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@Neil Seals on an iceberg have been used before. Maybe you could change it up and use penguins instead?
4 hours later…
How to get m different numbers randomly in 1,2,3,...,n in at worst O(m) time? I can find O(n) one by shuffling and average O(m) one by hashmap and retry (m<n/2)
you mean a random permutation? generate randint(n!) and decode it?
I think that's technically impossible, because even generating a single uniformly-distributed random number in a range of arbitrary size has unbounded worst-case time.

If you can accept a small difference from the correct probabilities, then it becomes possible.

Start with all the numbers, then repeatedly: take a random one, remove it, and move the last one into its place (so that they remain contiguous).

To avoid the O(n) initialization, there are several options (the best option depends on how you'll be using this):
You can use rand(n) to get random number in 1..n
This avoids argue that RAND_MAX % n != 0
@l4m2 Well, then you're depending on the implementation of that rand function, and I believe those typically do have unbounded worst-case time (here's one example: github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Lib/random.py#L252])
1 hour later…
def o1sort(l):
 a = max(l)
 while True:
  if l == sorted(l) and len(l) > 1:
   return l
O(1) sorting algorithm
:64608031 This should work, if you accept hash maps. Otherwise it can be a treemap for O(m log(n)):
import random

def randchc(n, m):
    map = {}
    ans = []
    for i in range(m):
        if i not in map:
            map[i] = i
        j = random.randrange(i, n)
        if j not in map:
            map[j] = j
        map[i], map[j] = map[j], map[i]
    return ans
Is the sandbox the SE question with the most answers?
Seems like it, it has 4501 answers, then our "Hello, World!" question with 966 answers, and then meta.stackexchange's Sandbox archive with 623 answers
oh wow
Also 8 of the 20 most answered questions are on CGCC (and another one is the sandbox)
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NeilPushing Penguins on an Integer Iceberg An iceberg is represented by a rectangular grid of cells. Each cell can hold one of three penguins. Penguins can be pushed in any free orthogonal direction, but they slide until they reach the edge of the grid or would bump into another penguin. Example: ......

2 hours later…
@CommandMaster we just need 44 more hello world!'s
CMC: Hello world checker: Given an input string, check that it is the words "hello world" in either upper, lower, title or sentence case. The string can optionally end with . or ! and if so then can optionally contain a , before the space.
@Neil so "hello World" would return false?
@Neil So all of the following (and only them) should return true? Hello world, hello world, HELLO WORLD, Hello World, Hello, world. hello, world. HELLO, WORLD. Hello, World. Hello, world! hello, world! HELLO, WORLD! Hello, World! Hello world. hello world. HELLO WORLD. Hello World. Hello world! hello world! HELLO WORLD! Hello World!
TS types, surely plenty golfable, 177 bytes typescriptlang.org/play?#code/…
uppercase makes it take a lot more bytes
this version constructs a union type of all true answers. assigning a string constant type to the union will either succeed or give an error
AFAIK this is an acceptable default, i'm pretty sure i've seen another TS types answer use it, but if it isn't then it can be a generic type returning either 0 or 1 like my first submission for 132 bytes:

type X<S,A=", "|" ",B="!"|"."|" ">=S extends`Hello${A}${"w"|"W"}orld${B}`|`HELLO${A}WORLD${B}`|`hello${A}world${B}`?1:0
@CommandMaster looks about right to me
that list is basically what my submission does yeah
oop TS types 79 bytes :) typescriptlang.org/play?#code/…
i forgot that TS has built-ins for uppercasing and lowercasing a string type, this version makes a union of all possible title case or sentence case, then makes the union of that with it uppercased and with it lowercased
that's probably as short as it gets so i'll stop now
I'm thinking about creating a language, and I'm not sure if it should be tacit or stack-based. What are the pros and cons of each?
is it a golfing language?
consiceness could be a big factor for choosing one over the other
- doesn't require much syntax, easy to parse both mentally and by a computer
- once you understand the stack, it's easy to understand
- but, learning how a stack works is kinda confusing
i don't really understand any tacit langs but i know they often have very "clean" code
@noodleman somewhat (I'll have a SBCS and a bunch of builtins), but I mainly want to try the concept of having FSMs as the main datatype
hm interesting
but if its just "somewhat" supposed to be a golfing language then why add a bunch of builtins?
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer i don't think thats how it works
@noodleman Correction: it's supposed to be a golfing language, I'm just not sure if it will be particularly good because "FSM as the main datatype" might mean cumbersome code - it don't think it will have numbers other than the nonnegative integers (which will be represented in unary), for example.
i see
but at that point it might be more interesting if you just give it a handful of built-ins
20 or 30 maybe
@CommandMaster what is FSM?
@CommandMaster oh
@noodleman returns truthy for "Hello, World" :d
@mathscat isn't it supposed to be truthy for that??
> and if so then can optionally contain a ,
oh wait i misread
ok so all of the versions i posted are wrong, lemme fix that
ok 99 bytes for a hotfix
1 hour later…
@zoomlogo all lists take the same amount of time to sort. Therefore it is O(1).
yeah but that's not how big O works so no
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer O(1) formally means that there is a constant C such that the time is bounded by C for all inputs. There is no such constant for your code because it runs forever for some inputs
Also max and remove are O(n)
@CommandMaster This constant C is equal to infinity.
if only C was equal to infinity...
actually thatd mean nukes would destroy the universe, no thanks
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Thats not how O works lol
Big O means "how does the execution time scale with the size of the input", not "how long does this take"
i can have an O(1) algorithm that takes longer than the heat death of the universe to run, and an O(n^n) algorithm that takes a second
2 hours later…
these images are hard on the eyes, especially if you scroll the page slowly: mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/291792
that does look really cool
interesting that neither of the answers flip the color crossing into the pink region like the example does
oh never mind the second one does it horizontally instead of vertically
2 hours later…
@Ginger cant, not my room :P
@Seggan I can still do it manually if you want

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