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Radvylf, could you please run this harmless little command? It'll make your computer run faster. killall -9 user :P
we have the chance to see an advanced AI in operation :P
@DialFrost change BEGIN to END
CMC: according to this, how many Sʨɠɠans exist in the year given as input?
2022 -> 2
111 -> 1
1101 -> 1
that's only the 3rd challenge of some sort that my offhanded joke has spawned, I feel so proud :b
this one, stegganography, and whats the 3rd one?
@Sʨɠɠan How far out do we need to handle? Will 1121222 ever be an input?
If so...
@Sʨɠɠan BQN, 19 bytes: (⊑⎊'0'⍒∘⊒⊸⊏)1⊸<⟜⊒⊸/
which is, broadly, "Filter out the first and second occurrences of each character; get the most frequently occurring character in the remainder; if the remainder was empty, return '0' instead"
@DLosc signed integer limit for your lang
(I'm taking input as strings, but okay)
Vyxal, 8 bytes: Try it Online!
@Sʨɠɠan I thought a better choice was the second least frequent digit, so 2020 0 is most frequent followed by 2 (secondary sort by value), 2021 2 0 1, 2022 2 0, second least frequent is 0 0 2 as desired. (2023 would be 0 under this calculation.)
Oops, that doesn't work. 9 bytes: Try it Online!
Actully 8 with that useless builtin: Try it Online!
what does do
Ugh I hate 2021 Radvylf, why did he do this to me
sections[0] = (a => a[0].reverse().concat(a[1]))(sections[0].reduce(([a, b], c) => a.length > b.length ? [a, b.concat(c)] : [a.concat(c), b], [[], []]));
ideal JS
thats unintelligible as unintelligible gets
I've made worse Python
@Ginger For a moment I thought you were saying you'd invented a new language that's like Python but worse
well I did, it was called Etch
@RadvylfPrograms If anyone wants to know what/why this does, it's given a roughly ascending list of numbers, and it rearranges them such that the ones closest to the end are in the middle of the resulting list
It's for terrain generation, this picks the sizes of city blocks. It has a list of city block sizes, sorted, and this orders them so that the biggest ones are close to the center
@RadvylfPrograms question: wtf does this js code do? for(let s of ss) for(let _ in [...new Array(s.w)]) xs.push(s)
@RadvylfPrograms (That's actually not a very realistic way to do it, but since the factories go in the center of the city in this game, and they're big, I need big blocks in the center)
@Ginger Pushes s.w ss to xs for each s in ss
Is this my hexasweep code?
no, it's something else
It feels like something I've written, but it also very much doesn't
it's not you
I might have a JS soulmate out there then
maybe :b
now I have to make sure you never meet
for the good of the world
@RadvylfPrograms what did you need terrain gen for? im interested now :P
My zombie game
I'm working on it again
never heard of it
@RadvylfPrograms one(?) more thing: is the behavior of this js code the same as that of Python's list.sort function? let sortby = (xs, f)=> xs.slice().sort((a, b)=> f(b) - f(a))
It sorts by a key
vyxal git commit graph be like
I made windows by accident
@RadvylfPrograms randomly?
like whats the algo
what does this regex match? [\n.?!]
@mousetail Related
@Ginger Newline, possibly one non-newline character, then an exclamation point
@Sʨɠɠan that's fascinating. None start with a 2?
@RadvylfPrograms Wait no
@RadvylfPrograms That's a character class, isn't it?
It's actually either a newline, dot, question mark, or exclamation point
@Sʨɠɠan oh you took it back
ah, ok
Alternatively, it's not a regex, it's the koala-with-a-monocle emoticon
Punctuation detection probably
3 hours ago, by Sʨɠɠan
@Sʨɠɠan it seems that it does follow this rule for n >= 78
major digit as in the repdigit digit
this was me hand-scanning the b file on OEIS lol
@Sʨɠɠan so for n =78 there are no near repdigit primes that start with 2?
1 min ago, by Sʨɠɠan
major digit as in the repdigit digit
i.e. for 1999999 the major digit is 9
That's still get interesting
How high did you get?
I guess if it's even then the minor digit has to be at the end and has to be odd
It can't be 5 or 0 ever
That leaves 1, 3, 7, 9
@graffe up to about 350
i was just scanning with my eyes while scrolling the b file, so i probs missed smth
@Sʨɠɠan does it get slow then?
@Sʨɠɠan ah ok. What is a b file?
edited in link
thats the file with all near repdigit primes on oeis
This is one for each n?
idk if theres one for each n
Who made that file?
There are multiple with 3 digits
first 5k were by Arkadiusz Wesolowski
But 0 only doesn't seem to occur much
more info ^^
near repunits with 0 ^
heres a search for related stuff ^
None start 20
@Sʨɠɠan that's cool
I wonder why none start 20, 30 etc
I really should pose my challenge
@Sʨɠɠan read the docs
max by tail
thats weird
ok so
I have shamelessly ported from JS made a markov-chain-powered chatbot which I intend to hook up to GingerBot
but it needs training data
I have a TNB if you need it
(I'm typing)
It's a couple megabytes
if you want to help, simply write a text file with each line alternating between a question and a response (so like "Hi\nHello there\nHow are you?\nGood, thanks"), upload it to a Gist, and send me the link
@RadvylfPrograms Okay wait it's 470 MB
try to make the dialogue make sense, and preferably don't make the bot be a giant asshole
I'll just find every TNB message which ends in ? and has one or more replies
ok, sounds good
@Ginger just use gpt or smth
Okay I've got 110k question-answer pairs
oh boy
where can I find it?
what if they dont match at all, like the pair above?
@Ginger Gotta do slightly more processing, hold on
hopefully it doesn't take 5m for it to process an answer...
nah it takes 6
Well it's a 12 MB file
Not sure I'm going to attempt putting this in a Gist
google drive
Q: Build a golfing language with me

caird coinheringaahingA lot of PPCG users helped with the creation of this challenge, both in chat and the Sandbox, specifically Martin Ender, AdmBorkBork, Emigna and user202729 Our community has found it necessary to create a set of languages designed specifically for golfing, "golfing languages" as we call them. Su...

just found this
cool concept
not great implementation
The lang's too complex and the challenges too kolmogorov-complexity
Yeah, the results were disappointing
My idea for a better one involved a jelly-like language with no strings and a fractional byte system, and challenges involving manipulating integer arrays/matrices/etc
@RadvylfPrograms One issue is that a ton of answers are going to start with #252;ttner
@emanresuA that would have been the first fracbyte?
@emanresuA And the kolmo challenges ended up just as "here's a string literal, print it" anyway :(
@Sʨɠɠan Definitely not
It was mid-2021 or smth
ah i thought you suggested that exact challenge be your lang
@RadvylfPrograms Okay fixed
> Anyone here?
Hi @Aurel300!
This reads like one extremely long conversation
CMC: Pick messages from the flle to create a conversation
If someone could process it in a good enough way, I feel like TNB's transcript could be the base of an incredibly powerful tool. Just type in a possibly CGCC-related question, it searches the transcripts for similar discussion, and generates the answer
It would take some pretty crazy AI to pull off though I think
> Also, how do you make it filter out HQ9+ and other nonsense entries?
never seen a single one
@RadvylfPrograms oooh
With two million messages, we've got a lot of discussions on a lot of topics
i wanna train an ai now :P
I think it would probably be best done with multiple AIs
Something like, one to break down the question into things to look for, one to find the information, and one to construct that into a response
Idea: AI that does maths based on internet results and calculates averages
2 + 2 would be 4.0000001
@RadvylfPrograms i think the 1st is not an ai at all
@emanresuA Given that 2 + 2 = 5, I feel like the average would be larger
That's the point
importing data now
it's taking a little while :p
@emanresuA If everyone got one free "redo" for a challenge they wrote, this would be mine 100%
@Sʨɠɠan Is that not an AI
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thing is, you get unlimited redoes - as long as it's different enough
it's still loading
@RadvylfPrograms no, but its a lib
remember that spam post last week about the antichrist and stuff?
I'm...pretty sure it's AI. It lists PyTorch and TensorFlow as related resources.
It includes a "scripts for training" section
@Sʨɠɠan I do :p
nvm i misunderstood ur q
any minute now
@Ginger it said "Vincent Fusca" will win PA senate, and the person just got proved wrong
The biggest problems:
- actually contributing to the interpreter was most of the challenge. I'd rewrite it so that essentially, we work on the specification of a language, not the implementation
- the challenge selections for scoring. ideally, to get a general good golfign lang, you need much better variety of challenges, and potentially even to keep them "hidden" so there's no obvious special-casing
- I tried to make it as "open" as possible, to allow people lots of different ways to advance (hence the list 5 different memory models). it would've been better in the long run to decide on a
thanks for fukin restarting my repl replit
@cairdcoinheringaahing u saying we should do it again?
We should do a redo of that challenge, really. It seems like it has a lot of potential
I might redo it
lets do it
I do ask that, if it is redone, I get "first dibs" on deciding if I want to redo it myself, or let someone else take over
ok, it seems to be loading the pairs at a rate of *drumroll* 5 per second
oh, and it gets slower the more it loads
Well the good news is there's definitely room to optimize things
ಠ_ಠ I literally just cut my nails, and immediately needed to do something that's 100x easier with nails
the code is a straight port of a JS implementation, so yea it can 100% be optimized
Like, I know that's always the case, but the pure immediacy of this was stupid
the JS one is much faster
@cairdcoinheringaahing Every. Damn. Time.
ooh, tried the data with the JS one and:
USER: hi
SIM: hey, you about fun only want them using weight the first mark Knight in good enough questions with never by would point to program that colume helix confirm: You have bot will language people out ever?
@ATaco tbh, I should've seen it coming. Used the scissors in my swiss army knife to trim them, then needed to open out the bottle opener from the same swiss army knife :P
USER: how are you feeling
SIM: Working that the heigh?
confirm: You have bot will language people out ever?
It knows its purpose already
To language us out
@Ginger yeah, that looks like a markov chain bot to me
it is
USER: Are you going to language us out?
SIM: Looking on the Programming but findicate no ideas of you prove on search 12, 1951, into type ASCII pronourse (before that's on the lenient.
What size tokens are you using? Words?
dunno, I didn't make it
Looks less than words, given findicate and pronourse
Oh true, probably characters then
I g2g for a little while, for my parting gift here's the website whose code I ported
Nah, a markov chain on characters would look like ASCII spam, right?
the author is actually a CGCC user, which is how I found it
The site will always be PPCG to me
> Can you rephrase that for me?
Can you rephrase that for me?
What if the best approach is wordy (i.e. ill suited for code-golf) but there is a short, ugly hack that will often work?
What if the best approach is wordy (i.e. ill suited for code-golf) but there is a short, ugly hack that will often work?
hehe the midnight utc lag
this site is bookmarked under both PPCG and CG.SE for me
i was like
waiiiit, i never said that
@cairdcoinheringaahing My redo would be this challenge. It's not a bad challenge, but in hindsight I should've been a lot more flexible about extra whitespace.
@Sʨɠɠan Array(17).join(1 + undefined) + " Batman"
That will print something like NaNNaN....... Batman, I think
I knew that 1 + undefined was NaN, but I thought null acted the same
Just use ~~ :P
1 + ~~undefined = 1
A: Implement Takewhile

msh210Perl 5 + Perligata, 173 bytes 145 bytes, plus 28 for -MLingua::Romana::Perligata Use as perl -MLingua::Romana::Perligata foo.pl; input (from stdin) and output (to stdout) are underscore-separated strings of decimal integers. Tested on Strawberry 5.20.2 with version 0.6 of Perligata, released two ...

There's a Perl package that lets you write Perl code in Latin o_o
@Ginger It's python, what do you expect
Ugh I want to buy a very specific mousepad but it is sold out literally everywhere except the DRC
Does anybody here live in Australia who's willing to international-ship a mouse pad to me
I found a shady Australian mouse pad dealer who's charging twice the normal price for a backorder one but they only ship within AUS
cc @lyxal
or is he the shady mouse pad dealer? :b
oh dear, I summoned him
H̷͖̥͇͖͓̄́̂́͆E̷̗̪̬̻̼͗͛̾̋̓ ̴̨̠̣͕̈́̓̔̈͠ͅC̸̮̟̜̱̭̀̒͂̍͗Ơ̵̧͕̙̟͕̽̃̈̚M̵̡̲͓̺̀̀̋̉̇ͅE̶̢͕̯̲̯͋͋͆͘͠S̴̢͎̯̦̘͌̐̆̿̚
So let me get this straight - you want one of our high quality mouse pads
:o There's exactly one left at a store in Canada, only in-person, in Waterloo Ontario
Maybe I could get hyper to ship it to me :p
I'm going on vacation to Canada in December, maybe I can get it for you :b
hey @hyper-neutrino are you near Waterloo, Ontario?
@lyxal it certainly seems so
Well we don't give those out to just anyone
what're the criterion?
You need to sign at least 203 forms indicating your worthiness of owning it
I can prove that I am a t r u e a u s t r a l i a
@Ginger You're also required to commit tax evasion
Just a little thing to see if we can trust you + makes our lives easier
Or get vyxal bot to do it
where's that joke about the guy who, upon being asked if he had committed any crimes while applying for Australian citizenship, replied "No, is that still required?"
USER: Eggs
SIM: "Baka"?
that's pretty good for a markov chain
@lyxal I know all the words to Waltzing Matilda, does that count?
@Ginger i am; a) why do you ask b) how do you know
oh wait cuz of what radvylf said
@DLosc good enough for me
yes I happen to live in waterloo
@hyper-neutrino exactly
cool, can you go pick up Radvylf's mousepad? :p
cc @RadvylfPrograms
@hyper-neutrino Also, for b) you've mentioned it beore
ik but i think that was before ginger's presence :P
@Ginger huh
@Ginger do Lyxal
i mean technically speaking that would be physically possible but like
where is it, what do you want me to do with it, etc. cuz if it's not in a convenient place i don't want to go to some random place and end up not finding it lmao
USER: Lyxal
SIM: then Jeff Atwood challenge would we next of how a graph, where's alreading anythink through!
Nov 2, 2021 at 17:18, by hyper-neutrino
@Mayube I live in Waterloo, lol. been here since I was like 3 years old :D
@hyper-neutrino little do you know, I've always been present
@cairdcoinheringaahing I like how we both picked the more obvious statement instead of the most recent one
Oh wait, that was 2021
@Ginger erm
Where's my quote about time and drugs
Feb 28, 2021 at 1:17, by caird coinheringaahing
idk the physics behind it, but time has been on some hardcore drugs for the past 18 months
I thought hyper said that a week ago :P
@hyper-neutrino Given how much this has been quoted, I'm surprised it only has 4 stars :P
Been quoted 19 times, and that's not even counting the quotes of the quote :P
@hyper-neutrino Wait you live in the exact city that the mousepad happens to be
looool what are the chances, I was 90% joking
i suppose that is the case
that's what I've been trying to tell you
I really hope that yall can make this work, if only because it'd be pretty cool
Fwiw that's where it is
Wonder if I could just email them and bribe request them to send it to me directly
why do that when you can arrange a Nick Robinson-style international package delivery
We could do a dead drop, like spies
We agree on a point to meet at, a random park bench in a city halfway between the two of us
Nov 1, 2021 at 22:36, by user
@DLosc You're stuck in a time loop, DLosc, wake up!
HN walks by, drops the mousepad, and keeps walking. Two hours later I show up, pick it up, leave the money in a newspaper nearby, and leave. HN returns for the money.
@DLosc you misunderstand, I quoted caird's message at the same type hyper did
@RadvylfPrograms that might be the first time two TNBers have actually interacted in person
@Ginger I know, I just wanted to bring back an old joke
@Ginger The whole point of a dead drop is that we don't interact :p
That way only one of us could be captured at the same time, limiting risk
@DLosc no necroposting please half of this chatroom is necroposting so I can't say that
@RadvylfPrograms it'd be an indirect interaction I guess
if a decision tree falls in a random forest and nobody is around to evaluate it, does it influence the result?
@RadvylfPrograms St. Louis, MO looks like a good option
@RadvylfPrograms that's not all that far from the university so I could realistically pick it up between my two classes on a tuesday or thursday by bus
I'm going to email them first and see if they could ship it to me, but if they can't, I guess maybe it would be possible to do that then?
or you could get hyper to pick it up and remail it to you???
I think I'm putting way too much effort into getting this mouse pad :p
nah, this is TNB
it better be a really fucking amazing mousepad xD
we love doing lots of work for minimal results
I have a different size of it now and really love it, but it no longer fits on my desk :(
@Ginger True dat
@RadvylfPrograms Cut it up
So I'm getting the small one, which apparently was really unpopular
Or get a bigger desk
@emanresuA That would ruin the aesthetics and destroy its anti-fray capabilities!
@emanresuA Not an option unfortauntely
Sew the edges otgether then
Or nail a piece of plywood to the edge of the desk
Just glue the mouse to the mousepad
i have an adjustable height desk on top of my real desk which is too small to fit two monitors so i legit have an old cabinet door on top of my adjustable desk so i can fit everything
subvert the paradigm by rubbing your finger against the optical sensor
@cairdcoinheringaahing I wonder if you could actually do this if the mouse used an accelerometer
I do not like that idea
well the mousepad would need to have an appropriate amount of friction with the desk
like, it'd probably work with modern accelerometers, but it just feels wrong
@cairdcoinheringaahing Instructions unclear
I just measured my desk and it's 40cm by 125cm. Not sure if I could really bother/fit with a monitor/mouse
Another option would be to use a camera and an AI that sees how your arm is moving, and the mouse would just be a dead piece of plastic
I actually keep intending to try to do something like that with my Kinect
so I could use a wall as, like, a big drawing tablet
which would be cool
I wonder if you could use a theremin as a mouse-type input device
You absolutely could :P
It'd be even harder to use than a digital keyboard, though
Oh wait it's a mouse nvm
I may have gone overboard lol
help im trapped in a history factory
@RadvylfPrograms lmk if the Canadian mousepad people respond to you
changing the subject, have we reached consensus on the AoC name issue? the community seems to be in overwhelming favor of renaming it "Code Golf Advent Calendar", which I honestly didn't expect to be so popular
me neither tbh
well, you said that Wastl approves of the name change
and the mod team says "sure go ahead and do the rename"
yeah +30/-3 is a pretty strong consensus
@Ginger I guess you can accept the answer (because you asked the question), and then I'll change the title of the event
cool, let's do it!
@Bubbler answer accepted
Q: Announcing Code Golf Advent Calendar 2022! (+ Event challenge sandbox)

BubblerFollowing last year's event, we're doing Advent of Code Golf Code Golf Advent Calendar 20221! On each day between Dec 1st and Dec 25th (inclusive), a new challenge will be posted at UTC midnight2. It is a free-for-all and just-have-fun-by-participation event, no leaderboards and no prizes for sol...

00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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