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@AlanBreadel lexicographical and hex big endian same
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerThe TAK function code-golf math recursion The TAK function is defined as follows: $$ t(x, y, z) = \begin{cases} y, & \text{if $x \le y$} \\ t(t(x-1,y,z), t(y-1,z,x), t(z-1,x,y)), & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$ Since it can be proved that it always terminates and evaluates to the simple functio...

@SandboxPosts CMP: would it be an ok challenge if I simply ask for the value of t(x, y, z)? (for the lazy, it is a complex recursive function that ultimately evaluates to x<=y ? y : (y<=z ? z : x))
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerThe TAK function (easy mode) code-golf math The TAK function is defined as follows for integers \$x\$, \$y\$, \$z\$: $$ t(x, y, z) = \begin{cases} y, & \text{if $x \le y$} \\ t(t(x-1,y,z), t(y-1,z,x), t(z-1,x,y)), & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$ It can be proved that it always terminates and ev...

6 hours later…
Hi @Bubbler
2 hours later…
Hello all
snooze o'clock?
Silence is fine when nobody has anything to say.
that's a fair point
could I ask a favour please... I asked a SO question stackoverflow.com/questions/77861790/…
can you see how to improve the question? It has 0 votes
@Adám maybe I should add a picture of the case with missing regions?
just because someone responded to a different message doesn't mean that they're able to or interested in responding to a new topic :p
+ chances are the person (in this case Adám) would still be monitoring chat anyway
meaning they'd (or he in this case) would see the message even without the ping
@lyxal all good points
but you never know :)
and hello!
@Simd If you have something to ask better to just ask it than to spam 12 messages about it
@Simd well it's good etiquette to not randomly ping the last person you interacted with just because they were the last person. Like if you're asking someone a question because it's something you know is their subject matter, then a ping is fine. As is continuing a conversation if you're replying.
@mousetail 12?! Really?
@lyxal Got you
I don't know the right technical term for ping based crimes
but I have been convicted
It's 13 now
it's not a crime, just a helpful hint
@lyxal thank you
because people might not like being pinged for things they weren't involved in, and had no intention of being involved with
I feel the counting is overly generous
@lyxal understood
I think one point is that I don't have speakers so I don't hear a ping but I can see that if you do, it's annoying
ah yeah that's something to keep in mind too
especially if people for example have the among us dead body reported sound as their ping noise and it's kinda loud because the site they downloaded the noise from just happened to have it loud and so it acts as a jumpscare every time a ping happens
Ok but that sounds like a them problem
I need to find that sound now!
... not that it's a bad thing
the sound itself is fine
it's just that when it's not for a good cause it's a wasted jumpscare :p
@Simd yes :p
it's not very scary!
I kind of want to set Beelthoven's 5th as my ping sound. Just have 5 copies overlapping each other whenever I most a CMC
Q: SE Chat custom notification sound

Lekensteyn Screenshot / Code Snippet About Someone found the current *beep* sound annoying and asked for a way to change the sound. Such a feature did not exist, so I created this UserScript which adds a button next to the notification settings button. This button opens a popup which allows you to ...

that's what I use
@lyxal cool
@Simd it is when you least expect it and it suddenly plays in a different tab
but now I am worried every time I reply to someone!
@lyxal :)
I feel that tabs should have their own sound world
there must be a setting for that
@Simd when used appropriately it's okay to ping people, just try to avoid pings that "waste time" so to speak
Wouldn't it defeat the point of a notification if it didn't play when you didn't have the tab active? It's intended to draw your attention to the tab. If anything it shouldn't play if it's open
@mousetail I guess I want to be able to control that in some setting
"global" or "local"
you can mute individual tabs in most popular browsers
I guess I want it the other way roudn
default to local
with the option of choosing global
I then want it to tell me which tab made the sound!
it does show a icon on the tab
For most applications I'd want the sound to play even when the tab is inactive
@mousetail that's ok if you don't have 10^10 tabs open
that's not 10 xor 10 :)
@mousetail interesting.. can you give an example that isn't a notification?
Very few tabs can play sound though. Mostly things I want to be notified when they happen, or things like videos I want to listen to in the background. It's very rare for a website to randomly start making noise after being open for a long time
@Simd A podcast or video
Or music
got you
I would just turn on "global" :)
True, but I don't really have any use case for local
I'm constantly switching tabs and no matter the sound it would be annoying for it to cut in and out
I can see thta
I guess I don't tend to play audio for a long time in my browser
that's more for short videos
The use case I see for local is games but they usually mute thenselves when not active anyways
don't shout at me but, I added a picture!
these things take me ages to draw
@mousetail which games do you play through the browser?
None right now
factoryidle.com is a good one I used to play
the way I'm reading that last bit, if I were to resurrect Charkive it would have to be compliant with their TOS (among other things) to display the data
A quick glance at the Content Permissions, Restrictions, and Creative Commons Licensing section of the TOS doesn't seem to prevent chat scraping?
but it seems that you would have to limit how much you archive a day
> **Disruptions and Exploits**
You may not attempt to exploit, overload, or otherwise disrupt the operations of the Network.
Could be seen as overload depending on how much you try and access
@lyxal the bottom section
> **Content Scraping.**
> You may not use any automated data-gathering means (including robots, spiders, scrapers, crawlers, and the like) to gather any text, files, audio or visual media, profile information, or any other content from any Network website for any use that violates the Public Network Terms of Service, including the content license, or this Acceptable Use Policy.
> for any use that violates the Public Network Terms of Service
> it would have to be compliant with their TOS
8 mins ago, by lyxal
A quick glance at the Content Permissions, Restrictions, and Creative Commons Licensing section of the TOS doesn't seem to prevent chat scraping?
Nothing in the PNToS really says anything about chat scraping. It's more about your access and obligations
but it does say that the AUP is a proper subset of the PNToS
well not in those words but essentially it does
oh, I didn't see that first quote was from the TOS :p
@lyxal this is from the AUP btw
The PNToS is roughly:

Section 1: This is a terms of service document read it carefully
Section 2: No seriously this is a contract it's binding read it carefully you bingus
Section 3: Don't be a physical child
Section 4: You break the ToS you're gonna get banned...assuming there's no law in the way of that and that we don't work things out with you. Also we promise we'll try and keep perfect uptime lol no guarantees tho on that.
Section 5: Follow the AUP lol go to the other document this is a ToS not a guide on what you're not allowed to do lol.
(not 100% accurate, heavily summarised, not legal advice, I'm not a lawyer [I'm lyxal. Dingus.], go brush your teeth, eat your breakfast, yada yada etc)
Anyhow the PNToS seems to be chill on chat scraping instead referring you to its cousin the AUP
@lyxal You're not Dingus, you're lyxal
the full stop indicates the end of sentence
that joke doesn't work :p
Anyway it's probably fine as long as you don't make ten requests a second
17 mins ago, by lyxal
> **Disruptions and Exploits**
You may not attempt to exploit, overload, or otherwise disrupt the operations of the Network.
yeah that's ^
cough cough regular chat client making 2-3 transcript requests every second because websockets don't exist
cough cough regular chat client using polling when signed out for reasons unknown
@lyxal I know I said I wasn't going to summarise section 6 but it's basically this: the stuff we the company publishes? That's our stuff y'aint having that hands off it. The stuff you publish? You agree that it's ours under cc by SA 4 and you know we gonna reserve the right to make 69 billion kromer out of it if it's profitable lol
So not relevant to chat archiving
Therefore the only really relevant part of the tos seems to be the part which refers you to the aup
Which means you just need to be gucci with the aup and uh not be a child in the literal irl sense while doing so
As it would seem
fortunately I am not a child in the literal IRL sense
2 hours later…
would this be interesting if you had to output the actual name of the monarch? codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/251991/…
No, it would just be a compression challenge where we already have too many of
@lyxal I think the way this is worded, intent matters
Ginger's not trying to DOS them, so it doesn't fall under that
(That said, it may look that way to an automated tool)
cough chat ip ban
Oh the server's plugged in I just need to figure out networking your VM
@RydwolfPrograms wrong room?
2 hours later…
Q: Find the finest building blocks

Wheat WizardGiven a string \$X\$ we will say two strings, \$a\$ and \$b\$, are building blocks of \$X\$ if \$X\$ can be made by concatenating some \$n\$ \$a\$s with \$m\$ \$b\$s in any order. For example the string tomato has building blocks to and ma: to ++ ma ++ to We will say that the fineness of a set o...

@Ginger nah just thought of it 'cause the topic came up
@lyxal Yessir. Eating my breakfast right now, sir.
2 hours later…
@lyxal I skip breakfast and eat lunch directly, is that fine?
2 hours later…
@user only if it's a Tuesday
@RydwolfPrograms DOS would fall under exploit or disruption imo. I read the overload part to include even accidental overload of the system from a script gone wrong
Now obviously an accidental overload isn't going to be treated as harshly as a deliberate DOS, but it would still be seen as a break of AUP the way I read it
Not that that's an official reading/representation
@lyxal "attempt to ... overload" reads as requiring intent imo
Intent is for mediation imo
The aup exists to cover all cases good and bad and mediation exists to filter out the good from the bad
And even then that's only if you code the chat archive in such a way it's going to cause noticeable strain
Like if you write it in a way that isn't going to trip any strain detectors you won't have to worry about that section of the AUP
@DLosc so, do you have a breakfast for me?
@lyxal Um, no, sir... actually I have a movie for you
See it's called "Breakfast at Tiffany's." Maybe that's why you were confused.
fair enough. Confusing movie titles are tight!
if i recall, i think we both kinda liked it

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