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Could someone with >10k rep on SO check out stackoverflow.com/questions/75921120/… ? I swear there used to be an answer here but I don't see it anymore
are LDQs still on topic in this chat room now that PLDI.se exists?
like more specific or opinion based problems
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Generate the SMKG aperiodic tiling, Skew polygons
I need some help with a github workflow
Basically, the actions/setup-node@v3 step installed Node 16.20, but then the run script complained that I had Node 15.14 which is an unsupported version
that doesn't seem to be what it's complaining about
Author identity unknown

*** Please tell me who you are.


  git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
  git config --global user.name "Your Name"

to set your account's default identity.
Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.

fatal: empty ident name (for <runner@fv-az362-248.irmh1a0300hepaf5bq0acnis3g.bx.internal.cloudapp.net>) not allowed
Well yes I know that's a thing but I can fix that easily
I'm confused about the EBADENGINE because that just shouldn't happen
Maybe I just have to setup node after emscripten?
Ah yep, emscripten comes with node 15
odd, the workflow you're using to set up emscripten says it was recently updated to node 16
I'm using tag latest instead of branch master
no that's not it
@lyxal emsdk comes with node15 bundled even if you already have node16 from elsewhere
@lyxal Most things are suggesting I set my email to something ending in @users.noreply.github.com, but I'm not sure what to make the name or the first part of the email
that's the thing, you don't
github provides you with one
[email protected] for example
that's what it gave me
where do I see that?
email settings
(unrelated: I saw my uni email in my email settings and thought "hey wait why did I link that for" and then remembered "oh yeah that's right the student benefits like free copilot")
So then is the user.name just my gh username?
It shows you what it uses
Yeah I saw that but that's for user.email
what do I set user.name to?
does it matter?
doesn't look like it
> You can change the name that is associated with your Git commits using the git config command. The new name you set will be visible in any future commits you push to GitHub from the command line. If you'd like to keep your real name private, you can use any text as your Git username.
I was thinking sth like github actions (for bbrk24)
:+1: if that's what you want
And yep, running setup-emscripten before setup-node fixed the EBADENGINE
> fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No such device or address
what does that mean
SO says something about SSH keys?
oh maybe I need to set a PAT, that would make sense
are you trying to use npm run deploy to publish to pages?
yes, deploy pushes to the github-pages branch
why not use the deploy pages workflow?
I had set up that deploy script when I was doing it manually and npm run deploy is a lot easier to do in bash
but now that you have a workflow file, you can just include it
      - name: Upload built HTML
        uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v1
          path: './pages'

      - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
        id: deployment
        uses: actions/deploy-pages@v1
a little something like that
pointed to the path where your artifact is
The thing is the compiled files are just loose in the wasm folder
  - name: Upload built HTML
    uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v1
      path: './wasm'
Won't that also include the entirety of node_modules?
it will, but I would assume those are needed for the website to work, no?
node_modules are needed for compiling coffeescript and scss
but not for it to actually run
then step back a second: where does the compiled wasm end up?
@lyxal The files I want are in the wasm folder, but I only want six of the files from that folder
then move those into their own folder in the bash and upload that folder
Also, emcc said it placed a cache in /opt/hostedtoolcache/emscripten/latest/x64/upstream/emscripten/cache/sysroot/lib/wasm32-emscripten/lto. I presume I want to persist this between workflow runs for better performance, but how?
@Jacob .
@Bbrk24 aaaaaaaaaaaaa coffeescript
I've talked about this before and I am not taking suggestions
SE is really ratelimiting me (apparently?), which is bad for se client testing :(
@Bbrk24 I think you can commit/push artifacts from workflows to the repository
Although last time I tried doing something like that it played up a little
I don't remember the specifics
Oh no it did work
Oh, there's actions/cache
That's probably better than what I'm thinking of :p
It says stuff about sensitive information but it's just .a files so that's fine right?
What's a .a file?
@Seggan yep, captchad
@lyxal upon investigation the problems I'm thinking of was when I was trying to use if statements in a workflow
@lyxal static libraries you link into during compilation
Those shouldn't contain sensitive information then
It does create a json file but that's in a different directory so that won't be persisted
Worth a try and if github tells you there's an oopsie with a published secret then nuke it :p
Even if it succeeds this time, I have to run it again to see if I set the cache up right
Okay the build succeeded but the deploy failed
What can I do about a 'HttpError: Invalid environment node id'?
the cache works though
Wait, maybe it's something stupid like unrelated git history? I'm really hesitant to just delete my gh-pages branch though
or did I forget to set an environment variable
Okay I got it to work! I had to change something in my repo settings to allow a workflow to publish it
Q: Is "parallelize as much as possible" a valid winning criterion?

Dannyu NDosI'd like to propose a new winning criterion: Parallelize as much as possible. A challenge of this type is to give a code that involves parallelization. Let \$T\$ be the running time when run on a single processor. Due to Amdahl's law, as there are more and more cores to be run on, the overall run...

Should that really be ?
There I go
@Bbrk24 Frankly, I dunno what that tag is for.
Well, I don't really have the "justification".
> Prove to administration that they should spend time developing your feature
this isn't something admin needs to work on, so I'd say this tag doesn't apply. But what do I know
I guess this is a mere discussion, then...
10 hours later…
@Bbrk24 If your laptop was closed then that makes sense
It just displays the time since the last time it checked, and if the laptop was closed, it wouldn't have been checking
I believe it would start checking again once you opened the laptop
3 hours later…
So yesterday there was a post at the top of the front page, “interpret volatile”. I wrote out the Trilangle assembly for it, but there’s so many branches it’ll be difficult to actually write
2 hours later…
guys my client (lightchat) can join arbitrary rooms now
eyyy 8k site-wide rep!
29 mins ago, by Ginger
@AviFS Eek, it's not doing too well.
@Ginger Not Lisp, but have you checked out Arc?
> undefined ** null
< 1
that's casted to NaN ** 0 and anything to the power of 0 is 1
Misread ** as *
@Ginger 6 hours late :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DadsdyIn any programming language, make a program that outputs infinite subsequent powers of two, starting at any power of two. An example in js might look like this: var num = 1; while (true){ console.log(num); num *= 2; } Tags to be included: code-golf, math, sequence

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