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@TheThonnu i already commented on a while back it but i still think it would be better
I think I'm gonna VTC this with a custom close reason, as there seems to be a consensus around my comment on it
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Battle Chess Royale (Any better name?), Letter Boxed
Q: Generate the vertices of a geodesic sphere

KarlAs in this challenge, the task is to generate the vertices of a polyhedron. The polyhedron here is the one obtained by dividing a regular icosahedron's triangular faces into smaller triangles so that each edge is divided into \$b\$ segments (denoted \$\{3,5+\}_{b,0}\$ here) and projecting onto th...

I feel like 80% of the instructions in this machine code I'm designing for this KotH won't get used for anything
Also I really love how Arm handles conditions/flags (and I love it so much...I'm not actually using it in my own arm-inspired architecture for some reason :p)
Okay why does chat mobile ask you for confirmation to delete something but delete it no matter what
@RydwolfPrograms that's an ios thing
Bbrk mentioned it once
Q: The delete button doesn’t wait for confirmation on iOS

Bbrk24On iOS (Safari iOS 16.5), when I vote to delete a question or answer, an alert appears asking if I’m sure. However, the page refreshes out from under the alert, and the vote is recorded — in some cases, deleting the post even when I click “Cancel”. In this image, I deleted the answer, and then l...

Oop wait that's a main post related thing
Still, it's been mentioned somewhere before
2 hours later…
oh so that’s why i randomly got an upvote on that today
not too important for y'all to know but figured I'd just inform y'all anyway; the coordinated strike is over by vote (meta post) and so I am back meaning you can feel free to ping me for mod stuff if you need me going forward \o/
I guess lyxal's fridge is back on DEFCON 2
1 hour later…
It's 15:57 here tho
Hey does anyone know how I can send and receive butter from other people on the internet?
@NewPosts Sounds like a startup idea, who will invest? I need one trillion seashells to start but the return will be doubled
She sells sea shells on the sea shore.
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

KeizerHarmVerify the Dutch ID number The Dutch citizen ID, the BSN, is made up of 8 or 9 digits. To prevent typos, only a subset of exactly 90 million numbers are valid BSN. A number is verified using the so-called "11-test". If the BSN is 8 digits, add a leading zero to make it 9 digits long. Consider th...

3 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms Hey, I did my best to regularly blow it up :P
@RydwolfPrograms hate to tell you, but you're a tad late. Now that I have powers to nuke my own fridge, I've decided to start my own fridge production company. I produce a fridge, sell it to myself, and then nuke it. Perfect for cleaning millions in stolen limb money!
PSA: For anyone who writes or maintains code on GitHub, the deadline for enabling two-factor authentication is September 21st
Wait why?
Oh, for people who contribute to GH, not just people who have code there
Because they want everyone using 2fa
you don't enable it by then, you won't be able to sign in until you've enabled it
I misinterpreted the message as "if you don't enable it before <date>, you won't be able to enable it in the future" which is like. Wat.
I've had 2FA enabled for a while, because I used my personal GH for my previous job (they not only allowed but encouraged that), and they required us to have 2FA enabled
I'm colorful again :D
no, you're Ginger
if I had known it'd be that easy to fool you into thinking I changed my name, I would've just used some raw meat on a hook
that doesn't sound very sanitary
at least cook it first
have some decency
do you cook your limbs before selling them?
people don't eat them
so they don't need cooking
that's like comparing apples to the heat death of the universe
Back to the GH thing: I have 2FA enabled and I push exclusively using SSH. Should I also enable GPG signing of my commits, or is that not necessary?
unfortunately, the hook is over the Name-Change Pit of Doom, so nobody's been able to reach it for cooking
@Bbrk24 I don't think it's necessary, and it adds lots of extra complexity
@Ginger but you had to put the meat on the hook at some point
so cook it before putting it on the hook
I tried it once but it completely broke VSCode's git integration
@lyxal yeah, my predecessor did it, and her standards for workplace safety were abysmal
@Ginger you said you would have done it though
> I would've just used some raw meat on a hook
so don't use the previous one
get a new system
the hook and meat were already there, dingus
get a new hook
and cook before you hook
I'd say it doesn't matter that much, since you're the first person to have ever fallen for it before
it does matter because I demand it be cooked
suppose I were to not cook it just for the evulz
that's what would happen :p
too late! I've already cooked it! evil_laugh_47.flac
I mean, I can take alternative measures too
@Ginger see, that wasn't too hard
now it's cooked meat on a hook
much better
okay what the hell
@cairdcoinheringaahing reverse this injustice at once
@cairdcoinheringaahing don't and I'll give you half of the money I make from selling fridges :p
it's Monopoly money! because he has a monopoly on the business!
can't blame a man for making lemonade from a pile of nuked lemons
you do keep lemons in the fridge, right?
who doesn't?
just making sure
(man I've missed goofing like this :p)
I suspected as much :p
thank you :p
(for the goofy)
I am a top-tier provider of the goofy, of course
you're Ginger
(ba dum tss)
maybe in this iteration, but last time I was in fact named "top-tier provider of the goofy"
that one was weird
unrelated, why do other sites get funny 404 images and we don't?
for example
2 hours later…
maybe because SU is a Trinity site?
Probably because it's old yes, old sites had a lot of custom stuff and newer sites gradually become more standard
@lyxal Petition to make our 404 page a quine in "Lost"
2 hours later…
@Ginger yes can confirm i got an email
did anyone else get email?
Yea same
same, that's why I put it here
So I found this code in the python http.server class: github.com/python/cpython/blob/…
If you could control the character encoding you could do some XSS since the charset is not escaped
Very limited utility though
that's still a vulnerability, regardless of level; I advise you report it
I'm not sure an actual situation exists where you can control the locale environment variable but not just directly change what the server outputs
pretty sure this is my longest answer on the site rn
let's see if someone can beat it in java or something equally verbose
I was thinking of maybe doing an answer with Swift regex(en) because you can nest/compose them with RegexBuilder
@Bbrk24 sounds fun
Regex {
^that's legal swift given -enable-bare-slash-regex and import RegexBuilder
is that /foobar/ or /foo|bar/?
/foobar/. The latter would be
Regex {
  Choice {
ah so auto-concatenating regex litera--- wait what
Though for simple things like these you don't even need to compose regexen, you can just use string literals "foo" and "bar"
@bigyihsuan Choice uses a different mechanism than everything else
actually it might be ChoiceOf? idr
> X uses a different mechanism than everything else
certainly feels that way whenever you're talking swift lol
@bigyihsuan No, Swift doesn't have "a" "b" -> "ab". This is "a"; "b" (with implicit semicolons) plus a source-level transformation performed by RegexBuilder
give me a moment to desugar it
// Original:
let foobar = Regex {

// Desugared:
let foobar = Regex {
  let firstExpr = RegexComponentBuilder.buildExpression(/foo/)
  let firstPartialBlock = RegexComponentBuilder.buildPartialBlock(first: firstExpr)
  let secondExpr = RegexComponentBuilder.buildExpression(/bar/)
  let secondPartialBlock = RegexComponentBuilder.buildPartialBlock(accumulated: firstPartialBlock, next: secondExpr)
  return secondPartialBlock
Regex { ... } uses RegexComponentBuilder; ChoiceOf { ... } uses AlternationBuilder.
Result builders are one hell of a macro system if you aren't familiar with them, but they're insanely powerful if you do it right
Apple wrote an entire UI framework around this concept and it's amazing
I thought this was really weird when you first talked about it but now I quite like it
Currently dealing with regex and I want to kill myself
Yeah Swift RegexBuilder is a life-saver if you have to debug anything
Have I mentioned TryCapture?
import RegexBuilder

let rgx = Regex {
  TryCapture {
  } transform: {

let str = "1 20 -3 400 9999999999999999999999999 2147483647"

print(str.matches(of: rgx).map(\.output.1))
Output: [1, 20, -3, 400, 2147483647]
You can do a lot more than string-to-integer conversion inside transform if you wanted
2 hours later…
What's the shortest built-in alias for Get-ChildItem in PowerShell? I know there's DIR and GCI at least
@Bbrk24 I don't know, but unless ls is an option, I imagine those would be the shortest
Oh there is ls! Duh
@Bbrk24 Whoa, nice
How does it typecheck that?
There's about a hundred overloads of RegexComponentBuilder.buildPartialBlock with different numbers of generic type arguments
How does it know that .output is an Int, I meant?
rgx is Regex<(Substring, Int)>

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