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Breadâ„¢ obtained!
@user edit it and change the bracket, nobody will ever know
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ToAskOrNotToAskAnswer with a Quine! (popularity-contestquine) Write a quine that produces your answer, markdown/html formatted and ready to paste into Code Golf. The Quine must produce: The Answer The Answer must have: The Quine, properly formatted inside a code-block (preferably triple-backticked and highli...

CMC: Physically move an object in the container reality. (Activate a servo, Turn a motor). Container reality may refer to a game in which your language is a scripting language for.
You may assume a device (Motor servo etc.) is wired to the pins of a microcontroller already.
Geometry dash, 1 move trigger { move group 1; move x by 1 } + 1 block { group 1 }
(that's made up syntax, you can't really score those)
and yes it is turing complete, someone made a programming language that compiles to it and made a brainfuck interpreter with it lol
Minecraft Datapack Function, 52 bytes. setblock ~ ~ ~ redstone_block\nsetblock ~ ~1 ~ piston
oh thats a fun idea lol
NXC (Lego Mindstorm NXT), 36 bytes: task main(){RotateMotor(OUT_A,1,1);}
does physical reality count?
Sure does
Garry's Mod Expression 2 + Propcore, 46 bytes. entity():propManipulate(vec(0,0,0),ang(0,0,0))
Garry's mod Lua, 25 bytes. player.GetAll()[1]:Kill() You can't actually use Player(1) as player indexes can start at either 1 or 2. Kill() forces a respawn, moving the player.
SlimeComputing Metis: local android=require("android")android.forward()
minecraft commands: /summon vex
does that count?
/kill @a should also work, I think?
Or even /kill @e
i guess so yeah
Nothing like a little Mass-murder to get things moving.
ComputerCraft Turtle, 22 bytes. require"turtle".back()
oh wait metis can be reduced too
SlimeComputing Metis, 28 bytes require("android"):forward()
If it's Lua require"android":forward() should work too
no its Metis, very similar to Lua but not the same
sadge i dont know any cool games with programming languages in them
Baba is you, 36 bytes. level is auto empty is it it is move
33 bytes, level is auto empty is it is move, reusing the it.
@hyper-neutrino please tell me you did this
SlimeComputing Metis, 25 bytes require("android"):left()
Oooh, 11 bytes actually all is move. The Text itself will move.
all is up would also work, as text is by default facing down.
@ATaco not true actually
to prevent jank in the levels that involve "all", text isnt included in "all". not all is move will work though
same for not all is up, though i will say that's starting to twist the definition of "move an object" haha
though you might asll well just do text instead of not all lol
probably where you started before thinking of all
@ATaco Typewriter, 10 bytes: print("1")
@ATaco Vyxal with a teleprinter terminal attached, 1 byte: 1
@Seggan Retina with teleprinter terminal attacked, 0 bytes.
Why you attacking ure teleprinters?
btw, CRT monitors and card/tape punches work too
@thejonymyster ok not to keep posting this same thing but i managed to shave this down by more than half lol
4182 → 1869
@ATaco Does moving photons or electrons count? :P
No >:(
Aww. Does writing to a floppy disk count?
@ATaco bare /kill if it's being run directly by a player :P\
@user Sure
Bonus points if you open a CD tray
hello (again)
Q: Make single-dollar equation wrap

RobinI have the following line in LaTeX: The primes from $1$ to $1000$ are $2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, ...

how long and ungolfed
shoulda used typst :p
got it down to 184 bytes
The primes from $1$ to $1000$ are
import calc
let m=range
let r=m(1,1000).filter(n=>m(1,n+1).filter(x =>calc.rem(n,x)== 0).len()< 3)
  let i=0
for v in r{[$#v$ ]
if i< r.len()-1{
[, ]}
much shorter than the original question:p
why does it need a space between < 3
is there a <3 heart operator
good question
because it's trying to form a symbol
anyhow, just reached enough rep to be the 50th top code golfer of all time!
it'll only show in 19 hours tho :p
@thejonymyster The parts that stick out will exactly match the "holes" in the adjacent rhomb
Because of the matching rules
that bit i understood, but i dont understand how that decomposition* is helpful... i probably need to really like
sit down and read it really really thoroughly and convince myself of the motivations and like, try to approach the problem myself or something crazy like that
like im thinking its really just a skill issue on me so please dont sweat it too much to try and get it through my thick skull specifically XD
@thejonymyster since it like, doesnt quite uh... well i am noticing that it is a mirror reflection in location so i can see how that might still be useful...
i probably said a lot of things strangely in my ignorance
I really appreciate your feedback
I currently assume some knowledge of how recursive decomposition works, but I probably shouldn't
that might be the issue haha
ive been able to glean how thats useful in like, general understanding of tilings like that but like, i have no insights as to what the process entails / what specifically it brings to the table
The advantage is that I only need a small set of rules for the 5 types of tiles, then can apply them to groups of these tiles and groups of these groups etc. The alternative would be an infinite number of rules for each tile on the infinite grid
ok that is a good overview, because that collaborates with the little bit i did understand and gives me a good idea of the like
abstract "shape" of the logic
i'll definitely give the whole thing another reading soon and really try to get it and see what exactly trips me up
1 cause i think itd be helpful feedback and 2 cause its cool and i wanna get it lol
6 hours later…
Q: Sums of Euler's totient function in sublinear time

Command MasterRelated. Given a number \$n\$, Euler's totient function, \$\varphi(n)\$ is the number of integers up to \$n\$ which are coprime to \$n\$. That is, no number bigger than \$1\$ divides both of them. For example, \$\varphi(6) = 2\$, because the only relevant numbers are \$1, 5\$. This is OEIS A00001...

A: Could law be written in formal logic?

BumbleYes, it has been done. I believe the first project of this kind was an attempt to render the British Nationality Act 1981 into formal logic, and specifically into the Prolog programming language. It was completed by a team of researchers at Imperial College in the 1980s. Communications of the ACM...

TL;DR some people tried to compile the British Constitution into Prolog
@ATaco I really wish I still had the Mindstorms dev tools so I could give you a "move motor" program
While it wouldn't work for all law, I think things like tax law could maybe work well if written in something like prolog
@mousetail What does that look like in the larger grid? Like could you show a section of the penrose tiling with all five?
This is a minimal example of one thin rhomb, with visible D and E, which then decompose into all 5 different prototiles
I see
I played around with it in paint.net for a while and I had to mirror one of the tile groups to make it fit but I think I got the gist of it
Ooh my birthday this year will be 23-09-23
@lyxal @RydwolfPrograms you have let the cat out of the bag
@lyxal I love this meme format honestly
@Seggan I think... I think we're well beyond that at this point :p
The weird misshapenness of the thumbs and face, the weird expression, it's just amazing
@Seggan also
lets just say people have already gone all out on rydwolf edits :p
@RydwolfPrograms i'll give you the template
why is his wrist broken
good question
I'm more concerned about my thumbs tbh
Gotta love it when your thumb has a hand
@Bbrk24 You should not need to mirror any of the tiles
@lyxal that looks great :P
No clue why the banana is depressed
Because I don't remember the prompt I used :p
you should really fix his thumb
It adds to the charm of it
@lyxal oh no the hands
Which ones? :p
All hands in that picture are inexplicably messed up
@mousetail then I must've done something wrong -- what should it look like when multiple tiles are connected?
@Bbrk24 Note you can't fill the grid with a any single super tile of any size, you always need a thin rhomb supertile and a thick romb supertile
@mousetail that would explain it
that looks so cool lol
@lyxal that's rydwolf?
Normally when you see the pattern all the thick rhombs are the same color, so you see the "star" shapes and think they are the same but now that the 3 different types of thick rhoms have different colors you can actually see there are 2 distinct types of stars, the "B" stars (blue) and the "A/E" stars (red/orange)
just seems fitting to me, reading the challenge's definition of non discriminating was reminding me a lot of how incident chooses its tokens
CMC given a binary input string S, count how many different strings you can make by doing k bit flips or insertions of bits. You can insert 0 or 1 each time.
@Simd is k an input?
@noodleman yes
that’s probably really short in Nekomata
After banging my head against this code's performance for several hours, I realized that literally half of my runtime is refcounting empty arrays
Can you have a single COW global empty array?
Well that's what Array() does in Swift
the thing is that these are local variables that never escape the enclosing function so I could do away with CoW/RC entirely
The code basically looks like
let foos = Array<Foo>()

for el in otherArray {
  if someReallyRareCondition() {

for foo in foos {
ARC traffic on foos and similar such things make up an obscene amount of the program's runtime
Having a single CoW empty array wouldn't get rid of the implicit release calls
(doSomething can modify otherArray, hence the necessity of the double loop)
im noob what is cow
a semantic copy doesn't actually copy the memory until/unless you modify one or the other
This means that every modification has to check whether copies have been made, which is a performance hit when you know there isn't one
Something like 40% of my runtime is spent in swift_release thanks to code like the above
Amazingly, if I change it from just Array() to an array with a minimum capacity of 1, that multiplies the runtime by a factor of 5
oh neat thanks
@Bbrk24 you should change it in the opposite direction
yes let me just start with negative capacity
(I think it's a matter of merely retaining an existing singleton vs allocating superfluous memory to free later)
This isn't even the strangest question I've asked in the past day
@thejonymyster yes
Wow, he kind of looks like radvylf
Q: Shortest English prompt to produce LLM falsehood

InnuoSince programming is predicted to become natural linguisized by the unstoppable advances in LLM technology, perhaps we can code golf LLMs themselves. Produce the shortest question that is not an arithmetic problem (we know it sucks at multiplication problems) that produces an obvious falsehood fr...

is there a js and python genius who can translate this into python please? codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/38007/116117
@NewPosts close reason?
Needs objective criterion? Can't really define falsehood objectively
its not really programming related
that would be my main concern
Yeah off-topic too, but then again, we've had math questions before
it says non arithmetic so thats not really a saving grace
isnt it nondeterministic anyway
"roll dice until you get the result you want" the challenge :P
1 hour later…
$ git status
error: object file .git/objects/17/93afa99ff3722485be326ee90afe609deae644 is empty
error: object file .git/objects/17/93afa99ff3722485be326ee90afe609deae644 is empty
fatal: loose object 1793afa99ff3722485be326ee90afe609deae644 (stored in .git/objects/17/93afa99ff3722485be326ee90afe609deae644) is corrupt
How could that have happened?
Things like git remote -v and git branch -l still work but anything that involves looking at the git history or even the current status give those errors
Interestingly, git rev-parse HEAD still gives me a valid hash
git tag -l works fine but git log errors
I can even use git rev-list to get the commit for a tag. Dare I checkout one?
.git/logs/HEAD is mostly intact until the very last line which consists entirely of null bytes
crisis averted
1 hour later…
@ATaco In theory, QBasic, 6 bytes (as long as a valid printer is connected to the LPT1 port and turned on): LPRINT
(But I've never actually used LPRINT so I'm not 100% sure how it works--in particular, if you print a blank line, does it feed a page through the printer? I think it would, but I don't know for sure.)
@ATaco Scratch + Lego Mindstorms EV3, 15 bytes, turn(motor v)on
@lyxal AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH I never noticed that till now O_O
@mathscat Ah, Lego Mindstorms. Good memories.
@lyxal new template just dropped
@DLosc calliope mini gang here :P
also tbh ig set x to(1 is shorter but :shrugs:
2 hours later…
@thejonymyster well, the face is
the rest of the picture is made up :p
close enough, i can tick it off of my bucketlist now
[x] - See what a person looks like
@thejonymyster so before this you had never seen a person before?

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