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@emanresuA >:(
@Sʨɠɠan really meh
@Sʨɠɠan nonono it just gives errors, i tried every version of c++ there
@forest @forest 100K YOOOOO
@RadvylfPrograms Most of the time it's usually done by turning a computer duster upside-down and spraying the extremely cold mist on the memory sticks, although a lot of modern cold boot attacks don't do that and instead do a cold reboot into a custom OS with a low memory footprint which then dumps memory. In one case, the BIOS was modified to contain a custom coreboot payload that exfiltrated memory over serial! Liquid nitrogen is usually overkill.
@Bubbler so flip a coin to choose between seq and flip const? oh that sounds beautiful
@DialFrost g++ --std=c++17 pysearch.cpp
That's what I use
@Sʨɠɠan eh
@Sʨɠɠan wdym lol
Any feedback on ^?
Make an interpreter
> (Expanation of how IEEE-754 double precision floats work)
@RadvylfPrograms are there supposed to be tests too?
Can I extract the bit pattern of a given float as an integer?
Register machine sounds appropriate
Unlimited registers but maybe take the number of registers used into account in scoring?
@DialFrost wdym "wdym"?
that's how you compile it
then ./a.out
assumes you have linux with gcc installed
GCC behaves that way on most *nix systems.
@Sʨɠɠan huh?
what are you confused about
like what is the question
i don't know what you're confsued about either
if you want to compile it then run that
wait nvm i got it running
btw @Sʨɠɠan how did you get 30 bytes for tcl in quine? (hint maybe?) [you owe me a hint for that crystal solution you found too earlier ;)]
@Bubbler I don't think that'd be a huge issue, since you're limited to n+2 registers if you're using n instructions (and for any practically useful algorithm it'd probably be less than n), and any solutions that're using beyond like, a couple dozen registers are probably not going to be competitive.
@DialFrost considering only 3 people have it, i'm not giving any hints except that you can find 33 bytes online
@emanresuA makes perfect sense to me :P
@Sʨɠɠan I highly doubt it cuz I searched a lot but if you say so lol
@Sʨɠɠan if you could find 33 bytes online, then its abit sus that no one has 33 bytes rn
@Sʨɠɠan you still owe me a hint for the crstyal solution buddy :3
@DialFrost It's a , there will be several tens of thousands of them, possibly millions
I'm thinking I'll do about 100k normal test cases, and a few bonus edge case ones, like the zeroes, infinity, and NaN
Floating point:

- `add`: Add
- `sub`: Subtract
- `mul`: Multiply
- `div`: Divide
- `mod`: Modulo
- `cmp`: Compare

Unsigned int:

- `iadd`: Int add
- `isub`: Int subtract
- `imul`: Int multiply
- `idiv`: Int divide
- `icmp`: Int compare
- `and`: Bitwise AND
- `or`: Bitwise OR
- `xor`: Bitwise XOR
- `not`: Bitwise NOT
- `shl`: Shift left
- `shr`: Shift right

Control flow:

- `jmp`: Jump
- `je`: Jump if equal
- `jne`: Jump if not equal
- `jl`: Jump if less
- `jge`: Jump if greater or equal
- `jg`: Jump if greater
I've always wanted a diamond for my profile in code.golf :(
@RadvylfPrograms (I would've defaulted to float jump-if-zero to stick with the precendent of prefixing i for the int ones, but I decided jiz wasn't a great opcode name)
@DialFrost it comes up top in search for me
@Sʨɠɠan then ur computer is hacking :D
i'm also surprised no one else has it
maybe you don't know how to use google
i'm known for finding things in google that no one else can find
the top search i got is some random tcl-lang website which doesnt even use the proper printing to qualify as a quine
@Sʨɠɠan hehe
honestly i just did a two word search and it's top
so did I
and I got tcl-lang.org
that's the exact page that your'e looking for
It gave me a 47 byte solution
it's literally on the page
not a 33 :p
@Sʨɠɠan no its not
there is not a single solution on this page where it is 33 bytes
unless we're talking about different pages on the same site
Ru sure its Tcler's Wiki?
but there is a 34-byte one that you can fix to be 33. it won't even work as 34
you can't just copy and paste it in
I know
but including the printing will lengthen it
or am i being very dumb again
printing will shorten it :)
If we're thinking about the same 34 byte solution then not for me lol
I got 47 from the 34 by printing
you kind of have to understand how it works
then you're doing it wrong
@Sʨɠɠan but i got it right!
@Sʨɠɠan but ... but you have to use puts! that'll lengthen it!
@Sʨɠɠan you have got to be kidding
you don't add puts, you delete something and add puts
anyway, i'm done giving hints
mkay thats fine
@Sʨɠɠan More useful than Jo King's XD
@Sʨɠɠan for clarification what does \{ \} in join {{} \{ \}} mean?
ah, no wnoder
if that's the one your looking at then it's the wrong one
you do get 47 by adding puts to that
@Sʨɠɠan shoot
is the real 34 one have something to do with apply?
wait nvm
I got 33 bytes! yay
I'm shocked how I didn't see it
doing some optimality theory homework about factorial typology, and since we're making a point of not really considering domination relations with no observable effect, it occurred to me that the actual rankings we're talking about are a bit more than factorial
and then i realized there's *definitely* some challenge we had here on main about sequences which start with 1 then build rightwards with any n only being permitted if n or n-1 is already in the sequence
but i cannot remember what it would be called
Q: For xor Young (15+)

loopy waltA Young diagram is a rectangular binary mask whose every row and every column are sorted in descending order. It is easy to check that every rectangular binary mask can be formed by xor-ing together a finite number of Young diagrams. This decomposition is by no means unique, but there will be a m...

ah there it is
Q: Is this word in standard order?

pxegerLet \$ A \$ represent the alphabet, such that \$ A_1 = \$ a and \$ A_{26} = \$ z. Let's define that a word \$ W = w_1 w_2 ... w_n \$ (where \$ w_c \in A\$) is in standard order if and only if: \$ w_1 = A_1 \$, and for \$ 2 \le i \le n \$, if \$ w_i = A_x \$ then \$ w_j = A_{x-1} \$ for some \$ j <

...not that it's actually relevant to what i was thinking about since it's just set partitions without any sense of order
i guess what i'm thinking of is just the same thing but order-agnostic lmao
ironically enough
@Sʨɠɠan that 33 -> 30 is so fucking stupid, i didn't know you could do that
@JoKing shit jo king alr found it
i still havent
found it
aww, i didn't get to give a useless hint this time
@JoKing lmao
i started deleting random 3 bytes and found it on the 2nd try
i was like wtf
@JoKing sigh ive always wanted a diamond :3
maybe try one of the less used langs, i have a few diamonds in lua and elixir
I have no idea how to use those
Btw how did you get 31 bytes for quine in python? Ive got 32 only
elixir is fun
@UnrelatedString nah
it's like erlang but less erlang
@Sʨɠɠan how'd you get 160 bytes for java quine?
I only got 172
@JoKing like in a more used lang
@DialFrost ...good luck
@Bubbler why? :3
oh well i just want a diamond in anything :3
if anything, try some hard holes
and/or more recent holes
@Bubbler but...but i cant solve them
i cant solve like half of the 81 holes
people already spent a ton of time on easy old holes, so the current solutions are already optimal with like 99.99% chance
especially the math ones, e.g. calculate 1000 digits of e
@Bubbler still...
no, there is no hope there, I can tell based on my own experience
diamond is diamond for a reason
you could find a novel way of approaching the problem that suits the language
@DialFrost these stump me
@JoKing lol
i'm still amazed my van eck diamonds in php/perl are still holding
for me it's intersection in python
@JoKing congrats
the majority of my diamonds are actually in ><> against single digit other golfers, of which at least half have hardcoded the output
@JoKing problem is I always find simple solutions that always are too long to win
@Bubbler this one got me stumped hard
either 2 things are going wrong: 1. my input getting and setting to integers is too long 2. my calc is too long
but by 20 bytes??? has to be both im assuming
If this makes you feel better: the top score was 121 bytes for quite a while
not helping lmao im at 132 :3
just two bytes off and you can join the majority of people
the problem is my code is hard to golf due to its structure
then try something different, there are many ways to solve the problem
@Bubbler i only found 1 in 1 week :(
before giving up
then spend more time thinking about it :P
i do! But everything I try always goes back to the same dumb solution
Once we get around to adding vyxal it'll be easy
Can you get diamonds for ties?
no, a diamond is a gold without ties
@emanresuA yes pls! :3
@emanresuA no
@emanresuA but no one has! :(
@emanresuA the problem is therell be a lot of ties
especially for easy challenges
don't forget the byte counting problem
@Bubbler ?eh
if you can't accept ƛ is two bytes, don't think about adding it to code.golf
@Bubbler thats fine no?
as long as the same rules applies to everyone im fine with any language, especially a golf lang
well then ask other vyxalers then
@lyxal bubbler has a question for you lol
CMP: Would you still golf in Vyxal/Jelly/05AB1E/whatever-SBCS-golflang if the byte count is measured in UTF-8, not SBCS?
@Bubbler yes (i dont see whats wrong with it)
It's... annoyign
the problem is more like, some single-byte builtins are suddenly golfier than the others, which forces you to think about tradeoffs not considered when designing the language
Having 1 command = 1 byte means that generally, the simplest solution is also the shortest
i'd probably stick with jelly until a more utf-8-friendly substitute with otherwise similar syntax and builtins rolled in
because some builtins would be inordinately expensive and while there might be a bit of fun to be had figuring out which are actually sometimes not worth it it would get old fast
@Bubbler probably. It's sometimes fun utf-8 golfing
code.golf would be a good candidate for utf-8
Something like week.golf or here on the other hand would be annoying with utf-8
@lyxal ye
After all, the finite number of holes on code.golf mean that once a short sbcs solution is found, it's just finding that solution
Utf-8 golf means there's 2 layers of optimisation to keep activity going a little longer
that's an interesting point
yay i got the 160 byte solution fro quine in java
with no googling lol
> public static class Pain {
golfing is suprisingly fun in java
@emanresuA lmaooo
@lyxal good one!
>I could do this all day in every language
I wonder if you could do it in CGoL (500 rep bounty if you do) @mousetail
Do you even have enough rep to give bounties?
for RGB to Hexadecimal
I know but what language is CGoL? is that like game of life but with cats?
conway's game of life, as opposed to... not conway's i guess
i don't think there is any other game of life but
who knows
@mousetail yup
@JoKing I require a useless hint pls for 28 byter solution in quine JS
Indeed I've given one to @Sʨɠɠan
I have 35 rn
How do I even output a character in GOL?
unary... dim used... umm.. I'm checking the clock one minute....
probably use groups of still lifes that which when you look from a far distance it looks like a character, like
A: Conway's Hello World

copyMy first attempt to this, a relatively simple solution. It fires a couple of glider barrels. Each pair of gliders turns into a block, which then form the text. This process takes about 16000 generations (you can set a frame skip or use the superstep button in my simulator). Direct Link. Move aro...

Yea that's not gonna work for something that requires input
also it's ambiguous, you can reduce your byte count just by making your font smaller
Hold up a second while I revisit the famous Tetris in CGoL question...
The tetris one was never finished either
They build a entire computer and made some steps towards implementing tetris but never finished it
Still incredibly impressive
A: Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life

PhiNotPiThis began as a quest but ended as an odyssey. Quest for Tetris Processor, 2,940,928 x 10,295,296 The pattern file, in all its glory, can be found here, viewable in-browser here. This project is the culmination of the efforts of many users over the course of the past 1 & 1/2 years. Although the ...

See the second last part
they haven't?
They built a compiler
never used it to program anything
That sounds like a "creativity-to-think-up-stuff" issue
" As mentioned in the question statement, input is represented by manually changing the state of the automaton at a certain generation."
One of the comments
It's very ambiguous
Especially for very simple challenges
Where taking input is like 90% of the challenge
If that's what you say, I guess the only reason tetris was able to be implemented was because you weren't around to give a close vote :p
Plus I was wondering if your statement was actually true
Tetris is different because there is singificant amount of logic other than IO, so even if the IO required is extremely specific the result is still impressive
Well guess I'll try answering my challenge with CGoL
Go for it
but to avoid downvotes I wont post it
Why not?
-2 is nothing
plus like you said, its too ambiguous
and not idealistic
I do want to see your answer though
so people be like "nah this guy is lying"
Why not try another cellular automata like wireworld? It's similar to GOL but makes it a lot easier to store things thus say "the value in this register is the output"
Speaking of cellular automata... I was thinking of an idea where each cell has color, in 3 parts, red, green, and blue. Each cell sets all 4 diagonal cell's red component to its red component, north and south cell's green component is the center cell's green component, and for east and west cell's blue component is the center cell's blue component.
But I'm trying to figure out to create peace in an overlap
@mousetail then mark Valentine's of next year. I should be done by then
There needs to be a condition, otherwise the patterns will be boring
@py3_and_c_programmer <3
"Each cell sets all 4 diagonal cell's red component to its red component, north and south cell's green component is the center cell's green component, and for east and west cell's blue component is the center cell's blue component."
There's no interaction between the channels though right?
So it's just 3 very simple automata overlayed
what happened to my comment bar? It flipped?
Now it's normal
@mousetail exactly
But it creates a ripple effect
which I hate
If you hate it why did you create the idea?
@mousetail That would be like asking John Conway that if he hates calling the glider the glider why did he call it the glider?
Yes I would ask conway that, that's just dumb
@mousetail well it's just a consequence of having some rules
You can regret your choices but at least at some point you need to have thought they where a good idea
@mousetail fine forget the idea then
@py3_and_c_programmer But why create these rules if you think are so boring? Why even think about them? Of course you may have a idea but find out later it's bad but then you can just discard it and stop thinking about it. Or you can think it's "nearly" interesting but you just need to change it a bit.
@mousetail it's a consequence
but the rules weren't boring
are they?
Maybe not. You said you didn't like them
I said I didn't like the consequences
namely a ripple effect that makes my automata look like Replicator
That's because you don't have any interesting rules
Though I think in it's current form you may be able to use it to create a glitchy effect on a image
since the colors will blur in different directions
Actually what I think is that It'll pretty much look like this:
please hold on, sockpuppet is trying to find an image...
Would look more like this though right?
Blured with colored edges
Not blurred
where did I mention blurred
I assume when there is a conflict you mix the two sides
so it would blur
> But I'm trying to figure out to create peace in an overlap
so... well probably I'll just use a blur
is probably how I want it to look like
though I don't need the scrolling and the flashing imagery
That's not at all like the rules you described
> though I don't need the scrolling and the flashing imagery
rules didn't apply to that one
I mean your rules won't create rectagles
its just a model for the UI if I make this
oh shit I have to tell you this
I don't think scratch will be fast enough for this
press space
@mousetail Neither do I
on the project press space for the matrix
I once tried to implement gausian blur in python but it was wayy to slow. I think CPU in general is too slow, probably want to look at OpenGL or CUDA
Anyways its only an idea nobody cares until its implemented
other than you maybe
Just open gimp and click "blur"
It will look the same
Gimp, the best image editor
Sounds like only grumpy people use it
You might want to apply a directional blur to the different color channels to match your different behavior for each
I am grumpy so that makes sense
No wonder you're skeptic towards my ideas
Gen Z or Y?
Not sure if that's millenial or gen Z, people disagree
I have a cousin who was born in 1994 and is gen Z
He showed me w3schools
@mousetail millenial is 1980ish
I like your ideas genuinely, but just be aware that if you don't have certrain rules you won't get certain behavior
@py3_and_c_programmer I've heared 2000 is the cut off, I've heared 1995, I've heard 1990, I've heard 1999, IDK anymore
@mousetail Well judging from your image on the old mousetail.nl you look Gen Z
Do gen z look like anything?
I prefer running forwards
running downards is just falling
What's the typical amount of time you take to finish a 100m lap? For me it's 18 seconds
Not, I typically collapse after 25m
There once was.... ahh, never mind.
@mousetail that sounds like an anaerobic respiration problem
It's more of a lazyness problem. I see I have 75m to go and I'm thinking I'd rather run home
well, im too fast to be caught normally
which is why im never allowed to play tag
cuz people find me too hard
It's been a long time since I played tag, I should play it again some time
You shouldn't
outdoors is fine
Professional tag is played indoors
but judging from the fact you cant run 25m, you'd probably not stay out
Trick is to play on a field less than 25m across
@mousetail our version of tag is "get humiliated if you're tagged else escape"
@mousetail but in the end you'll end up running more than 25m
well its a trick so okay
but who else will you play with
I can't run more than 25 from my starting position, total distance doesn't matter.
i see
Well I can't even play tag cuz I'm so nerdy there are legends about a boy who can play games during class for the whole semester and yet get 100/100 in his math exam and finish it halfway through
That's impressive
People actually believe it, and so do I
Indeed I rickrolled my entire class during a test in computers cuz i sent my webpage early and my teacher opened it first
Its my website
And now that's a legend too
I think You have good potential
for what? Ppl even think that to fix paper jams in printers you have to ask me
(paper jams are happening rn lol)
Being asked to fix printers is a rite of passage, the first time so say "No" you become a real programmer
I just can't go on like this anymore
being a nerd
I should just quit PPCG
Why don't you like being a nerd?
People bug me with stuff
and they begin with an insult
Make them pay you
"hey nerd, you'd better do this for me or be an outcast of our class"
@mousetail They don't take me seriously
That's though when people treat you like that
Remember though: your reputation in class is only for a few years. Programing skills are forever
@mousetail true
@mousetail but I can't do anything against it
In high school I wrote a virus that would play random beeps on the laptop of some guy I didn't like
I should do something like that
but I don't want to get into trouble
Make sure it's good fun and not actually halmfull
that'll ostracize me even more
That's the balance though
If you do it right you'll be the guy who pulled of a legendary prank, if you are unlucky you are just a asshole
@mousetail I h8 luck, it's unpredictable
more like how ken kociendo had to deal with heisenburgs
when creating safari
Q: Check if my input was 'hi whats up' without using any of those letters in your code

SquareootWrite a script, program or function which takes one input of type string and outputs or returns some sort of indication wether the input string was 'hi whats up' (without the apostrophes) or not. You can for example return true if it was and false if it wasn't. Or print something to the screen, l...

CMC Would <>< still be Turing complete if the only commands allowed in the initial state where 1, +, and p
This answer uses - instead of + but I think both should work? codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/110763/91213
@NewPosts I know that practically this wouldn't work, but sometimes, I really want a generic "do X without Y" challenge that I can use as a dupe hammer target
Draft challenge:
I know this is a bit open-ended, but here goes: Choose a task and a source code restriction (remember to state what they are!), then solve the problem while abiding by the restriction, using your language of choice.
We'd immediately close it as too vague, but then we can use it as dupe hammer target.
@mousetail yeah, + should work as well. I guess Sp3000 wanted to leave open the possibility of also pushing negative numbers to the stack before execution
er Jo King? you there lol
yeah yeah, the JS quine is just the usual JS quine
given 136 people have 1st, it's not that hard to find
@JoKing er wut?
@JoKing but I cant :3
@JoKing I'm not super familiar with JS sorry :(
I mean using alert instead of console.log gives 28 bytes but it doesnt work unfortunately
are you using it once or twice?
@JoKing ?
once? ig
checks solution, ooh write
@JoKing wait wtf i didnt know that was possible in js
although it seems you gave up and didnt give a useless hint this time? :p (thanks a lot tho :3)
JS input and output depends a lot on the engine, very confusing
@JoKing lmao
it also differs between sites, like week.golf defines prompt to be input, but doesn't also define the corresponding alert
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