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Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Langton's Ant
I've had a theory for a new Parser for a PracLang
Instead of parsing token types by requesting specific tokens, I just claim whatever tokens I can, and then check if they have certain properties.
Which should make adding Syntax aware Macros much easier
Will probably be a bit slower than the other method though, as it has to check more times per token...
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, the bots are hosted in the cloud
Nothing is hosted on site except for Ginger's new VM and, in the future, RTO's back-end
Also I haven't gotten around to re-adding STATUS yet sorry
2 hours later…
@lyxal That gives the odd numbers ascending, not descending
@Bbrk24 then Neil's answer wasn't valid either
hey wait that's not u$e that's just $e
the whole point of the outgolf was that -1 ** n was added as a built-in last night
2 hours later…
Has anyone tried mojo?
1 hour later…
Wordle 688 4/6

I know we're over Wordle, but cool-ish pattern, maybe?
@Simd No, but it came up in several places in my feeds.
Doesn't seem too inherently fascinating, like syntax-wise and feature-wise in terms of PL design, from what I could tell briefly. More interesting to see how it's executed and if it delivers on performance. That's what I took away from it, at least. I'm usually really interested in new PL.
@lyxal µǍ* works, although maybe someone already suggested it in scrollback
and µN$e did work, I don't know why you thought it didn't
@Neil because I thought it was u$e which is very different to N$e
2 hours later…
Q: Freedom Fence Freedom Fence

Freedom FenceFreedom Fence is the top fence installation company for vinyl fencing, wood fencing, aluminum fencing, and privacy fencing in Sarasota and Bradenton Florida. Offering some same day complimentary estimates if the schedule allows! Fence company Sarasota ,Sarasota Fence Company Address: Sarasota, FL...

for a split second when i just saw the title i thought that might be an actual challenge somehow
maybe because usually spam titles aren't usually the name of the company repeated twice
Freedom fence sounds like it could be a mathemetical concept or a puzzle
Gee that was a quick spam nuke
@UnrelatedString I think titles need to be at least 15 characters
2 hours later…
@AviFS if only Julia could usefully produce stand-alone executables I think it would be my favoured choice
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NeilComplex remainder Complex remainder can be defined in a similar way to real remainder as \$ y - x \lfloor \frac y x \rfloor \$. However this depends on a suitable complex floor function. There are a number of ways of defining a complex floor function (for at least one of which there has been a pr...

> Since this is a new module, no major backward compatible issues are expected. The module name “subprocess” might collide with other, previous modules [3] with the same name, but the name “subprocess” seems to be the best suggested name so far. The first name of this module was “popen5”, but this name was considered too unintuitive. For a while, the module was called “process”, but this name is already used by Trent Mick’s module
Imgine if we had popen5
urllib3 is confusing enough
come to the Rabbit side, we don't have confusing names
Easy to say before you have needed to make backwards incompatible changes
I what now
Make changes to the language that are not backwards compatible
why'd that be an issue?
It's every language designers nightmare
And leads to situations like urllib3
Oops, I made a decision that made sense at the time but I now realize is terrible but I can't change it because a ton of code depends on the old behavior
I don't get what the issue'd be
if I make a non-backwards-compatible change to the Rabbit interpreter I just release a new version and wait for everyone to update their code to support it
So you are going to maintain every old version indefinatly?
it's not like they'll suddenly cease working
There could be security critical issues raised
sucks for them
That's usually the reason why you don't want to use old versions
install updates kids
But updating code to work with new versions is extremly difficult
it took a team of 8 of us 2 months to upgrade PHP to 8.0
that's because you're using PHP, and you have my condolences
It look like 10 years before python 3 was widely used
Still many projects haven't updated
That's why there is urllib3 instead of python 4
there's only going to be one canonical Rabbit version: the latest one
when a new major version releases the old one will no longer get updates, because that's not how semver works
That would make it impossible to use for any genuine purpose
I need guarentees that every version is going to be supported for X time
well ofc, I'm not releasing a new major version every week
But when you do I have 0 warning and my application is instantly using a outdated version?
I need months if not years to schedule time to upgrade my program
hmmm, fair point
but Python's only had 3 major version increments in all the time it's existed
and minor versions are backwards compatible
regardless, that's an issue for later
Python is maybe a bit too convervative in breaking backwards compatibility. PHP is ironically actually very good at how to smoothly introduce changes. One version makes it a notice, then a warning, and only then the next version is something removed
agreed (with Python's conservativity)
Making sure there is overlap between the old and new functions so you can move them over a bit at a time and not need to fix everything at once
ideally Rabbit's core modules would always be backwards compatible, but that's of course not possible
(by "core" modules I mean ones that are part of the interpreter and updated when it is, like os)
Well then you would need a python situation where you just add more ways of doing things but never remove old ones
but that's also bad because it causes feature rot
unfortunately the core modules are fixed to the interpreter version, and therefore can only have breaking changes when the interpreter jumps a major version
That seems reasonable
since there are only going to be a few dozen core modules I think that's a fair price to pay
the rest of the standard library can have its own update schedule
I'd suggest using the same version for the whole standard library and the interpreter.
nah, that's not how Rabbit's going to do things
It's not really a standard library at that point
the core modules implement essential functionality and are part of the interpreter; the rest of the stdlib (everything in the rabbit namespace) doesn't come with the interpreter but are officially supported and maintained by the Rabbit organization
If you have to install the correct version yourself
Ok so it's not a standard library then
yeah, not in the traditional sense
Just some official modules
they're more like Java's javax stuff
Yea then it makes sense to version them seperatly
so there will be official modules for things like high-level networking, but low-level sockets will be a core module
requests vs socket
And I imagine you could just fork requests and import your own version if you don't like the official one?
sure, they'd all be open-source
I could make ginger.requests if I don't like rabbit.requests
I mean they wouldn't use magic to interface with the interpreter in a way that wouldn't be accesible to third party modules
correct, they'd just be easier-to-use interfaces to the core modules
the same way requests is a layer over socket or smth
requests uses urllib3 I think
well I will be having none of that
I would suggest a library with basic data types for url parsing and query parameters escaping etc. separate from the one that can actually make HTTP requests
(I mean if you really wanted you could skip socket entirely and bundle a JAR to use Kotlin's native networking, but I have no clue why you'd do that because that's what socket does for you)
(for speed probably)
@mousetail the core modules will only include socket; all that stuff would be a standard module
I'm keeping the core modules as slim as possible to cut down on the interpreter size
since all that stuff will be part of the interpreter
Yea in standard. Similar to PHP's PSR, to have a standardized interface that all libraries can share
the only downside of this idea is that if the Rabbit site goes down you won't be able to use any standard modules you don't already have copies of
hopefully the servers don't get hit by lightning
You could pre-install them to your module cache
So you have at least one version available always
I could probably have the Rabbit installer automatically put all available ones in the root store during install
but that'd be of limited utility if you're using software that depends on older versions
Yea might not be worth it
SLaaS: Standard Library as a Service
You probably want to use some kind of CDN for the modules so if any individual server goes down you can still download the packages
that's a later thing
Cloudflare is free
3 hours later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can you please post a answer codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/25758/… to either give official approval or suggest some alternative approach? Your edit to the editing guidlines suggest I need meta approval but I don't think anyone is going to answer so not sure how to get the approval
Sure, I can write a quick answer :)
@mousetail Posted, I threw together a super quick SEDE query to help find the links that aren't associated with a post id
Thank you

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