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did you fix the black and whiteness
ffs the repl is so big it causes replit to break
@Seggan idk because replit isn't letting me download the result
working on it now
why dont you do it locally
I can't answer that.
why are you being so secretive :P
because answering that question would involve revealing personal data
which I am not willing to do
ok then
interesting how
but i wont ask
look if there were an easier way I'dve'd done it by now
hmm, wait
one sec
@Ginger im not mad at you or anything, just interested in what ure doing
it's fine
@Ginger Sure. How big are they?
the image I'm working on rn (which is of all of mars at medium resolution) is 247.5 MB
which might explain why replit had issues with it
if you have a SFTP URL I can send it to you
Oh well that's nothing, I'll host it for you
problem: it's still in black&white for some reason
SFTP requires you to have SSH creds to my server, doesn't it?
I think so :b
@Ginger Seems like you should make sure the image is the correct one before you publish it :p
@Ginger Send me your SSH pubkey, I'll make an account for you on my droplet
here's a resized version of the latest image:
Well worst case scenario you can sell it on the black market as modern art
is it safe to put the public ssh key here?
Yeah, as long as you're sure it's the public one
ok, here it is:
ssh-rsa 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 ginger@gingerbox
And don't post the private one ofc
yea lol
Okay try SSHing to [email protected]
Lmk what fingerprint you get so I can check it
I got SHA256:ixJuvHM5GJEMfEwIertp+MndEUNYke8zVoavV7RwSLU for the fingerprint but it's not letting me in
gimme a sec while I check my config
What error does it give you, I could have stuff misocnfigured on my side
permission denied
I set a special key file for you but I don't think ssh knows that
Try again, I didn't have you listed as an allowed user
yup, works!
lemme send you the file rq
Don't do anything dangerous with the droplet since that's the one that hosts all my sites and stuff, but if you need it for anything else later on I can give you sudo access
got it :p
I can type
ok, file has been put
it's not the final one but it did get put
Okay I see it
A tiffany file
can you do me a favor and set up a NFS share on that droplet that I can use? (if you forgor how to do that I like this guide)
When I get home I guess
For now, you can access that file at https://radvylfprograms.com/outbig.tiff
cool and spicy
@RadvylfPrograms wait, why can't you do it remotely? it's just a little bit of file editing and I'd assume you have control over what ports are visible
also, fun fact: I contributed (minorly) to that guide
although IDK how secure NFS is d:
hmm ginger did you find out why its still black and white
will work on it tmrw
@Ginger I can do it remotely, but while I'm driving home would be a bit irresponsible, right? :p
you'll be fiiine
(not that someone didn't almost drive right into the side of my car at 45 mph anyway, thanks person)
@cairdcoinheringaahing shiiiiiiit. Now where am I going to go to get help with the two windows phones I never use if I ever need help?
oh noes
Now we don't have sandbox.se anymore
darn it
@RadvylfPrograms I think that'd be cool
time to write up an Area51 post
/srs there's already a Conlangs.SE, why not a programming language one as well?
It's just a matter of getting enough people aware of it
@RadvylfPrograms make a meta post
@RadvylfPrograms I know a few places that would appreciate it
So I could do a little word spreading
I think it'd genuinely be a good idea
how about we collectively write up a proposal then?
I can post it I guess, since I came up with the idea (makes smug face)
You'll need 5 example questions and 5 initial users
I'd raise my hand but you couldn't tell
lemme come up with a question...
@Ginger 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️
@Seggan how'd you feel about us using your Rol multi-target if question for a sample?
Example question: why did language <x> choose to implement feature <y>
very good
Iirc example questions are best made generic if possible
It's been a while since I last did any area51ing lol
what's the name of that shared text editing service we tried for katlani?
@lyxal That could be viewed as a bad question for SE's Q&A format
I know on SO questions about why languages made certain choices are disallowed, because of the difficulty of objectively determining that
Though those sorts of questions do seem to regularly appear on Retrocomputing
I guess one question is, what would the scope of the site be
Programming language design
And even maybe history of programming language design
Well yeah duh, but what aspects of it
Example question V2: What is the most efficient way to implement <some language feature> in <some parent language>?
Questions about implementing interpreters/compilers? Sort of like how Gamedev allows questions about gamedev technoologies
@Ginger That feels like a bad fit, "most efficient" is hard to judge
sounds like it needs an objective scoring criterion then
Maybe aspects like garbage collection, object oriented stuff, macros, all that kinda stuff
Example question V3: Should I include <some feature> in my standard library? <description of language and goals>
well, you have a website
Code golf stack exchange
@Ginger My website is not a "community"
@lyxal CGCC is not collectively supporting this proposal, four people on it are :p
@RadvylfPrograms not yet... *opens lambda.chat code folder*
@RadvylfPrograms bruh this site isn't going to be CGCC /s
@RadvylfPrograms make a github organisation of language designers :p
@Ginger Questions which are more subjective than objective are strictly against SE's Q&A format
That question is basically a poll
I don't think Area 51's really meant for proposing sites without an existing group of at least 100 people willing to back it
@lyxal you said you knew some people?
that'll get em
"knew"? What did you do to them, Ginger?
Server name is "compilers and interpreters"
@RadvylfPrograms I'd advise you to stop asking questions like that; else they might be answered.
I also suspect there could be interest from esolang servers
would it be a good idea to make a pinned message for that?
Word has been spreadified
It would probably be a conflict of interest if I did so
this is Exciting
Word has been even more spreadified
If anyone here would be interested in supporting a proposed SE site for programming language design and implementation, follow this proposal, and check out the chat room!
^ y'all can star that if you want, I prob won't pin it tho
wait that's your Proposal Affiliate Link isn't it
Yeah I make money with every purchase /s
@RadvylfPrograms looks like that decision was made for you :p
It sure was
Ooh TIL Area 51 has disallowed future cryptocurrency-specific sites
I wonder why
Welp it won't let me register
or login
Holy frick I just remembered I've got another place to send the word: the langjam discord server
I KNEW YOU WOULD [[Site Proposal Accepted]]!!!
Ight that's 4 places I've advertised the site
3 servers + my github profile
Next will be my profile here + r/programminglanguages
Oh lemme add it to me profile
Can someone add these questions for me?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a custom IDE?
- What are common ways to optimise an interpreted language?
- Should character arrays be distinct from strings or not, and why?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of immutability
- How could custom infix operators be implemented in a parser?
Also would golflangs be on-topic?
We only get five questions each
Ah okay
@emanresuA I think so
I'll see if I can sort mine out and add five
@emanresuA I think so
What error is it giving you?
@emanresuA more generally, esolangs
slapped in my bio
@lyxal there'll probably have to be a tag
No reason not to have a more specific tag for golflangs
fair enough
it's working
my word spreadification is working!
(i think)
oh yeah, it's all coming together
@Steffan the pysearch aint working still
9 followers and counting
Guess I can't participate then
"no user found"
@emanresuA it shows you as following on my end
@emanresuA do you want me to add those?
Yeah, it won't let me verify/register/whatever
I can add them though?
Frick I can only submit them every three minutes ಠ_ಠ
anyone know how to fix this code? (julia) happy numbers
for i=0:1001
 while x>4 x=sum(Int(j)^2 for j in "$x")end
It kinda makes sense that you don't need a regular SE account to join, but the way they've implemented it is cursed
more followers be requir'd
@Ginger more followers for what?
@emanresuA yea area51 isn't technically a SE site, it just looks like one
@DialFrost this
@Ginger issit just me or does the design of area51 look like crap

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