Minkowski's ?(x) (with rational x)
Here is Minkowski's question mark function:
It is a strictly increasing and continuous function from the reals to themselves that, among other unusual properties, maps rational numbers to dyadic rationals (those with a power-of-two denominator). Specifically, s...
I know how to exit vim but still can't figure out how to actually type in it.
I used it in git for a long time (only for merge commits) when I always just accepted the default message. I don't know how to actually change the message though
> From user space programs (such as a command line shell), SysRq may be accessed by writing to /proc/sysrq-trigger (e.g., echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger).
Fun times: When I use the calculator button in linux it opens infinite calculators. I press it just once and it just infinitly keeps opening more till I had to force shutdown my computer
because it can be useful to see the library stack trace but it's also a pain in the ass to find where you're fucking something up (outside the cases where there's something wrong in the library that you can and will fix there)
i'd say display the cutoff under the last piece of user code in the stack trace
I'll definatly have a command line option to show the full stack trace including library code, just wondering what the default should be
The amount of library code above the user code in the stack trace is often significantly more than what comes after it, and is even more rarely relevant for the actual error.
Most any web framework will add like 10-15 stack frames before any user code even begins, that is the main part I want to get rid of since it's extremly unlikely that that code will cause crashes
I’ve seen things where I have 20 stack frames of random framework assembly (not even function names, just addresses) before anything I can do anything about
maybe have a fixed small window of library code by default? though i guess yeah it depends on the library whether or not that's adequate for finding something that is relevant :P
so maybe just not showing it at all by default would work
Given an \$m \times n\$ matrix of integers A, there exist a \$m \times m\$ matrix P, an \$m \times n\$ matrix D, and an \$n \times n\$ matrix Q such that:
\$A = P D Q\$.
P and Q are unimodular matrices (i.e. matrices which are invertible and whose inverses are also integer matrices);
D is diagon...
@mousetail Sort of, although it gives you some context about how deeply nested the statement is. Mainly, I'd want it so when I'm skimming through the code file, I can recognize the line more easily.
Should I just Ctrl-G to go to the exact line mentioned? Maybe. On the other hand, I have had instances where the line numbers didn't match up because the code that was erroring was an older version than the current version I was editing, so...
Here is Minkowski's question mark function:
It is a strictly increasing and continuous function from the reals to themselves that, among other unusual properties, maps rational numbers to dyadic rationals (those with a power-of-two denominator). Specifically, suppose the continued fraction repre...
Maybe we should define what features we need to be considered done? I want a quick channel switcher and the starboard visible but then I'm doneish I think. Or is there anything else you are planning to add you feel is nececairy for the chat experience
I'm gonna add that (once Rydwolf's servers are back up, that is :b)
@PlaceReporter99 blech, tk
the PDF of GUI libraries
also, for Pride Month (yes I know I'm early) I made a little webpage tool for adding transparent flag overlays to an image! I'm going to put it on Rydwolf's server once it's back up but for now yall can download the source here
bruh why an invalid and not even golfed answer get 4 upvotes....
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/260756/96039 like bruh first of all it take variable input, i thought yall say thats invalid??? and also the tio link is in the header like bruh. and also theres no golfing at all, all the latex syntax isnt removed
only thing that was removed was \operatorname but thats about it
and also theres suppose to be newlines between every expression.... where is that here???
@AidenChow It seems like there are some problems with the answer that need to be pointed out, but we do want to be gentler with new users who probably don't know about rules like not taking input from variables.
And our standard for golfing is "makes some effort," not "golfed as well as an expert in Desmos golf could golf it." ;)
@DLosc bruh theres like no golfing effort lol, if i copy pasted each expression straight from desmos that would pretty much be what i would see, all the \left's and \right's are all there. as i mentioned before the only thing that seems to be removed is \operatorname but pretty much half of these other golfs can be seen in the tips for desmos golfing page
like at least 20 bytes can be removed from trivial removals like that
not even considering more "nitty gritty" golfs like restructuring the code or anything like that
@AidenChow So they haven't read the tips for golfing page. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What's trivial to you might be black magic to someone else. If so, view it as an opportunity to introduce someone to something really cool.
Here's an example of a good comment to a new user whose post had formatting and content issues.
@DLosc its common desmos knowledge to be able to remove the latex syntax that is copied out.... the \right's and left's for instance are only there to make the expression look better
@AidenChow Anything that's "common knowledge" is something everybody had to learn for the first time at some point. Why not post a comment saying, "You can save bytes by removing the \right's and left's--they're only there to make the expression look better"?
As we prepare to launch the 2023 Developer Survey in the coming days, we wanted to provide an update to the community regarding the Census badge.
In case you're not familiar with the Census badge, this badge is awarded to users who complete the Developer Survey.
Beginning this year, we will no lo...
@DLosc Hm, I also didn't realise this. Surely, I'm easily identifiable. I'd be the only Danish full-time APL-only programmer in my age bracket that has been programming since I was a child. I guess my salary was made public last year. For me, that's not a big deal, but I can definitely see why some people might not like this. Btw, in Sweden, everyone's salary is public info.
Here's a very simple little problem that I don't believe has been asked before.
Write a program or a function that takes in four positive integers that represents the lengths of movable but unbreakable and unbendable straight fences. Output the area of the largest rectangular yard that ...