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00:00 - 19:0020:00 - 00:00

Guys we still need to figure out what to do with AoCG's name
i dont want to keep eric waiting for my reply
Yoooooo I can finally say that I have over 9000 rep :p
It’s over 9000 xd
@Sʨɠɠan Why not just reply "Okay, we'll change it"? I doubt that he cares what name we actually land on, as long as it doesn't make it look like we're running an official AoC tie-in.
could even tell him we're struggling to think of a new name but are committed to thinking of one
I mean, there are plenty of good name ideas, it's just that nobody's made a decision yet.
@DLosc hrm, never thought of that :P
@DLosc so uh is a meta post necessary?
probably yes
LDQ: Do you prefer Python-style list comprehensions or .map?
And, bonus LDQ: would .for be a reasonable name for .map? Not sure why but I don't really like the name map
I slapped a comment on the AoCG announcement
@DLosc ye, do we need a meta post? if so I'll go ahead and write it up
Openweathermap seems to think that there's 76% cloud cover where I am right now
The sky is literally completely clear
And I've confirmed the lat/lon and timestamp match up
@mousetail because the author of the post accepted it
Post author gets unilateral decision whether it's applied or not - even if it's denied by reviews
@lyxal so you're telling me that I can ignore other people's warnings and execute bad ideas anyway? Sign me up!
Would y'all consider tuples and structs to be collection types?
tuples: yes
structs: no
@RadvylfPrograms both
@Ginger Well I mean a tuple is just a struct without named items
but if i had to choose one, .map
depends on how verbose your lambda syntax is
It'll be not-verbose
@RadvylfPrograms so by struct you mean dict
No I do not
what are you talking about then
A struct has a specific, known set of items, which have names
so a frozendict, got it
A dict contains some unknown key-value pairs, and any number of them
yes, I'd consider a frozendict/struct a collection
They also can have different key types, whereas structs have no key type, just identifiers which are resolved to indexes at compile time
That's what makes it a difficult question :p
I would not consider a rust struct a collection
@RadvylfPrograms i.e python would be map(lambda i: i + 1, nums). in that case, id clearly prefer [i + 1 for i in nums]. but in java its a simple .map(i -> i + 1). so it depends on the language
also .map is written LTR, which is a huge bonus
I'm kind of not sure how to deal with tuples and structs in general in Tundra, since I want to avoid the JS-style "structs and dicts are the same data type", but I also don't necessarily want to have static typing for tuples/structs and nowhere else
tf is Tundra
A praclang I'm planning on making
will it have packages? can I write the manager?
@RadvylfPrograms you have anything written yet?
fr I've been dying for a chance to make a package manager
It will have a package manager, called Taiga, and no, you cannot write it :p
Since I've also been dying to write a package manager
@RadvylfPrograms get rekt
in The Nineteenth Byte, Oct 26 at 2:01, by Radvylf Programs
(that's what it'll be called btw, and the package manager will be Taiga)
will you at least give it a nice API so I can add a waterjet pakdef for it?
@Sʨɠɠan No, still going to be a lot of thinking before I'm sure what I want it to be
@Sʨɠɠan You forgot to wait 2m :p
can you give us at least a simple program so we can see syntax?
like i did with rol
also im thinking of renaming rol
It's basically just JS syntax
not a big fan
ooh, here's a good question: where exactly should code files for interpreted languages be installed in linux? can't put em in /bin bc not one file
I'd think it'd be /usr/lib or smth but idk
It's a very readable variant of C-style
And C-style is comon enough most people will find it natural
Wait a second, this isn't TNB
I've been posting all this LDQ stuff in OTTNB because I thought we were in TNB
just move it, you're a RO :b
Maybe I will lol
60 messages moved from Off-Topic TNB
the madlad actually did it
2 mins ago, by Ginger
ooh, here's a good question: where exactly should code files for interpreted languages be installed in linux? can't put em in /bin bc not one file
Depends. How is it installed? That changes where it should be placed
If it's done by the user, I think /opt would be the best option
I need a standardized location to put interpreted programs for waterjet .jet files
which can be installed per-user or globally (unlike some package managers *cough*apt*cough*)
I'd maybe just have executable wrappers around the interpreted programs
Then those can be placed in /usr/local/bin
I considered that but I don't like it very much
It'd be really simple, you just have it cwd to the interpreted script's location, then run the interpreter
it's difficult to make that work well with every language, especially once imports start getting involved
@RadvylfPrograms .map definitely wins
@Ginger Is it?
wait what do you mean exactly
@Ginger Something like:
do you mean bundling all the files into one frankenstien format which is executable by itself?
ok good
I mean making a really small executable that just changes the directory and runs python main.py or whatever
just make sure there's also an easy way to take an n-way cartesian product if you don't plan to also have list comprehensions
oh, good
@Ginger pyinstaller go brr
that's basically what pip does already and what I was intending to do
You could even use a shell script instead of compiling an executable
but the issue is where exactly does the directory get changed to?
Probably somewhere in /opt or /var
no, that's for variable stuff
Yeah, it's what, e.g., Docker does
docker has an excuse bc it's a containerization system
I mean maybe /opt would work
Why is it any different, an installed container is basically just a package
I just don't like it
...come to think of it what would be a good name for n-way cartesian product, for use with .map to emulate multiple list comprehensions
rubs me the wrong way
but I guess I could make a directory in /opt for every user and for global packages
Hot take: The FHS is absolute garbage
Fricking Hot Servers? :p
There's like 20 places any one thing could be and there's a 50% chance it's not there
And a 50% chance that what you want to do doesn't fall into any of the standardized places to put things
shit's too ancient even if people did bother following it
oh, fs hierarchy standard
yea I think slapping it in /opt works
gives it some of that classic Ginger-jank feel :b
Do it, you won't
I won't
If I ever become a billionaire, I'm making an OS and forcing all of the big hardware and software companies to start supporting it.
yes, of turning on my raspberry pi and seeing some shit like panic: init exited with code -19987: failed to inititalize device /sys/waterjet/alice/packages/HOT_BUSTY_ANIME_GIRLS_VIEWER.jet.d/aviewer/main.py: unknown device type "import requests"
What sorta packages do you intend people to install with waterjet, Ginger? :p
i dunno man
whatever the hell they want
good and necessary ones
@UnrelatedString would from be going too far? :P
I guess looking at Rust package names HOT_BUSTY_ANIME_GIRLS_VIEWER would prolly just be like, some sort of random string formatting utility.
my policy with the waterjet repos is going to be "I disclaim all responsibility for this shit"
They've all got names like heck, want, tokio, it just makes sense
I actually intend to make a little disclaimer along the lines of "software from the internet can screw your computer up, please don't install things you don't trust" that shows up when running waterjet for the first time
@Ginger Ah yes, the classic mitigation tactic of prematurely DoSing yourself so noone else can :p
the best way to protect yourself from house robberies is to not have any doors or windows :b
I'm actually really excited for this critical vuln, infosec hasn't been spicy in months and OpenSSL's a big deal
The fact that the only other OpenSSL vuln categorized as critical has been heartbleed, I think we're in for something truly cool
@Ginger wait is waterjet something ure making
Yeah it's Ginger's package manager
for what
Oh hang on, this only impacts OpenSSL 3.x.x, which I don't even use
@Ginger Do you?
@RadvylfPrograms huh, I don't
@Sʨɠɠan everything, basically
Yeah most OpenSSL copies are 1.1.x AFAIK
the idea behind waterjet is that it can install any package by using special wrapper scripts that let it interface with other package managers
Which unfortuantely means there won't be as much panic and discord as there was with Log4shell or Heartbleed :(
I have some cool ideas for Taiga, it'll be a bit unlike most language's package managers
it's basically a way for me to make a package manager without any actual packages
@RadvylfPrograms what lang will it be in? please say python
Tundra and Taiga will be made in Rust
does rust have a Python FFI???
Probably not
Taiga likely would not make any sense to use with waterjet, though
well in that case can you make it so that waterjet's pakdef for tundra can do the dependency resolving and downloading by itself and then shell out to taiga for installation? that's what it does with pip
@RadvylfPrograms tell me more
It'll be purely for Tundra libraries
so no executables?
There's no reason you'd want to install them unless it was as part of the Tundra/Taiga ecosystem
so it's compiled?
It'll mostly be interpreted
so what's your plan for distributing actual programs then?
That's not my job
that doesn't make any sense
You'd just send someone your Tundra code, and they'd run taiga if you don't provide the dependencies yourself
Which you probably wouldn't
so you're telling me that to share your programs you have to send someone the raw source tree and then they install that???
You just send them the code you've written
Probably in a .zip
I don't know whether to like this idea or be absolutely revolted by it
What is the alternative?
I wasn't aware it was common practice to use language-specific package managers for finished software
it really shouldn't be
but if you use an OS-specific package manager then you usually also put the libs on that too
that's what C does
but from what you've described it seems you'd use two package managers: one for the source and one for the libs
which, as previously mentioned, makes no sense
Ehhh I guess
But not really
You'd just install the software the same way you would ordinarily. If it was from an OS packaga manager, you would probably include the dependencies rather than delegate that to Taiga
Or more likely, use some sort of compiling or minifying functionality which I hope to include in Tundra so that some sort of chaotic thing like JS has doesn't show up
I'm not fully decided on how I want Tundra programs to be run, or what their scope would be
you can really only have it one way; either you install finished code entirely with the native manager or entirely with the OS one
If it'll be intended for finished software, I will include compilation as an option. If it is intended for web stuff, I'll include JS or Wasm transpilation. If it's intended for small scripts used mainly by other programmers, it'll be purely interpreted
I like the OS one more because it makes my job much easier
@Ginger OS package managers let you run scripts along with downloading the code
No reason Taiga couldn't be one of those
true, but doing that is so horrendously janky it transcends jankiness and enters the realm of evil kludges
even I wouldn't consider doing that
well, the OS manager then has absolutely no clue what packages are being installed because it can't see what the other manager is doing, which kinda misses the point of a package manager
waterjet's whole goal is to be a universal package manager but if you do stuff like that than it can't do that
I really doubt anyone would ever be putting Tundra code on a package manager
and even worse the end user might not be able to tell and then have no clue how to find a broken package
@Ginger Why can't it?
because it can't tell that you've installed tundra code!
it only sees one package
It doesn't...need to?
The OS package would be a black box
packages should not be black boxes!
Uh...what should they be?
Why would waterjet need to see inside the package?
You don't need to care that it runs Taiga to grab some dependencies, because it acts the same as any old OS package
00:00 - 19:0020:00 - 00:00

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