally(?) pushed a file called test which contain's my hello world program, noticed it while trying to create a file with the same name for testing potential optimization to the hello world program
Whoops... I meant to never git add that but apparently I did
@lyxal Okay, maybe not this specifically, but general issues with the concept.
Apr 22, 2022 at 19:22, by caird coinheringaahing
@RadvylfPrograms My downvote is there to say "I disagree that this is necessary"
Apr 21, 2022 at 4:25, by DLosc
@RadvylfPrograms Devil's advocate: what's wrong with people posting stuff here first, then having it moved? And why does the same type of off-topic content necessarily have to go into the same room, rather than a new room each time it happens?
Apr 21, 2022 at 11:38, by user
I think this sort of “off topic “ conversation is fine because no one else is speaking rn
And a year later, a similar discussion to the one we're having now:
Aug 31, 2023 at 13:28, by lyxαl
There's not much character in the room anymore because everyone has forgotten how to, in the words of caird, be relaxed in the relaxed room
@emanresuA I've gotten the general idea now but I'm unavailable to write it rn
Happy pi day!
Bit late for that
TFW when you pose an algorithms/coding question and can't understand the answer
@emanresuA hey it's not even pi time here yet
even japan is still in pi day so i'm not entirely sure what they mean
(new zealand flex)
wait no that doesn't make sense
It's 10pm 3/14 here yes
so how could it be late? :P
Almost over? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
CMC Imlement the Soundex algorithm, except the padding step
Retain the first letter of the name and drop all other occurrences of a, e, i, o, u, y, h, w.
Replace consonants with digits as follows (after the first letter):

    b, f, p, v → 1
    c, g, j, k, q, s, x, z → 2
    d, t → 3
    l → 4
    m, n → 5
    r → 6

If two or more letters with the same number are adjacent in the original name (before step 1), only retain the first letter; also two letters with the same number separated by 'h', 'w' or 'y' are coded as a single number, whereas such letters separated by a vowel are coded twice. This rule also applies to the first letter.
Seems there is already a question for it but it's really bad codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/3119/91213
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mousetailSoundex code-golf Note: This question was asked previously but it was not very well specified. I'd like to ask it again with a proper spec Given a string containing only ASCII lowercase letters, output it's Soundex code. Soundex is an algorithm originally described by Donald Knuth to give words t...

2 hours later…
does \$\sum{\frac{a}{b}} \equals \frac{\sum{a}}{\sum{b}}\$?
aaaaaa mathjax
I don't think chat can do mathjax at all
i got chatjax
there ya go
except for the equals
@mousetail ty
You can pretty easily find a counterexample to that. a=[1,1], b=[1,2]
The sum would be 3/2 but if you sum the numerator and denominator separately you'd get 2/3
Or even just [1,1],[1,1] would give 2, 1 respectivly
@Seggan wait, did you mean smth like a/b + c/d = (a+c)/(b+d)
@emanresuA I made the meta post about this
ooh, I got quoted :p
3 hours later…
@NewPosts i’m not a fan of the name of this thing, i get it’s a joke but it rubs me the wrong way somehow
@emanresuA :^o
For your convenience, Exceptionally is also on ATO in its own right.
I have a couple of quibbles with this video:
1. Folded circle snack is *not* a good shape for keeping toppings in. Rolled-up circle snack is much better, and rolled-up circle snack with ends folded over is better still.
2. A pita is not actually a folded circle snack, it's a cut-in-half-and-hollowed-out circle snack.
Q: Rank poker High Card hands

ZiarekIn the poker game there are 1277 unique 'High Card' ranks - (1287-10; 13 over 5 - 10 straights) but we can include them for simplicity and the continuity of the result. The challenge is to write a function which returns an integer value corresponding to the rank of high card poker combination (in...

@DLosc Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to have burritos for lunch
@DLosc Besides tacos I don't really know many folded circle snacks. In the Netherlands we roll our circle snacks and in India we just tear and dip them them in sauce. Dosas are also rolled. I don't think they are really as universal as the video suggests
Calzones are sorta folded circles but they're a bit larger than what I'd call a "snack"
Even if you consider all foods I still think you'd get a minority of cultures
so i just read the meta post about chat, so does that mean off topic convos r allowed here for 3 weeks, also i noticed that tst has not been frozen yet, so has the experiment not started yet?
it's a proposal; there'd be an official announcement if we decide on this but of course it has not been long enough for consensus
give it at least several days, possibly longer, to pick up feedback first and this is something we (the mods) and the ROs would all have to discuss so we're all on the same page
ok so it has not been decided yet?
correct, it's only been like 6 hours
so off-topic convos here still not allowed until the proposal is approved?
yes the status quo is still in place, nothing's changed, it's just a proposal
That said our moderation of what's "on-topic" here is probably going to be more lenient even before it's approved
(example: today)
well that sounds good, ive not really found the appeal to chat here in a long while ngl
Q: This is an attempt to solve this ( https://codeforces.com/contest/339/problem/D ) question on codeforces, why is the segment tree being made wrongly?

pkray#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define mod 1000000007 #define nl '\n' #define F first #define S second #define no cout << "NO" << nl; #define yes cout << "YES" << nl; #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end() #define vll vector #define fo(i, n) for (ll i = 0; i < n; ++...

@NewPosts vtc
@emanresuA lgtm
Still doesn't quite work, SVýRX (contains unprintables) is not Hello, World!
Interesting. I tried the 92-byte program here and it worked.
Huh, it's probably weird wrapping behaviour then
Int wrapping (afaict) works but tape wrapping has undefined and very cursed results
(because the tape is built by appending a zero every iteration until length 30000, and going to the left of the tape gives -1 and points to the end of the tape, which is constantly moving)
Haha, nice
One thing if you ever decide to change the language: Skips are extremely powerful for control flow, but also extremely annoying to use because I need to constantly update the number as I edit the code. It'd be nice if they could somehow work like gotos

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