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@Bbrk24 If you want to run a command if an entity (say, a bat) exists, /execute if entity @e[type=bat] should work. The @e[] here can have the same selectors as /testfor.
What about /testforblock?
If you want to count a number of entities meeting a certain condition, the best you get is either /execute as @e[...] run scoreboard [...]

Alternatively, you might be able to do /execute store [???] as @e[...] run xp add @p
For testforblock, gimme a second
Maybe /execute if block?
Honestly I don't remember testfor and testforblock very well, I'm just guessing based on what the wiki has
Based on the name, I think /execute if block [...] and /execute if blocks [...] would both work
From what I'm able to find on google, you can't run /testfor except as a command block.
huh, TIL execute if
I wonder what the rules are for submissions in Minecraft that involve command blocks?
Other such questions regarding bytes:
Okx's submission required a redstone ready superflat world, but mine could be run on any world (assuming Cheats, of course).
(well, didn't mean to hit enter)

How many bytes is a datapack submission, at minimum?
(Alternatively, how hard would it be to make a "Mncrft" language that reads the code, makes a datapack, puts it onto minecraft, opens minecraft, creates a world with that datapack, and runs all of the code. And how would TIO run it?)
I've seen "blytes" (# blocks + # bytes of commands)
for command block submissions
And I've seen datapack-based submissions that only count the mcfunction code and not the whole datapack per se
@TsumikiMiniwa I believe that, since the introduction of the structure block, you can export specific structures that do the task as required into saveable files, and you use the size of those files
Oh interesting. Makes sense though
Ooo. Never touched the Structure block before but that could be interesting.
A: Programming in Minecraft (Redstone) - how to measure program size?

Addison CrumpThere is now an MC Standard for bytecount. With the 1.10 update, they introduced a block called the "structure block", which creates a .nbt file representing a structure in its entirety that can be measured in bytes. As this is a Minecraft standard for converting builds into bytes, this should b...

There are also functions which use .mcfunction files, and you just submit the length of that file in bytes
You know that ~-x and -~x trick? Trilangle doesn't have unary negation, only bitwise complement, so I sometimes have to do that trick in reverse to negate a number.
i.e. ~(x+1) or ~x-1(which are two instructions each, )~ and ~( respectively)
lmao nice
2 hours later…
@TsumikiMiniwa I don't think string concatenation is possible right now, unfortunately
I think you can do some weird stuff with a custom translations file and the JSON text formatting to output concat'd strings in various situations, but concatenating strings as data is impossible IIRC (or at least, it was as of when I was 12 and tried making a high level lang that transpiled to data packs)
What should I put in my Github bio? It's just empty right now
what's your favourite meme?
because I suggest taking a short quotable line and using that if you can't think of anything better :p
My chat bio is from when I was impersonating Lyxal almost two years ago.
My chat bio, and my server bio on the discord, are a bit of a joke. My discord sever bio explains it a bit more than my chat bio here does
on the discord server it's
> I seem to have misplaced my pronouns
(genderfluid + ADHD)
i keep forgetting that there is a discord
i think i hadn't looked there in like a year before i happened to wander in and notice quintec posted a piano arrangement of seiza ni naretara
@Bbrk24 h
no more
no less
just a single letter
1 hour later…
How do bounties work on dead accounts? I see clismique's bounty on unbounded survival-buildable redstone prime checker but I also see the last activity from @clismique was in 2021 (literally on January 1st, no less)
As an unrelated question - and since I can't ask clismique directly - what are the rules for that Minecraft bounty? Namely, the Observer block wasn't added until 1.11, which didn't officially release until a month after that bounty (although I think it existed in snapshot form before the bounty's release)
@TsumikiMiniwa Depending on the bounty, someone else might offer it in their place, or you might just be out of luck
7 hours later…
very cool
you didn't post it yet, right?
It will probably be 2 weeks or so before I post
1 hour later…
just curious, did you get the idea from the ted talk by hannah fry? :P
Not consciously but I have watched that talk so it probably implicitly inspired me
1 hour later…
Huh, is there really no simple hex to decimal challenge? I was ready to commit scanf abuse
There is decimal to hex
Yeah but my language has scanf("%i") and printf("%d") builtins. There's no printf("%x") builtin
(more accurately it's printf("%d\n"), but whatever)
1 hour later…
Q: Mapping Passing Through Point by this challenge.) Given six real values in three pairs: \$(x_1, x_2), (y_1, y_2),\$ and \$(x_0, y_0)\$, where \$x_1 < x_0 < x_2\$ and \$y_1 < y_0 < y_2\$, create a function which maps between \$(x_1, x_2)\$ and \$(y_1, y_2)\$ which also passes through \$(x_0,y_0)\$. In other words, m...

No. Your time complexity can be whatever. I only care about how many times you ask questions
2 hours later…
@ I'd say maybe. Restricted complexity is not just for time complexity, memory complexity. It would seem there is a restriction on the question complexity.
1 hour later…
What do you think of a fastest-code mastermind challenge
would it be interesting or a near-dupe?
Some rules will be changed, too.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NeilArbitrary numeric base as string Given a positive integer n and an integer base b where 1<b<96, please convert n into a string that represents its value in base b. For a given base b, the following should hold: Digits should only have place value between 0 and b. Digits should be output in order...

Has anyone ever made something like the CLR, but for golflangs? A bytecode VM with support for heterogeneous lazy lists, user-defined classes, etc. and with a ton of common golflang functions built in
I guess you don't need a whole bytecode VM, just a C library with Python bindings or something
2 hours later…
Q: Is it traversable?

chunesImagine that a list of integers describes the heights of some two-dimensional terrain as seen from the side. Stamina: [ 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 - ] O /|\ / \ +---+ +---+ | | |...

@user What's CLR?
common language... runtime? i think it's some .net thing
Supposedly designed to work for all sorts of languages, although I guess in reality it's probably meant mostly for C# and friends
Wikipedia article. It's like the JVM, but for .NET, and language-neutral

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