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done that before, might want a border to appear on e.g. hover, but to reserve the space for it
Yep, that's the exact use case. I change border-color but leave border-width alone
@Neil Protip, outline probably works better for that.
Outline + padding
Can outline replicate border-style: inset;? /genq
One thing I appreciate about deterministic finite-state machines is that they come with an auto-golfer algorithm. You have redundant states? The algorithm has you covered!
@ATaco maybe, but this was before round outlines were a thing
@Bbrk24 Yesn't*
The full set of relevant rules now is
button {
    border: 2px inset transparent;
    border-radius: 0.38em;
    padding: 0.15em 0.33em 0.13em;

button:active {
    border-color: #d2d2d2;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    button:active {
        border-color: #3e3e3e;
...Why do I have access to the Chat Flags list? Did I always have this..?
10k+ network rep users can handle chat flags
Oh bless
I now have a direct stream of "The worst of StackExchange users"
I've userscripted away the chat flags list
Wait a second. @lyxal You're part of George! I discovered George a year or two ago in a completely unrelated way
The GEORGE is a nobel animal
@Neil the windows key?
I discovered it via ultlang's page -- ultlang contributed years ago to a repo that I am now the sole maintainer of, but I've never spoken to them directly.
@Bbrk24 why
4 hours ago, by Bbrk24
Kotlin doesn't consider Foo::class.java to be compile-time constant, and some of the annotations have a Class-typed argument
Which Unary is it?
@Bbrk24 it needs to be constant?
All arguments to annotations must be compile-time constants
@l4m2 It just made up a language that uses unary number literals and brainfuck-like looping
@ATaco curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/kotlin-for-forge i knew i saw mods written in kotlin cc: @Bbrk24
Yeah, Fabric has some tutorials on Kotlin integration too iirc
@Seggan such kotlin
much code
The branch where I transitioned from pure Java to mostly Kotlin is called frickin-java iirc
@Bbrk24 lol
you do know you can use kotlin and java in the same project right?
i do that for paper/slimefun plugin dev
I did that in that project
Java when I needed a class in an annotation, and Kotlin elsewise
Having used both Forge and Fabric
Fabric is so much nicer to write for
> JSON 52.7%
@ATaco i heard thats because forge has a bunch of clutter from ages gone by
Deffo, Forge is from when Mojang didn't even try to support mods
Fabric is built from the ground up to support Mixins, which wasn't even a glimmer in the Forge team's eyes back then
hrm apparently forge does a lot of work for the modder, so heavier mods prefer forge
@ATaco they still dont, they push datapacks
They released official symbols atleast
yeah and for plugin devs they unmangled net.minecraft.server so u dont have to write version specific code anymore (not that using NMS is recommended)
@ATaco Just noticed this
Weren't they called "reeds"?
That sounds right
And, more annoyingly, everyone called it "smooth stone"
Bamboo might've just been what my local mates called it
@TsumikiMiniwa It's still Smoothstone to me
the annoying part there is when mojang added a proper thing called smooth stone
and you need "Smooth Stone" for a blast furnace, so if your friend doesn't remember the recipe and you ask for 3 smooth stone they'll give you 3... smooth stone ("Stone")
Never heard of the gunpowder/sulfur or chicken/duck thing, though I 100% believe the reeds thing because I watched a ton of direwolf20 videos where he sometimes called it "reeds"
or talks about how he would almost accidentally call it reeds
See: The MInecraft TNT Music VIdeo
"♫T-bag his ghost and now his Sulfur's mine♫"
@ATaco Not quite the worst
I think the hierarchy goes something like this (least to most worst):
TNB is best, ofc.
site spam flags, non-math chat flags, math chat flags, mod chat flags, site R/A flags, and then the posts that we need to ask SE to contact imgur about to remove the images from their database
I don't care to know about the last category.
@ATaco That was the first song I went out of my way to memorize. I've forgotten half of it by now
@ATaco It's whenever WW accidentally posts a picture of a blurry cat :P
Pretty sure I could sing all but the Rap
@TsumikiMiniwa i heard of gunpowder/sulfur
i had no idea there was a time that the names of blocks/items/entities weren't right there for you but i still call them reeds sometimes :P
I think it was the infamous Adventure Update which added thing names? Might've been earlier.
I guess the reason I never heard of it being called "sulfur" is because the only Minecraft content I received at the time was from direwolf20
Plays exclusively modded minecraft, and some mods add something called "sulfur" so he had to adapt, but no mods add something called "reeds" so he didn't have to adapt around that
I wonder how modern mods are doing now that Copper is vanilla.
I can never forget having 6+ kinds of copper in a modpack
5 hours later…
@Bbrk24 lmao nice
i lowkey grew up on minecraft parody music too but that one actually doesn't ring any bells at all
I heard several minecraft parodies of songs before the originals, and later recognised the originals from the minecraft parodies
@Seggan no, it's on the right, between the windows key and the ctrl key
at some point this got added to my friend group's collective playlist and so far nobody's actually felt like removing it
There are others like that
I think someone did that but with fallen kingdom?
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosSubstring Co-quine Given a string, decide whether it is a consecutive substring of your submitted code. Of course, the empty string is always truthy. The encoding of the given string is assumed to match how your code is encoded. For example, if your code is encoded in UTF-8, the input is also ass...

2 hours later…
have you tried working with both
i don't have much experience in either but fabric feels so much better
@UnrelatedString couldn't help but accidentally read fabric as arabic and get really confused
Arabic Modloader
ngl that'd not be a bad name
@UnrelatedString What is this cursed thing
good question
Also have you seen Rising Kingdom? A prequel to Fallen Kingdom released just this past December
@Bbrk24 it's what's getting us out of the grass block house
I can't see that video rn, what is it?
Every beat it switches between DJ Got Us Falling In Love and Revenge
as I said, we getting out the grass block house with it
one second, lemme do a little trolling
permission denied
@UnrelatedString that's glorious
it's almost as good as the f*cked up All I Want For Christmas video
is that the one with the metal pipe?
ah the other one
@Ginger I follow someone on tumblr who makes lots of these out of various songs
@Ginger youtube.com/watch?v=_vDOmmwJF7E when you have the time
I think you'll appreciate it
it really gives 1997 vibes
in The Edge of Propinquity, 2 mins ago, by Unrelated String
> Vyxal was created by a team of developers who go by the name "The Vyxal Team". The team includes Andrew Morris, who goes by the username "Lyxal", and Kevin Matthews, who goes by the username "ais523". Other contributors include Chris Brown, who goes by the username "Mr-Xcoder", and Jonathan Allan, who goes by the username "Bubbler".
This has some concerning implications
It's called you by what, three different names now? (Kevin, Chris, and now Andrew)
It also thinks I'm Dennis
It's also given a few different dates spread across a couple years for the release date
Anyways, do you think it will ever guess your actual name by sheer chance? Or are its guesses not even close
not even close
Wonder if you could use chatGPT to sketch out a web of usernames often collaborating on things because it confused them for eachother
it seems like it's kevin at least a third of the time for some reason
My legal name is on my github in a few places, mostly license files, but that's not the name I go by
I love bugs with hexadecimal built-ins that result from missing a digit in the hexadecimal alphabet
How often does that happen?
@mousetail approximately once
@Neil fn? never used it
(also its on the left, not the right)
@lyxal Well, it has ur first name
To the right of spacebar, my keyboard has, in order: alt, menu, control, arrow keys, numpad
Not all keyboards have a right Winkey
mine is ctrl, fn, windows, alt, spacebar, alt, ctrl, and the arrow keys (going left to right)
@Seggan by chance. I asked it for my full name and it said it doesn't have it at all
also, looking though that post, bubblers name is very unusual (no offense bubbler)
Wait if you mean in the post from the transcript, then no, it doesn't have my first namr
wait what then is the meta post wrong
Oh you mean meta
I thought you meant
1 hour ago, by lyxal
in The Edge of Propinquity, 2 mins ago, by Unrelated String
> Vyxal was created by a team of developers who go by the name "The Vyxal Team". The team includes Andrew Morris, who goes by the username "Lyxal", and Kevin Matthews, who goes by the username "ais523". Other contributors include Chris Brown, who goes by the username "Mr-Xcoder", and Jonathan Allan, who goes by the username "Bubbler".
Anyhow yeah by random chance
@lyxal i did
the meta post has ur full name, and the transcript has ur first name by extension
By extension?
ya mind me saying ur first name here?
That's who it's referring to
Not me
yeah ik
but is that not ur first name as well
It is, but chatgpt doesn't know to make the association
Besides, if we're going on that metric, then it has the name of a lot of other golfers with names that appear a non-trivial amount of times in literature
It would only make the connection by either being trained in that meta post or by obtaining it from an obscure oeis sequence I added back in 2020
which just further proves it's not smart at all and just spitting out tokens based on what's already been written by humans
Can you ask chatGPT what my real name is?
@lyxal i know
i was just pointing out
i wanna write a CGCC blog post
i had a draft on fast code but eh
im thinking of one on praclangs
Both seem they would be interresting
@Seggan ah, you're on a laptop? I guess their keyboards are different
ive never seen a context menu key on any keyboard
I have one, I can send a picture if you want to see it
Most keyboards used to have them I used them all the time
This particular keyboard is strange though -- it has a numpad, but the numpad has no enter key
But not so much anymore
@Bbrk24 sure
time to do more Rabbit development!
when do you have time for anything else?
I can sleep when I'm dead
gonna be tricky today tho because I just went to the optometrist and my vision's all weird
You'll die a lot later if you sleep now
@Seggan context menu is the key between right alt and right control there
ah i have that thingy as an fn enabled key on my right control
I have a second windows key there for some reason, completely useless
A lot of keyboards have a right winkey, but laptops tend to not
@mousetail doesn't matter, user'll probably get to me first
If you play dead he'll ignore you
AKA sleep
Their vision is based on motion
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bigyihsuanImplement the <=> three-way comparison operator on numbers Tags: code-golfnumbercomparison In C++, there exists a a <=> b three-way comparison operator that, for numerical types, does the following: If a < b, then return -1. If a = b, then return 0. If a > b, then return 1. The Challenge Implem...

@Seggan should things like primitive types and global functions be members of some magic ultimate GlobalContext or should each module's GlobalContext have its own reference to them?
(I need this info to figure out what visibility modifier they should have; they'd be public with option A but internal with option B)
@Ginger they should be part of a module that is automatically star imported everywhere
thats what java/kotlin/rol do
I guess I could do that, but it'd be easier to just make it so that each module's Context has a singleton GlobalContext as a parent containing all that stuff
I'd rather do that tbh
I'd suggest avoiding using context for anything other than functions and closures
Because there is no "stack" with everything having a single "parent" outside of functions
...there is tho
the current system works perfectly
Not really, you seem to be trying to force them into that format with quite a lot of squishing as far as I've seen
as the developer I can tell you that it's working fine
your choice
@Ginger Huh, I didn't realize I'd said that on two specific occasions, and to you both times. I'm sorry if I frightened you, I didn't mean to, especially since you're going to die (sooner than you might expect)
I have doubts about the sincerity of your apology :p
Would it help if I wrote it like this?

Dear Ginger,

Huh, I didn't realize I'd said that on two specific occasions, and to you both times. I'm sorry if I frightened you, I didn't mean to, especially since you're going to die (sooner than you might expect).

Original Original Original VI
who's this "Original Original Original VI" character?
@mousetail I second this. You might, however, need something kinda like a Context at the module level, though
@Ginger It's my real name
definitely one of the names of all time
@mousetail what's the alternative?
Something that doesn't have the restriction of a single parent, perhaps a abstract class so you can have different context for functions, classes, modules, and builtins
why would having a single parent be a bad thing? I can't think of any cases in which I'd need more than one parent
(don't take that out of context)
Virgin haploid
Never mind
LDQ: How should I do module introspection? Due to the way I'm implementing imports, I can pretty easily set properties of imported module objects to whatever I want, but of course modules can declare a name function or whatever
@Seggan why does locateType return a Pair<ResolvedType, FileUnit?>?
because packages may be split across multiple files, and i need to know which ones to include in the generated lua
Any further feedback? Thinking about finally posting it
And totally not because it's been almost 5 months since my last challenge
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardIdea: Given a polyomino shape figure out the minimum number of cuts required to fill it with a herring-bone pattern of 2×1 tiles. Gylda is a contractor who installs decks. She receives the deck plan from an architect who always chooses it to be shaped as a polyomino, that is a single connected ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

math scatNumber of free polyominoes A polyomino with \$n\$ cells is a shape consisting of \$n\$ equal squares connected edge to edge. Two free polyominoes are distinct if one is not a rigid transformation of the other. The sequence of polyominoes with \$n\$ cells is as follows: 1, 1, 1, 2, 5, 12, 35, 108,...

@SandboxPosts oops I was implicitly inspired by this onebox
I thought I got the idea from a book I was reading :/
5 hours later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing I haven't posted a challenge for almost 8 months. I do have a backlog of challenge ideas though

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