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2 hours later…
Making the encoder for Chat Invis MathJax is gonna be so annoying
Trying to get it anywhere near optimized when there's so much complexity in the encoding
One thing that'll be especially annoying is equivalent MathJax that encodes differently
Like spaces after operators is part of the shorthands programmed in, so I need to be able to recognize when that additional space would be acceptable
Like, \log_2 can become \log _2 (which encodes way shorter since \log with a trailing space is a single insertion), but \logxyz couldn't become \log xyz
@user Why's that?
Of the more modern languages it's definitely more mid, but it's got a lot of pros
@RydwolfPrograms you could make a separate preprocessing pass to normalize the mathjax
For longer strings you could always do <visible part>[](https://<encoding>) which gives you (almost) the whole of Unicode to play with
3 hours later…
@user I can't tell if this is satire but Starship supports that
1 hour later…
Gotta love when you trigger the CAPTCHA for posting something too long
My answer was deleted because of a loophole, which was posted after my answer. (I posted the loophole as well). I think it was @cairdcoinheringaahing who deleted it, can you please explain why, caird?
Which answer?
Why does this time out? The number of calls is linear and it outputs instantly when I convert to python
@mousetail My guess: rust compiles slowly.
60 seconds though?
That's nonesense, if it compiles slowly it must be for a reason
@mousetail I said it was just a guess
Do you even know rust?
You should learn it, it has at least 4 different string types. You could photograph the empty string in all of them
Actually 6 different types, str, String, CStr, CString, OSStr, OSSstring
Rust is that open source that even the strings aren't proprietary
Unless of course you made a typo and you actually meant OSString :p
I never make typos, everything I say is 100% accurt
> everything I say is 100% accurt
Then why am I looking at things you've said that aren't the string "100% accurt"?
All of them mean "100% accurt". If you don't see that you are too dumb to understand the subtle subtext. Even this message is just an alternative wording for "100% accurt"
I'm not too dumb
I'm lyxαl
Oops my mistake
Also subtext? Chat doesn't support rendering <sub> tags
I use a userscript that wraps every message in <sub>, making all of them subtext
Ah that's the problem then
Firefox for Android doesn't allow userscripts
They will though, they recently announced they are working towards allowing all extensions on the mobile version
Oh dang they actually are
That means I won't have to use kiwi browser for userscripts anymore :p
1 hour later…
Chat markdown is cursed
ditto for comments
wait why are some stars outlined but others are filled in
in the starred msgs sidebar
If they are starred vs pinned I think
ROs can pin messages, which also displays them on the sidebar
It's like a super-star
You ok?
@mousetail why would you need that many?


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
I may have made an infinite loop o-oo
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Each of them have a different purpose
There are owned and non-owned versions of each of them, then one internal and 2 for 2 different FFIs
idk what that means
One follows the C format, so can be used to call C functions, and one is used for syscalls
On Linux, OSStr and CStr are the same, but on windows OSStr will be utf-16
OSStr and CStr are null-terminated, while rust strings are length prefixed
Then if OSStr is UTF16 then what's CStr
lossy utf-8. It's raw bytes but treated as utf-8 for purpose of conversion to other string types
There is no guarentee all bytes are valid utf-8
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer It was deleted for being invalid. The loophole is simply an easy post to point to. There are a number of meta consensuses, comments across the challenge etc. that ban trivialising a challenge by outputting in arbitrary bases. We've already deleted 1 of your answers for doing this, JoKing left comments on this one explaining it was invalid, and directed you to the relevant meta consensus.
I'm aware you posted the loophole - that doesn't make any invalid answers that used it before posting it valid. In fact, you even acknowledge that your answer seems like cheating in the loophole answer.
Also, if you wanna go really into it, every other answer could just claim to be outputting in base X, where X is the output of the current winning program, and now we're back to everyone outputting in base 10
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JSorngardExponential Replicator Quine A quine is a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output - Wikipedia Boring. Pedestrian. Not capable of taking over the galaxy through exponential growth. This is a challenge about writing a program that prints...

1 hour later…
@NewPosts I’ve made an effort to get it reopened. It seems like people need to be spoon-fed the explanation in a very specific format or it gets closed…
"Then you follow the next appropriate direction in a clockwise cycle"
what's meant by "appropriate"?
Can you clarify test case 3? I don't understand why he doesn't walk forever after hitting the \ and turning right. — Jonah 16 hours ago
@Joao-3, can you clarify how the path will change when hitting a / from each direction. Ie, N becomes ?, E becomes ?, etc? And same question for \ . — Jonah 15 hours ago
That's not needing spoon-feeding
that's someone asking a legitamate question
@lyxαl well, I’ve made a suggested edit to the post.
I saw but I'm saying that I don't necessarily agree with your statement that people need spoon feeding in regards to challenge text
Better be overly detailed than unclear
+ not everyone reads text the same way. Someone's understanding of the challenge might be completely different to what the asker intended, and the you might end up with a whole number of invalid answers all needing to be fixed, causing problems for everyone
@lyxαl ok fine i might’ve been wrong about it.
I do think your edit is a improvement
Now it should have been submitted to the reopen queue
The queues don't really work here, since there is normally at most one post at a time in it. It will be reopened if it deserves to be though
@mousetail true. More often than not the review queues are completely sterilised of all posts.
The Reopen Votes queue has one post in it. It’s probably that one.
@RydwolfPrograms I hate the syntax
The first few times I saw it I actually felt a little nauseous
@RubenVerg Awesome, thanks
Did not think to look in that section
Oh and there's a search bar too
Take a look at the Go code here and tell me you don't feel even mildly disgusted
i generally dislike go's design descisions
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Exactly, nobody checks the queues because there is never anything in it. People just reopen posts directly
@mousetail Most reviewers use review scripts
Most votes don't come from reviewers
Quite a few do
I really makes 0 sense to review unless you want the badges
Or if you want to help moderate the site?
I've already got Reviewer and I'm not getting Steward in my lifetime, but I still keep the queues open because moderation
I believe I'm the only person with a review script on PLDI, so I handle like, half the reviews on there :p
Isaiah might have one
Anyways, While I'm generating random numbers into a text file from my PRNG that ChatGPT says is not cryptographically secure, I shall be working on the Sandbox Reviews website.
PRNG if you want to know how it generates random numbers.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bsoelchGolf the fast growing hierarchy The fast growing hierarchy is a way of categorizing how fast functions are growing, defined the following way (for finite indices): \$ f_0(n)=n+1 \$ \$ f_k(n)=f_{k-1}^n(n)\$ with \$f^n\$ meaning repeated application for the function f Examples f0(5) = 6 f1(3) = f...

@UnrelatedString But how I optimally normalize it would depend on other factors
Like if the string log is already present in the visible code, it would be far shorter to just insert a backslash before it rather than delete it and insert \log with a space. In that case, adding the space in a normalization pass would make it longer
Well...I guess I could go back and remove any insertions that insert spaces...
So yeah maybe that's just what I'll do
@user Really? I mean it's got a few oddities but it's pretty vanilla
Welp, starting on RTO. I've got three-hour blocks of time to work on it as a school project every other weekday now.
@lyxαl Could you unfreeze chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/137507?
@RydwolfPrograms Review queues are not a good way to do that
Reviewing is part of "that"
You can just see the posts though
The tasks need to get handled; that's one of the stats that make a site properly moderated, regardless of how useful the reviewing itself is
@RydwolfPrograms you get to do your hobby as a school project? lucky
wish i could
whats the project specifically about?
@RydwolfPrograms does it have compilers for totally unrelated languages bundled together?
I'm in a class called Computer Science Practicum which is just meant for internships or building a portfolio of projects you've done
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer As in, you can call Python from C, and similar?
@RydwolfPrograms No, I mean you can select from languages and run programs in them like TIO and ATO?
is SE Imgur being weird for anyone?
And it'll allow users to upload languages themselves
Oh wait, lyxal's asleep. @cairdcoinheringaahing, could you unfreeze chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/137507/2022/10/6?
@RydwolfPrograms oh cool. I guess I could add MyOwnLang where x does some very complicated god-forbidden task?
@RydwolfPrograms You've gotta be careful someone doesn't upload download_malicious_file(); as a JavaScript compiler for TheBestLangInTheWorld.
It's sandboxed, nw
@RydwolfPrograms cool
@RydwolfPrograms I mean to make the website trigger a download of a bad file.
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer It runs server-side
Q: oracle installation error on debian 10

F.MI want to install oracle database 19c on debian 10. In prerequisite checks section of oracle's instalation the error: An internal error ocured within cluster verfication framework PRVG-0282 failed to reterive the operating system distribution ID Would you please help me to solve the problem.

19 seconds from posting to closing :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing RECORD TIME!!!
I really do wonder how people find us
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer I think I've done it in <10 seconds before
Maybe they remember "stack exchange" as the network name and google something like "coding problem stack exchange"?
@cairdcoinheringaahing i guess not record time.
Hits in order until code golf is reached (for that search):

Stack Exchange Filter
Code Review
Code Golf

and Stack Overflow is at the bottom of page 1.
Can people with site analytics permissions see this info?
I know you can see it in google search console but IDK if SE exposed this in a way non-employees can access
@mousetail See what info?
What google search terms bring people to this site
Well, the data on the site analytics has been out of date for over a year now, so even if it could, I doubt it'd be helpful
You just guessed a search term, the search console will tell you the exact search term used and the exact position of your site
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer See, I get this as the third result for that search, with one very telling bit of immediate information:
Interesting that the tag page is the first result
would explain a lot
I think that's just caird
On incognito I get CR then the Programming tab then CGCC
Petition to have migration support to other Stack Exchange sites.
We do
Only for mods though
We only have our site meta as an option in the close dialog tho
@mousetail Then why don't we mods migrate questions to Stack Overflow
Because they are terrible questions
this is what i get in incognito lol
That's roughly what I get
Why would anyone search for stack exchange specifically? More people know about overflow than exchange
Maybe they misremember the site name
they could have learned about one of the other stacks from a friend already
SO gets thousands of questions a day, only takes a few people misremembering for us to get one very lost user a week
@RydwolfPrograms week day
My computer had a bug. A real, flying bug.
The term "bug" for some code not working right actually originates from a bug being in a giant mainframe computer :p
@RydwolfPrograms Yes, I know.
@RydwolfPrograms This is false, the transcript mentions finding a "real life bug" which implies the term bug was already in use at that time, though there is no earlier record of the term
Aw man
My life is a lie
@RydwolfPrograms No, the cake is a lie.
Ergo, Rydwolf's life is a cake
> The term "bug" to describe defects has been a part of engineering jargon since the 1870s[7] and predates electronics and computers; it may have originally been used in hardware engineering to describe mechanical malfunctions.
Hmmm maybe it could be some insect, just coined at an earlier time then the often cited incident with the mainframe
maybe a bug got into some gears or smth
I feel like tech was much more interesting back then. Like you had those old jukeboxes with thousands of gears and tapes and widgets. Now they all just have computers and a few servos
The story seems to come from the notebook of a computer operator
> In 1946, when Hopper was released from active duty, she joined the Harvard Faculty at the Computation Laboratory where she continued her work on the Mark II and Mark III. Operators traced an error in the Mark II to a moth trapped in a relay, coining the term bug. This bug was carefully removed and taped to the log book. Stemming from the first bug, today we call errors or glitches in a program a bug.
@mousetail A computer is made from a million old jukeboxes shrunk into the size of a virus.
They are all the same though
Some ASML employee invented the 1000 juke boxes and now you can trivially program one. The 999 are not really needed but included for convenience
If you want a new functionally it's 10 lines of code instead of needing to figure out how to fit in 20 more gears
@mousetail yeah all the ad hoc hybrid engineered stuff is so much cooler than one size fits all embedded computers
and having to optimize software for unbelievably weak hardware sounds fun
It's basically code golf but in real life
1 hour later…
Q: reverse each word in a string

Death MetalI've a string with single space. I'd like to reverse each word at its position. For example: "jinx me" would become "xnij em" I compile code as: gcc -o chars remove_special_chars.c Below is the code: #include<stdio.h> int get_length(char* str){ int x=0; while(str[x]!='\0'){ x++; ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Luis felipe De jesus MunozDecode Chess Move code-golf As the title says, take a chess move in algebraic notation, and produce the string describing the move. Example: fxg8=Q+ -> Pawn takes g8 promotes to Queen check Bb7# -> Bishop to b7 mate Here is a list of all the keywords and their respective notation R -> R...

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