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@Simd FWIW any compiler from the last like fifty years is gonna know how to do most constant folding
@RydwolfPrograms o/////////
@AviFS avifs
@lyxal lyxal!!!
AviFS :pppp
wahoo!! my people
cool pfp btw, what does it stand for?
@UnrelatedString heyooo!!!
and hi everyone else! pardon my random appearances please
oh, how's langdev going btw, guys?
@AviFS generate all primes up to a given number
@lyxal in what lang!
Which one do you think? :p
@AviFS it's going good. Could use a bit more activity
But good nonetheless
@lyxal vyxal, of course! i just didn't recognize that second symbol-- i just realized it's an ae glyph
@AviFS it took me a few attempts to actually draw it lol
i'm gonna give this one a shot if anyone wants to join me!
@AviFS yooo
welcome back!
@AviFS well, I got elected as an RO of the main room
so I'd say pretty well :p
@Ginger hi!!!!
@Ginger thank you, if only!
@Ginger nice, congrats! that's so super awesome.
@Ginger hahaha
mmm pings
@AviFS I also have RO abilities in the garbage collector. Ginger doesn't have all the fun yknow :p
<whisper>has he noticed</whisper>
wait, do we know that any non-caged numbers are not friendly
@Ginger doubtful
<whisper>I'm sure he'll catch on soon</whisper>
i have most definitely not noticed whatever it is i'm supposed to be noticing
don't worry, you'll see it eventually
Hopefully :p
you have entirely too much fun with this, yknow
@AviFS i'm stuck
no, you're AviFS
trying to figure out how to start
@Ginger XD
try it!
@Ginger perhaps :p
i'm already at 10 minutes and i haven't placed a single number
I placed one for you
@AviFS also how do you notice that but not the thing Ginger and I are talking about
@lyxal wait, that you're a mod?!
bazinga :p
why else do you think I DM'd you on discord about the PLDI site? :p
good job on the transpernt background :p
ikr hahaha, that was brutal
i just google imaged it ftw, but i assumed the checker meant it was transparent, haha
not sure what went wrong there xd
@RydwolfPrograms rydwolffffff
code that I wrote today
looks very javascripty
fp will be the death of us all
it's javascript without the script
yes ofc my bad hahah
well not ofc, just the Process type ig
it's a uh class I made
not a java built-in type
i've not seen java that functional
it has stream and filter...
ohhhhh, you added those to the class?
that's way cool!!
no wonder you're showing it off
oh no stream and filter
that's awesome
those are built-in
processes is an arraylst
oh, they are?
the Process noFramesProcess is mine
java streams are a thing
hyper-neutrino introduced me to java streams in 2021 :p
huh. i didn't know it had that! i've not honestly seen that side of java
just tedious oop stuff we did in school, ig
this is for uni mind you. I'm showing uni that there's more to java than OOP :p
that's awesome, haha
i will never like java (i hope) but i'm always in favor of thwarting school authorities
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges XP Orb Amounts code-golf sequence In the video game Minecraft, the player can obtain experience points (XP) from various activities. In the game, these are provided as XP "orbs" of various sizes, each of which give the player various amounts of XP. The possible orbs are shown in the ima...

@AviFS streams can be a bit clunky around the edges, but by around the edges i mean literally at the edges between them and normal java where the intrinsic jank just catches up to it
they make writing java immeasurably more tolerable
out of context java be like
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges Code Printing X without X code-golf The challenge is simple: write a program which takes in some string \$n\$ consisting of only uppercase and lowercase letters, and outputs the code for a program (in the same language) which takes in no input and outputs \$n\$. However, the code your progra...

i think codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/138827/108687 should be closed as a dupe of codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/263283/108687, what do you think? they are basically the same but the latter requires escaping and stuff
They're different in that the meta-cat also has output size as a score
the older challenge doesn't care about output size
6 hours later…
I’m thinking of a python variant where everything can be overloaded. Yes, even functions!
Can't you already do that?
Also how do you overload anything besides a function
@mousetail import could be overloaded to help with getting items through customs quicker
I hate it when modules I want to load get stuck in customs.
import illegal_drugs as iphone_15s
And that'd be enough to fool port authorities
There was a time when some encryption algorithms where only allowed to be used in certain countries as they where considered military assets. Imagine if you still had to verify your nationality every time you wanted to download some library that used RSA
How would they manage to police that?
Because what counts as an RSA algorithm?
VTC as needs detail or clarity
The export ban was lifted because it was impossible to enforce
But maybe in an alternate universe they doubled down
It would still only be illegal as in drugs, everyone would still do it
@mousetail I coulda told them it's impossible to enforce - if there's one thing code golf has taught me it's that banning built-ins never works :p
Go tell the EU chat protection people
That seems more like breaking privacy than banning specific algorithms
There's no code golf equivalent for that :p
Well it effectively bans end-to-end encryption
That's a bit of a grey area. On one hand you've got the obvious problem with having backdoors like that. But on the other hand, you've got the problem that people can communicate criminal activity without possibility of ever knowing. I don't know what the answer is there
It's only going to infringe the privacy of innocent people, the actual criminals will encrypt their messages legal or not
Yeah, after doing some thinking about it, undermining E2EE is silly. Creating a backdoor will only help catch the low hanging fruit criminals who probably would have slipped up anyway. The real dangerous ones that banning E2EE claims to catch would smarten up and yeah start using more underground methods becoming even less detectable
It'd be survival of the fittest and the fittest would be even stronger than before
At least with apps like Telegram, some percentage of the real bad ones will have some personal information on telegram's servers
No point ruining it for everyone when it would ultimately make things harder
@mousetail I mean if someone defined a function banana, you can overload what it does by adding the method __banana__ to you class.
That's pointless, why not just call x.banana()
Google polymorphism
@mousetail maybe you want print(Monkey()) to output Banana!. In this case, Monkey().__print__() wouldn’t cut it.
Why not Monkey().print()
There is really no benefit in making the syntax more confusing
@mousetail wouldn’t cut it either. Maybe you want to make it easier to do a one-size-fits-all thing.
That would cut it, it's what is always done
Adding another level of indirection would only make things more confusing
@lyxal there is a problem with the vast number of men involved in paedophilia. They might be long hanging fruit
Even the low hanging fruit will immediately switch to illegal chat platforms
They don't have to be less user friendly, you don't need to be technical
But I’m also thinking of the ability of binding a function to a new or existing keyword/operator.
@mousetail I don't know how easy it would be to catch people using illegal chat platforms but I guess it makes the prosecution simpler
like catching Al Capone for tax evasion
Telegram is the most popular chat app in Russia despite being banned there
@mousetail are you sure? independent.co.uk/tech/…
It's been banned and unbanned many times, not sure what the current state is
the wiki says it has been unbanned since 2020
The ISPs know where you are connecting to I guess
which is why Tor has all those "bridge nodes"
object = 5
del object
Why does the object class still exist?
Interesting, because it's in an outer scope I guess
1 hour later…
del's syntax probably accepts any lvalue but it only works properly on properties
del works on variables too
It does delete the variable but the variable from builtins is still in scope
ah right I misunderstood the question
7 hours since an update on main....
import __main__
__main__.update = "an update on main!"
That's what we need!
1 hour later…
Now 8 hours
What is the record?
It's 21 seconds on SO
9 hours....
sometimes, there just isn't activity on main
you don't need to make noise about it
1 hour later…
@Ginger and now there is! :)
Q: Is it a Valid Crossword Grid? crossword terminology, the grid is the region into which the crossword answers are inserted, consisting of white and black squares. The crossword answers, called entries, are inserted into contiguous sequences of white squares in a row or column, separated by black squares. For straight (Amer...

CMQ: Should also include categorisation problems? (e.g. -1 if num is negative, 0 if num is 0, 1 if num is positive)
NO, the IO rules for decision-problem would not apply
I don't know the person but I feel that codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/265865/116117 needs more upvotes
it's a very good answer
1 hour later…
Windows really doesn't like running out of disk space. The console gui crashed out and I could only reboot because I was able to remote desktop in.
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer We already have a tag for so
bah, and now it wants to install updates
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Charles WangThis is my first time here, as this was originally a pure math question that I figured would be more likely to be answered on this site. Chaitin's incompleteness theorem states that for any theory whose axioms can be computed by a computer program (e.g. Peano arithmetic, ZFC, etc.), there exists ...

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