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Q: Finding the power sandwich version 2

Dmitry KamenetskyIntroduction This question is inspired by this great [question][1]. Challenge Given a number N>0, output the largest integer a^b that is smaller or equal to N, and the smallest integer c^d that is greater or equal to N, where b>1 and d>1. Output should be a list of two integers, the first being s...

2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ross MillikanPositions on the Pickleball Court My doubles pickleball group often has five people. Four are playing and one is awaiting the next game. We can represent the state of the game with a string of five characters like abCde. This indicates that a and b are playing against c and d with c serving. ...

4 hours later…
@lyxal Charcoal, 17 bytes: UB# ¶ #⪪⭆S∨×ψΣιι/
CMC: Simulate Fae Farm flower breeding. Given six strings A, B, C, D, E, F, output one of A and D, one of B and C, and one of E and F. Input may be as a 2×3 array. Alternatively, given six strings A, B, C, D, E, F, output one of A and B, one of C and E, and one of D and F. Input may be as a 3×2 array.
3 hours later…
A: Country name mashup generator"51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "2221", "2222", "2223", "2224", "2225", "2226", "2227", "2228", "2229", "223", "224", "225", "226", "227", "228", "229", "23", "24", "25", "26", "270", "271", "2720"

Also spam profile
2 hours later…
Hey. Slightly off-topic but my discord has been compromised (username - manish); please kick it from the CGCC servers.
I'll mention it in the chat
(cc @ManishKundu)
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bsoelchFind the fairest partition of a list Given a list of positive integers, partition the list into two parts such that the difference of the sums over the two parts is minimal. The output of the program should be the difference of the sums. Examples: [1,2,3] -> 0 # [1,2], [3] [2,3,5,7,11] ->...

@Neil by "one of" do you mean to pick randomly?
2 hours later…
@noodleman yeah, each pick should be uniform and independent
Hello everyone, I had an idea for a challenge and saw that there's a similar challenge already, this one: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/198550/… . My idea was slightly different, I'll give you a word ("VICTORY"), a scrambled version of it ("VICYTRO") and would want the challengers to return how many intersections the scrambled word has if the letters were arranged in a circle (2 intersections in this example, see imgur.com/a/fEAqaEy).
Do you guys consider this similar enough to be considered a duplicate? I don't want to waste time using the sandbox just to be considered one
@Neil Ruby, 42 bytes: ->{[[_1,_4],[_2,_3],[_5,_6]].map &:sample} I don't see a shorter way.
@ihavenoidea not a dupe IMO and nice idea
@ihavenoidea hey that reminds me of a challenge idea I wanted to propose
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ihavenoideaIntersections in a Circular Scrambled Word Given a word W and a scrambled version of it S as input, you are required to return the number of intersections S will have when organized in a circular arrangement. Example Let W be VICTORY and S be VICYTRO. After transforming the scrambled word in its ...

4 hours later…
CMC: Output the largest number that is less than 3. Score is equal to the output.
okay gaben
Isn't this just 2.99999999999...?
that's 3
The objectively best answer is 3-infinitesimal, Though I can't think of any language that would support that.
@ATaco Something with symbolic math?
assuming 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 decimals doesn't round it to 3
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
this is symbolic math :p
exact numbers
wym wrong smh I am telling you the error
how's it an error
that wasn't showing up :p
If you support symbolic math, may as well do something like 3-(1/ack(6,6))
Alternatively, pick a language with only ints and output 2 :P
Score 2.9 where the 9 is repeated (256 * 10^256)^2 times: `2.` + `9` ₈↵(₈↵(₈*
can obviously be expanded as needed
Funky, z=>{defaultMeta.number._lt=@true 3} Returns 3, which is redefined as being less than 3.
Also valid is any arbitrarily large double value
Uncomputable, 3-1/Rayo_s_number

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