@joyoforigami I don't have any cuz I'm not terribly good at coming up with challenges, but maybe the "no solution" can be anything? Or even printing nothing
The Cabbage, Wolf, Goat riddle with a twist!
There’s an intergalactic river than needs to be crossed! Being a space-ferryman you’ve offered some aliens on your small space ferry that can only carry two entities: you and a passenger. However, you know that because politics, some of thes...
Proposal: Programming Language Design
The vast majority of the high-scoring questions at the moment are about the technical side of programming language design (how do I implement ...). Many of them will also work on CS.SE as pointed out by pxeger here. I don't think PLD.SE should limit itself li...
I remember back in the day when a scratch game would straight up not let you play if you were in turbo mode. And if there wasn't a check for turbo mode, it really broke the game by speeding up time cycles
And then of course there were the games/projects where it was essential. Good times
@Seggan In metagolf, your submission program produces another program which solves a given task, and the length of that produced program determines the score of the submission.
Can't believe it's taken me over two weeks to notice this MSE announcement, as I reckon it'd be useful for us, given the odd challenge we get taken from other sites
There is a problem on the most recent AMC 12B test, the one held on November 16, 2022, which goes like this:
(AMC 12B 2022, Question 17)
How many \$4\times4\$ arrays whose entries are \$0\$s and \$1\$s are there such that the row sums (the sum of the entries in each row) are \$1\$, \...