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Q: Algorithm for generation of fill in the blank questions

The BisonBackground I have created an application that queries the user for facts, then allows them to set parts of these facts as fill in the blanks. One of the key ideas is the user will be able to create multiple facts, e.g. George Washington was a president of the USA and Franklin D. Roosevelt was a p...

@NewPosts i can't tell if this is attempting to be a challenge, but needs an OWC, or if its a SO question. i VTCd as the latter but not sure
2 hours later…
CMP: Is this Uiua answer valid without the function signature?
I'm leaning towards no, given that the code cannot be assigned to a name or pushed on the stack without the signature, which makes it a snippet
I'm gonna post a challenge about butter lol. Please don't VTC it when I do
@Bubbler I would interpret this I/O default as allowing it, although I don't know the particulars of Uiua
@NewPosts VTC please
Q: Meta question: counting bytes

Martin KealeySorry if this is the wrong way to ask this... Many languages used here have characters outside the ASCII character set, yet the headlines of answers written in such languages often say n bytes, when in fact they comprise n characters that actually need substantially more bytes to encode. I don't ...

@RydwolfPrograms you could have at least given the bot a change to post its question first before calling for VTCs
Nah I was saying we should VTC the bot
well that doesn't seem fair at all
what did the bot do to you to be vtc'd?
Needs more focus. It's slacking.
also, gotta love that vtc to migrate to meta, only to be followed by a vtc as dupe :p
1 hour later…
Yooooo my vote buttons actually work on meta sites now
(they used to go invisible when selected)
dso surge down \o/ waaa
how am i gonna do stuff online now
CMC compare an int64 and a float64. Don't use float80.
Compare? Do I need to return a < b? a <= b? sign(a-b)?
As a test is 36028797018963975 < 3.6028797018963976e+16 < 36028797018963977 good?
@UnrelatedString it would be the only answer so why not :)
@l4m2 Even after golfing my footer and header my Java answer is too long for chat ): I guess I'll use a link shortener
yo wait huh i just realized hyper neutrino switch pfp, how long was that
i was wondering whose pfp pop up in chat in the top right
i think last time i saw him was the first time i saw him after the switch but i actually can't remember how long ago that was lol
within the last month at least
I completely forgot about that long double was float80.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SquareFinderBefunge Comment Outline Creator Befunge is a 2-dimensional programming language, with an instruction pointer (IP). In Befunge-98, the ; character tells the IP to skip characters up until the next ; (Let us call it skipping mode when the IP is skipping characters). Here is an example: "This part i...

@AidenChow since mid September here
Since about mid August on discord
I keep track of these things :p
actually according to my server's logs it was early september that I changed it to this on Discord
@lyxal damn ok, thats a while ago
very interesting that they have the same question LOL
almost seems like one copied the other
and checking the timestamps reveal which one lol
and literally look at my comment on the math se one lmaoo
You need to clarify specifically which operations are allowed and which ones are disallowed. Even then, this seems to be a better fit on Puzzling SE. I've seen many similar math equation puzzles on there before. — Aiden Chow 2 days ago
well someone certainly followed that advice
@AidenChow very easy puzzle
That's what I start with, right?
Watch this
@lyxal yep, not exactly my point tho but ok
I call it "using a mirror and a pair of scissors"
In practice, the ones would blend in
But they've been highlighted purple for clarity
@l4m2 I was actually toying with the idea of having a question to implement custom total ordering on both doubles and ints, where -0.0<0<0.0 and positive ints compare less than their double values while negative ints compare greater
CMC: Given a string of the form \d+!+, calculate the generalised multifactorial e.g. 13!!!=3640.
@Neil does input have to be string, can i take in two numbers, one is num of !
> Given a string of the form \d+!+
@Bubbler yes i read that part
@AidenChow yes sorry
I can strip half of my solution if that's allowed lol
@Neil damn :(
@Neil generalised multifactorial?
@lyxal like 13!!! = 13*10*7*4*1
yeah I guess the multifactorial is the generalised factorial, sorry for the confusing description
Jelly, 12 bytes: แธŸโ€!Vr1mฤ‹โ€!$P (Try It Online!)
anyone know of a relationship between ceil and round for all real numbers
@AidenChow round(x) = ceil(x + 0.5)
sorry, I meant floor
ceil(x - 0.5) I guess, although that rounds 0.5 in the wrong direction
also ceil(x) = -floor(-x)
oh right
so round(x) = -ceil(-(x+0.5)) I think
thanks, that seems to work
@Neil Uiua, 27: /×-โŠš=โŠข.โ—ฟโˆถโ‡ก,โˆถparseโŠƒ'โ–ฝ¬/+=@!. (try)
down to 25: /×โŠšโŠ‚0โ‡Œ=โŠข.โ†ฏโ™ญparseโŠƒ'โ–ฝ¬โŠš=@!.
@l4m2 Oh, that's a nice solution, I only found: JavaScript (Node.js), 66 bytes: x=>(g=(a,b)=>a<1||a*g(a-b,b))(parseInt(x),x.length-x.indexOf('!'))
Actually this can be 64 bytes, x=>(g=(a,b)=>a<1||a*g(a-b,b))(parseInt(x),x.split('!').length-1)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterHow Many Counters Have Been Counted To Given 1-9 distinct positive integers, emulate the output of a nested loop structure in which each integer represents the maximum value of a counter being looped through, and at the start of each loop print the number of counters above and including the curre...

@CommandMaster use template string to save two bytes on the split
also I don't think you need to pass b
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Any Python editor also display current indention?
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Command MasterLiterate Programming in Base 26 restricted-source string base-conversion code-golf Your task is to convert non-empty strings - between strings using the 26 letters, and programs, which are strings of bytes, where each byte has 256 possible values. You should use the same codepage your answer is w...

2 hours later…
CMC for a bit size n, output the biggest gap between the sum of the bit sizes of the factors of an integer of bit size n and n
For n=4 the answer is 2
2 hours later…
Q: Is it a valid hidden word?

Wheat WizardThe Universal Crossword has a set of guidelines for crossword puzzle submissions. In this challenge we are going to be concerned with their rules for hidden word themes. A hidden word clue consists of a clue and a word. It can either be a "word break" or a "bookend". For a word break the word mu...

posted on October 20, 2023 by WheatWizardโ€ญ

The Universal Crossword has a set of guideli...

Nice, finally hit 1k rep on SO :P
Okay so the most simplest script in existence is:
print('Hello, world!')
Or at least that is what you WOULD think?
See we can get simpler with that, so let's just ignore null programs now.
Programs that look like this:
And let's ignore comments.
The simplest program is... drum roll please... exit().
See in exiting the Python interpreter just exits.
It doesn't have to do stuff to STDOUT, doesn't have to assign variables, nothing!
0 is shorter and does nothing at all
exit actually does something
But Python still has to parse the number.
> Python compiler
So it does do stuff!
also, I'm pretty sure you're wrong
just a second
Huh what quote?
I never said anything like that.
you are indeed wrong
0 results in fewer bytecode instructions than exit():
>>> x = compile("exit()", "st", "eval")
>>> y = compile("0", "0", "eval")
>>> dis.disassemble(x)
  0           0 RESUME                   0

  1           2 PUSH_NULL
              4 LOAD_NAME                0 (exit)
              6 PRECALL                  0
             10 CALL                     0
             20 RETURN_VALUE
>>> dis.disassemble(y)
  0           0 RESUME                   0

  1           2 LOAD_CONST               0 (0)
              4 RETURN_VALUE
Theroretically a space should result in even lower bytes.
I can prove it.
I thought we were excluding null programs
A space is not a null program.
It is still one character.
actually, it's an error
>>> z = compile(" ", "space", "eval")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "space", line 1

IndentationError: unexpected indent
No don't edit it!
The first one was gold!
Double meanings!
I didn't think that was star-worthy, so it's just as well
"actually, it's an exception"
1. Surface - It means there has been an exception.
yes, I get it
2. Deep - It means we need to make an exception for space programs.
it's not very funny
But it's thoughtful!
or deep, for that matter
My personality type is 50% S and 50% N so just expect that.
What does that mean?
Like it means you didn't understand?
Or it means you don't like my answer?
calm down lol
@The_AH vtd as double speak
in my estimation, personality quizzes are slightly below Rydwolf's gender quiz in terms of actual insight
My life is worthlessly reduced down to a number unable to capture all the reactions and experiences, memories and friendships, growths and downfalls, mistakes and ideas.
and really only serve to sort people into unnecessary categories
Categories that will further make our lives fleshed down into worthless letters stringed together by some psychopath who invented personality types one day to deceive the human race into fire and non-growth!
This is prove that our lives are now just vacuums for the greedy to feed off to enlarge their families and make a complex.
Then he realized that he had been flexed off by life.
Hmm...my CMC was not loved
oh wow how am I supposed to understand that
I think I get the gist of it tho
> the sum of the bit sizes of the factors of an integer of bit size n
okay what
so the bit size of the factors is n?
**CMC** for a bit size n, output the biggest gap between the sum of the bit sizes of the factors of an integer of bit size n and n
For n=4 the answer is 2
Please tell me if it isn't clear
Not sure why CMC isn't in bold
Q: How much bigger can the factors be than the whole?

SimdInput A positive integer n. n defines the number of bits need to represent a positive integer. For an n-bit positive integer, consider its prime factorisation and the sum of the bit sizes of all those prime factors. For example: If n = 4, then the 4-bit integers are in the 8 to 15 inclusive. Take...

@NewPosts @Simd I suppose I could have posted: Jelly 2 bytes, แบก2. :p
@Simd Formatting doesn't work in multiline messages
@Simd try it like this:
𝗖𝗠𝗖 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝗌𝗂𝗓𝖾 𝗇, 𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗉𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗂𝗀𝗀𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗀𝖺𝗉 𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗎𝗆 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝗌𝗂𝗓𝖾𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝗌𝗂𝗓𝖾 𝗇 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗇
𝖥𝗈𝗋 𝗇=4 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝗌𝗐𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗌 2
See that's how you markdown in multiline messages
someone needs to make meta-chat that adds all the features we want on top of chat
not like CoC but smth that allows maximum compat with normal users
Kotlin For Chat:tm:
Sort of like what I'm doing with CIMJ for MathJax?
yeah, but with a broader scope
Could be interesting
Considered doing something like that once for reactions and polls
What would really be cool is using it to add proper markdown
or at least fix multiline markdown
And since 90% of the time it wouldn't be any different from the message received, it wouldn't require much side channel bandwidth
Invis chars can be limiting, maybe using a second room could work (as long as it's in a human readable format so that it doesn't get shut down for the same reason as CoC)
yet another project to add to my list of "want to make"
if only i dont have to use JS
maybe ill revisit kotlin/js
wasm is a better choice
@RydwolfPrograms oh hey I just realised I can probably unfreeze that room now :p
I don't think SE would be very happy with you :p
wanna do a little trolling and start it up again?
I prefer diamond-lyxal over disgraced-former-mod-lyxal thankyouverymuch :p
Not that anyone would probably notice or care lol
Especially given recent downsizing and priority shifts
I want to write a challenge but I don't know a good way to describe it
you start with a rectangular grid and three objects on it
once you push an object it carries on moving until it hits another object or reaches the edge of the grid
the goal is to push an object so that it stops in a particular square of the rectangle
just trying to think of a type of object that would carry on moving until it hits another of the objects or the edge of the grid
@lyxal speaking of which, can u unfreeze chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/146578?
I don't believe it, I actually responded to a chat moderation request that corresponded to the site I moderate for once :p

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