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> When a #if block is inactive due to os(), arch(), canImport(), a -D flag, or #if false, it's still parsed, but not compiled: example. However, if it's inactive due to swift(), it isn't parsed. It's tokenized so that the compiler knows where the correct #endif is, but it's not fully parsed: example. So, the fact that mismatched parentheses inside an inactive #if swift() do anything is bizarre, to say the least.
("example" were links before I copy-pasted :P )
@thejonymyster no, this is optimal; UP is i/o, {} is necessary to take the entire input, ): is necessary to branch without discarding input/failing to output, N detects end of input... the only adjustable bit is ^D for accumulating the values, but thats the best way to do it, the alternative is ][] which is worse by over 100 points
@lyxal Today in "Swift method names are painfully verbose": replacingOccurrences(of:with:)
that doesn't even sound grammatically correct
"replacing" should be "replace"
you typically have func doingThing() -> Foo and mutating func doThing()
or, when the method name is a noun instead of a verb, func thing() -> Foo and mutating func formThing()
$2.replacingOccurrences reads oddly though
@Bubbler i just spent 10 minutes failing to realize that literally pops the top and restores it afterwards, in the sense that if you break inside a the top is not restored
For some examples on Double: addingProduct vs addProduct and squareRoot vs formSquareRoot
So a hypothetical replaceOccurrences would mutate the string in-place
but surely a better naming process could have been used
And actually, the Objective-C class NSMutableString has replaceOccurrences
@lyxal Consistency with existing Objective-C APIs was a factor
surely a better naming process could have been used for Objective-C
Did you see the whole discussion about ObjC method names on Discord
> and the winner for “longest Objective-C method name” goes to… initWithEnableFan:enableAirConditioner:enableClimateControl:enableAutoMode:airCirculationMode:fanSpeedIndex:fanSpeedPercentage:relativeFanSpeedSetting:temperature:relativeTemperatureSetting:climateZone:
if that's the game they want to play then game on
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: (untitled)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Aiden Chowcode-golfmathcombinatorics Expected number of rounds for this labeling scheme Task Here is an interesting math problem: Let's say that there are \$n\$ indistinguishable objects in a bin. For every "round", pull \$k\$ objects randomly out of the bin with equal probability, and apply a label on ea...

useless fact i learned today: if you look up "Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock music video" you get this video by a channel called "y" with a single video and 209,000 subscribers
how to deal with floating point output in challenges, like should i say accurate to one decimal place or nah
A: Things to avoid when writing challenges

BubblerReal-valued output without further specification, or with a bad one For integer outputs, you can check correctness with exact equality. For exact fractions, many challenges require to output a (numerator, denominator) pair which has worked out pretty well in practice. But for real number outputs,...

tl;dr: never use "accurate to x decimal places", use "within absolute or relative error of 10^-x"
I personally lean to being Far too lenient with floating point arithmatic, in a hope to not limit languages that don't support native floats. (Fixed point ftw)
CMC: given distinct positive integers A and B, output all positive integers N where A mod N = B mod N
it was annoying me that it wasnt on one line on my device :P
@thejonymyster What if A == B?
so, that wont happen
My b
:P admittedly terse challenge wording, i just wanted it to be a one-liner
thankfully unambiguous though unlike my last attempted at a cmc (wah)
Is this not just all the numbers from 1 to the lesser of A and B?
@Bubbler done
did i get it backwards or something
I got it backwards
I did N%A, not A%N
ok had me worried cause i did have to like, triple check to make sure i didnt make the same mistake lol
@thejonymyster some suitable golflang, 2 commands: absolute_difference divisors
I think that should work?
assuming that code does what it looks like it does yea gg
i would not have considered the golflang solution though thats fun
Almost works in ARBLE, though factors(abs(A-B)) doesn't output 1
i wonder if you could just append it :P
@Bubbler can this generalize to a higher number of inputs?
Oh you can, 1 ..factors(abs(A-B))
Or factors(abs(A-B))..1, is shorter, but I prefer my 1 at the start
@thejonymyster yes, map_on_neighboring_pairs{absolute_difference} reduce{gcd} divisors
Oh my word
background; i thought of this question because i was wondering how tricky itd be to determine ahead of time which paths would have which major boss bloons in btd6 since some maps have multiple paths amongst which the bloons are divvied up, and they just added a map editor
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString and now it's actually shorter in utf-8 bytes than the tag solution lmao
how the hell did i arrive at that tortured monstrosity, using constants for binary state, without realizing i could just use constants like dip
@Bubbler hmmm ok, got it
but how do strike a balance between reasonableness and being too lenient
becuz ok the thing is that the answers can be expressed in exact fractions, they are rationals
ik most langs dont have fraction data types
so, i am allowing floating point output
outputting (numerator, denominator) for rationals is often allowed
hmmmm ok but i want to allow floating point as well
cuz most langs wont have a fraction type to work with
for floats, 10^-6 for error margin is a good default
but now if u divide out the fraction it might not be exact
@Bubbler hmm ok
thats 10^-6 percent within the answer or what?
abs(true answer - calculated answer) / max(1, abs(true answer)) <= 10^-6
that is the definition of "absolute or relative error under 10^-6"
i have to put that whole formula into my challenge?
no, just using the english phrase is fine
now that's a new one
that's very ironic
@Bubbler "You may output ... as a floating point number with a relative error under \$10^{-6}\$ from the true value" does this sound like good english
"absolute/relative", not just relative
looks good other than that
@Bubbler ok thanks
Q: Repeat your program to print Fibonacci numbers

mousetailWrite a program fragment so that, when repeated N times it prints the Nth Fibonacci number. For example, if your program is print(x) then: print(x) should print 1 print(x)print(x) should print 1 print(x)print(x)print(x) should print 2 print(x)print(x)print(x)print(x) should print 3 print(x)print...

oh wow thanks
@Bbrk24 Feel free to (additionally) post any interesting solutions even if they are not the shortest
×τⁿπτ = 2021.789
surprisingly close but not too useful to get 2014
What language is that?
1 hour later…
-@ @߾
@Bubbler ^ for 6 bytes
The last character is chr(2046)
That's an N'Ko letter, apparently.
CMC: Given a string of printable ascii (space to ~), output a program that prints that string, but uses none of its characters. Both programs must use the same language and flags.
what if the input has the entire printable ascii?
The Lenguage Meta-Cat works for this
Thankfully it's not being scored on output length :p
@lyxal is the output vyncoded?
@Bubbler you double your score for each ascii character you don't support
(well, you would if I had written a scoring method)
@Neil Many languages, 0 bytes. (Supports no ascii)
Returns nothing, which when run, also returns nothing
@Neil no only the program
Removing the bit encoding is fine though because it only saved roughly 3/8ths of a byte
Not much difference from 15 bytes :p
1 hour later…
Charcoal, 25 bytes: ≔´⸿´¶θ´⍘´⍘⍘⍘S⁺θγθ⪫”y¦⁺γ”θ Encodes from base 97 (because base 95 fails for leading spaces and 97 was the next golfiest) to base 2 using CR and LF, so output is approximately 20/3 times the length of the input plus static overhead.
i'm convinced SO inc is going out of business within the next year or so
2 hours later…
Q: Write a variadic fixed point combinator

Legendary WizardA fixed-point combinator is a higher order function \$\mathrm{fix}\$ that returns the fixed point of its argument function. If the function \$f\$ has one or more fixed points, then $$\mathrm{fix} f=f(\mathrm{fix} f).$$ The combinator \$Y\$ has such properties. Encoded in lambda calculus: $$Y=\lam...

CMC: Draw a perfect circle (99.9%) on neal.fun. The code is valid if it works on your computer. You are allowed to take the center-pixel coordinates as the input.
Starting off with Python pyautogui, 132 bytes (image)
gg ez
lyxal, 0 bytes ` `???
Get good
@mousetail Yeah I posted both
Also I’ve thought about making a Trilangle meta-cat using the “cram everything interesting on the bottom row” strategy the quine uses
2 hours later…
@mathscat interesting, i wonder if this could work on main lol
c++ is so hard to debug!
just RiiR
rewrite it in R?
Rust, probably
So in one golfing language I had, there was this null value, where the primary thing that made it interesting was that it couldn't be added to lists
ah yes... tempted to put a bounty on for a solution that isn't in C/C+
So e.g., you could map and filter by returning null for things that should be filtered out
And then I was thinking, and realized it's probably dumb to have two sets of conditional operations, one for 0/1 or bools and one for null/non-null
So what if there was a sort of anti-null as true?
It would mean you couldn't have lists of bools tho
CMQ: Would it be allowed to design my language to use rationals, then just have a command line argument for what precision to use for irrational stuff?
Since I'd imagine 99% of the time it wouldn't really matter, it'd be accurate enough. But then for challenges that require a certain amount of accuracy, you'd be able to do like --irrational-precision 1000 or something
yeah, Rust
I mean I guess that'd just count as a different language right. Do y'all think that'd seem cheaty?
I'd say it'd work the same way flags for other languages work
Well officially I guess but would it be cheaty
@RydwolfPrograms Yes, Vyxal has the -H and -s flags, which could be considered more cheaty, but is allowed.
Neither of those flags have anything to do with number precision
also the weird thing with a hypothetical precision flag is with the separate language interpretation it's creating an infinite family of very very very similar languages
because it's not just a binary switch
maybe just always store the arbitrary precision form and then have a 1 byter (or whatever the godforsaken standard is at this point) that takes that and a number of digits of precision to give it back at? lol idk
like pi 7 getprecise in something stackbased or what-have-you
@thejonymyster The problem is the other way around
I don't want to bother making it arbitrary precision
Currently implementing some lazy list stuff in Rust
Not having fun :p
2 hours later…
@thejonymyster oooh I might try to write a challenge
maybe check if its a dupe first but like it strikes me as one of those "so simple we didnt have it" ones :P
Announcement: redwolfprograms.com, radvylfprograms.com, and radvylf.com are all no longer going to be renewed by me. They expire in the coming months; if you happen to stumble across something using one of those domains, ping me so I can fix it
TIL that docx files are just zip archives
i found that out when fedora tied opening one with Ark
@RydwolfPrograms me omw to buy them myself and post the cat-ears photo on them
are you going to be removing the bakde pottat?
Not sure
I do own rydwolf.xyz with the intent of that being my new website
I might bother actually making a website tho
@Ginger If you've got $12, go for it :p
don't tempt me
Just as an advance warning I am letting go of amidst.dev at some point
It expires in February, that might be its demise
hmm, the Complement web editor runs on that domain
and I think there's something else, but I can't remember what
You have some amidst.dev email addresses for your alts/bots, so you'd have to change their emails
oh yeah
There're no other subdomains on it tho
And I don't think I've got anything running on the root
I should probably configure an email server so I can just use my own domain
I've heard it's not worth the effort doing that
well I'm not about to give out my personal email :p
and besides how hard can it be? it's 2023
I'll just give you emails on another domain nw
But I currently own way too many domains :p
> ginger.army
They will rise
@Ginger can you hear the desperation in this message
@Ginger Looks like you've got your very own military-industrial complex
I've always wanted one of those!
I want to put something on that domain now, but idk what
SE Nitro?
As soon as you're rich and a grown adult I'll make you pay for it transfer the domain to you
@RydwolfPrograms noo not radvylfprograms.com
quick somebody archive the image
age is but a technicality, and technicalities are but suggestions
@mathscat pretty sure he has it on rydwolf.com
nvm there's nothing there
hey @RydwolfPrograms how much are you paying for ginger.army?
Squarespace charges $70/yr for all the other ginger.<something> domains
Yikes...that means they're probably going to charge that for renewals of all my current domains
I'm not sure I really have a use for ginger.army, might be a good idea to leave it
I like the sound of gingerdev.space, and it's only $20/yr
huh, the owner of ginger.wtf redid their site
or possibly bought it from the previous owner
We missed our chance D:
no contact info :(
Do they have WHOIS privacy?
lemme check
> Registrant Email: Please query the RDDS service of the Registrar of Record identified in this output for information on how to contact the Registrant, Admin, or Tech contact of the queried domain name.
(the registrar seems to be Cloudflare)
So currently my triage is:
1. Not renewing: amidst.dev, questwriting.org, radvylf.com, radvylfprograms.com, redwolfprograms.com
2. Renewing indefinitely: ginger.industries, rto.community, rto.run, rydwolf.blog, rydwolf.com, rydwolf.wtf, rydwolf.xyz, rydwolfprograms.com
3. Unknown for the rest
huh, I think the Complement site isn't actually on my VM
It's still running on rustdrop I think
you never did give me that image of gingerdrop
I don't remember if I even killed gingerdrop
I don't think I did
@RydwolfPrograms unfortunately, it seems like this is the case
you effectively have to have a dedicated server run by a cloud hosting provider
in fact I suspect your ISP blocks port 25
That would be my port forwarding
You only have 80, 443, and 22
Oh and a few more for RTSP and Minecraft and stuff
no, I do mean your ISP
I know 25 isn't forwarded
I would be very surprised if my ISP filters traffic by port
What makes you think so?
a little bit of research indicates that it's definitely a thing that happens
AT&T tends to not really care what you do IME
I can try forwarding you 25 if you wanna try playing around with it
that would be appreciated
finding a mail server that doesn't want a dedicated device is going to be the issue
I ended up just paying the $7.20/month for google workspace lol
@Ginger You'll have to wait a little while, fwiw. I'm going straight to work after this and I'm going to be too tired to muck around with networking when I get home
oh, you'll also need to open 993, 465, and 587
I'll also provide you with some DNS records to add
(later, I'm a bit busy rn)
# NOTE: the trailing slash here, or for any directory name in the home_mailbox
# command, is necessary as it distinguishes a maildir (which is the actual
# directories that what we want) from a spoolfile (which is what old unix
# boomers want and no one else).
@RydwolfPrograms ginger.meme?!
2 hours later…
@Ginger mine does. it used to be "enforced" by front end script which was trivially bypassed by port forwarding 25.001 but they got wise to that, so now I have to put my mail server in my router's dmz and firewall the server properly.

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