Looks basically identical, asidde from being a tad bigger
It still looks very Ubuntu-esque unattractive to me, but you're designing it not me :p
I do think that the language logo thing is a bad choice
It's bad from a UI/accessibility perspective, firstly
It requires you to be able to recognize the logo of any language you might make or import a project using, and making that accessible to screenreaders is easily forgettable
Secondly, it restricts you in the future, since every project must now have a single assigned language, which is a very visible and central part of that project's "identity" in Klein's UI
And most importantly, it leaves you with few elegant options for languages without icons, or projects which use either a mix of languages, a brand new language, or no language at all (e.g., text files, or configuration files)
I also don't really like the projects being mixed in with "meta" stuff like the new project and import project buttons
There should at least be a separator of some sort, but for maximum clarity I'd personally go with a second column, and that also helps to fix the "too much space on either side of the actual content" issue you already have, which will be much worse on 16:9 or even 3:2
I'd really urge you to reconsider the gray theme though, those feel very outdated to me
EIther a white-background light theme or a dark-gray/black-background dark theme would look much more sleek and professional
i feel like incorporating language icons only makes sense to the extent that there's some special project structure that the ide offers for that language, so if you don't plan to specialize like that it's just meaningless
absolutely make two separate columns for actions and projects
i don't hate the color scheme but the top bar feels weirdly flat
this reminds me, am i the only one who doesn't like using pipes for closures/lambdas like they're not awful but they just feel kinda weird
in a lot of the toy problems i've been doing in rust there's been a lot of cause to map something over pairs and seeing the pipes around the parentheses of the tuple pattern match takes a while to get used to
and the more generally off thing is you neither get a strong sense of the arguments being visually enclosed or of them introducing a body
also nullary closures starting with just ||, which looks identical to logical or
@RadvylfPrograms well I may or may not have had to uninstall the accessibility bus to make poetry load the project correctly :p (further details available upon request)
@RadvylfPrograms that's just the theme Raspberry Pi OS uses by default
@RadvylfPrograms here's how it looks with the Adwaita Dark theme:
@UnrelatedString that can be changed (by adding a GTK-based title bar) but how it looks right now is, again, a by-product of the theme I'm using
@RadvylfPrograms Klein's design and internal structure are based around a single language for each project (with other, ancillary languages included if needed) so that project loading, compiling (if applicable) and running can all be consistent
@RadvylfPrograms So do you think I should just remove the image?
Your program should take as input a number n and output a bar composed of n // 8 ▉ characters (U+2588), as well as a final character which should be one of ▊ ▋ ▌ ▍ ▎▏(U+2589 to U+258F) representing n % 8. If n % 8 is 0, your program should not output any additional characters. This is difficult t...
Right now I'm using encodeURIComponent which only escapes special characters, but in practice most characters are special so this actually multiplies the size of each special character by 3. base64 increases the size by only 1.5 for all characters. So I guess in this specific case base64 might actually be shorter than urlencoding
why is it that I only really get feedback on my questions once I post them?
like for this one I didn't clarify what n was and I used the wrong character in my examples, and neither of these problems were mentioned in the Sandbox
My code is about sending random poem from /etc/poem.conf to client using TCP sockets.
In this implementation my daemon have restart mechanism using SIGHUP signal and DEBUG mechanism using defining DEBUG macro during compilation.
My goals:
Simpler code
Less code
Cleaner code
#include <stdio.h>
@Sʨɠɠan I love seeing people misunderstand tech lingo.
I saw one person on SO or SF or something freak out and tell the OP of a question that he's sick and going to hell because he asked how to correctly raep children without killing them first. Obviously OP was asking something about raeping a child process to obtain its exit code without it running any signal handlers upon exit, or something like that. The jargon is obvious to anyone who uses *nix.