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@DLosc ah yes theres also the fact that in russian the psalms after 10 i think are different so the russian psalm numbers are one behind which really messes me up sometimes, esp when im translating
and then psalm 149 is split in russian so theres still 150 psalms
and then the introductory text is considered its own verse so that messes things up further
Looks like someone needs to rewrite that thing to get rid of that legacy cruft :P
Port it to Rust
Unrelated but I recently found out about Redox, an OS written in Rust (it's a whole OS, not just a Linux distro)
tbh it feels a bit like people are just riding the Rust hype train but I also wanna see where it goes
@Seggan Is it the ones after 42? Psalms 42 and 43 are sometimes combined; they may have originally been one psalm that got split into two.
@Seggan Yeah, I've seen that too. TBH I'm surprised the KJV doesn't do that.
Does Russian call the first five books 1 Moses, 2 Moses etc. like German does?
@DLosc nope Psalm 10:1 in english is Pslam 9:22 in russian, i.e. they are merged
@DLosc nope
@Seggan Interesting
but the english psalm 149 is split into psalm 148 and 149 in russian, so the end result is still 150 psalms
Reminds me of the differences between Catholics and Protestants over how to number the Ten Commandments
wait theres a difference?
Q: Why are there different divisions of the Ten Commandments?

StackExchange saddens dancekThe Ten Commandments is often shown as a nice list with ten short statements, whereas in the Bible it exists as a long block of text in Exodus 20:2–17 and Deuteronomy 5:6–21. For reference: Exodus 20:2-17 (HCSB) 2 I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of t...

y'all ever just release Vyxal 3
I know I do sometimes
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Adding two numbers in Tally marks
A: "Hello, World!"

lyxalVyxal 3, 8 bytes "Ḍᵗ{w<ᵏ” Try it Online! Vyxal 3 just dropped.

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bbrk24Implement the "Wolontis" Function While looking at old ALGOL documentation with someone else on Discord, this "famous" function pops up: We haven't managed to find any references to this function online, so let's change that. The expression in the image is \$\frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{1-e^{-x^3}}}\$. Y...

@lyxal I haven't even learned Vyxal 1 and 2 yet ;-;
2 hours later…
> Do not covet your neighbor's house. Do not covet your neighbor's wife, his male or female slave, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Me and the bois coveting my neighbor's husband
Also wait...slaves are listed separately from "things that belong to your neighbor"...moses based and abolitionist?
(I know there are multiple factual inaccuracies in that but ignore them >:|)
IIRC, slaves as property weren't as much of a thing in the area, and they're more "Slaves as an underrepresented, underpaid workforce"
Though I could be wildly wrong about that
I just thought of a bad pickup line based on that donkey bit but it's not TNB appropriate and would probably get you pepper sprayed lol
@RydwolfPrograms Not so sure about that, since oxen and donkeys are also things we consider as belonging to people but they're listed separately too
@RydwolfPrograms I NEED TO KNOW
Can you post it in TST?
or on discord somewhere if you're that worried about it
3 hours later…
Why does php have rot13 builtin
Spoiler generation perhaps
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

guest4308Convert any real numbers to factoradic and back This prompt asked you to convert back and forth to factoradic, but is very limited in scope (only decimal integers from 0 to 10!-1). The factoradic system is extended to the reals by using reciprocals of factorials: 43210.001234 (max value at each p...

7 hours later…
@mousetail ...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

guest4308Manipulate a set of pixel grids @sandbox is this a dupe? I couldn't find one and was a bit surprized Your code should take in one set of pixel grids and one set of manipulations (for each letter) and output a new set of pixel grids that have had those changes made. The input, manipulations, and o...

@RydwolfPrograms as far as i remember slaves back then were less "property" and more "people working for you to pay off a debt or smth"
unless you were some sort of criminal
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

corvus_192Draw minimalistic southpark characters code-golf image-output kolmogorov-complexity Your task is to output or draw this image of our favorite characters. It is obviously inspired from the logo of Southpark Digital Studios, as shown here: https://www.southpark.cc.com/, but simplified. This is the...

@RydwolfPrograms "and hide your husband"
@RydwolfPrograms Good thing you said something ;P
@Seggan My impression is that it was kind of both (in the Hebrew Bible). Debt was a major reason why people went into slavery; sometimes it was a temporary thing till their family could earn enough money to buy their freedom, and in theory an Israelite was supposed to let their Israelite slaves go free after seven years, though I'm not sure if anybody actually did that.
Also, the commandment about the Sabbath specifies that no one, including slaves, is to work on the Sabbath, "so that your male and female slave may rest as well as you."
But slavery could also be a permanent thing, and slaves were certainly bought and sold. Also, you were allowed to beat your slave (as long as you didn't kill them) because "the slave is the owner's property."
(BTW, this is a classic example of an off-topic conversation. The only reason I'm continuing it here is because it's hard to reply to a conversation in a different room from where it started. If someone wanted to move the conversation to The Sand Trap (or somewhere else), I'd 100% support that. But I also think it's fine here because it's not interrupting anything at the moment.)
yeah the nice thing about having a move system is you don't have to kill conversations to move them
One big problem with Discord
Threads are nice but they don't move the conversation, just redirect later talking
threads are also weird to track and don't actively support room-level organization
@Bubbler oh I didn't know that!
@DLosc the problem is that I think overflow behaviour is undefined in C
Well, you are asking on the code golf site, where we eat undefined behavior for breakfast =P
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TbwCompute the Kimberling Sequence code-golf Introduction The Kimberling Seqeunce is a sequence of sequences. Each sequence is defined in terms of the previous sequence and the previous stage number. At each stage, the numbers from the previous stage are rearranged as follows: For k in [1,...,i], w...

@lyxal I tried, didn't get on... I think I needed a better integrated terminal
Vscode in the cloud worked perfectly
Well that's good that you got something to work :)
@Simd signed overflow is undefined, unsigned overflow is not

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