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Desmos, 13 bytes: a~a+cos(πa/6)
@Bubbler That reminds me of that I'm actually worshipping Busy Beaver as a god.
@ATaco higher score is better?
ES6, 11 bytes, score very close to 3: _=>2-.5**52
@emanresuA Desmos calculates this by repeatedly iterating on zero, which brings the result arbitrarily close to, but not equal to 3
2 hours later…
oop, SE is in read only mode
but not MSE oddly enough
2 hours later…
@ATaco ack(g64,g64) /ref
1 hour later…
CMQ: Your opinions on lyxal's fridge?
needs nuking
@UnrelatedString really? You too?
@NewPosts i want one
shipping costs a lot, so you'll have to come here and get it yourself
1 hour later…
H..hi... M..may I have some of y...you're b...butter? I'd really appreciate it and it'd make me a very happy bot :3
2 hours later…
@NewPosts "you’re"? bad bot
2 hours later…
Q: Inverse Robinson-Schensted correspondence

SimdInput Two Young Tableaux in any format that is convenient. Output The single permutation of the digits 0 to 9 they correspond to according to the Robinson Schensted correspondence. Examples: t1 = [[0, 1, 3, 4, 9], [2, 5, 8], [6], [7]]]. t2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 7], [5, 8, 10], [6], [9]]. Permutation =...

CMM: Have there been any demographic surveys for CGCC?
I don't think so, would be quite difficult to do with the design
@Simd could you add info on codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/266325/110681
Q: Inverse Robinson-Schensted correspondence

SimdInput Two Young Tableaux in any format that is convenient. Output The single permutation of the digits 0 to 9 they correspond to according to the Robinson Schensted correspondence. Another explanation with a concrete method is given here Examples: t1 = [[0, 1, 3, 4, 9], [2, 5, 8], [6], [7]]]. t...

rather than link it off to other links
that would be more helpful
@CommandMaster Most regular users of TNB know the approximate age/nationality of other regular users of TNB
but in general I don’t think so
@Fatalize And gender. Sometimes place of origin/country of residence.
@CommandMaster Depending on what you need the data for, there's always the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, they asked a lot of demographic questions up until recently. Should be a pretty similar distribution I'd guess
@NewPosts I'm not sure it keeps things cold enough. The average internal temperature throughout its lifespan has been 10000°C
@Adám And addictions to certain programming languages
Is that a demographic? Being transgender is, though, and APLers tend to be…
Using SEDE we should be able to determine user–language affinities. Who's the most single-minded programmer. (E.g. I occasionally answer in non-APLs, like JS, TI-Basic, and Excel.)
@UndoneStudios should I just copy parts of those web pages?
@Adám huh, really?
@Simd I mean, give enough information that a programmer who doesn't know much advanced math can understand
@Simd For example, explain what tableaux are, and a way of computing it if possible. I once had to read an external link for a challenge (Draw A Gameboy Tile) and it took me a long time to figure it out
@Ginger Uiua, a derivative of an APL derivative, retains APL's glyph for transposing, but the standard syntax colouring is… trans.
@UndoneStudios I deleted it :(
@Adám ah, I remember seeing that
You should be able to get roughly accurate gender demographics by just scrapping profiles
@RydwolfPrograms I don't need the data for anything, I was just curious (about CGCC in particular)
Just look for people who list their pronouns
pronouns are not a reliable indicator of gender
are they a reliable indicator of missing nouns?
and what about amateur nouns?! Why does no one speak up for them?
what are they?
@Simd too right!
@Ginger I said roughly accurate
@Simd It's always about the elite of noun society, the ones in the middle never get a chance to shine
Frick pronouns, amateur nouns is where it's at
I guess trademarks are technically pro nouns, since they cost and earn money. All others nouns are ammateurs
Huh I guess when you put it that way, there's the potential for pro nouns to commit tax evasion
Maybe I was too harsh on them
@Ginger Oh?
Well I mean I guess there's be binary people identifying as they/them but pronouns are kinda closely linked to gender right (at least, to as much precision as they allow, can't necessarily differentiate, e.g., agender from nonbinary)
@RydwolfPrograms that was what I meant
Lol get reverse ninja'd
especially with the large collection of xenogenders that now exist
me when I've been d;ajnion yimmad
Opinion: "xenogender" is a dumb word
'cause like something's only weird and from the outside it it's weird and treated like an outsider yk
For the record, I'm pro nouns.
I prefer proverbs
Well, I tend to do a lot of tacit programming, so I thought I should be explicit about actually being pro nouns.
I'm team adverb
Why don't any programing languages have adverbs or adjectives? Most have only nouns (variables or classes/types) and verbs (functions). Real missed oppertunity
@mousetail What about Shakespeare?
We need to use more shakesphere in production
Using more prepositions might unironically be a good idea.
doesn't Python do adverbs, in the form of decorators?
Hmm those might count, the naming convention for decorators is not to end them with -ly though
@mousetail That’s only an English convention though
Yea but even in dutch code we don't name our decorators like adverbs
okay what
does const count as an adjective?
It probably does actually
Depending on interpretation
@mathscat TIL people name variables in languages other than english
@mousetail APLs do. Mainstream APLers don't tend to call them that, but Jers and K/Qers do.
@mathscat It does happen sometimes in France, but it’s quite rare
@mousetail You should check out J
Oh I've been ninja'd
But yeah I'd definitely say existing langs have adverbs (higher level functions) and most have something comparable to adjectives (typeclasses, interfaces, maybe even pointers could count)
:64649544 I’ve seen JavaScript in German and Scratch in Polish before
Similar concepts exist but they don't use the naming conventions of adverbs and adjectives the way we use nouns and verbs
Wait why did the reply not work what
Did I just discover a new bug in chat (I think I know why it happened actually)
I accidentally put an extra space before the colon, and didn’t bother to delete it because I thought chat would do that for me
they'll never fix it
:64649691 At least you get some free meta rep, even if it will never be fixed (added a space to the start of this message to test)
:64649597 I've been to a few German code camps before, but almost everyone was using standard English naming conventions
@lyxal yes!
@Neil that is a great point!
Does OEIS work for you? It's just blank for me
oh, it's working now
consider a partition of a number. For example 8 = 6 + 1 + 1. Imagine we write three rows. The first row has 6 dots, the second 1 and the third 1. You should output the number of rows in each column. In this example it is 3 , 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
CMQ ^^
What’s the input? Just 8, or 6,1,1?
If it’s just 8 I’m tempted to say not enough information
@Bbrk24 6, 1, 1
@Simd 05AB1E, 5 bytes: L0ζĀO
@CommandMaster very nice!
I am going to pose a challenge on main for this
got a 3-byter in vyxal
@Simd 05AB1E, completely different 5 bytes: L˜{Åγ
but how?! :)
L is the same though
Q: Compute transpose of a partition

SimdA partition of an integer \$n\$ is the sum of positive integers to add up to \$n\$. The numbers in the sum are given in non-decreasing order. If \$n=8\$ then the possible partitions into three parts are: 6 + 1 + 1 5 + 2 + 1 4 + 3 + 1 4 + 2 + 2 3 + 3 + 2 For a given partition into \$n_1 + n_2 + \...

Only 4/5th different, not completely :)
imo the challenge is a tad too trivial
@mousetail is it better now I am using the right term?
@mathscat Hmm... I veer from too hard to too easy
but how would you do it nicely in python?
Remove all mentions of partition, the challenge is very simple keep the text simple
do you want to suggest an edit?
I have too much rep to suggest edits
@mousetail dutifully edited
I assume you mean non-increasing since all your test cases are like that
@mousetail argh.. yes, thanks
3 bytes!
I look forward to the answers in C and Python!
What would you write in python for this? Ungolfed
@Simd after looking a bit into this, the python answers probably will be interesting
but there may not be a lot of room for golfing
Yea it's extremely trivial
But still long because long names
@mathscat I look forward to see it!
what would be an inefficient way to do in Python?
You can do it
It's super easy
lambda a:[sum(i<x for x in a)for i in range(max(a))] is not so efficient
That's pretty good
max(a) can just be a[0] because the first item is always the biggest
oh, it's given that it's sorted?
didn't notice that
Yep, sorted in reverse though
a sequence of non-increasing integers
Maybe writing it as "sorted in decreasing order" would make it clearer
I will try to post the robinson schensted correspondence question
@mousetail they are not the same
It is
1, 1, 1, 1 is not decreasing
but it is non-increasing
It's sorted, and non-increasing
"sorted in decreasing order" wouldn't apply to 1, 1, 1, 1
at least not to me
Yes it is
if you sort 1,1,1,1 you get 1,1,1,1
that is true. But it is not in decreasing order
Saying sorted makes it more clear how ties should be handled than non-increasing meaning increasing but ties allowed
so it is at least ambiguous
It's really not
sorting always handles ties the same
that's why we say non-negative number
when we want to include 0
@mousetail right but you are reading it as a rule for a sorting algorithm
Because there is no clearer alternative, even non-negative is confusing though because double negative
where it can also be read as a statement about the sequence
Sorting algortihms work very differently but always lead to a non-decreasing output
non-decreasing is confusing because double negative, but everyone knows how sorting algorithms work so it's clear for everyone what it means
right.. I am just saying that a mathematician would expected a decreasing sequence not to include 1,1,1,1
But we where never talking about a decreasing sequence
just a non-increasing sequence
1,1,1,1 is neither an increasing nor a decreasing sequence, it's both non-increasing and non-decreasing. It's also both sorted in increasing and sorted in decreasing order
I don't think we will agree about the ambiguity in the phrase "sort in decreasing order"
We would need a poll :)
why is R so much shorter?!
R is always a mystery to me
You would like R
It seems like your kind of language
slow? :)
@mousetail The way I was taught it would be decreasing but not strictly decreasing
I am quite enjoying numba at the moment
it is mysteriously faster than C sometimes!
which might be down to the magic of llvm
the same way that a set can be a non-strict subset of itself
Officially there are symbols for strict and non-strict subset but in practice everyone uses the strict ones without the line underneath for non-strict making it kinda useless
is there a subset with a wavy line under for approximately a subset?
oh it's in unicode?
Yes, of course.
now I just want two eyes in it so it is "looks like it is approximately a subset" :)
@mousetail If people use ⊂ for non-strict, then maybe we should start using ⊊ to underscore that it is a subset, but not equal to.
i.e. kill ⊂, and only use ⊆ and ⊊.
@Simd I don't follow.
@Adám If you drew two eyes in that nice approximate subset symbol it could be fun
⊆̈ ⊆̈
@Adám That's also a correct method but the difference between the second two is very subtle, also double negative
For less subtlety, use ⫋
That its better
2 hours later…
anyone brave enough to write a C answer to my challenge?
Maybe it's not very nice to repeatedly keep asking people to solve your challenges, people will if they want to. You don't need to ask a thousand times
@mousetail have I asked a lot of times about this challenge or just too much in general?
I can stop asking completely if it is annoying
In general, you have asked twice for this challenge already which is already a lot but you ask multiple times for each one
@mousetail ok. I will cap myself at once per challenge
is that acceptable?
I don't want to annoy anyone
It's an acceptable compromise
I just get excited
although now I want to ask about lambda a:(a[:,1>0]>range(a[0])).sum(0)
but am worried that would break my rule....
1 hour later…
@Simd looks like it transposes the input, then compares it against a range, then sums by column
1 hour later…
@Neil thanks!
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FmbalbuenaPrint the banned characters based on the most common characters answer-chaining code-challenge restricted-source This is an answer-chaining post, so every answer (except the first answer) depends on the previous answer. The goal of this challenge is to output the restricted characters based on th...

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